backfire g2t vs meepo v3

sorryThe Backfire looks like it blooooooooows the meepo out of the waterNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castMore posts from the ElectricSkateboarding communityA community to hang out and discuss anything related to electric-powered skateboarding. Both boards use 2.5A chargers so they charge equally fast.Features: The NLS has smart turn on, meaning you can just move the board on the ground and it will turn on.
Every. I hope meepo doesn't suffer stagnation from being "the first budget brand. The design of the NLS seems of conflict with itself a lot. When we drag raced with TURBO, I floor him. We conducted a signal strength test of the remotes, The backfire remote has over twice the signal range of the meepo. The light is very bright, MUCH brighter than those overpriced shredlights.V2: The V2 just seems like a lesser quality NLS. If you want to improve the handling of the board, GET NEW BUSHINGS! My poor 110 pound friend couldn't turn, at all. It is overall a higher quality board, with a higher quality ride and a very fun turbo mode. We are supposed to have some nice weather rolling through here in the next couple of days so I'll be out riding mine and will do another update.Quick question , do you have to stop before switching modes? I eventually bought a caliber 44 degree baseplate to go in the back.Battery: The G2T uses Samsung 30Q cells running in 10s2p. On speed mode, I can go slow, go fast, brake slow, brake fast, and everything in between. The G2T on the other hand, has a very nice and big remote wheel that gives you fine and gradual control of on the acceleration and braking. The G2T has better batteries, not much to be discussed there. It is the cheapest way to make your board feel more responsive. Second, if you are buying new bushings make sure that they are the right duro for your weight. Some may say that the meepo has slower modes so that the board will behave differently, but to me that is stupid. Onto the remotes then. The deck is this smooth and curvy design, but the battery enclosure is this big rectangular box.

Is the NLS a different deck than V2?Or any Hobbywing set up to a loaded vanguard like Flex deck? On the fastest mode (which is the most everyone will ride on), there is no such thing as a smooth start. It's pretty fun to do lol. What’s worse is that the king pin on the shredder trucks do not even let you put a washer on boardside, there are grooves that protrude from the kingpin at the base. And yes you can certainly avoid overstressing the entire system by simply not pushing the throttle all the way. I imagine with weight being a factor that the hobbywing smoothness would translate to sluggishness in comparison.I was in need of an extra commuting board and ordered G2T! It is so difficult to brake lightly, on the highest brake mode, it becomes basically impossible to do so. It is actually noticeably slower. I run the 96mm wheels to have the most fair comparison with the meepo. What's more, is that the deck may be too small for the enclosure because the corners of the enclosure actually stick out a little from the sides of the deck, which raises a red flag to me. Really need to compare side by side or have some way to measure like what you do.Daniel, I'm waiting for your full review as well, I'm shocked with your drag race results. I recommend doing some research on bushings. Thanks for your input! A car pedal works the same way. Third, put your weight on the front foot at high speeds. The Backfire also has a rigid frame inside the battery to protect it from impacts and vibrations, which will improve its durability. For the same price, I would recommend it over the NLS.Thank you so much for this detail review,we appreciate itAnd my suggestion is ,do not use another remote to keep "Turbo on" over 30 secondsIt will damage the circuit system and affect the service lifeOh good, so I’m not the only one who couldn’t turn on Shredder trucks! Still waiting for my riptide bushings to arrive.A lot of new eskaters were not longboarders before. In this direct comparison we compare the Backfire G2T against the Meepo NLS Standard Battery.The Backfire G2T offers a lower stance and smoother acceleration, however the control is bigger and easier to use on the Meepo NLS and it offers a great deck and nice … The wheel is inaccurate.
The front truck is great, but the back truck can be better. The G2T is slower than the NLS, but NOT BY MUCH. This is very convenient whereas I have to push a button on the G2T to turn it on. Let me know if you have any questions.Also, speed wobbles can be avoided by proper stance and proper setup on the board.

The same is true for braking. The NLS uses Samsung 25R cells running in 10s2p.

(160lb rider with temperatures in the 40s (°F))This encourages me to lose weight. Many of them just think that the board is supposed to behave that way. None of that on my board.

I weigh over 30 pounds more than my friend with the NLS, and I am an inch slower than he is, it is such a small difference that if we both weighed the same, the two boards would be pretty much the same. I might pick up the new 100mm or 90mm hubs too as I have the older motors. For the past couple of weeks we have ridden together and experienced each board extensively and now I feel that I have a very good understanding of both boards. May be useful to charge the remote if it dies. Both the V2 and the NLS have the same issue.

Also, vibration from the road is a lot worse on the V2.I think I'm happy with my G2T. That being said, there’s a lot more to these products than just powertrains… Despite this disappointing result, the NLS may be the first Meepo product we actually kinda like, so stay tuned for the full video review.Can't wait for the full review. We’ve spent much of this weekend comparing our Backfire G2t and Meepo NLS boards, and our tests have uncovered a number of interesting and subtle differences between the two products. One not-so-subtle difference, however, is the choice of powertrain hardware, and as usual, we’re going to reveal some of our findings here in advance of the full video review. Also, looks like turning and carving is a bit "stiff", but again, this is based on a very short test drive.Looks like you had a chance to do some mods to improve the NLS's performance... any tips on that? The NLS is very jerky.

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