jenni rivera funeral

Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? The details – and Rivera’s request that norteña-style music be played at her memorial – were all woven into the lyrics from the Mexican American singer’s hit “Cuando Muere Una Dama” (“When a Lady Dies”).“I want one last party at my funeral, where everyone can celebrate and remember my smile and the way I cry,” read some of the lyrics from the song. Several of the victims who died in the Dec. 9 plane crash alongside singer Jenni Rivera are now being represented in a lawsuit. Lupillo Rivera 9,289,923 views Emotional but composed at the press conference in front of his parent's home, Pedro shared that two months ago, he had a premonition that his sister would die in a plane crash.

And while Jenni Rivera’s hit “Cuando Muere Una Dama” (“When a Lady Dies”) played over the loudspeakers, family members kissed the brilliant red casket that held the singer’s remains as fans approached the stage at the Gibson Amphitheater in Los Angeles to pay their respects to an icon gone far too soon.“It’s just a real honor to say that Jenni Rivera that everyone is talking about is my mom,” said Rivera’s youngest son Johnny López Rivera, who was dressed in a white suit and gloves. And true to those lyrics, the memorial blended elements of mourning and celebration, with closing prayers by brother and minister Pedro Rivera, Jr.“Jenni, I will miss you, but you will always be in my heart,” said older brother Lupillo Rivera, who hid his tears behind large sunglasses as he spoke on stage.”I always admired you and no one will equal you. Read More. Pedro also read aloud something that Rivera once wrote (in Spanish) and is printed on the back cover of her 2007 album,
The funeral – which will be open to the public - will be held in the Los Angeles area, said Pedro, though he did not specify a day, adding that "that is something we need to discuss as a family." Fans were asked to bring white roses, which were heaped on the 43-year-old’s casket, and white butterflies were released from the ceiling during the end of the service. 4:03. "It is 100 percent confirmed that Jenni is no longer with us. The remains of Mexican American superstar Jenni Rivera have been "100 percent" identified, her brother Pedro told reporters outside his parents' home in Lakewood, Calif. on Thursday. God let us borrow her for a time, 43 years, and now God has taken her. Between musical numbers played by a “There will never be enough words to describe my mother,” said 27-year-old Chiquis.

“Because for me, she was the best.”Chiquis – who had been accused by mother Jenni of sleeping with her ex-husband, MLB star Esteban Marin shortly before her death – cried as she said her mother’s passing was the “hardest thing she’s ever had to face.”Even so, she added, “all I hear in my mind all day is, ‘Chiquis, you have to be strong.’”Fans mourn Jenni Rivera at a memorial televised a on giant television in Universal City in Los Angeles Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012.. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)Rivera’s strength was a frequent topic of reference by her family members during their tributes, as they recalled the singer’s beautiful voice and powerful spirit.Rivera’s mother Rosa Saavedra offered her own touching insight as to her daughter’s inspiration to fight through many challenges, including physical abuse at the hands of her first husband, José Trinidad Marín.“She’d say mom, ‘you’re so strong – give me your strength,’” recalled Saavedra.

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