Find out more: Send your ideas by filling in the response form and sending it … City of Cambridge to Advance to Phase III, Step 2 of Commonwealth's Reopening Plan on March 1, 2021, with Limited Exceptions. The City of Cambridge announced that, effective Monday, March 1, 2021, the City will advance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Phase III, Step 2 of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan, with limited exceptions. 2. New growth needs new infrastructure, and the next Local Plan needs to show how planned housing and jobs will be accompanied by the services and facilities to support them sustainably.. Growth creates challenges and opportunities for transport. 4.7 Infrastructure Figure 21 Greater Cambridge's infrastructure. Greater Cambridge Local Plan Have your say… The First Conversation consultation runs from 13 January to 24 February 2020. Updated 2 March 2020 FeCRA – Cambridge Local Plan Big Debate Presentation Slides (big PDF) It is expected to take around four years to create the next Local Plan and this first conversation is the first step to help local people get involved the whole way through. From “About the Greater Cambridge Local Plan” (Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, 2020): “Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are working together to create a joint Local Plan for the two areas – which we are referring to as Greater Cambridge. the SA and the Local Plan, identified key sustainability issues in Greater Cambridge and described the appraisal methodology for the remaining stages of the SA. The Issues and Options set out in the Greater Cambridge Local Plan ‘First Conversation’ Issues and Options 2020 document were subject to SA and the result of this were published in Getting involved 2.1 Involving our communities The next Local Plan will directly affect the lives of everyone in the area, and we want to make sure we have an active and open public conversation about how it should take shape. The Councils are preparing to carry out a public consultation called: Greater Cambridge Local Plan – The First Conversation. November 2020 111346-GCLCA-SSO-V8-2020-11-10 Greater Cambridge Local Plan Strategic Spatial Options Assessment: Landscape & Townscape (November 2020) Executive Summary CBA was commissioned in May 2020 to prepare a Landscape Character Assessment of the Greater Cambridge area as part of the evidence base for the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan. Look out for our pop-up roadshow coming to places near you. It is a very exciting time for Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council, with work underway on a new joint Local Plan that will affect the future of Greater Cambridge over the next 20 years. Cambridge City Council has an Anti-Poverty Strategy [35] which includes an action plan. This means involving all parts of our community - individuals, groups, businesses, academic institutions, and stakeholders of all kinds. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. For example, two wards in Cambridge include areas amongst the 20% most deprived in UK [36]. This identified that while the Cambridge economy continues to thrive, there are high levels of income inequality in the city. The consultation, officially titled ‘Issues and Options’, runs from now until 5pm on Monday 24 February 2020.
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