confused word sentence

Counsel: advice or to advise Example; This is a counsel of despair. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. These words are called commonly confused words. How to use confused in a sentence.

she asked, "Brother, she does not understand …" Gage appeared She'd let down her guard to Darian after thousands years of rebuffing everyone else and had woken up feeling recharged, The blond moved with the same purpose and skill, leaving her First there were the natural sciences, themselves only just emerging from a Artists have been known to use the left hand in the hope of checking the fatal facility which practice had conferred on the right; and if Hood had been able to place under some restraint the curious and complex machinery of words and syllables which his fancy was incessantly producing, his style would have been a great gainer, and much real earnestness of object, which now lies Yet it would seem there had been a still higher pitch used in the old ecclesiastical music. The sentence contains offensive content. confused example sentences. While it's common to see "affect" working as a verb and "effect" working as a noun, both can operate as different parts of speech. They either look alike, sound alike or, worst of all, look and sound alike (but have completely different meanings). The tradition relating to Guenevere is decidedly In old times he is identified with Horus: later Ammon was The later us/zebti-figures, little statuettes of wood, stone or faience, of which several hundreds are often found in a single tomb, are The measures taken by Alfred to repress this revolt culminated in the capture of London in 885 or 886, and the treaty known as Alfred and Guthrum's peace, whereby the boundaries of the treaty of Wedmore (with which this is often But let it be observed, first, that to reduce the huge and This relation to a "good" must not, however, be construed as a doctrine of ethics in the narrower sense; nor is its "utilitarianism" to be The ceremony degenerated into a burlesque in which the ass of the flight became There are some instances in which the order of time is obviously the reverse of the order of narrative, and there are other grounds for concluding that the narrative as we now have it is The general, Warenne, was old and feeble, Cressingham was hasty and confident; counsels were The queen-mother married Sir James Stewart of Lorne, and their sons, Buchan and Atholl, mixed in the Mar never crossed the Forth, and the command of Mackintosh, who did, was captured, with his Northumbrian cavaliers, at Preston, on the very day (12th of November) when Argyll foiled Mar in the Nothing else is known of his life; he is frequently The general result has been to show that a mythological marksman and an impossible bailiff bearing the name of a real family have been joined with There can be little doubt that the story told there of the reconquest of Northern Mercia by Edmund refers to the compact with Anlaf, made as a result of the campaign, and it is probable that Simeon's statement is a wide exaggeration, due in part at least to a Sentiment and tradition have magnified his achievements, and Later, the figure of Nero redivivus became, more especially in Christian thought, entirely In course of time the word "bid" in the sense of "pray" became obsolete and was They are addressed to a people whose mental processes and philosophy were primitive; and since teaching, in order to be communicable, must adapt itself to current beliefs of God, man and nature - and the inveterate conservatism of man must be born in mind - the trend of ideas must not be The settlement and the post originally called Kushk must not be Stretching south-eastwards from the delta of the Irrawaddy, a The main source of supply at the present time is the The zamindar seemed a solvent person, capable of keeping a contract; and his official position as tax-collector was of lava and pumice, with little distinction of strata, almost always But in the Aramaic versions Rekem is the name of Kadesh; Josephus may have It does not seem probable, however, that they can escape the fate of ultimately condensing into one A son of Mahommed the Alid had escaped to India, where, 1 This Hashimiya near Kufa is not to be These three sciences, of the objects of mind, of the operations of mind, of the processes used in the inferences of mind, are differently, but closely related, so that they are constantly But this description applies more specially to the larger and principal volume; in the smaller one the system is more The smaller the hole (so far at least as geometrical optics is concerned) the less Moreover, it is a human weakness to manipulate one's ancestry, and the common claim to be descended from the local godling is not to be The explanation is possible, but it is not easy to see why, for example, the symbol 9 or cp = Koppa, the Latin Q, should have been utilized for a sound so different as p-h; nor, again, why the symbol for 0 (e) by losing its cross stroke should become 4), seeing that the sounds of o and outside Aeolic (a dialect which is not here in question) are never 4 For further details and references to literature see the introduction to Leskien's Grammatik (not to be The picture thus presented by Hindu society - as made up of a As in the social sphere, so also in the sphere of religious belief, we find the whole scale of types represented from the lowest to the highest; and here as there, we meet with the same failure of welding the As Prof. Driver says, "tradition, it can hardly be doubted, has here The biography of Fulk Nerra by Alexandre de Salies, Histoire de Foulques Nerra (Angers, 1874) is It is quite possible that later events which belong to the time of the Egyptian supremacy and the wars of Esarhaddon have been Secondly, notions are all drawn from the impressions of the sense, and are indefinite and The details of his life are unknown, insomuch that he has frequently been Dr Lea is probably right in suggesting that it was a They are distinguished from the Carians, with whom some later writers In 1894 he founded the Egyptian Research Account, which in 1905 was reconstituted as the British School of Archaeology in Egypt (not to be This ray, named by Abbe a " principal ray " (not to be Hence he was already by Gennadius of Marseilles (before 496) A Latin version of the work was in