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costock parish council

Page created - May 4, 2016. Log In. CURTELINGSTOCK. 985 people follow this. Lindsay McGowan. Reference. Costock Village in Nottinghamshire. 4.9 out of 5 stars. The Generous Briton Costock. Mrs Kath Owen (chairman) (A) Everard Robinson (in the chair) John Rich Phil Lilley Mrs Sharon Wilson (A) Peter Gordon (A) John Young . Except in August. Costock Parish Council website, phone number, address and contact details. CORTINGTOCHE (Domesday Book 1086) CORTINGSTOC. Costock Parish Council keywords Search Directory Categories Caring for an adult Childcare Education, training and work Financial and legal advice Health and self care Help in your home and community Hospital discharge Housing needs Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND Local Offer) Things to do in the community Michael Mears. For several years now the land has been somewhat neglected, with the only play equipment being an old set of goalposts. Whether you are a resident, newcomer or visitor to the parish, don’t hesitate to contact us. Date Reviewed. Costock Village in Nottinghamshire. The following buttons for the. Parish Council Meeting Meetings are held on the. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. CORTLINGSTOCKE ( Palimentary commissioners in 1650) The meaning according to Elbert Elkwell … Stadium, Arena & Sports Venue. Get Directions +44 7904 578429. Councils in Costock Loughborough Leicestershire. These meetings are currently being held in online on the 3 rd Wednesday of the month. Before the commencement of the agenda business, there will be a 15 minute session starting at 7.30pm for members of the public to raise any … Drop us a Message and we'll post your news anonymously. About See All. A small group has been set up to get things moving and a management plan has been sent to Rushcliffe Borough Council for their approval. Planning Context 8 6. St Giles’ Costock February 2021 Services We are delighted to announce that services will resume in church from Sunday 7th March. 3 CONTENTS Executive Summary 4 1. Costock Parish Council (Rushcliffe Borough Council, Nottinghamshire) February 8 2017. Before the commencement of the agenda business, there will be a 15 minute session starting at 7.30pm for … 01625 524510 13/02228/OUT, Land off Costock Road, East Leake 13/02259/REM, Woodgate Road, East Leake East Leake Parish Council representation to Rushcliffe Borough Council Core Strategy Examination East Leake Parish Council response to Consultation on Operation of NPPF. Government Organization. Keep up to date with what is happening in East Leake or. The chairman said a decision was made in January to precept for £10,000 for the forthcoming year, the figure remaining unchanged for several years and in fact represented a small decrease in the council tax amount from each household for 2016-7, due to an … Closed Now . The land in question is on Costock Road. Nottinghamshire County Council, County Hall, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. P.C. Costock Road (3,610.44 mi) East Leake, UK, LE12 6LY. See more of The Generous Briton Costock on Facebook. ico, Information Commissioners Office . The Parish Council reserves the right to make changes and corrections to any part of the content of this website at any time without notice. The parish was in the ancient Rushcliffe Wapentake in the southern division of the county. About See All. WEDNESDAY JUNE 21 2017, AND WILL BE HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL, TO START AT 7.30pm. Couns. Parish Council Meetings; Transparency Documents; Groups & Societies. Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday July 20, 2016, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. EAST LEAKE PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Page 3 Exciting Plans for Oldershaw Trust Land The Oldershaw Trust field on Costock Road was left to the village for the benefit of the youth of the village. The Parish Council strives to provide a full range of information and resources to benefit all members of the community and to this end we welcome your news and views. Mrs Kath Owen (chairman) Everard Robinson John Rich Phil Lilley (A) Mrs Sharon Wilson . Email: Costock Parish Council. 4.9. East Leake Parish Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of works in respect of two (potentially separate) phases of work at East Leake Playing fields, Costock Road; PHASE ONE - Demolition of the existing clubhouse and then construction of a new clubhouse and PHASE TWO - the refurbishment of the existing sports building. Also present the clerk Mike Elliott and Notts County Council member Coun. or. District governance is provided by the Rushcliffe Borough Council. If this information is incorrect or out of date, please complete and sign the attached GPDR form. Historically it has been a quiet play area with seating, some play equipment and goal posts for informal football. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2017, AND WILL BE HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL, TO START AT 7.30pm. Not Now. Housing Costs 6 4. Flintham Village. Couns. East Leake Parish Council Whilst all efforts are made to accurately report information, we cannot be responsible for errors and omissions, or the content of external websites and other factors beyond our control. Peter Gordon John Young . Create New Account. Costock Parish Council Meetings. Peter Gordon Vice Chairman. 14 Main Street (4,637.14 mi) Nottingham, UK, LE12 6. Walton on the Wolds Parish Council provides YOUR local services. Costock Parish Council Members. Find the contract information for Costock Parish Council. 21/00581/FUL. 309 likes. Finances of Costock Parish Council continue to be healthy said the chairman in her annual report presented to the parish meeting. Log In. Rushcliffe Borough Council and Costock Parish Council July 2013 . Workshops for East Leake Facilitated by Design Council/CABE. Latest COVID-19 Position for Nottinghamshire. We are here to post any local news, or promote local events. Community See All. Home Whats Going on Past Events Local Information History Parish Council Village Hall St Giles Church General Information Contact. mark it for the attention of Stella Trussler and return to: or post: FAO Stella Trussler. Mike Elliot Clerk 19 Main Street + Keyworth +Notts + Tel 0115 937 6506. Costock Parish Council is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office under registration reference: ZA337355 Registration Start date: 5 April 2018 Registration Expiry date: 4 April 2019 Upholding information rights € Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF T. 0303 123 1113 €F. Introduction 5 2. 01509-852217 . Our website includes a wealth of information about how we conduct business and what we do. Also present: Clerk, Sue Lewis, Assistant Clerk, … John Finney. Following public consultation in 2016 the Parish council has a long-term aim of renewing and transforming the area into a small woodland and natural play area for younger children. Pub in Nottingham, United Kingdom. Related Pages. except in August. 1.3K likes. NG2 7QP. Costock Facts & Myths; Costock Looking Back; Costock Village History; St Giles Church; Information & Contact. 928 people like this. 4.6K likes. Lunch: 12.30 – 1.00 pm. Therefore, the information shown below is in relation to the Parish Council’s recommendation or advisory comments during the past year or thereabouts. Date Received. Home Whats Going on Past Events Local Information History Parish Council Village Hall St Giles Church General Information Contact. Recommendation. Start time 7:30 pm. Purpose of the Survey 5 3. Address & Details. Couns. 1,062 people like this. Forgot account? Dear Member, A MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL will take place on . Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Description. Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday June 15, 2016, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. You are requested to attend. Respondents’ Details 9 6.1. 167 talking about this. Age Profile 9 6.2. Costock Parish Council (Rushcliffe Borough Council, Nottinghamshire) Dear Member, A MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL will take place on . Costock Nature Reserve. Parish Council Meetings. If you can't find what you want or would like to recommend any improvements to our website then please Appointments are available upon request by contacting the Administration Team on 0115 9893876 or email Contact. You are requested to attend. Family-run farm shops in Nottinghamshire offering local, high quality food. Elms Farm, Costock, Loughborough. Community See All. Not Now. 2 Thank you to the residents of Costock parish for their help and support with this survey. History of Costock. Page Transparency See More. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF EAST LEAKE PARISH COUNCIL HELD VIA ZOOM ON TUESDAY 23rd FEBRUARY 2021 AT 7.30 PM Present: Cllrs Kevin Shaw, Lindsey Maggs, Richard Miller, Liz Taylor, Carys Thomas, Donna Griggs, Sara Budzik, Lesley Way, Nick McGowan, Wendy Thompson, Chris Mulligan, Lynn Forsyth, Lesley Way, Eleanor Robinson, and Mel Roper.

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