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creeped out season 4

We might see her as this bad-ass; but in the end, that’s her character, not her. They are both happy. I believe that they really understand each other in ways no one else could. Kayce has said time and time again that he’s no politician, but will he run for office anyway? Vic slept around?? You are posting comments too quickly. Plus, if he was trying to take over the “empire” as his biological father, Garrett Randall (Will Patton), suggested wouldn’t he have targeted Monica (Kelsey Asbille) and Tate (Brecken Merrill) too? It perpetuates biases on both sides. Katee Sackhoff is what drew me into the whole Longmire story in the first place. —How will John exact his revenge on Roarke and Market Equities?—Will Roarke get a haircut before then?—Will they ever have a musical episode? My maternal grandmother lied about her age, when she was 13, and said she was 17 when she met my grandfather in his 20’s. It happens all the time. That time, Mom had had enough and left the bastard. Though I do agree one should never tell another how to raise their children…. Ridiculous. Walt is involved with Vic to some degree after she and her husband divorce, in the books. In story, Walt retired so he can get involved with who he likes. I did truly love the whole series. The graphic scene did surprise me. In reality, in the cases that I know about, the family court has always granted an emergency order for Children’s Services to take custody of the child with the understanding that they will get the child the medical care that he or she needs. I liked her character in the beginning but then she became a bit flaky to me (the same with Vic). YES!! Those physical scars, and his attempt to hide them, were symbolic of his psychological scars stemming from the loss of his wife… both to cancer and a murderer. My mom is 11 years younger than my dad. The two were also branded at the same time so that’s one anniversary they can celebrate together. Is nobody going to mention how Vic can limp for several episodes from a minor sprained ankle while Walt and Branch can be up and about within hours of major injuries and surgery….expecially Walt climbing steps and walking uphill to the other sheriff’s home mere hours after his surgery? It gave Katee Sackhoff a chance to show more emotional depth that she previously has in this part. Not reality! I never saw Walt as a father figure to Vic, I always felt there was an attraction between them. In November 2020, Chief Joseph Ranch, where the series is filmed, announced that filming for season 4 had concluded. I would prefer to see them both with a partner closer to their own age. Please watch the Netflix limited series, “Godless” for a great western genre experience. I’m always willing to suspend disbelief for the sake of story, but it’s also a very good thing to know the truth about real life as well. Celeb interviews, recipes, wellness tips and horoscopes delivered to your inbox daily. A little nutty to me that Cady who has no law enforcement experience other than having a sheriff for a father would go for that position. Here's what we know about the epic cliffhanger. From the beginning she always wanted to leave. walt was sent the cowboy & indian statues from henry’s safe. Loved all the actors, Tantoo Cardinal being one of the best. Vic… and maybe Ruby. The writers missed a great opportunity by not exploring Mathias’ character more deeply. That may just be wishful thinking on my part, too, considering how many cases seem to fall through the cracks. As previously mentioned, where was Nighthorse when the whole thing wrapped up? Cary was a weak big crybaby!! In this instance I agree it would have been far more effective. For a piece of fiction this works for me. I agree Too that Ferg got the short end of the stick. Cringeworthy to say the least. I never heard Robert Taylor sound Australian- and his performances were deep. In November 2020, Chief Joseph Ranch, where the series is filmed, announced that filming for season 4 had concluded. What I enjoyed most was the portrayal of life on the Res. He passed away suddenly though! I spent a lot of time during that story arc saying to myself that there must be a way to protect a child who is at risk on the reservation. And I would love to see a TV movie: Cady is sheriff, Vic a deputy, Henry as casino manager, and Walt while home gets drawn into a new or old crime storyline. 