ANNOUNCING CHANGES TO TRANSFER STATION HOURS OF OPERATION. Deerfield Transfer Station Town of Deerfield. There is a fee to recycle appliances containing hazardous materials. Evergreen Recycling Inc. We are now a thriving 21st century community offering a wide variety of cultural & recreational activities for our residents & visitors. About Enfield • Community Profile • … If you have a large appliance please telephone the Transfer Station prior to transport to ensure we have room to take it (603) 632-5208. The Town of Enfield Assessor is responsible for appraising real estate and assessing a property tax on properties located in Town of Enfield, New Hampshire. Report a Concern. About Enfield • Community Profile • Learn More... The Town of Enfield encourages residents and members of the community to actively participate in and support what's happening in town. Enfield Town Office. Notify Me® Meetings. Town of Whitefield. Important: A New Permit cannot be given out without your auto registration so please be sure you have it with you. The landfill has accepted ground construction and demolition (c&d) waste from the Town of Hartford through a mutual project since the mid 1990's, where Hartford accepts c&d waste from the surrounding VT and NH towns, has it ground into small pieces and hauls it to the Lebanon Landfill for use as alternate daily cover on the incoming waste. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. We are located at 637 Water St., Newfield, ME 207-793-4348. Enfield Town Hall • 820 Enfield Street Enfield, CT 06082-2997 • Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • (860) 253-6300 Chartered in 1761, Enfield, NH is located in the heart of the Upper Valley and has a rich history influenced by the Shakers. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events. Business Name: Enfield Town Office. Chartered in 1761, Enfield, NH is located in the heart of the Upper Valley and has a rich history influenced by the Shakers. Recycling Centers. Note: With a valid permit, yard waste may be brought to the Transfer Station and disposed of without additional fees. Chartered in 1761, Enfield, NH is located in the heart of the Upper Valley and has a rich history influenced by the Shakers. Enfield Town Hall • 820 Enfield Street Enfield, CT 06082-2997 • Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • (860) 253-6300. The doctor was a promoter of sea-bathing as a curative, making Brighton, England, a fashionable resort. Hazardous waste is not collected curbside. Following the American Revolution, the New Hampshire town was renamed Enfield in 1784. TRANSFER STATION HOLIDAY HOURS Wednesday, December 25 CLOSED for Christmas Thursday, December 26 OPEN 12 Noon – 4:00 PM for special post-holiday hours … Scroll down to see a listing of waste locations and handlers towards the bottom of this page. 23 Main Street Enfield, NH 03748 Enfield NH 03748. Transfer Station 2019 Holiday Hours . Fees and restrictions apply to most materials. Lebanon, NH Transfer Drop-off Hours: Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Come on into the Transfer Station to get a New Permit and be sure to bring your auto registration with you! Ask attendant about proper placement of these items at the Transfer Station & Recycling Center. We are now a thriving 21 st century community offering a wide variety of cultural & recreational activities for our residents & visitors. Our Lebanon, New Hampshire store is the original Jake’s Market & Deli location, which is where the reputation for unbelievable food began. Welcome to Enfield, NH. View the links on the right to learn more. Find all the transport options for your trip from New Hampshire to Enfield right here. First named Enfield by settlers from Enfield, Connecticut, the town was renamed Relhan in 1766 to honor Dr. Anthony Relhan (ca. Order Online Tickets Tickets See Availability Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. Transfer Station; Yard Waste Disposal and Leaf Collection; Employment Opportunities. 345 Gifford Rd. (603) 542-5622. TRANSFER STATION OPEN REGULAR HOURS THANKSGIVING WEEK. This is the official Facebook page for the Town of Enfield, New Hampshire. 56 Littleton Road, Whitefield, NH 03598 PH 603-837-9871 FAX 603-837-3148 White River Junction, … There is a fee to recycle appliances containing hazardous materials. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . 13. Items accepted at this location: Please familiarize yourself with all acceptable and unacceptable materials listed below prior to visiting this location. The fee is $5.00. On March 21, 2020, Governor Sununu issued Emergency Declaration 10 that instructs all grocery stores within the State of New Hampshire to transition to exclusive use of store provide single use plastic or paper bags when bagging groceries or other products for customers..
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