> First submitted: June 29, 2013: Times taken: 4,296: Rating: 3.74: Quiz and answer stats >> Friends stats >> Oxford Royale Academy is a part of Oxford Programs Limited, a company registered in England as It may also be a school which is magically protected, or a Faculty of Magic in a university which also teaches other subjects. Sweet Valley Pre-School - Sweet Valley High 7. Name the TV series, movies or books that featured these fictional schools. As this extract shows, boarding schools have changed a lot since Dickens’ day, not least the fact that modern-day boarding schools aren’t places with “no vacations” where parents can leave their children and forget about them. Starfleet Academy – Star Trek The main building at Starfleet Academy. 11 Famous British Schools in Fiction 1. In a more loose way, also a place where a single wizard teaches an apprentice can count as a magic school. The most recent and arguably most famous example of a fictional boarding school is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, attended by Harry Potter and his friends (and foes). By SkylarHarmonia. Television Quiz / Fictional TV Schools Random Television or TV Show Quiz Can you name the TV series that took place (wholly or partly) in these schools? If you’re thinking about applying for a boarding school, be sure to read our guide to getting into the best British boarding schools. @*/false; if (!IE) { return; } if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { if (document.getElementById("af-form-1138076907")) { document.getElementById("af-form-1138076907").className = 'af-form af-quirksMode'; } if (document.getElementById("af-body-1138076907")) { document.getElementById("af-body-1138076907").className = "af-body inline af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-header-1138076907")) { document.getElementById("af-header-1138076907").className = "af-header af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-footer-1138076907")) { document.getElementById("af-footer-1138076907").className = "af-footer af-quirksMode"; } } })(); --> The plot of the six novels centres on the main character, Darrell Williams, and her efforts to succeed in spite of her fiery temper and the bad influence of her friend Alicia, who encourages her to participate in mischief and pranks. Of course, the top boarding schools in real life ensure that the balance between scholarly studies and sports is maintained. Spring Hill University. 12 Fictional High Schools You Wish You Went To. And just like real-life boarders, pupils at Hogwarts are allowed to go on organised outings – in their case to the nearby village of Hogsmeade – with parental permission, of course. The novel features an advert for the school, which provides an interesting insight into boarding schools of this period: St. James Episcopal … The company Though it’s clearly not based on a particular real-life boarding school, it’s closely modelled on the concept of a British boarding school, and we see many parallels with them – which don’t include the moving staircases, enchanted ceilings and talking paintings! The book’s plot is based around the descent of the protagonist – the son of a British couple based in British-ruled India – into vice, with the end result that he loses everything. “Youth are boarded, clothed, booked, furnished with pocket-money, provided with all necessaries, instructed in all languages living and dead, mathematics, orthography, geometry, astronomy, trigonometry, the use of the globes, algebra, single stick (if required), writing, arithmetic, fortification, and every other branch of classical literature. 4. Though the school isn’t thought to be based on any real-life boarding school, at the end of the series the protagonist is heading for a place at the real-life St Andrew’s University, a reflection of the fact that boarding schools tend to offer extremely good preparation for life at the country’s top universities. In this article, we look at some of the most famous fictional British schools and see how they compare with the real-life boarding school experience. The school is believed to be modelled on The Leys School in Cambridge, the day and boarding school attended by James Hilton, author of the story; the central character is an amalgamation of many people known to the author, including his father. Choose from over 25 options including Artificial Intelligence, Genetics, Climate and Sustainability or Film. Discover hidden passions and hidden talents, open your mind to new possibilities or delve deeper into a subject you love. ", "J.K. Rowling announces four new wizarding schools you'll never get to attend", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_fictional_schools&oldid=1011216436, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Black School, where the Icelandic priest and scholar, Aethergarde Academy: Ark of the Youth & Mystic Arts in Aetherholmes, New Philippines, a magic school featured in, Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, a fictional