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Next Last. This is Must Have info for ordering parts or stocks. Also, Winchester is no longer American owned either IIRC, so no need to feel guilty on that count. Reply. Neben dem Modellnamen hat die aktuelle WINCHESTER Model … Doesn’t get as heavy as the 700. The 20" barrel is marked Winchester carbine. The Guns of James Bond: Roger Moore. Bennett expressed great interest in Browning’s new repeater and groomed the relationship for future dealings. Range Life. Problems with the Winchester model 70 extreme weather? VB 990,00 EUR* 1. Felt recoil will vary from shooter to shooter and rifle to rifle, but free recoil … Winchester Mod 70 Super Grade Männerkaliber .458 W... Kaliber: .458 Win Mag Zustand: 2 - gepflegt, leichte Gebrauchsspuren Anbieter: Schützenhaus Rüdersdorf Eberhard Straßburg. I will update once I have more. Advertisement for the Winchester Model 70 from September 1950. Und ich dachte mir: Mit der Winchester Model 70 müssen doch ein paar Leute Erfahrungen gemacht haben. … Winchester knew by 1960 that, despite its good sales, the Model 70 was becoming too expensive to manufacture and compete with other rifles made on more-modern machinery. This Blaser has been delivering fine accuracy with many different .270 loads for a decade now, and this test was no exception. Anyone know about the accuracy with a match-grade … I repeated this 10 times, shooting 20 rounds through the gun. $2.25 PPR (1) Winchester 7MM Win. You can also determine your date of manufacture / production using our handy and easy to use serialization & Identification chart. Fueled by vengeance, I marched home and asked my dad to take me to the ranch that weekend to shoot my first deer. A Winchester Model 70 Featherweight may be one of the most handsome iterations of the rifle; the Schnabel forend adds a different dimension to the classic stock design, and though I've never owned one myself, I’d admired each and every one I've ever shot.. Very accurate, more so than my Model 70 Coyote stainless in 22-250. (Picture courtesy Winchester). Since October 2007, the Winchester Model 70 Featherweight has been produced by the Belgian company FN Herstal. We make products to tighter tolerances than factory. Artikeldetails. The only modern center-fire bolt-gun I own is a 1956 Winchester Model 70 in 270 Winchester. Three-quarters of a century of total performance is what comes with every Model 70s are not my area of expertise but I don't believe I have ever run across this variation before. The Guns of Fargo … There’s more “accessories” available for the 700. Again, the group size was stretched by a single flyer – but that is the harsh beauty of the 10-shot group. Winchester Model 70 Wide Mouth and Wide Mouth FN Police (SA) Stealth Detachable Mag Bottom Metal. My Winchester Model 70. W. WeiserBucks Well-Known Member. I'm a fan of the old wood rifles and Winchester says it'll shoot 1MOA . The Winchester Model 70 Featherweight is an excellent rifle for backpacking, hiking or stalking. Range Life. The Sentry 12: A New Kind of Shotgun. It is now at Winchester/Browning in Arnold being evaluated. Anyone have experience with a Win. Both loads are compared when fired from a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight rifle. Tube Mount Winchester Model 70 Winchester Short Magnum One Inch $ 41.83 (0) Replacement Trigger for Winchester Model 70 Bolt Action Pre & P $ 80.00 (0) WIN 70 SUPER GRADE STAINLESS $ 1,379.00 (0) Winchester Guns 535234229 70 Featherweight Bolt 264 Winchester $ 1,035.00 (0) Winchester Guns 70 Extreme Tungsten 6.5 CRD 4+1 22" Charcoal Gr $ 1,294.00 (0) Winchester XPR Renegade LR 270WSM … Not going to win any beauty contests but it is a very solid hunting rifle. More Gun Reviews. If bottom metal does not drop in or has tolerance issues, take the gun to a qualified gunsmith or utilize our inletting service. 2 contour Douglas barrel; it proved capable of 1⁄4-MOA accuracy, which was uncommon for that era using common hunting bullets. Aug 16, 2018 #1 BoomerUSAF Well-known member. This specific model weighs 7.25 pounds when chambered in both 325 WSM and .338 Winchester Magnum. 