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Continue the oil pulling for 15–20 minutes.Be sure to spit the coconut oil into a toilet or trash can, as it could return to solid form once in your drain pipes and cause a clog.Unlike many other tooth whitening methods, coconut oil pulling does not expose your teeth to acid or other ingredients that erode the enamel. She took to Instagram to share her new favourite toothpaste for keeping her teeth bright white with her 3.4 million fans. Teeth whitening carried out in beauty salons by untrained staff or staff without dental qualifications puts your oral health at risk and is also illegal.You can only have your teeth whitened on the NHS if there's a medical reason for it. Travel health

Strawberries and pineapple are two fruits that have been claimed to help whiten your teeth.Whitening your teeth with a strawberry and baking soda mixture is a natural remedy that has been made popular by celebrities.Proponents of this method claim that the malic acid found in strawberries will remove discoloration on your teeth, while the baking soda will buff away stains.However, this remedy has not been completely backed up by science.While strawberries may help exfoliate your teeth and make them appear whiter, they are unlikely to penetrate the stains on your teeth.A recent study found that a strawberry and baking soda mixture produced very little color change in teeth, compared with commercial whitening products (If you decide to give this method a try, limit its use to a few times per week.Despite studies showing that a strawberry and baking soda paste had a minimal effect on tooth enamel, excessive use could cause damage (To use this remedy, smash a fresh strawberry, combine it with baking soda, and brush the mixture onto your teeth.A study found that a toothpaste containing bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, was significantly more effective at removing tooth stains than a standard toothpaste (However, there is no evidence that eating pineapples produces the same effect. In 2015, Americans spent over $11 billion on teeth whitening, including over $1.4 billion on at-home whitening products (There are plenty of products to choose from when it comes to whitening your teeth.However, most whitening products use chemicals to bleach your teeth, which concerns many people.If you want whiter teeth but also want to avoid the chemicals, this article lists many options that are both natural and safe.Multiple factors cause teeth to become dull and lose their bright, white sparkle.Certain foods can stain your enamel, which is the outermost layer of your teeth. Living with pain A bleaching product is painted onto your teeth and then a light or laser is shone on them to activate the whitening. Home Whitening Strips. Combine 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and gently brush your teeth with the mixture.Limit the use of this homemade paste to a few times per week, as overuse can erode your tooth enamel.A diet high in fruits and vegetables may be good for both your body and your teeth.While they're no substitute for brushing them, crunchy, raw fruits and vegetables can help rub plaque away as you chew. Therefore, anything you do to strengthen the enamel of your teeth will help keep your teeth pearly white.While some tooth discoloration naturally comes with age, it’s largely a result of plaque buildup.Regularly brushing and flossing can help your teeth stay white by reducing bacteria in your mouth and preventing plaque buildup.Toothpaste gently rubs out stains on your teeth, and flossing removes bacteria that lead to plaque.Regular dental cleanings can also help your teeth stay clean and white.There are a few other natural teeth whitening methods, but there is no scientific evidence to prove that they are safe or effective.Advocates of these methods claim they make teeth significantly whiter, but no studies have evaluated their effectiveness.

While heavily diluted concentrations appear safe, strong concentrations or overuse can cause gum irritation and tooth sensitivity. Multiple factors cause teeth to become dull and lose their bright, white sparkle. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature, so you may need to wait a few seconds for it to melt.

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