college in, Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies in, Roanoke Academy for the Sorcerous Arts in, Veritas, the hidden magical university inside, This page was last edited on 9 March 2021, at 17:52. This victory results in Tom becoming badly behaved, but, having been put in charge of looking after another boy, George Arthur, he develops into a well-behaved model pupil. In the 1978 film "Grease" and the 1982 sequel "Grease 2", the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies attended which fictional high school? It will also generate names for random names for universities, colleges & other educational institutes & learning centers. The book deals initially with Tom’s experiences of bullying at the hands of Flashman (a name that has since come to be used to describe bullies who come from wealthy backgrounds), whom he defeats with the help of an older boy named Diggs. The grim boarding school attended by Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre in the novel that bears her name is, very fortunately, not representative of the modern boarding school experience. CBR takes a special look at the schools in Sci-Fi and fantasy that we desperately want to attend! Lowood, led by the cruel Mr. Brocklehurst, is a boarding school for poor or orphaned girls. You should also read… 9 Famous Moments in British Protest History 12 Weird British Competitions…, The enduring nature of the weird and wonderful collection of tales that make up our British legends says a lot about British society. This is a list of fictional schools as portrayed in various media. Another similarity is the uniforms; though real-life schools don’t make their pupils wear robes (though that of Christ’s Hospital comes close), the colour scheme of those depicted in the films is surprisingly similar to real-life schools. Here in the UK, we’re famous for our education system and for our historic schools. Fictional British boarding schools. by goseaward Plays Quiz Updated Feb 16, 2015 . It's also a complicated, messy time in life in which one grows from the end of childhood to the cusp of adulthood, so there's a lot of feelings to unpack. Magic of Dungeons & Dragons § Arcane magic, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, List of fictional British and Irish universities, "When is Ackley Bridge on TV? How to Get In to the Best Boarding Schools in Britain, 10 Fascinating Rituals and Traditions of English Schools, guide to getting into the best British boarding schools. Fictional high schools‎ (15 P) M Fictional magic schools‎ (11 P) S Superhero schools‎ (8 P) W Wayside School‎ (9 P) Pages in category "Fictional schools" The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total. Add to Favourites. Watch our student experience videos to hear first hand from our students. In true Ursula K. Le Guin fashion, the school manages to have all the pomp and mystique of a classic magical university without so many of the cliche, faux-European trappings. Who's in the cast and what's going to happen? St Trinian’s is a girls’ boarding school dreamt up by the cartoonist Ronald Searle. Do you know in which movies fictional schools and universities like Rydell High, Harrison University and Hogwarts are mentioned? However, despite any superficial similarities with real-life schools, parents will be reassured to learn that the antics of the St Trinian’s girls would not be permissible in real-life boarding schools. Get me a new set of school names! This name generator creates names for fictional private schools & academies (in the UK, an academy is an independent state-funded school. But any parents concerned about the experiences to which their children will be subjected at a boarding school need not be worried: unlike in the stories, real-life boarding schools are incredibly well-regulated and monitored, with brutal discipline a thing of the past, and first-class facilities coupled with superb pastoral care. The fictional school contains 30 floors, each with just one room, and each of the book's 30 stories focuses on one room in the school. Over 25,000 students from more than 170 countries have enjoyed an Oxford Royale Summer School. The plot of the six novels centres on the main character, Darrell Williams, and her efforts to succeed in spite of her fiery temper and the bad influence of her friend Alicia, who encourages her to participate in mischief and pranks. Of course, the top boarding schools in real life ensure that the balance between scholarly studies and sports is maintained. Spring Hill University. 