So perhaps it’s inevitable that they have been fished almost to extinction. Its size varies from 25 to 32 meters and it can weigh up to 200 tons. Endangered. The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) all remain listed as Endangered, pending more evidence of recovery. Endangered. Cetaceans (Whales) IUCN Status Category: Variable Class: Mammalia, Order: Cetacea CITES Appendix: I and II INTRODUCTION Cetacea is an order of mammals, comprising over 80 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises. Endangered. Threat status Europe: Endangered ... IUCN Red List status of threatened species. Fast blue whale facts. Blue whale - Balaenoptera musculus (Linnaeus, 1758) Images from the web. Whales are under threat in many areas from ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, habitat deterioration, declining prey and noise disturbance. Anonymous Animals: Blue Whale. Anonymous Animals: Blue Whale. They are the largest animals known to have ever lived on the Earth. They remain rare in the northeastern Atlantic where they were once common. They feed almost exclusively on krill, straining huge volumes of ocean water through their baleen plates (which hang from the roof of the mouth and work like a sieve).Some of the biggest individuals may eat up to 6 tons of krill in 1 day. Blue Whales North Atlantic. Blue whales are simply enormous, ranging in length from 24-33 metres, and females are up to 10 metres longer than their male counterparts. World. The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction. EU. Blue whales are the largest animals ever to live on our planet. There are three Suborders: the Archaeoceti, the Mysticeti, and the Odontoceti. Cetaceans fall into two categories: mysticetes or ... IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable A single Bluefin tuna can sell for over $3M. Since 2004, IUCN has engaged directly in efforts to address one of the major concerns for western gray whales: offshore oil and gas development. Status. The waters off north-eastern Sakhalin Island, where some 150-200 gray whales feed in the summer and autumn months, happen to … Note that, in the case of the blue and gray whales, the IUCN distinguishes the statuses of various populations. A complete list of whale conservation statuses as listed by the IUCN is given below. We once thought that the high seas were simply too vast for us to damage. And by ‘big’, we in fact mean absolutely ginormous! There is no information about fin whales in areas outside of the Northern Atlantic, where they still hold the status of being endangered. Present status has not been fully assessed but encouragingly, evidence suggests they are increasing, at least in the central area. Quick facts. The report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists 32,000 species as threatened with extinction, including the European hamster and North Atlantic right whale. The IUCN last week moved the whale’s status on their Red List from “endangered” to “critically endangered” – the last stop before the species is considered extinct in the wild. There are some 1,000 animals off Iceland and several hundred in the Gulf of St Lawrence. Brace yourselves for a big ocean adventure, gang, with our brilliant blue whale facts. Europe. Population: 10,000-25,000 (IUCN Status: Endangered) Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are carnivorous marine mammals that live in all the world’s oceans except enclosed seas and the Arctic.
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