virtue cards pdf

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Each one has a applicable affirmation as well as suggestions that will help you to manifest that particular virtue in your life. I highly recommend them. L�����@pj*�eX��f�GP�#8�!�@q�t��522�]a�'q]���= �2�X�r�=�.p�/vS�>�� N�S��Õ�����}���Dz��b�Tj���h��'���k�m Doreen Virtue (born April 29, 1958) is an American author and a motivational speaker. Designed for age 11-18, but effective through any age. H���M��0���s�C���[���R�m��5 -���Y���ذ��I�*U9d��c��Śq(^Yi� �΀@!��� HW�s��я�+�R�L`f�ZM� �D퀣���A�YŔ�(u�0�LY������������f��zL�P6�.�e���R�Y�sqQ��˂(|V��Z(��~-Π͂��g0z�� The cards contain: Quotations from many wisdom sources; Six ways to practice each virtue; An in-depth description based on research in the world’s diverse sacred traditions; An affirmation; The cards are inspired by The Family Virtues Guide.

�΃/��]J�_�&g̒���e��M9�[iTN�(]��d47EA>(mS���J���n��~]o]�P&/=�}S��a��Ɏ��(>j Wilbourne University of New Mexico, 2001 IMPORTANT TO ME VERY IMPORTANT TO ME NOT IMPORTANT TO ME ACCEPTANCE to be accepted as I am 1 9/01 ACCURACY … You can print on card … The 44 beautifully illustrated cards come with step-by-step instructions in the accompanying guidebook. Altogether, we have four unique sets of virtue cards. The imagery is so deep and intuitive. Honestly the more I work with the deck the more I love it. Oracle of the Angels by Mario Duguay.

Print these cards, one per page, double sided. These cards are absolutely beautiful and contain wonderful meditative messages and quotes. x�b``�```�� �3�f fa�X�**�J��r�[x_�+�``�d9�9Cx��A�������c.`�.���PҠ����@� �- �`F

0000032419 00000 n ��(h�PT,�Џ��i�4�`�-�Hl�w��������F9nT�����!�ptG3*�@������ I love recognizing my students for being great-hearted children! 0000000836 00000 n 0000008613 00000 n

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The Fairy Tarot Cards is a full 78-card tarot from Doreen Virtue, with detailed old-style fairy artwork by illustrator Howard David Johnson.

Buy yours from now Simply choose one card to work on each week. 0000004040 00000 n trailer

The angelic artwork by Mario Duguay in this deck is absolutely stunning and truly light filled. Eat not to dullness. 0000011282 00000 n

Matthews, P.L.

0000001409 00000 n The teaching method of asking insightful questions will guide students as they DEFINE and research the Virtue, DISCERN how the Virtue affects the people around them, DREAM about how the Virtue could change their future, and DETECT ways the Virtue can be activated in their life today.Their answers will be collected in a printable Youth Journal and their progress charted on the Youth Character Assessment. No shipping required. This PDF product will be emailed to you instantly. 13 Parenting cards, size 8.5' x 5.5' PDF; Family Character Assessment PDF; 5 page Parenting Cards Lesson Plan PDF Secular Option: When purchasing the secular version of our Parenting Cards, please note: There is a quote from the Bible on each Parenting Card. No file transfers or copy sharing, please. Use these cards for quick teachable moments by pulling one out when someone needs it or when you want to give encouragement. 0000065740 00000 n To purchase these cards already printed and ready for teaching, click here: Virtue Flash Cards for Classrooms -Printed. Card SortCard Sort W.R. Miller, J. C’de Baca, D.B. H��U�n�0��+�H5#�T�I�6

0000005994 00000 n You may print as many copies of the PDFs as you want for your immediate family or classroom. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, the best-selling authors of Angel Tarot Cards, bring you an oracle-card deck that cuts to the chase with the most pertinent information you need to know. To purchase them already printed and ready to teach, click here: Youth Virtue Cards -PDF; With only seconds of prep time, and only 10 minutes of discussing Virtues each day, you will be surprised how fast your students will learn to choose and use Virtue! 0000065473 00000 n

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