12 Fictional High Schools You Wish You Went To. And just like real-life boarders, pupils at Hogwarts are allowed to go on organised outings – in their case to the nearby village of Hogsmeade – with parental permission, of course. The novel features an advert for the school, which provides an interesting insight into boarding schools of this period: St. James Episcopal … The company Though it’s clearly not based on a particular real-life boarding school, it’s closely modelled on the concept of a British boarding school, and we see many parallels with them – which don’t include the moving staircases, enchanted ceilings and talking paintings! The book’s plot is based around the descent of the protagonist – the son of a British couple based in British-ruled India – into vice, with the end result that he loses everything. “Youth are boarded, clothed, booked, furnished with pocket-money, provided with all necessaries, instructed in all languages living and dead, mathematics, orthography, geometry, astronomy, trigonometry, the use of the globes, algebra, single stick (if required), writing, arithmetic, fortification, and every other branch of classical literature. 4. Though the school isn’t thought to be based on any real-life boarding school, at the end of the series the protagonist is heading for a place at the real-life St Andrew’s University, a reflection of the fact that boarding schools tend to offer extremely good preparation for life at the country’s top universities. In this article, we look at some of the most famous fictional British schools and see how they compare with the real-life boarding school experience. The school is believed to be modelled on The Leys School in Cambridge, the day and boarding school attended by James Hilton, author of the story; the central character is an amalgamation of many people known to the author, including his father. Choose from over 25 options including Artificial Intelligence, Genetics, Climate and Sustainability or Film. Discover hidden passions and hidden talents, open your mind to new possibilities or delve deeper into a subject you love. ", "J.K. Rowling announces four new wizarding schools you'll never get to attend", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_fictional_schools&oldid=1011216436, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Black School, where the Icelandic priest and scholar, Aethergarde Academy: Ark of the Youth & Mystic Arts in Aetherholmes, New Philippines, a magic school featured in, Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, a fictional college in, Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies in, Roanoke Academy for the Sorcerous Arts in, Veritas, the hidden magical university inside, This page was last edited on 9 March 2021, at 17:52. This victory results in Tom becoming badly behaved, but, having been put in charge of looking after another boy, George Arthur, he develops into a well-behaved model pupil. In the 1978 film "Grease" and the 1982 sequel "Grease 2", the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies attended which fictional high school? It will also generate names for random names for universities, colleges & other educational institutes & learning centers. The book deals initially with Tom’s experiences of bullying at the hands of Flashman (a name that has since come to be used to describe bullies who come from wealthy backgrounds), whom he defeats with the help of an older boy named Diggs. The grim boarding school attended by Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre in the novel that bears her name is, very fortunately, not representative of the modern boarding school experience. CBR takes a special look at the schools in Sci-Fi and fantasy that we desperately want to attend! Lowood, led by the cruel Mr. Brocklehurst, is a boarding school for poor or orphaned girls. You should also read… 9 Famous Moments in British Protest History 12 Weird British Competitions…, The enduring nature of the weird and wonderful collection of tales that make up our British legends says a lot about British society. This is a list of fictional schools as portrayed in various media. Another similarity is the uniforms; though real-life schools don’t make their pupils wear robes (though that of Christ’s Hospital comes close), the colour scheme of those depicted in the films is surprisingly similar to real-life schools. Here in the UK, we’re famous for our education system and for our historic schools. Fictional British boarding schools. by goseaward Plays Quiz Updated Feb 16, 2015 . It's also a complicated, messy time in life in which one grows from the end of childhood to the cusp of adulthood, so there's a lot of feelings to unpack. Magic of Dungeons & Dragons § Arcane magic, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, List of fictional British and Irish universities, "When is Ackley Bridge on TV? How to Get In to the Best Boarding Schools in Britain, 10 Fascinating Rituals and Traditions of English Schools, guide to getting into the best British boarding schools. Fictional high schools‎ (15 P) M Fictional magic schools‎ (11 P) S Superhero schools‎ (8 P) W Wayside School‎ (9 P) Pages in category "Fictional schools" The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total. Add to Favourites. Watch our student experience videos to hear first hand from our students. In true Ursula K. Le Guin fashion, the school manages to have all the pomp and mystique of a