The second and third phases will add four liquefaction units and one loading berth each. The LNG export facility will utilise Chart Industries’ proprietary Integrated Pre-cooled Single Mixed Refrigerant (IPSMR®) liquefaction process technology, which offers improved process efficiency compared to other mixed refrigerant processes. Tellurian said that to date about 30 percent of the engineering for Phase 1 of the Driftwood LNG terminal has been completed by US engineering, procurement and construction company Bechtel. US liquefied natural gas (LNG) developer Tellurian Inc reduced the cost of the first phase of its proposed Driftwood LNG export project in Louisiana by around 30% to roughly $16.8 billion by deferring some planned pipelines. Image courtesy of marc falardeau. We have recently upgraded our technology platform. In 2020, global LNG demand hit a record high of 360 million tonnes. Driftwood LNG submitted draft Resource Reports to FERC. Timelines. Final investment decision and the start of construction on the project are expected in the second half of 2019, while operations are expected to be commenced in 2023. Tellurian partnered with Vitol to supply 1.5mtpa of LNG from the former’s LNG off-take volumes at the LNG export terminal in December 2018. The project is expected to produce first LNG in 2023, with full operations expected in 2026. Driftwood described the $550/tonne EPC cost as one of the lowest worldwide. Chart Industries will provide the liquefaction technology, while GE will supply the refrigeration compressors for the project. The four lump-sum turnkey agreements are for each of the four phases of the construction of Driftwood LNG facility. If you continue using our website, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this website. Tellurian appointed Goldman Sachs and SG Americas Securities (Societe Generale) as financial advisors for Driftwood Holdings and Driftwood LNG export facility in January 2018. At any time after “Substantial Completion” of “Project 1,” each as defined in and pursuant to the LSTK EPC agreement for the Driftwood LNG Phase 1 Liquefaction Facility, dated as of November 10, 2017, or at any time after March 21, 2028, we have the right to cause all of the Preferred Stock to be converted into shares of our common stock on a one-for-one basis. The first phase of Driftwood is slated for operation in 2025, and will produce about 16.5 million tonnes per annum of LNG, equivalent to about 2.2 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas. The LNG facility will receive power supply through two 230kV transmission lines connecting the existing Big Lake and Mud Lake substations. Tellurian Cuts Driftwood LNG Costs, Defers Haynesville Supply Pipeline. Tellurian is deferring all but one pipelines associated with the first phase of its proposed Driftwood liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project, the LNG producer said in an investor presentation. The Driftwood export facility is proposed for the west bank of the Calcasieu River, south of Lake Charles, and with output of 26 million tonnes per annum. Change Order CO-004, dated as of January 21, 2020, to the Lump Sum Turnkey Agreement for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the Driftwood LNG Phase 3 … Change Order CO-004, executed on October 21, 2019, to the Lump Sum Turnkey Agreement for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the Driftwood LNG Phase 1 Liquefaction... (Filed With SEC on February 24, 2020) The company expects Phase 1 to enter service in 2022, with all phases operational by 2025. With 13 interconnections, the pipeline will handle up to 35bcf of flowing gas a day. Each of the 20 liquefaction units at Driftwood will produce up to 1.38Mtpa of LNG, using Integrated Pre-cooled Single Mixed Refrigerant (IPSMR®) liquefaction technology. Driftwood LNG At-A-Glance. Construction of the Driftwood LNG project is expected to begin in 2018 with the first liquefied natural gas (LNG) produced in 2022, subject to Tellurian making a Final Investment Decision and a permit from the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The fourth and the final phase will involve the construction of four more liquefaction units and other associated facilities. In May 2019, the U.S. Department of Energy authorized Tellurian to export up to 3.88 billion cubic feet (bcf ) of LNG a day to countries that do not have free trade agreement (FTA) with the US. Once brought on stream, Driftwood LNG is expected to become one of the lowest-cost LNG production projects in the world. The first phase will now include liquefaction units capable of producing 14.4-16.6 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of LNG and the Driftwood pipeline to deliver up … Driftwood LNG signed four lump-sum turnkey agreements worth $15.2bn with Bechtel for the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of four phases of the project in November 2017. The company expects Phase 1 to enter service in 2022, with all phases operational by 2025. Chart Energy and Chemicals will provide the liquefaction technology for the LNG facility. Phase 1 EPC Contract. The front-end engineering and design (FEED) study for the project was completed in the first half of 2017, while the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) agreements were concluded in November 2017. Driftwood described the $550/tonne EPC cost as one of the lowest worldwide. The first phase will have an 11 mtpa production capacity from eight units together with storage tanks one and two and the first loading berth. Image courtesy of Tellurian. The four agreements cover four phases of the construction process, as production plants are progressively brought online. A 230kV/34.5kV switchyard will be constructed within the project site by Entergy Louisiana. Phase 3: One LNG plant, a third storage tank and a third loading berth. We use them to give you the best experience. The pipeline system will include 119km of 48in diameter single pipeline, 17.7km of 42in diameter single pipeline, 17.7km of 36in diameter single pipeline, and 5.6km of 30in diameter pipeline lateral. Driftwood expects to deliver LNG FOB at < $3.50/mmBtu Integrated operations deliver lower costs Notes: (1) Includes operating expenses for Driftwood LNG plant and Driftwood pipeline and G&A. The Driftwood LNG export project is a proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) production and export terminal on the west bank of the Calcasieu River near Lake Charles, Louisiana on the Gulf Coast of the US. Tellurian, a natural gas company based in Texas, will own and operate the LNG processing and export facility through its wholly-owned subsidiary Driftwood Holdings. The fourth and the final phase will involve the construction of four more liquefaction units and other associated facilities. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The fourth and final phase of development will also add another four units and associated facilities with up to 5.5mtpa of LNG capacity. Tellurian Cuts Pipelines to Reduce Phase 1 Costs at U.S. LNG Export Plant 8/14/2020 (Reuters) — U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) developer Tellurian Inc reduced the cost of the first phase of its proposed Driftwood LNG export project in Louisiana by around 30% to roughly $16.8 billion by deferring some planned pipelines. Once complete, the terminal will be able to export up to twenty-seven million, six hundred thousand tonnes of LNG per year to customers worldwide. The regulator approved permit for the start of site preparation works in December 2019. Get the latest energy news delivered to your inbox. (2) For phase one: ~$9.8 billion of project finance debt amortized over 20-year period. 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Phase 1 EPC Contract means that certain Lump Sum Turnkey Agreement for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction of Driftwood LNG Phase 1 Liquefaction Facility, between Driftwood LNG and Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals, Inc., dated November 10, 2017. Total Gas & Power will purchase an additional of 1.5mtpa of LNG from Tellurian’s LNG off-take capacity at the export facility. Equinor awards $153m service contracts for Norwegian supply bases, Enbridge, Enterprise to develop offshore crude oil export terminal in Gulf of Mexico, TDWP and Shell complete retrofit project of Deer Park Rail Terminal, Bender launches new subsea cable LIM Insulation Monitoring device. Feed gas pipeline for Driftwood LNG. The phase one will include the construction of eight units with up to 11mtpa of LNG capacity, two storage tanks, one loading berth and associated utilities.
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