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anti spiral death

YOU DON'T! Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, … Read more. See more of Anti~Spiral on Facebook. Anti-Spiral. ", Alias/Aka: The Anti-Spirals, Anti-Spiral race, The universe itself, Protector of the Universe (Self-proclaimed), Classification: Collective consciousness of the Anti-Spiral race, Extradimensional beings, Cosmic multi-being, Age: Insignificant (Unrestricted by time), Gender: Ambiguous (Is an embodiment of the whole race), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acausality (Type 1 and 2, unbound by time, unaffected by the multiverse's quantum cosmology which means they have neither a past nor a future. Wiz: Not much is known about who the Anti-Spiral race used to be. Created and fully control their own universe, an 11-dimensional universe manifold between the membranes of the 10th and 11th dimensions as an imaginary spacetime, and implied to be infinite in size. His death in the 2nd movie, however, is different. After a journey with significant loss, they rescue Nia, and in a one-on-one Gunmen battle that virtually spans the universe, Simon in Lagann finally destroys the Anti-Spirals. "If this is how it must be, protect the Universe at all cost...", "Without even understanding that, you dive into things blindly! 26 Comments. 3 min. Anti-Spiral Mecha. Spiral Power is the power which magnifies all things as the underpinning of the Universe, the power that govern the Universe and capable of ending it as the Spiral Nemesis), Creation, Spatial Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Reality Warping (Capable to create a pocket universe with its own physical laws, induce Big Bangs; tears the fabric of reality), Large Size (Type 7 as Granzeboma, Type 8 as Super Granzeboma, Type 10 as their own universe), Transformation, Size Manipulation, Power Mimicry (Can reduce its size and power as well replicate abilities in their own style), Invisibility (Implied cannot be seen by humans), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3), Regeneration (At least Low-Godly, lack a true physical form and can regenerate with just thought, returned after being punched out of existence by Boota), Aura, Immortality (Type 1, 3, and 8, is the thought body of the Anti-Spiral race and is reliant on it, one has to destroy said race to kill them completely), Intangibility (Type 3), Non-Corporeal, Abstract Existence (Type 1, completely lack of physical form, is nothing more than the thought body of the Anti-Spiral race), Non-physical Interaction (Can interact with thoughts and physically harm abstract mech like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann), Mind Manipulation, Telepathy, Illusion Creation (Is manifestation of consciousnesses of the entire Anti-Spiral race and able to take control of Nia's conciousness; trapped Team Dai Gurren's consciousnesses into the multiverse with Extradimensional Labyrinth; can speak telepathically and show events in the minds of who wishes), Flight, Elasticity, Body Control (Can extend their arm as tendrils, even control their shadow), Gravity Manipulation (Created the Death Spiral Machine), BFR (Made Nia forcefully disappear and can throw consciousnesses to perceive alternate universes), Time Manipulation (Can sneak with Schrödinger Warp to attack from both past and future and can even Time Travel with the same technique. Why can't you see the limitation of the Spiral races!? On a regular basis, creates matter from nothing. They can hide in subspace and fling planets, open their mouths and emit a moaning scream while firing tooth-shaped, probability altering missiles in a seemingly endless barrage. Has complete control over the flow of time of their pocket universe), Probability Manipulation, Probability Manipulation Negation, Durability Negation, Invulnerability (Can decrease their enemy's winning percentage; can negate the chance of tanking their attacks to 0% and can avoid to be damaged with passive probability defense), Energy Manipulation, Energy Projection, Quantum Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Created explosions with Muganns; created Infinity Big Bang Storm and reduced Lazengann to quantum level), Biological Manipulation (Created Nia as a virtual lifeform and inserted her in an human body), Technology Manipulation (Created the Muganns and Ashtangas, developed the Death Spiral Machine), Explosion Manipulation (Created explosions with Muganns), Electricity Manipulation (Created massive electricity to harm Gurren Lagann), Danmaku (Via laser barrage), Light Manipulation (Can appears as light entity), Portal Creation, Dimensional Travel (Scales from Nia who could travel between spatial dimensions and teleport between locations instantly), Power Nullification (Stopped their Spiral evolution), and Dimensional Travel Negation (With giant Nia or themselves), Time Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation (Unrestricted by time and gravity, makes them ignore the gravitational time dilation, they are also capable of separating themselves from continuous time and space), Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (The consciousness behind the manifestation doesn't have a soul; Is the manifestation of the countless minds), Quantum Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation, Physical strength: Hyper Dimensional+ level striking strength (Fought Simon on foot), Attack potency/Destructive capacity: Hyper Dimensional+ (Overpowered the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann numerous times. ", "What foolishness. ; The Battle Didn't Count: Manages to survive a Giga Drill Break(er) in his first direct battle with Simon due to his Ganmen's unique control scheme allowing it to pitch him out before the drill made contact. Granzeboma can sit within a more powerful humanoid version of itself called. Will always try to fight equally with their opponent to try and inflict as much despair as they can. Contact Anti~Spiral on Messenger . FRAME 1: Text. Ashtanga, Granzeboma. Death Battles Category, How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog. Anti-Spiral's able to unleash Super Granzeboma. Although he still thinks that his race was correct in restricting Spiral Power, he dies asking Simon to take responsibility in protecting the universe from the Spiral Nemesis, to which Simon accepts. NOT ONE BIT!!! 122 people like this. Its facial features are white and look like they have been "crudely painted" on the face. Not Now. These Spiral warriors managed to hold off the Anti-Spirals and even managed to drive them back into space with them even pushing into the Anti-Spiral territory. This caused the Anti-Spirals to seal themselves away and halt their own evolution, with their collective consciousnesses becoming the Anti-Spiral. The individual members of the Anti-Spiral race resemble humans. However, their iconic "collective embodiment" which serves as the villain of the anime is more akin to a living shadow, a dark humanoid silhouette with shifting patterns within. "Blind Idiot" Translation: The subtitles refer to him as "Guame the Immobile". It can Also send Any Organism into Quantum Breakdown, even sending gunmen such as a spiral enchanced Lazengann into said breakdown. Top-Strongest Wikia is a FANDOM Anime Community. 26 Favourites. This can be said of the Granzeboma, but The Anti-Spiral drill is not for digging up unlike that of Simon, because it specializes only in "breaking the opponent". The Anti-Spiral (アンチスパイラル, Anchisupairaru? Tegen Toppa Gurren Lagann E26: Let's Go, Buddy (TV, 23 September 2007) Fictional Character. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Ashtanga also hold small fleets of similar ships that are shaped like hands and feet with multiple faces. NO! Summery :- What if after death anti spiral reincarnated as a human in a sekrei universe with him only having spiral power. Given this apparent death spiral, what sort of professional future awaits the five Black-studies Ph.D.s Chicago plans to admit this year? His skin tone is slightly darker than that of most other characters in the series. The Anti-Spiral mecha, the Granzeboma (also known as the Grand Zamboa), has a ver… Weapons, Armor, & Skills 166 people follow this. Abandoned What-If? The Anti-Spiral race, or simply the Anti-Spirals, is a mysterious species of humanoid beings that realized the danger of the Spiral Nemesis long ago. The Anti-Spiral purges the galaxy of Death Battle! This drove the alien race to halt their own evolution and placed their bodies in stasis, creating a being of pure consciousness as a consequence. Add to Favourites. To get your animation, click the 'Generate Animation' button. Omni-King has been stated to have destroyed 6 universes, although no depiction of how he did it was shown. - Tasse ou Thermos de Voyage Pour Emmener Boissons Chaudes ou Froides (Non Gazeuses) Avec Verseur Pouvant se Fermer - Diamètre de la Base = 6,8 cm Avec une Matière Anti Dérapante - S'insère Dans la Plupart des Emplacements Pour Tasses et Gobelets des Voitures … Simon, instead of using Lagann Impact, fig… or. Probability Altering Projectiles: Granzeboma fires A Barrage of Beams from the Holes in it's Body with Little to A lot of Accuracy. Lordgenome is a strong, amazingly muscular man. However, with the number of Anti-Spirals increasing as they pushed further in, the Spiral… Forgot account? The Anti-Spiral set out to either destroy or halt the evolution of every Spiral race i… Normally, they shoot out lasers as an attack, but if they are "killed", they disperse in cube like explosive clusters which wreak havoc on the surrounding area. Infinity Big Bang Storm: Where Granzeboma uses It's Large shoulder Arms to Grab two Large Galaxies and Combine them Into a Explosion with power to rival that of the Big-Bang, Hence the Name.

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