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fenland emerging local plan

Skip to content. The Councils are now preparing a Joint Local Plan. The closing date for all comments is 11.59pm on 21 November 2019. Information about neighbourhood planning, and the emerging and completed neighbourhood plans in the borough. The East Cambridgeshire Local Plan sets out the vision, objectives spatial strategy and policies for the future development of the district. Emerging Local Plan. This will be followed by a series of workshops with key stakeholders to consider the implications, along with other evidence base studies, for the emerging Local Plan. Examination is expected in 2022 with adoption of the Joint Local Plan 2023. It asks for views on the plan as well as the council’s budget proposals, which explain how the authority will manage its finances. The Fenland Local Plan was adopted on 8 May 2014 and covers the period from 2011-2031. The suggested process for a pre-application community consultation exercise where village thresholds have or are likely to be exceeded. IN THIS ARTICLE. Fenland District Wide Local Plan listed as FDWLP. Licence No: ES 100017734 This plan is based on Ordnance Survey data Emerging Local Plan. Huntingdonshire The Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 was submitted for examination to the Secretary of State on 29 March 2018 as part of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough combined authority. The current Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD) was adopted in 2011 and the Site Specific Proposals DPD was adopted in 2012. We use cookies to make the site simpler. Search this site. This site uses cookies to help us provide you with the best user experience. Neighbourhood plans. Did you find this page useful? The Inspector considered all comments received in relation to the 'Main' modifications and issued her final recommendations in the form of an Inspector's report on 9th April 2014. This is part of Policy LP12. The need to review the Local Plan was triggered by a number of factors including: the need to re-examine the appropriate level of housing growth, to ensure there is sufficient housing land supply; The Fenland Local Development Plan contains the policies and broad locations for the growth and regeneration of Fenland over the next 20 years. Published: Monday, 19th November 2018. The current Local Plan was adopted in April 2017 and continues to perform well in making decisions on development, however, in response to significant changes to national policy, a review is required to ensure it remains up to date. We think our plan is short, simple but effective. Formal public consultation on the plan is expected to start in Autumn of this year with consultation in autumn of 2020 and 2021. 2.3.2 We believe the Local Plan vision will help make Fenland an even better place to live, work and visit. These put in place planning policies which will shape future development in their area, View our Annual Monitoring information and our Five Year Land Supply report, The Local Plan is supported by a series of documents, Pre-application / Community Consultation Exercise, Supplementary Planning Documents, Informal Guidance and the Fenland Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP), Delivering and Protecting High Quality Environments in Fenland SPD, Policy LP4 Part B Housing - Non-allocated Sites, Fenland Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP). The Local Plan sets out how Central Bedfordshire will develop over the next 20 years. Residents upset with plans to build homes on a Fenland meadow have refreshed a campaign amid the emerging local plan. More detailed Development Plan Documents are being prepared for each and Issues and Options Reports are currently available for consultation. The need to review the Local Plan was triggered by a number of factors including: the need to re-examine the appropriate level of housing growth, to ensure there is sufficient housing land supply; to ensure the Local Plan remains up to date. We consulted on the changes that arose through the hearing sessions, known as the proposed 'Main' and 'Minor' modifications, for six weeks from 14 January to 5pm 24 February 2014. Cookie Settings. It outlines the strategy for ensuring the growth that we need is delivered in the right place By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Emerging Local Plan. Therefore, at the Full Council meeting on 21 February 2019, a proposed review and update of the Local Plan was approved along with a revised Local Development Scheme (LDS) which sets out the timetable for its production. Access your personalised information and track requests 24/7, 365 days a year. Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan 2036. Fenland District South Cambridgeshire District City of Peterborough East Cambridgeshire District Cambridge City Emerging Local Plan Progress - Cambridgeshire ® 0 2,500 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Metres Produced by Bidwells GIS Mapping - 01223 559288 O.S. In preparing our plans for the future, here in Fenland we are doing things differently. Background policy evidence pages; Local Plan Workshops; Background Evidence; Procedural Documents; Monitoring and Review; Did you find this page useful? If you require further details, please contact the Programme Officer on 07568 610925 or email [email protected] Please see below the Inspector’s Matters and Issues and Questions (MIQs) for Examination, along with the Examination Hearing Programme and Guidance note. The Inspector's Report was presented to the Council's Cabinet and subsequently, to Full Council on 8th May 2014, where the Local Plan was formally adopted. The new Local Plan is the most important document you’ve (probably) never heard of. Details of the emerging Local Plan review, including the Local Development Scheme, draft Local Plan review and supporting documents. Once the Emerging Local Plan is adopted, it will form the basis for making planning decisions in the Leeds district. Stage. Close alert. Section One of the Local Plan includes a commitment to plan and deliver new Garden Communities including locations to the east and west of Colchester. Emerging plans and guidance. Our consultation has now concluded. This site uses cookies to store information on your computer, to improve your experience. The evidence that supports the preparation of the Local Plan may be viewed on our Local Plan Evidence Base page. Latest Update Council decision to withdraw the Local Plan. Through this new Local Plan (partial review), we said we would look again at: 1. household projections 2. the role and function of the Green Belt affecting Dacorum, including long-term boundaries and the potential to identify safeguarded … An emerging Local Plan is currently under preparation, with an Issues and Options consultation having taken place from October/November 2019. or Local Plan Team Fenland District Council Fenland Hall County Road March PE15 8NQ Please clearly show exactly which question or which part of the document you are commenting on. Emerging Local Plan. Neighbourhood plans. See the 'Public Examination' section below for further details. Neighbourhood planning enables local communities to produce neighbourhood plans. Due to Coronavirus we are having to change the way we work on the new plan. Section One of the Local Plan includes a commitment to plan and deliver new Garden Communities including locations to the east and west of Colchester. Emerging Minerals and Waste Local Plan. Consultations that would have taken place will be conducted differently and will take place later than originally planned. The Inspector found the plan 'sound' subject to the incorporation of the 'main' modifications. This site uses cookies to help us provide you with the best user experience. We are preparing a new local plan to shape development in Leeds. An emerging Local Plan is currently under preparation, with an Issues and Options consultation having taken place from October/November 2019. The Local Plan examination hearing sessions have been carried out virtually. We will hold the next formal public consultation, on the preferred options for the Local Plan, in summer or autumn 2021. Published: Monday, 12th August 2019. It also identifies land and allocates sites for different types of development, such as housing and employment, to deliver the planned growth for the district to 2031. Emerging Local Plan Progress - November 2018 ... (A Adopted Local Plan Part 1 / Adopted Local Plan. We confirmed that this would follow completion of the Site Allocations DPD. The new Local Plan is an important document which will determine the way forward for Colchester Borough. Emerging Local Plan Evidence Base 2017-2033. Sevenoaks District Council's new Local Plan will be tested at a series of public examination hearings beginning next month. Search this site. At its meeting on 21 October, Buckinghamshire Council resolved to withdraw the Local Plan. You can register if you would like to be kept informed on the progress of the new Local Plan and the preparation of other planning policy for Hambleton. The interim Greater Cambridge Integrated Water Management Study - Strategic Spatial Options Review can be found with the wider evidence base findings on the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service website . By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

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