existence in the time of Cicero, but it is doubtful whether it was by Fabius Pictor or by a later writer with whom he was The lobed shape of its leaf and its dense foliage caused it to be The Hittite sculptured object referred to above 1 Not to be For the word meaning a hidden or secret rite, with which this has so often been The evidence as to the military post filled by Juvenal is curious, when taken in connexion with the In fact, the geological axis seldom coincides with the line of highest elevation, nor must it be J Y Y explored from Lhasa to the sources of the Brahmaputra and Indus, at the conclusion of the Tibetan mission in 1904, conclusively prove that Mount Everest, which appears from the Tibetan plateau as a single dominating peak, has no rival amongst Himalayan altitudes, whilst the very remarkable investigations made by permission of the Nepal durbar from peaks near Kathmandu in 1903, by Captain Wood, R.E., not only place the Everest group apart from other peaks with which they have been From this appointment it has been inferred that Wykeham was the architect of the "Round Table" at Windsor, which has been Estimates of area vary widely and have been considerably Between these and the Cordillera Oriental is an apparently Further, Rumania was on the point of intervening in order to secure herself against the consequences of Bulgarian aggrandisement, and the internal politics of Turkey became more The conclusions to which the present writer has been led are mainly as follows: (I) that all we know of the original Simon Magus is contained in Acts; (2) that from very early times he has been But Justin Martyr was decidedly weak in history, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that he may have In fact, this error of the author alone is proof positive that he must have lived at a very late period, when the record of most of the earlier historical events had become hopelessly A portrait of a Florentine lady, said to have been painted for Giuliano de' Medici and seen afterwards in France, may also have been done at Rome; or may what we learn of this be only a In Socrates and Plato, on the other hand, the start is made from a consideration of man's moral and intellectual activity; but knowledge and action are Although on ordinary maps this region presents to the eye a hopelessly He has been claimed as a martyr, and as such his name is given in the Roman calendar and elsewhere, but his title to this honour is by no means proved, and he has been probably From the Hungarian and Russian sources, which are somewhat more precise, the date of the arrival of Dragosh, who is Vacarescu were published in 1848; but among them were some of the poems of Ianache and Alecu, which were In northern Ecuador the Andes narrows into a single massive range which has the character of a Now, all the uses of water, of whatever kind they may be, produce some such irregular diagrams as these, which can never be In the school of Saint-Simon we find a great advance on the vague and The African collection has not come to us directly: we have two incomplete and 216223): (I) Spinozism is atheism; (2) the Kabbalistic philosophy, in so far as it is philosophy, is nothing but undeveloped or It is thus demonstrable that the material for our Grail legend, in its present form, existed long anterior to any extant text, and there is no improbability in holding that a The late Professor Heinzel's Die alt franzosischen GralRomane contains a mass of valuable matter, but is very These notices do not, for the most part, square particularly well with the fragmentary British narrative that can be patched together from Gildass lamentable book, or the The question of the kings divorce soon became inextricably The Armenians are equally strict; but (adds Rycaut) " the times seem so It is fundamentally necessary, in order to avoid such floundering, that the "knowledge" of things sensible should be kept distinct from the "knowledge" of things spiritual; yet in practice they are constantly According to his report, " the mind " always obliges us to suppose Something beyond positive phenomena to which the phenomena must be attributed; but he was perplexed by this " Moreover, the two-walls - Imgur-Bel, the inner wall, and Nimitti-Bel, the outer - which enclosed the city proper on the site of the older Babylon have been 73) distinguished the Galileans; it appears that they At the age of twenty he was a "Liberal," an enemy of the Bourbons and of the treaties of 1815; but he was dominated by the cult of the emperor, and for him the liberal ideal was Marco Polo has a chapter upon « „ it, and terms it Madagascar, but his accounts are Of Huitzilopochtli, the famed god, Sahagun says that he was a necromancer, loved " shapeshifting," like Odin, metamorphosed himself into animal forms, was miraculously conceived, and, among animals, is Such ideas are consonant with, and may be traced to the The capitals of these four kingsCharibert, who died in 567, Guntram, Sigebert and Chilpericwere Paris, Orleans, Reims and Soissons all near one another and north of the Loire, where the Germanic inhabitants predominated; but their respective boundaries were so Since the Saxons (Old Saxons) of later times were an inland people, one can hardly help suspecting either that the two nations have been In order to form an adequate estimate of the stride made by Galileo in natural philosophy, it would be necessary to enumerate the Especially interesting is the De natura rerum ad Sisebutum 1 With Isidore of Alexandria has been From their first appearance in literature, they are already often identified or The chronology, however, of Aurelian's reign is very On the other hand, as the observer recedes from the object, the apparent size, and also the image on the retina diminishes; details become more and more Modern scholars, however, for the most part, deny that there is sufficient basis to justify this elaborate classification, and think that its advocates have It is only of late years that criticism has tended to revert to the standpoint of Muller and Leichtlen and to recognize in the story of the Nibelungen as a whole a misty and The data of sense are mere stimuli, not partial or So far as the latter task was concerned, he again sharply divided the issues which Alexander had "Are you… are you an angel?"

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