Black Bolt was created byStan Leeand Jack Kirby. A bomb designed to wipe the kree empire off the face of the galaxy. Though he is the King of the Inhumans and cannot speak without using his sonic scream, despite having his antenna in Marvel’s Animated Universe. As a result, the Inhumans were spread throughout the world with new ones appearing across the Earth. 3. But at its peak, Maximus can overtake the minds of countless others or enhance his own in unpredictable ways. Black Bolt can level mountains with a whisper and erase entire planets with a scream -- and this royal scream is a game-changer in MARVEL Strike Force. As the king of the Inhumans, Black Bolt's power requires that he lead his people in complete silence, speaking telepathically via his wife Medusa. [3] He can blank people's minds or control their actions for as long as he so … Blackagar "Black Bolt" Boltagon is the king of the Inhumans, and husband of Medusa Amaquelin. He activated a Terrigen bomb, hoping to destroy Thanos in the process, that transformed anyone on Earth with Inhuman genes into a full Inhuman. This is Black Bolt’s special ability where on Level 1, he is able to attack the primary target for 180% damage. On top of clearing enemy positive effects and applying Disrupt to summons, Black Bolt blocks Revive on enemies he's eliminated. He is the king of the inhumans, and is the most powerful member of their race. Because his electron-harnessing ability is linked to the speech center of his brain, any attempt to use his vocal cords – from the merest whisper to a full scream – triggers an uncontrollable disturbance of the particle / … Black Bolt is unlocked at 5 stars, which is 310 shards. Blackagar Boltagon was born with the power to unleash great destruction with his voice. They live in the hidden city of Attilan with the rest of the Inhumans. The most devastating of the effects is Black Bolt’s quasi-sonic scream. He didn't use the scream fully in the first place for fear of setting it off, and when he did Vulcan ended up like this after one shot. Black Bolt’s voice is one of the most dangerous weapons in the marvel universe. The power to release sound waves of such an amplitude that objects will shatter, crumble, and explode. Black Bolt is a Legendary character. When upgraded to Level 2, he can attack the primary target for 220% damage along with applying Heal Blocks. He did get back up and then black bolt screamed again and set off the T-bomb. It is said that a mere whisper can level a mountain while a scream can split a planet in two. Quasi-Sonic Scream: Black Bolt's most devastating offensive weapon, and one of these phenomena based upon the particle interaction, is his actual voice. Sonic Scream. Power/Ability to: Release sound that can shatter, crumble and explode objects. Black Bolt attacked Thanos with his scream, destroying Attilan in the process. On reaching Level 3, the character can attack the primary target for 220% damage while applying Heal Block. Such as with the bolstering effect Black Bolt's scream has on his powers. Ballistic Scream Blackagar Boltagon/Black Bolt (Marvel Comics) is one of fictional history's strongest user of this power. 1 Biography 2 Stats 3 Abilities 4 Gear 5 Availability The silent king of the Inhumans, Black Bolt's sister-in-law is Crystal. Because of this, Medusa speaks for him. King of the Inhumans, Black Bolt is the silent Blaster of the Inhumans.
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