270’s Stainless finish is way better than the Hawkeye, and my Winchester has very little rust and scratches for an 8 year old rifle (I looked at serial # online, its a 2006 Model). Rimfire Power. Sponsored Post. Description: Incredible and extremely scarce PRE WAR Winchester Model 70 in 250-3000 caliber (250 Savage). I have 2 other Winchester Model 70's that are US made. Well, tons of this gun still reach the shores of America every year. There is no place for a flyer to hide. He happily agreed, before reminding me that my best chance to see anything would be early in the morning, not in the … The grimaces of history – an American cult carbine manufactured by a European company. Nachdem zwischenzeitlich das Aus für die WINCHESTER Model 70 drohte, erwarb BROWNING die Markenrechte und lancierte 2006 eine überarbeite Version der von 1993 bis 2006 produzierten dritten Modell-Generation. I have already done the following work to it.-New Timney Trigger installed-Had gun smith glass bed the action-Had gun smith recrown barrel The gun will shoot Winchester 180 gr Ballistic silver tips at 1 MOA at 100 yards. Jetzt den Artikel Winchester Repetierbüchse XPR Stealth (Kaliber .30-06 Spr.) By Bryce M. Towsley. Date & Know your Winchester Model 70. Next: I paid very close attention to the trigger, the recoil, and of course the accuracy. $1.30 PPR (0) Winchester 12 Ga. Super X … I do own a few old military bot actions and a rimfire bolt action but only one modern bolt gun. Diese wird im BROWNING-Werk in Morgan/Utah gefertigt. The Winchester Model 70 Safari Express is a fixed magazine fed, bolt action rifle designed for dangerous game hunting, and is available chambered in .375 Holland & Holland Magnum, .416 Remington Magnum and .458 Winchester Magnum; considering the Centennial of the .375 H&H Mag. According to Winchester, XPR barrels are the same as those found on today’s Model 70, forged from chrome-moly steel, button-rifled and “thermally stress-relieved to ensure accuracy.” Another premium is the firm’s MOA trigger, introduced a few years ago to make the Model 70 more competitive. As far as accuracy goes,(for the average hunter) both are equally accurate. Range Life. But the Model 70 Winchester became recognized as a great rifle not just because of its design, which is second to none, but also because of the people it became associated with, and their journeys to fascinating places in search of exotic game. Any help would be appreciated. That is not strictly true. Springfield Gets Into Hunting Bolt Guns with New Model 2020 Line . And a good, reliable, life-time guarantee rifle is a must have for every man who loves hunting. Reactions: just country. Artikeldetails. The Howa 1500, imported to the US by Legacy Sports International and sold as a barreled action by Brownells, is often thought of and compared to the Remington 700. I have a Winchester Model 70 carbine in 30-06. If so, have you had any accuracy issues? FN Awarded U.S. Army Contract for the M249 SAW . Gun Reviews. Appreciate your input . Quality of the rifle and accuracy are my main concerns. I'd like to buy this rifle chambered in .300WM for target shooting and hunting. When the Model 70 was introduced – way back in 1936 – it represented what I consider to be the ultimate culmination of the American bolt-action hunting rifle. I had a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight action custom built with a 261⁄2-inch No. Wie gut ist der Verschlussgang, wie gut ist die Verarbeitung im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Repetierern im Preissegment, etwa einer Mauser M12 (die habe ich) oder einer Savage, Remington? The Winchester Model 70 has been relied on for accuracy and performance by hunters all of over the world for over 75 years. The Win M70 was given to me by my father and is a very well used but very nice rifle. Winchester’s marketing slogan was quite a bold statement, but one that was not braggadocio. Short Magnum 160 Grain Supreme AccuBond $ 44.99 (0) WIN XPR MAGAZINE .270WSM/ .300WSM/.325WSM DETACHABLE BOX $ 18.83. Rifles, optics, projectiles and cartridges all continue to evolve, and somewhat impossibly, so does the Model 70. Winchester’s Model 70 Featherweight was designed to be easy to pack during a long day in the field while both looking good and providing very good accuracy. 