daniel garcia fastled

so 0x00FF0000 is equivalent to 0xFF0000 which is Red (FF 00 00 - red is 0xFF (which is 255), green is 00 (which is 0), and blue is also 00 (which is 0) - 0x0000FF00 is equivalent to 0x00FF00 which is Green etc… So:Once you have a set of leds, you can do all sorts of things to them. Daniel Garcia. People keep asking for it, and I think I found a way to do it that I'm happy enough with.

(though, in this case, if the value printed there was 0xFF884422 then we would still only send 0x88, 0x44, and 0x22 to the arduino - because it’s only those last 3 bytes that we care about in the color - in processing 0xFF is the value for the alpha channel (which has to do with blending layers of colors) and which FastLED doesn’t do anything with//use right now) You can then take subsets of it. let me know when you’ve updated the code - i have processing here so I can take a look at what it’s actually doing again, if I dump 11111111000000000000 into the serial mon, it spits out... It's annoying, I swear the arduino is seeing data, just can't see what OK, so it's bytes that don't have an ASCII representation... that's how it differentiates Use at your own risk.[ETA: And now i'm going to be out for much of the rest of the night - split even odds on me responding to comments in the next half hour, code updates are right now. That's easy, just reverse the ordering of one of the sets:Pretty much everything you can do to a CRGB you can do to a CRGBSet. but i have it working and blinking leds on and off here, now :)

make sure that you have the same number on the Serial.begin line in your .ino file as you do for your “myPort = new Serial(this, portName, XXXX);” line when we send it to the serial mon as a byte and read with serial.bytes its a different delivery method :) — so the serial monitor just assumes that every thing you’re typing into it should be treated and sent as characters

and how am I supposed to learn all the different tricks to be able to do this on my own? Pour vérifier que tout fonctionne bien, je vous suggère d'essayer l'exemple "Blink" fourni avec la bibliothèque (menu Fichier - Exemples - FastLED - Blink).

they're nearly finished, I'll open source them when done, I use a 3d printer to make them. sure - but that’s because 49 is the decimal value for the ascii character ‘1’ and 48 is the decimal value for the ascii character ‘0’ :) I'll send a pic when its done. one trick to getting pictures of led work - turn up the ambient light int he room as for the “exactly what i’m sending” - when you are sending ascii strings - you are sending 8-bit values - one per character (remember, a ‘0’ is the ascii character 48, a ‘1’ is 49, etc… ) — so a number from 0-255 would take 1 to 3 characters to send, or 1-3 bytes if you were using decimal.

ok, so now if I close down the processing sketch and type into the serial monitor, it responds with the led values Wouldn't it be nice to work on entire sets of leds at once? Or what if you wanted to copy the contents of the first part of your led array to the second part?The heart of the CRGBSet is the ability to take a subset of leds, and a subset is defined as being the first led and the last led you want in the set. How do you get that first set of leds? Currently only rated at 3A, but I'm looking to push them up to 15A. hmm - ok let me take a look at the processing sketch again - can you update the pastebin with what you have on the processing side right now ? well, it’s still the same delivery method - the interpretation is just different - under the hood it’s still a stream of bits being sent across the serial line 10 release_notes.md. I think for now I'm going to get another arduino out and run the ball on just a chasing pattern oh nice - i can’t wait to see how they work out - i’ve also got a 3d printer here so I look forward to playing with them :) or is that what we are trying to get it to do? understood. use that for the processing sketch - it’s a simple blink program - it should turn the first led red, the second green, and the third blue for 1 second, then turn them all off for a second.

it should be relatively straight forward to adapt this? Help your fellow community artists, makers and engineers out where you can.

should be pretty close to what you were trying to do in your original processing sketch :) @dogboy23. Imagine if you could write: leds(0,4) = CRGB::Red; to set the first 5 leds to be red. Or is it a decimal number which should be sent as the set of bytes 0x00, 0xA9, 0x8, 0xC7?

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