classic magical university without so many of the cliche, faux-European trappings. Who's in the cast and what's going to happen? St Trinian’s is a girls’ boarding school dreamt up by the cartoonist Ronald Searle. Do you know in which movies fictional schools and universities like Rydell High, Harrison University and Hogwarts are mentioned? However, despite any superficial similarities with real-life schools, parents will be reassured to learn that the antics of the St Trinian’s girls would not be permissible in real-life boarding schools. Get me a new set of school names! This name generator creates names for fictional private schools & academies (in the UK, an academy is an independent state-funded school. But any parents concerned about the experiences to which their children will be subjected at a boarding school need not be worried: unlike in the stories, real-life boarding schools are incredibly well-regulated and monitored, with brutal discipline a thing of the past, and first-class facilities coupled with superb pastoral care. The fictional school contains 30 floors, each with just one room, and each of the book's 30 stories focuses on one room in the school. Over 25,000 students from more than 170 countries have enjoyed an Oxford Royale Summer School.

fictional schools uk

the Universities of Cambridge, St. Andrews, and Yale, for the use of their facilities, and also In a more loose way, also a place where a single wizard teaches an apprentice can count as a magic school. Book your personal research project now! The way of life at British schools – in particular boarding schools – has such wide appeal that it’s spawned a distinct genre of fiction of its own. Think you know your fictional schools? 2. The result is that hundreds of books have been written about high school… It’s nowhere near as bad as St Trinian’s, but the film’s American protagonist, Poppy, certainly gets herself into a few scrapes. Abbey Mount is the name of the boarding school in the film 2008 Wild Child. Edgewood Secondary School. The climax of the film is an action-packed game of lacrosse, in which Poppy leads her school to victory – a reflection of the fact that real-life boarding schools are noted for their strong participation in such team sports. Pupils are taught that it’s vitally important that they keep themselves as healthy as possible. At the centre of the story is her rivalry with Head Girl Harriet, along with Poppy’s efforts to get herself expelled so that she can return to her glamorous life in California. While the schools were fictional, they were centered on the very real De Grassi Street in Toronto, Ontario, and featured the very real storylines of average teenagers, from the first incarnation in this franchise way back in 1979 (The Kids of Degrassi Street) through to the most current (Degrassi: The Next Generation) which ended in 2015. Located in Sherwood, Ohio, Westerburg was one of the toughest fictional schools in America to make it socially — unless, of course, your name is Heather or Veronica. Little Clam Pre-School - Family Guy 4. In a 1982 film, Jeff Spicoli, Stacy Hamilton, Charles Jefferson and Mike Damone had "fast times" while attending which fictional high school? Should you really be … ... us thinking about all the wonderful houses of learning from books that we wish we could have attended — from grade schools to high schools … You should also read… 11 Famous British Schools in Fiction…, There are no end of myths circulating about British law. Another cruel fictional Victorian school, Dotheboys Hall features in the Charles Dickens novel Nicholas Nickleby. Study a combination of subjects of your choice, with our world-renowned Broadening Horizons course. Book your course now! The eponymous protagonist, Nicholas, is sent to teach at the school, where he attempts to defend its pupils from the cruelty of the headmaster. The teachers are referred to as “guardians”, and the curriculum focuses primarily on art. Profile Quizzes Subscribed Subscribe? Last updated: December 3, 2019. To accommodate the majority of the U.S. student population (90 percent of our students go to public schools, with more than 52 million children expected to attend by 2020), public schools can’t follow any one model.Public schools may have small or large class sizes, with less than 10 students or as many as 60 students in a class (the national average is … It’s also said that the uniforms were inspired by those of his daughter’s school, James Alleyn’s Girls’ School in Dulwich. Luckily, schools like Lowood are very much a thing of the past in Britain; modern English boarding schools are warm and welcoming, with excellent food, and sympathetic staff who provide superb pastoral support for their pupils. Meadowcrest Pre-School - Full House 5. Hogwarts is divided up into ‘houses’ – Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Wodehouse (whose style is similar). The most common and oft-used tropes involve young people with … The school is based on a cross between two