4.7 out of 5. Men, however, are romantic leads up into their 70s and are paired with much younger women. The Dutton’s ranch, as seen in the show, is actually the Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby, Montana. I just binge-watched the series over the past week and did not realize that the “last” episode was last. If this story was about who did the most good it was him Night Horse. I thought the Cady thing was another way to wrap up the story in cotton candy. So entertaining. They needed each other and were both a lot alike in some ways . However, I do like both actresses and enjoyed the roles they played. Another name for the ceremony is a vision quest. Like I said, I don’t think the age gap was all that great. I think that most cops are fans of “frontier justice” while understanding that it’s a crime and they respect the law and follow it. I think the best actor was guy who played Night Horse. I love Cady running for Sheriff, keep it in the family, she had given up her life and career for her father, he wanted to give her a life of law at least. Vic was my least favorite character, too emotionally immature for a cop. The younger members of the cast reportedly make around $200,000 an episode or less. I was anticipating and waiting for what happened at the end of season six/episode 10. She’s staying at his house, but not holding him back from doing what he wants to do. You dont have to sleep with everyone and I dont think he has ever been attracted to her. Totally unbelieveable at times!!!! I agree I Wish they would let Walt come back as a Private Detective and continue the series. If you remember his last two relationships were awkward. We all had our hopes that something would develop on some level. And Fern never got any respect except by the new guy. There has always been secual tension between the two. Or was it Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) and Angela Blue Thunder (Q’orianka Kilcher)? She accused Walt of having an affair with Vic when he had her stay at his house. After three serious relationships with someone close to my age, including someone one year younger than me as my ex-husband, I can safely say there is a reason relationships like these work and exist. Minus all of that and the loose-ends they wrapped up a tad bit too neatly, it was an ending that I could live with. Our jaws definitely hit floor in that explosive ending. I started watching longmire because it was filmed in new Mexico and showed off our great state. Slow down. There were spot-on song lyrics to fit the scenes. I would have liked to have seen him at his home polishing his native artifacts or some such thing. IMHO, the dialog from the scar exploration scene and the morning front porch scene could have been combined to create a scene that implied an emotional discovery between them; even a realization that mutual healing is waiting for them to embrace (pun intended) if they will just let it. It also showed just how racist non-whites can be…..they loved Cady not because she was there to help them but only after she killed a White man….If she had killed a native man in the same scenario (protecting a native woman)…..it is doubtful she would have received the same adoration by those on the reservation…. If it were administrative, she’d be fine at it. the official summer 2021 for the Yellowstone season 4 premiere. Sorry, comments are currently closed. I let Wade’s comments stand unremarked because wrapped around the liberal bash there were actual comments about the series. http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2015/05/26/leading_men_age_but_their_love_interest_don_t.html Regarding the great tribal seal, I wonder if the reason they didnt have it correctly is because of licencing rites. To Vic or whomever…but out riding the territory his old habits die hard and he gets drawn into one more mystery he feels compelled to help solve. “torn with the Cady/Sheriff storyline. I think we all interpreted the word “hausfrau” the same. You don’t remember that Travis and Vic had a wild night together? And when I say far more graphic, I mean extremely graphic. . It’s common to see that in movies,,,, very uncommon to see it the other way around, older woman / younger man,, why??? Little is known about The Curious, who always wears a mask and hooded jacket and is often seen flexing their fingers. We kept hoping that they’d end up together , Thanks for pointing that out- the characters age difference in the book was smaller- my understanding is that the actors chosen for the show made for a larger apparent age difference, but the chemistry between the characters is an important part of the story, so they did need to get together at some point! I would love to see them get their chance at a feature film or two. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! They did a great job portraying Vic as a Walt-obsessed nut job – that whole “relationship” was irritating and detracted from the integrity of the rest of the show. Leave it to Hollywood who has this thing about leading male actors 20 to 30 years older than their female leads and always getting the girl. I thought the same thing. For me, the most interesting and complex characters were Nighthorse and Mathias. She was still prone to some childish behavior but that is what makes her human. I think that Walt was such a strong father figure to Vic that them getting together in the end didn’t feel right. I love them together because I adore their characters, the strong acting, and the realistic portrayal of a May-December relationship that was not surrounded by “Daddy issues.”