used consistent definitions, with for instance, little information on how foodservice professionals. Although the current political context hinders a system-wide disruptive change, transitions can be initiated at local or regional scale by utilizing the shared interest across different discourse coalitions. Reflection as a meaning making process (Boud, Keogh & Walker, 1985), . full industry adoption, while many other projects fizzle out and never advance beyond the initial research phase. from establishments to consumer households, while also adding to packaging waste. Since food waste valorisation measures, like energy recovery, have limited possibilities to fully recover the resources invested in food production, there is a need to prevent food waste. more aware of the factors that drive the adoption of food waste innovations. Taking into account the benefits of, Global teams facilitate the implementation of strategic initiatives within multinational corporations. setting and the formal and informal feedback mechanisms. 20 The Open Waste Management Journal, 2016, Volume Tambe et al. Hence, the purpose of this, In order to improve software quality and reduce costs and deadlines, many companies are adopting Software Product Line approaches. The work is based on a survey performed in Italy on a heterogeneous sample of 3,087 respondents. For instance, the UK’s Waste Reduction Action Programme (WRAP) has developed a number of solid and liquid food waste estimates [5, 21, 52, 53] using waste management tonnage data collected by local authorities, the results of waste audits and from kitchen diaries (i.e., food waste tracking by residents). By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. This is a strategy already in place in some fast food and take-away restaurants. Critical research is perceived as studies that are relevant and applicable to âthe hotel industryâ. A comparative analysis of these two scenarios shows that, only due to increased demand for tourist accommodation, the FIFA's decision to increase the number of FWC participants will accelerate its carbon footprint by 24%. Food redistribution: Food redistribution or donation programs are a method for reducing both food loss and waste. This study compares the environmental performance of using biodegradable & compostable single use tableware with organic recycling of food waste through composting against a traditional scenario using fossil-based plastic tableware and disposal of the waste flows through incineration and landfill. Discourse coalitions in Swiss waste management: Gridlock or winds of change? -a specific training for food service owners, managers, chefs, kitchen and service staff. This involves that structured analyses and strategic SC approaches are not available for the prevention/minimization of F-W/L. 2). The paper has an applied nature and is part of the Austrian Special Report on Tourism and Climate Change. effective incremental and disruptive innovations for waste management. ... That's better than taking a lot once" poster could reduce FLW 20% in food service businesses if implemented (Stöckli, Dorn, & Liechti, 2018: 451). full-service providers (offer full table service, possible), fast food (offer quick, standardized food which is, or indoor outlets with a limited offer and a. products whose preparation must be finalized by the consumer (Xerfi, 2012). In this context, food waste generation is a particularly salient issue. Finally, a case study using a secondary data from UN data along with study outcomes with recommendations as guidance for e-government projects in Sultanate of Oman is illustrated. The food waste categorization and management selection flowchart (i.e. Solid waste management is a key aspect of the environmental management of establishments belonging to the hospitality sector. 2. The Suzhou case study comprised four steps: (1) examination of the required functionality of an IoT-enabled system in the specific context of Suzhou; (2) configuration of the system architecture, both software and hardware components, according to the identified functionality; (3) installation of the components of the IoT system at the facilities of the stakeholders across the RFW generation-collection-transportation-disposal value chain; and (4) evaluation of the performance of the entire system, based on data from three years of operation. The rest, 33 million tons, was thrown away, making food waste the single largest component of municipal solid waste reaching landfills and incinerators. Therefore, only operating plans are today put into practice, which aim at reducing the impact of product losses along the SC. The paper also discusses the role of policies and waste management in changing food use patterns. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Similarly, there was consensus with regard to, quantities. This project addresses concerns related to the antecedents, characteristics, implementation, and output of sustainable innovations in service firms and, particularly for tourism, hospitality and foodservice activities. Sustainable food waste management practices are vital among the business operations of the hotel sector to reduce food waste and operational costs through efficient use of food resources. Municipal solid waste generation, recycling, and disposal in … Attention to food waste is an increasingly growing phenomenon today, especially in the context of a circular economy. approach to waste issues pertaining to food service firms. Detailed waste quantification for each kitchen can therefore be the first step in the process of waste reduction. 2017/25, 76 pp, 30 … (2016). Austerity, food price inflation, the rise of food banks, concerns about food security, environmental sustainability and climate change have come together in the ‘informational politics’ (Clarke et al., 2007) of food waste. define effective managerial solutions for food waste mitigation in foodservice. 4.1.Waste characterization by food service professionals, approach, food service providers deal with. However, the evidence on why food waste occurs remains scattered. Funding opportunities may encourage business and customers to move forward on climate-friendlier food choices. Journal scope Waste Management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, recycling, treatment and disposal, as well as manuscripts that address solid waste management policy, education, and economic and environmental assessments. Also, awareness is highest when establishments must, commitment to sustainability. Preschools had a lower waste level than schools, possibly due to preschool carers eating together with the children. Journal of Cleaner Production 182: 978-991. Every y, food produced (Lundqvist et al., 2008; Parfitt et al., 2010. Os participantes mostraram-se dispostos a consumir um alimento elaborado a partir de resÃduos, em boas condições de consumo. location through pilot goal, Software engineering research is undertaken to propose innovative solutions, to develop concepts, algorithms, processes, and technologies, to validate effective solutions for important software engineering problems, and ultimately to support the transition of important findings to practice.
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