real-life schools: King William’s College, on the Isle of Man, where Farrar went himself; and Marlborough College, the prestigious independent school in Wiltshire where Farrar was later the Master. It’s based on an infamous school in Yorkshire called the Bowes Academy, and its pupils live a life of extreme hardship under its vicious headmaster, Wackford Squeers. It may also be a school which is magically protected, or a Faculty of Magic in a university which also teaches other subjects. School name generator . - quiz. Greyfriar’s School is the fictional boys’ boarding school at the centre of a series of stories by Charles Hamilton, who wrote under the pseudonym of Frank Richards and was a contemporary of the Jeeves and Wooster creator P.G. The many faces of public schools. Located in Marin County, California and roughly 15 decades in the future, Starfleet Academy is the science-fiction answer to Hogwarts. Grab your jolly hollysticks: we're going to explore some of Britain's most famous fictional boarding schools. It’s a setting that gives more modern authors plentiful opportunities for plots centred around mischief-making, while for the Victorian writers who first developed the idea of school novels, the boarding school environment was a place of hardship in which characters could be developed. You should also read… 4 Things to Expect in British Politics Now the Dust Has…, OX5 1PY It is an unforgettable experience that for many is life changing. Hilton published his first essays and short stories in his school newspaper, the Leys Fortnightly, a reminder of the fact that boarding schools can provide excellent opportunities for preparing pupils for their future careers. It looks like a castle, with four round towers named after points of the compass (North, South, East, West) around a central courtyard. With more than 30 options available, including subjects as diverse as Medical Biology, Cryptocurrencies, Creative Writing and Criminology, you’ll pursue fascinating new areas of interest. There are few schools — fictional or otherwise — that can match Hogwarts. Blisshaven Preschool - Cul De Sac 3. This name generator will give you 10 random names for schools, universities and other educational institutes. The most... 2. Little Clam Pre-School - Family Guy 4. Meadowcrest Pre-School - Full House 5. A magic school is an institution for learning magic, appearing in works of fantasy depicting worlds in which magic exists and in which there is an organized society of magicians or wizards who pass on their knowledge in a systematic way. Fictional Schools. Our School name generator can help generate an appropriate name. It’s safe to say that this school is purely a work of (science) fiction, and not based on a real school, but it’s certainly one of the most unusual and upsetting boarding schools in English literature. Created by Enid Blyton – the author responsible for such classics as the Famous Five and Secret Seven... 3. Our 10 favourite fictional schools A top 10 by Waterstones Booksellers From learning magic to madcap teachers, here are our pick of fictional schools from children's books. contracts with institutions, including the University of Oxford, Imperial College London, and Experience the magic of an ORA summer school from the comfort of your own home. Top Ten Memorable Fictional Schools. 1. Edgewood High. As the case may be, these generated school names are diverse, including junior high schools, high schools, universities, technical schools, art schools, etc. The school name generator can generate more than 3,000 school names. It was very popular moral tale in Victorian Britain, though it’s less widely read now because of its religious overtones. As the new term begins, ever wondered which of your fave made-up schools you would thrive in? As these fictional schools show, there’s clearly something about life at British boarding schools that captures the imagination. 15 Schools in Sci-Fi And Fantasy We Want To Attend. Schools turn up a lot in fiction, particularly in children’s literature, but some stick in the mind more than others. This is awesome! Created by Enid Blyton – the author responsible for such classics as the Famous Five and Secret Seven novels, not to mention the children’s character Noddy – Malory Towers is a fictional girls’ boarding school located by the sea in Cornwall. Email childrens.books@guardian.co.uk with your favourite fictional schools Yasmin Sulaiman Tue 1 Nov 2011 11.55 EDT First published on Tue 1 Nov 2011 11.55 EDT company number 6045196, registered office at 14 King Street, Bristol BS1 4EF. + 44 (0) 1865 954800. Malory Towers. Our carefully selected world class experts will lead you through your chosen subject at a level, and at the pace, that suits you best. Harry Potter has reignited interest in boarding school fiction. Literature Quiz / Fictional Schools of Literature Random Literature or Clickable Quiz Can you pick the book or book series based on a fictional school appearing in it? Pacific Grove College. The