. EWWWW! Robert is a crusty, rugged 50-something, and Katee a lovely younger woman playing a role of a young woman who didn’t come to work looking like a beauty queen. I do mourn the end of the show. The lawsuit. Her a father complex and him just bad judgement and her constant idolizing, Hey, D, until you’re in a May-December relationship, I understand it may be hard to understand. I wanted it to be just a tenderness between them, turned romance…and felt the sex scene wasn’t needed to get that point across. I didn’t see the ending as wrapping up everything in a pink bow. As a whole, I thought the season was excellent. I enjoyed the fact that the scriptwriters were able to sustain 6 seasons without peppering every sentence with ‘mother f****r’ and ‘cocks****r’. Inspiration. It looks as though you’ve already said that. The season 3 premiere drew 4.2 million total viewers with the August finale drawing a whopping 5.2 million viewers. Yellowstone isn’t available on streaming platforms like Netflix or Hulu, but seasons 1, 2 and 3 can be streamed via Peacock, NBC’s streaming app. Angry Lesbian Feminists never want to see a strong masculine man end up with a beautiful feminine woman. I guess they didn’t want the fans to request any more seasons of Longmire …. I agree. Over the six seasons, Mathias’ hostility and mistrust of the white police force was tempered with his desire to do his job for the people on the reservation. I loved the show although i got annoyed with Walt’s obsession with Night horse. There are criminal penalties if they fail to do so. . Did you know all of the filming will take place in Montana this year? Thank you for the clarification. “issue is with the chemistry between the two actors” There never was ANY between them. Refresh your page, login and try again. The Curious is a mysterious story collector who appears at the beginning and end of most episodes of Creeped Out. Felt out of place. In the books, her baby is Walt’s. http://jezebel.com/the-crappy-age-gap-between-leading-men-and-female-love-479811066. While it was likely meant to be romantic that Rip wanted to give Beth his mom’s wedding ring and it’s totally something Rip would do, were you as creeped out as we were with Rip literally taking his mom’s wedding ring off her cold dead body? I just stumbled upon this series a few weeks ago and like a good book, I couldn’t put it down. Also, I thought several things were wrapped up too neatly. Jimmy makes a decision to return to rodeo, but with disastrous results. 1. Yeah, what happened to the crazy Chance Gilbert family? That’s real life. It was an eye opener to see their struggles. Provided Beth survived the bombing, we hope Beth and Rip will finally tie the knot in season 4, though their path to wedded bliss is bound to continue to be a rocky one. I loved how strong Vic was! That is a good sequel idea. According to The Narrator, when you hear their whistle, you can be sure something creepy is about to unfold. Not good. She was a heavy drinker, a little psycho, and not very nice to other people. I felt the courtroom writing was sloppy and the wrap up of both the Gilbert clan and the attorney murder abrupt and unsatisfying. Cady’s fall from grace was a refreshing look at how well-meaning but ethnocentric white people too often ignore the wishes and beliefs of the people they want to help. What a challenging role. Also, I didnt get the point of Cady sweat premonition, that was never explained unless I missed something. Through the series, you knew that they cared for each other but he didn’t want to cross that line. She’s at home on his porch having her morning coffee, not running away in her trailer. Get ’Em Here! So take note: If you’re at Yellowstone and going to the bus depot? I didn’t really want to see her in a flowing dress with pretty sandals on her feet. But there was absolutely NO fireworks on screen between him and Vic. Cady would be a great sherif she wasn’t afraid to stand up to anyone, remember how she handled Nighthorse? He just couldn’t allow himself to go there. It doesn’t matter if the cops are smarter than the crooks, the system is stacked against the victims and justice is frequently an ideal but not a reality. It was like that feeling you get when you put on your favorite jeans. It’s like they tried to write the characters as exact opposites for the finale. Someone else said it – the heart does not know age. I loved the show as did my brother. I had great anticipation for the final season, and enjoyed it. But, yes, some older actresses being given their romantic due or central integrity in the script would be nice for a change. The performance from each actor must come from their faces and communicate that uncertainty, yet clearly