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The majority of streets in any city are public. The State holds all fuel-tax road maps and records in file available in a catalog.
(Land patent dates – when land left the public domain – can be found at http:/www.glorecords.blm.gov ).If the answer is “yes” to both questions, the road could very well be a public highway under RS 2477.RS2477 roads, when established, are a standard R-O-W width of 66 feet (right of way). Did it predate the land patents? Anybody could drive on them, but the maintenance was the responsibility of the HOA or developer.I would strongly recommend that you do NOT try to use Google for any indication of legal ownership.It might also matter where in the world you are at. I cannot remember ever noticing who our street sweeper is. Specifically, I'm interested in learning who is responsible for road maintenance and parking enforcement. Anybody can answer Not all subdivision roads have been dedicated as county roads and subject to county control. Start here for a quick overview of the site Which type or road it is will determine how it’s maintained, and who pays for that maintenance. Example: big (high traffic) roads, big streets, etc. ", and not only at USA:Use all informations. The width of prescriptive easements is dependent upon the historic use during the prescriptive period. This leaves the high cost of either regularly maintaining, or repaving the roads to proper standard, in the hands of the residents.Eric Andrews recently sold this house from 1950 located in Moncure NC. Start with the "oficial" or the "consensual" ones. Some petitioned roads may have missing segments because the petitioning process was never completed.Easements – both private and public – can exist where no apparent road exists.

Unfortunately, many counties do not fully comply with this procedure and method of operation. It could also be road that is dedicated for public use and approved by Board of County Commissioners. Call your city planner or tax office to see if a road is public or private.If you want to buy a home on a private road, check with the local authorities to find out what your responsibilities are. They can use cheaper materials to build and pass those savings onto home buyers. If one of these roads needs to be repaired, the government takes care of it. At one end it can be got onto from a "B" road. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals. However, often the neighboring landowner will use the closed road exclusively and prohibit public ingress/egress claiming it to be private. Use all informations. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including Could you elaborate? In my previous job at a city government we had a large amount of "public roads" that were "privately maintained". Finally, it could be one acquired by “eminent domain “.Counties cannot close roads without going through formal abandonment proceedings.
Within the definition of prescriptive easements, each particular road has a constant width except at bridges. Discuss the workings and policies of this site At this end there are absolutely no signs whatsoever that it is "private". Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Anybody can ask a question I'm in the US.Our county has a number of subdivisions that have popped up in the last decade that have decided not to dedicate the roads as public. The county is still eligible to receive a fuel-tax refund because the road meets the requirements that it is not be posted against use (or use of a locked gate), open to the public and can be navigated with a two-wheel drive vehicle. More than likely, you would share the duty of maintaining and repairing the road with fellow landowners along the road. Question 75 & 76 – Private to Public Road Transfer (PDF) 75) What […] Geographic Information Systems Typically, a private road can be accessed by the public, but the landowner is responsible for all upkeep on the road. While all county and “public” roads are identified as “fuel-tax” roads on each county’s maps submitted to the State, some fuel-tax roads included on these maps are neither public, nor county roads. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under Which type or road it is will determine how it’s maintained, and who pays for that maintenance.Many subdivisions in NC will have private roads that are either maintained by the Home Owners Association, or there may a road maintenance agreement with the local town or city government. It would seem unlikely that a court would hold it would be different for roads created by prescription.Some roads are qualified as public roads under Reserve Statute 2477 (RS2477), a repealed federal mining era law that states that any road/path across public land domain before patenting (under Homestead Act provisions) is a public road to be administered by the County. When the roads need to be replaced, the cost will fall on homeowners, which can become a financial burden.I thought you would be interested in this article called Knowing the Difference Between Public and Private Streets!

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