first and only real-life school on this list, the prestigious Rugby School is the setting for Tom Brown’s School Days, and much of what happens in this novel is inspired by author Thomas Hughes’ own experiences of being a Rugby pupil. Behind all this lies a sinister secret: Hailsham’s pupils are all clones, who will one day be harvested for their organs. Blisshaven Preschool - Cul De Sac 3. Poppy is sent to Abbey Mount by her father, who believes that the experience will teach the spoilt teenager some discipline. These houses form four distinct communities, and provide a social hub for their members, as there are common rooms for each house, and this is also where students’ dormitories are located. … Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star Support Sporcle… Fictional Schools & Movies quiz. More quiz info >> First submitted: June 29, 2013: Times taken: 4,296: Rating: 3.74: Quiz and answer stats >> Friends stats >> Oxford Royale Academy is a part of Oxford Programs Limited, a company registered in England as It may also be a school which is magically protected, or a Faculty of Magic in a university which also teaches other subjects. Sweet Valley Pre-School - Sweet Valley High 7. Name the TV series, movies or books that featured these fictional schools. As this extract shows, boarding schools have changed a lot since Dickens’ day, not least the fact that modern-day boarding schools aren’t places with “no vacations” where parents can leave their children and forget about them. Starfleet Academy – Star Trek The main building at Starfleet Academy. 11 Famous British Schools in Fiction 1. In a more loose way, also a place where a single wizard teaches an apprentice can count as a magic school. The most recent and arguably most famous example of a fictional boarding school is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, attended by Harry Potter and his friends (and foes). By SkylarHarmonia. Television Quiz / Fictional TV Schools Random Television or TV Show Quiz Can you name the TV series that took place (wholly or partly) in these schools? If you’re thinking about applying for a boarding school, be sure to read our guide to getting into the best British boarding schools. @*/false; if (!IE) { return; } if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { if (document.getElementById("af-form-1138076907")) { document.getElementById("af-form-1138076907").className = 'af-form af-quirksMode'; } if (document.getElementById("af-body-1138076907")) { document.getElementById("af-body-1138076907").className = "af-body inline af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-header-1138076907")) { document.getElementById("af-header-1138076907").className = "af-header af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-footer-1138076907")) { document.getElementById("af-footer-1138076907").className = "af-footer af-quirksMode"; } } })(); --> The plot of the six novels centres on the main character, Darrell Williams, and her efforts to succeed in spite of her fiery temper and the bad influence of her friend Alicia, who encourages her to participate in mischief and pranks. Of course, the top boarding schools in real life ensure that the balance between scholarly studies and sports is maintained. Spring Hill University. 12 Fictional High Schools You Wish You Went To. And just like real-life boarders, pupils at Hogwarts are allowed to go on organised outings – in their case to the nearby village of Hogsmeade – with parental permission, of course. The novel features an advert for the school, which provides an interesting insight into boarding schools of this period: St. James Episcopal … The company Though it’s clearly not based on a particular real-life boarding school, it’s closely modelled on the concept of a British boarding school, and we see many parallels with them – which don’t include the moving staircases, enchanted ceilings and talking paintings! The book’s plot is based around the descent of the protagonist – the son of a British couple based in British-ruled India – into vice, with the end result that he loses everything. “Youth are boarded, clothed, booked, furnished with pocket-money, provided with all necessaries, instructed in all languages living and dead, mathematics, orthography, geometry, astronomy, trigonometry, the use of the globes, algebra, single stick (if required), writing, arithmetic, fortification, and every other branch of classical literature. 