see relief and hope in their faces for happiness together. Also, there were a couple instances of close calls by both of them over the years. Just ruined everything for me. Sick Child – The Indian Child Welfare Act provides for access to petition the court on behalf of any child in need of care. Rewatching the ep, however, I count 9 councilors…. Kayce’s shooter looked like he was a mercenary or at least a superfan of Call of Duty, while John’s shooters looked more like drifters. She seemed to have a chemistry with both of them, and it would have made a good story line to see how that would have been accepted. I agree, Vic is the same age as his daughter! By the same token, Walt didn’t try to invalidate Vic’s decision to continue what is obviously a dangerous but fulfilling career for her. I loved that Walt and Vic shared a kiss in the truck, because I waited 6 seasons for it. Simply put, that is not how it works. Ick! Totally love the show and the cast done a wonderful job.. please !!!! Will miss them greatly. He and Longmire often worked at cross purposes. I’m sure we all have enough reality in our REAL lives. Sheila – I rewound 3 times! If you want to be thoroughly unnerved and creeped out, this is your show. The age difference made me gag, also their lines st the end were horrible . There was potential here to show two very strong female characters, but they missed the mark. Whoops! I assume they felt the fans deserved it for saving the show and giving it extra life on Netflix for the last few seasons. Graham Greene made a great villain. You seem to be logged out. Early in season 6 she is shot and loses the baby. Not that she has daddy issues, money, or BIGge items stashed elsewhere. The casino. Plus, how can she be boss over her boyfriend Zach, not such a hot idea. I figured the age difference was probably between 17 – 20 years difference and I was fine with it. My husband is 32-years-older than me, and he is the most amazing person I’ve met in my life. I really liked the Mathias character, and the guy who played Walt’s attorney, too. Again, lazy writing and research. After a meeting in Jamie’s office, the new owner of the coveted piece of Yellowstone is still up in the air. I could have done without the bedroom scene or at least have had it better directed – it seemed a little clumsy to me. Walt is the Alpha Male . What makes Vic’s feelings for Walt misplaced? There were several scenes this season showing Walt’s tender side towards Vic, as you could see him growing emotionally closer to her. I realize he may have thought she had trust/jealousy issues but many do. He always treated her as a colleague right from the start, and she was never daughterly towards him. The show delves into the Season 3 cliffhanger with this video. Not sure the difference in age came up in the series, yes in real like there is. I didn’t understand Cady getting to be sheriff. Sorry to tell you, but six seasons is all there is. I don’t understand why the two main characters always have to couple. It leaves memories, even with a child as young as 7, with emotions you never forget. Firstly, women law enforcement officers are usually no different than other women in their personal relationships. Sure that was implied but I think the point is we got to see everyone’s end except his and he was a main character. I liked the ending it showed what happened to all of them . I did see chemistry between Walt and Vic and was glad they were together. When my husband and I watched the ending independent of each other, we both had the same reaction about the Vic/Walt hook up. Walt, on the other hand, seemed mature and needed a mature relationship. I would rather have seen her stay on at the reservation legal office and try to win over the populace over time with the help of Henry’s influence. Walter left for the road which was his choice. Cersei gives Euron the reward he aims for. I really enjoyed the final season and was sad it ended. She is not a girley girl, that’s ok, he is Man’s man and that is ok to. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. I’m so grateful to Netflix for picking up the series, and for allowing proper closure. Related: Welcome Back, Yellowstone: 10 Classic Gifts for Cowgirls Everywhere. Plus, he had a sturdy wooden desk that he tossed over as a shield. I’m sorry it has ended. LOL. I was sitting thinking she and Cady have to be close to the same age. If we get any other casting news, we’ll update this space. This triggers the Act 4 questline, In Sickness and in Wealth, and is followed by a 4hr task for Marge, Homer, and Captain Mordecai, as well as a task to collect Act 4 Currency (155). Thus, the sex scence I could have done without. Ferg adorable. Me, I can practically see Norman Rockwell there in the street corner, painting a slice of wistful Americana. I will be honest I stumbled onto it because Yellowstone was not available on Netflix yet and Longmire was the first