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View images, videos, and more on Ennio Stirpe on National Post. “I’m not going to stop coaching. When the Idle No More movement began, a number of First Nations activists were able to achieve considerable success in using the media to ... Alberta has a long history of racist movements that have emerged over the decades. Ford has always prided himself on being a straight talker, and his 2010 run for mayor surely stands as one of the most unequivocal political campaigns in recent Canadian history. Yet despite his personal wealth, Ford set himself up as a champion of Joe and Jane Average, lobbying on conservative principles of low taxes and smaller, less intrusive government. I think that’s a waste of taxpayer's money.” And that was well over $100,000 combined. In response, the mayor exhibited his usual bullish defiance, saying the reports were exaggerated and that they had no bearing on his ability to run the city. Anyone seeking public office will tout the importance of family — it implies trustworthiness, psychological solidity and an appreciation of traditional values. Rob Ford's antics are nothing new to Ontarians, but since the crack-smoking scandal, Toronto's unapologetic mayor has become an international media obsession.

Her former common-law husband, Ennio Stirpe, killed her boyfriend with a sawed-off shotgun in 1998. Ford’s election was proof of a large contingent of active, engaged conservative Torontonians who shared his vision and had facilitated his ascension to office — the putative “Ford Nation.” "It just continues to be one of the most unconventional and mind-boggling communications strategies that I've ever seen in my life," says Toronto PR expert Bill Walker. Stirpe … But amid the gleeful mockery, there was a growing sense of sympathy for a mayor who was obviously struggling with various substances.On Nov. 5, Daily Show host Jon Stewart, ordinarily over-the-top satirical about Ford's exploits, sounded a cautionary note: "Mayor Ford's a lot of fun to ridicule, but my guess is, not a lot of fun to eulogize. Krista later tweeted, “I didn’t mean to cause such an alarm and I apologize if I did. No one appears to know her age, or even if she has a job. Shot in an undisclosed location, the clip showed the mayor in a highly excitable mood, uttering curses about some unspecified fight.When reporters asked him about it, all that Ford could offer was that he was "extremely, extremely inebriated" at the time — without specifying the offending substance — and the caveat that "I hope none of you have ever, or will ever, be in that state. In 1998, Kathy’s ex-husband, Ennio Stirpe, shot and killed her then-boyfriend, Michael Kiklas. Jon Blacker/Reuters 5. And a driver. Doug Ford later told the media, "He had a couple of pops, big deal, no one got hurt, everyone had a good time.

That familial concern has become even more apparent during the crack-smoking controversy — after Rob read a prepared statement to a room full of journalists on May 24, for example, it was Doug who remained to field questions. While noticeably upset about the loss, Ford pledged his continuing commitment to the team. Mark Blinch/Reuters 4. The mayor demurred. He was convicted last fall of attempting to kill a woman in his Vaughan home. One word that Ford likes more than almost any other is “subways.” While LRT lines are cheaper to build, underground transportation has been the central plank of Ford’s transit strategy. The departure of several Ford employees and advisors - including chief of staff Mark Towhey - suggests that this renegade mayor refuses to take advice, heeding one voice and one voice only: that of Rob Ford. Other councillors, as well as newspaper columnists, had been advising for months that Ford take a break to work through his substance issues. "I truly, truly believe that Toronto can count on the province and the federal governments ... as partners in this historic project," Ford told reporters. A group of diverse but like-minded individuals, the members of ARC have come together in their common desire to fight hatred, bigotry, intolerance and violence because of the harm these antisocial behaviors cause to our society. He routinely decried the spending at city hall and trumpeted his own thrift – where some councillors logged $50,000 in yearly office expenses, Ford spent just $2. I’m not going to turn my back on these kids.” Then, addressing Ford specifically, Stewart said, "Even though I will lose precious material, please go to rehab!"1. Seven years earlier, Ms. Ford’s lover was fatally shot by her ex-husband, a drug addict named Ennio Stirpe. On Nov. 5, a visibly weary Mayor Ford exited the elevator on his floor at Toronto City Hall and was immediately encircled by a throng of journalists. In January 2012, one of those men, a convicted drug dealer and long-time common-law partner named Scott MacIntyre, was charged with threatening to murder her brother Rob at his Etobicoke home. In late May, the Toronto Catholic school board ended Ford’s relationship with Don Bosco when it banned him from coaching at any school in the board. “They offered me a car when I first got elected. “Hell will freeze over before I will spend taxpayers' money out of my office budget to support myself and my own enhancement in society.” I think that’s a waste of taxpayer's money," Ford told a news conference a week later. (And yet he gave the couple his business card. Ford said the claims were "completely false." Ford later apologized for his drunken outburst.) On more than one occasion, Doug has stepped in to defend or clarify positions held by his brother — whether it’s Rob’s decision to skip Toronto’s annual gay pride parade, to deny his culpability in a conflict-of-interest case or allegations that he was intoxicated at the Taste of the Danforth street festival. Thanks to his budget-balancing efforts, city expenditures have stopped rising. “Many kids have nothing to do after school and for some that could lead to trouble,” Ford told the Toronto Star in 2009. The unwavering “respect for the taxpayer” mantra won him many fans as a city councillor, and lifted him to the mayor’s seat in the fall of 2010. "I have never dealt hash," the councillor told CBC reporter Jamie Strashin.

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