4. Though the school isn’t thought to be based on any real-life boarding school, at the end of the series the protagonist is heading for a place at the real-life St Andrew’s University, a reflection of the fact that boarding schools tend to offer extremely good preparation for life at the country’s top universities. In this article, we look at some of the most famous fictional British schools and see how they compare with the real-life boarding school experience. The school is believed to be modelled on The Leys School in Cambridge, the day and boarding school attended by James Hilton, author of the story; the central character is an amalgamation of many people known to the author, including his father. Choose from over 25 options including Artificial Intelligence, Genetics, Climate and Sustainability or Film. Discover hidden passions and hidden talents, open your mind to new possibilities or delve deeper into a subject you love. ", "J.K. Rowling announces four new wizarding schools you'll never get to attend", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_fictional_schools&oldid=1011216436, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The Black School, where the Icelandic priest and scholar, Aethergarde Academy: Ark of the Youth & Mystic Arts in Aetherholmes, New Philippines, a magic school featured in, Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, a fictional college in, Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies in, Roanoke Academy for the Sorcerous Arts in, Veritas, the hidden magical university inside, This page was last edited on 9 March 2021, at 17:52. This victory results in Tom becoming badly behaved, but, having been put in charge of looking after another boy, George Arthur, he develops into a well-behaved model pupil. In the 1978 film "Grease" and the 1982 sequel "Grease 2", the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies attended which fictional high school? It will also generate names for random names for universities, colleges & other educational institutes & learning centers. The book deals initially with Tom’s experiences of bullying at the hands of Flashman (a name that has since come to be used to describe bullies who come from wealthy backgrounds), whom he defeats with the help of an older boy named Diggs. The grim boarding school attended by Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre in the novel that bears her name is, very fortunately, not representative of the modern boarding school experience. CBR takes a special look at the schools in Sci-Fi and fantasy that we desperately want to attend! Lowood, led by the cruel Mr. Brocklehurst, is a boarding school for poor or orphaned girls. You should also read… 9 Famous Moments in British Protest History 12 Weird British Competitions…, The enduring nature of the weird and wonderful collection of tales that make up our British legends says a lot about British society. This is a list of fictional schools as portrayed in various media. Another similarity is the uniforms; though real-life schools don’t make their pupils wear robes (though that of Christ’s Hospital comes close), the colour scheme of those depicted in the films is surprisingly similar to real-life schools. Here in the UK, we’re famous for our education system and for our historic schools. Fictional British boarding schools. by goseaward Plays Quiz Updated Feb 16, 2015 . It's also a complicated, messy time in life in which one grows from the end of childhood to the cusp of adulthood, so there's a lot of feelings to unpack. Magic of Dungeons & Dragons § Arcane magic, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, List of fictional British and Irish universities, "When is Ackley Bridge on TV? How to Get In to the Best Boarding Schools in Britain, 10 Fascinating Rituals and Traditions of English Schools, guide to getting into the best British boarding schools. Fictional high schools‎ (15 P) M Fictional magic schools‎ (11 P) S Superhero schools‎ (8 P) W Wayside School‎ (9 P) Pages in category "Fictional schools" The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total. Add to Favourites. Watch our student experience videos to hear first hand from our students. In true Ursula K. Le Guin fashion, the school manages to have all the pomp and mystique of a classic magical university without so many of the cliche, faux-European trappings. Who's in the cast and what's going to happen? St Trinian’s is a girls’ boarding school dreamt up by the cartoonist Ronald Searle. Do you know in which movies fictional schools and universities like Rydell High, Harrison University and Hogwarts are mentioned? However, despite any superficial similarities with real-life schools, parents will be reassured to learn that the antics of the St Trinian’s girls would not be permissible in real-life boarding schools. Get me a new set of school names! This name generator creates names for fictional private schools & academies (in the UK, an academy is an independent state-funded school. But any parents concerned about the experiences to which their children will be subjected at a boarding school need not be worried: unlike in the stories, real-life boarding schools are incredibly well-regulated and monitored, with brutal discipline a thing of the past, and first-class facilities coupled with superb pastoral care. The fictional school contains 30 floors, each with just one room, and each of the book's 30 stories focuses on one room in the school. Over 25,000 students from more than 170 countries have enjoyed an Oxford Royale Summer School.