recommendation… I had “heard” of Longmire but didn’t know much more than the name. At this point, we don’t know much about what audiences can expect. We’ll explain later.) Do you agree on the cast’s viewpoints? I was so insulted by the idea of her sitting one the porch waiting for her man to return I think it fried my brain for other details. Willa (Karen Pittman) found herself in a pickle after she is accused of workplace harassment (courtesy of Beth). Tribal casinos are the most regulated business entity in Indian Country. During the romantic scene with Walt and Vic I had to look away. She also knew that he couldn’t resign his job and stay in the area, at least for some period of time. All in all, I will miss the show. I don’t think Vic wanted to know or she wouldn’t have burned the DNA test results. Walt comes in and tells her to be sheriff with no experience, training or know-how (and a mighty slap in the face to Vic and Ferg) and she’s all gung ho. I replayed it several times and I couldn’t understand her either. Good. That was not the point……he finally got a. Honestly, I’ve been bing watching this series from the beginning to the very end this week and I just finished up late last night so….Vic continues her career and Longmire is off searching for gold. As a former police lieutenant I have been startled by some of Longmire’s actions. I was crushed when I lost mine at 8 weeks. Vic had no problem with Walt going off on his own because she had the comfort of knowing that he was no longer crossing swords with the multitude of bad guys in their part of Wyoming. As a whole, I thought the season was excellent. It’s just TV peeps. View all posts by Virginia DeBolt. Zahn McClarnon was a tough yet caring Mathias. Upon learning that he was adopted, Jamie sought out his biological father, Garrett Randall, who was incarcerated for killing Jamie’s mother. There was a scene seasons ago when Walt and Vic went out of town and had adjoining rooms. conditions of our. Recipes. I don’t understand the people that think he was a father figure to her. I will miss this wonderful show so much! Cell phone,…that was the point it didn’t madder who called. The grieving process over that loss was explored in season 6. Sick child – Tribal courts have their own independent status on reservation. I thought maybe it dealt with a contrast between Vic and the lady Dr. he was interested in. The preparation for the final episode, with Vic talking to her dad (John Doman) about being a “girl” and grieving over her lost baby plus her worrying over Walt’s safety weren’t enough for me to accept her transformation in the last episode. My biggest beef is that when they showed the little clips of how everyone was moving forward, there wasn’t one for Night Horse. What I was hoping to see was a romance between Cady and Mathias or Cady and Henry. I didn’t like her since the end of the 2nd season. Where did that come from. His big fault was he never should have put so much personal time in. Works for me! He is sexy as hell. Entertain Wee Little Ones With 30 Free Shamrock Printables for St. Patrick's Day, Crunchy Baked Artichokes Are the Spring Side Dish We'll Never Tire Of, Diana's Former Aide Compares Meghan and Harry's Rift With Royals To That Of Late Princess, Thomas Markle Threatens To Keep Speaking To the Press Until Meghan Talks To Him, Demi Lovato Is a Priceless Gem—But Between Disney and Dance Hits, She Earned Every Penny She's Worth. Robert Taylor as Walt Longmire had gone a bit over the deep end last season in pursuit of Jacob Nighthorse (A Martinez). Glad to see Zach back too. In a recent interview with Esquire , she opened up about what she wants to see for her character going forward. Henry sent them. Robert Taylor was great for this role. I surprisingly liked the series better than I thought I would. Walt did so many not even borderline unethical things it’s to hard to write them here. Cops violating the rights of the people they are pursuing is never acceptable, no matter how guilty the suspect might be. It gave the actors some room to stretch, resolved a number of lingering issues, and went out on a golden rainbow of happiness. Over six seasons, there was a literary quality far and above what’s usually on TV. His name is A Martinez. Robert Taylor plays him with so much depth and strength that you can’t help but love the guy. The court scenes were laughable and brought to mind Perry Mason sensibility. Empty comment. It was weird and creepy. Was it Roarke (Josh Holloway) and Market Equities or a third unknown or forgotten foe? That’s because Malachi Strand (Graham Greene) turned out to be the REAL evil guy. I felt the writers were laughing at the viewers, with poor plotlines like Cady’s run at sheriff and her happily-ever after ending with a man she had known for five minutes. Also enjoyed the serious so much and was so sad to see it end. Until you’ve been through it, you can’t understand. Loved