1 of 3 Go to page. Was mich vor allem interessiert ist, wie gut ist die Waffe ab Werk? Joined Jul 14, 2018 Messages 3,405 Location The prairie pothole region. Winchester Model 70: Gun Review. S/N 16*** with matching scribed bolt made in 1938. The serial number is G1694XXX. Kaliber: 338 Win Mag Zustand: gebraucht Anbieter: Georg Knappworst GmbH & Co. KG Stefan Knappworst 1.599,00 EUR* 1. While these two actions do share some similarities (read more about them here), the Howa also has a lot in common with the post-64 push feed Winchester. They are flawless and shoot under 1 MOA all day. Winchester had developed the Model 1876, but it could not accommodate the .45-70 Government and similar cartridges, while Marlin was building its Model 1881 that could. Thread starter BoomerUSAF; Start date Aug 16, 2018; 1; 2; 3; Next. Thanks! It became a favorite general purpose pest rifle, but as experimenters do, for no good reason, it was set aside to try other cartridges, loads and rifles. Winchester Repetierbüchse XPR Stealth Online Shop. für 659,00 Euro im Jagd Büchsen Online Shop kaufen und auf Rechnung bestellen! Winchester Guns 70 Extreme Tungsten 6.5 CRD 4+1 22" Charcoal Gr $ 1,316.00 (0) Used Winchester 101 Diamond Gr $ 3,499.00 (0) Winchester Unprimed Brass Cases 30-40 Krag 50/Bag $ 25.41. Condition: New product *ATTENTION* We cannot guarantee the part will drop in. If Winchester currently chambered the 7wsm I would just buy an extreme weather and be done with it but they don't. PRE WAR Winchester Model 70 250 Savage Ultra rare beautiful! The Model 70 Featherweight has a slim profile that offers excellent handling and quickness to the target. I shot the new Model 70 Winchester 300 WSM 2 shots at a time, then would clean it. Trigger: WOW, the MOA ZERO Creep trigger on the Winchester Model 70 is just fantastic. Howa 1500 v Winchester 70 action comparison. Winchester Model 70 Featherweight: 2.11 inches, 2,978 fps Für den Test stand der Repetierer Modell 70 Classic Laminated in .270 WSM zur Verfügung. Or should I focus on getting a current production model 70? Any thoughts as to scarcity or value (it's about 98%). I sold a Winchester M70 Featherweight 7MM WSM a while back and I regret it. Winchester Model 70 Featherweight Review Conclusion. It is generally conceded that the Winchester Model 54 was the first of Winchester’s successful bolt-action, center-fire rifles. Has anyone bought a extreme weather recently? I have a newer Model 70 Extreme Wether SS that I bought new last year that I am having accuracy issues with. Winchester Arms Winchester 70 XTR. Winchester Mod 70/EW-Potentially the most expensive of the three, All metal construction, CRF, significantly heavier, potentially as accurate but not always, MOA trigger (which some like, some despise) easily adjustable and lightened with Earnie’s spring, early ones made in USA (BACO SC), later in Portugal, decent aftermarket support due to longevity of Winchester model,production. Latest. Reference: 1ec6ca53 P5659635. Here in Alaska, we hunt all kinds of animals; seals, moose, whales, walrus, etc. When Winchester Firearms shut down its New Haven, Connecticut, manufacturing facility in March 2006 (after 140 years of continuous operation), it announced no new plans for continued production of the Winchester Model 70, Winchester Model 94 or other classic firearms manufactured there--and so threw a considerable sector of the rifle-shooting world into something of a tizzy.In … Determine the bolt style, floor plate assembly type & action size needed for ordering. It's marked made in New Haven and not marked USRA. Ranges for hunting would be up to 3-400 yards, target shooting I'd like to be able to shoot up to 1000yds with good accuracy. April 20, 2015. cartridge, and its popularity, we’ve decided to test this chambering of this heavy hunting rifle. This is not at all what I or anybody should expect from such a legendary firearm let alone with a list price North of $1300. Ist der Abzug in Ordnung oder … With today's technology we'll still be talking about it for the next 75 years! Superb 97% condition with all original finishes and only light handling marks. I'm looking hard … Go. I also have a Tiika 25-06 SS with grey laminate stock.The difference is negligible as far as accuracy, but the Winchester cost me more than both. Dont need a caliber suggestion, if I don't go 7wsm I'll go 300wsm. model 70 super grade? Darunter fällt auch die hier gesteste WINCHESTER Model 70 Classic Hunter. Wer einen vernünftigen Winchester Repetierer in altbewährter Ausführung will, sollte zu einem Classic-System nach Art pre-64 greifen.

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