the ending, after all it is just a tv series, not all of us are going to be happy with the ending. All in all, enjoyed all 6 seasons. I guess in the end, we can’t prevent Katee from choosing hausfrau roles (not that I’m saying Vic was one). People get old, but that part of them doesn’t have to die. clashes with land developers, feels pressure from a neighboring Indian reservation and fends off attacks from numerous foes on their quest to protect their legacy. . It looks as though you’ve already said that. Anyone know the answer? I thought maybe Walt left the ranch to Vic. I’m going to miss Longmire. My husband is from northwestern Wyoming, and he is a major fan of the series. Henry running the casino properly will put money back into the community. Does anyone else but me remember the original Hollywood actor by the same name? Season 2 is just chaotic and disorganized, an almost-incoherent story line. Great comments – enjoyed reading all the different opinions. Mia (Eden Brolin) gave Jimmy (Jefferson White) an ultimatum—either get back in the saddle and do the thing you love or they’re over. Sometimes in “Hollywood”, if a license is required in order to use something , or it isnt cost effective to pay for the rites to use it for only 1 or 2 scenes, they will make something up that looks about like it. Never make it as sherif she can’t even get through a day without a meltdown, Henry sent it to him after their big fight. That’s a 17 year difference — hardly anything to write being “creeped out” about. It was especially unbelievable that her-overprotective father would encourage her to do it (in the same episode that he exposed his thirteen gun/knife wounds). The ending was… different! I will miss it too i binge watched watched the whole series! I get the point and applaud their spine to delve into this topic but to me it made them look bad rather than positive proud community.The only other thing that got me was we dont know what happened to Jacob, he just disappeared and was only one of the most important character and poor Ferg going from a joke to coming into his own only to wind up a joke again. . Ad Choices. Number 1 it was wrong because he’s her supervisor. Personally, I believe a much better story arc would have been to build on how far Ferg had come as a police officer. Will Jamie listen to Randall’s words of wisdom? If he went to prison, for what exactly and for how long? I felt like I was watching a dad with his adult daughter’s best friend. Vic will keep the home fires burning while she continues on as a deputy, and Walt can pursue his bucket list. Vic only has to advise or mentor Cady, and she does not have to work as a deputy if she wants to leave that part of her life soon. i agree with you on the relationship issue. 4. I also don’t know what I might have done if my spouse had been murdered but there was no path to conviction of the perpetrator. So all in all, I’d give it a huge thumbs up, on many different levels. It was pretty good, had an amazing wrap up. She was hysterical, nosey hormone raging female With the emotional stage of a teenager. I am not sure about Cady as the sheriff. I think that the final Walt and Vic statement of relationship should have fallen into the category that sometimes less is more. And I have absolutely no problem with the age difference. Kevin Costner is making $500,000 per episode for the Yellowstone series. I believe that all fifty states also require that teachers report suspected abuse or neglect of minors to child protective agencies or the police. There was an age difference but they fell in love . Since I’m not a German speaker, perhaps I misunderstand the meaning of hausfrau. Casinos steal nothing,,, everyone walks in there of their own free will. After an incident involving a Cheyenne child with Scarlet Fever, Cady lost all her clients. So happy that I took a chance! Refresh your page, login and try again. Sackhoff and Taylor didn’t have much chemistry together, I actually felt bad for Travis, he did everything for her and got little respect. Overall I thought Longmire’s portrayal of native people was respectful. The attack by Wade (Boots Southerland) and his son, Clint (Brent Walker) brought the two closer together. Does the season 3 finale live rent free in your head? It’s really a fantastic story. Vic is not a “hausfrau”. I especially like your wisdom in that even if the ending was way too saccarine, that still leaves 5.9 seasons to like. Romance is not an alien experience for them. What role he might play has not been revealed. I loved every scene she was in. did i miss something? Walt realizes he loves her and to be with her, that their lives are going to change for the better. On the show, the ranch is located in Montana and borders Yellowstone National Park. of our. #YellowstoneTV pic.twitter.com/N1SZjrxwyi, — Yellowstone (@Yellowstone) February 5, 2021.

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