Posted by 5 years ago. 4) other cosmic entitys - death, oblivion, infinity, galactus, the beyonder, the inbetweener, lord chaos, master order, a bunch of other 5) the celestrials & the eldersof the universe Source(s): this is a very hard question b/c powerful can be strongest, most durible, longest living. Image source. Silver Surfer Volume 3 #22 VS EGO The Living Planet. Necro Thor two shot this same Galen right after. guy222. Together, they empowered a two-sided being known as Avatar. IB stomps him. 7 comments. I think the battle ended only in the interference of his superiors Master Order and Lord Chaos. Or was that some other item? Round 1:Starving Round 2:Hungry Round 3:Sated Round 4:Fully Fed. Pyrrhic victory for Odin. If the opponent is below the omnipotents of said universe, the IG wins, guys. Since the Destroyer Armor encompasses all of Asgard then include Odin in there too Together, they empowered a two-sided being known as Avatar.3 Is the embodiment of hate itself. Posted by 5 years ago. 0. In-Betweener vs Odin. Superhero battle match: Galactus (Herald Supreme) versus In-Betweener. Galactus. If galactus stomps give thanos IG. Select Page. save hide report. Regular Thor defeated Galactus and Ego. The In-Betweener is also an agent of the conceptual beings Lord Chaos and Master Order, although his loyalty is usually to himself rather than to them. Team Exitar The Executioner vs Team In-Betweener. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! Whatcha gonna do when Galactamania runs wild on you brother!" Galactus is one of the most feared beings in Marvel and he’s kept such a prestigious reputation since his first appearance many years ago. Galactus VS Othinus Rules Bloodlusted Full power No prep No knowledge Win by KO, incapacitation & death 100 meters apart Location: Menu. This'll be my last post on S_D for the foreseeable future. vs Galactus, The Devourer of worlds Who wins? $8.99 + $3.99 shipping . Colossus-Big C. each take turns punching each other blow for blow who goes down first. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Galactus, the Inbetweener and the Surfer combined to send the entity The Way back to the dawn of creation where he was instantly overwhelmed by and absorbed into the energies used to create the very first Multiverse. He is fighting The Inbetweener, the living embodiment of duality. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. share. nvrbeenwthagirl. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!! I see no reason for a repeat of that incident here. Galan, however, did not die, but was transformed by the Sentience of the Universe, … He sends out his heralds to scout for worlds for him to feast on and he travels to them and devours their life energy leaving the planet a barren rock. Một lần, In-Betweener cố vượt quá giới hạn của mình và tìm cách lật đổ và tiêu diệt Galactus, chiếm vị trí của ông ta trong vũ trụ. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. "At least perhaps he will now serve some purpose" mused Galactus. We have information on your potential job duties in a sticky thread located in each of the respective subforums, leading to our application. I'm also a lot busier in real life. 1 of 3 Go to page. Odin, Thor,Thanos and the inbetweener vs Galactus. 3 Video Games, Silver Surfer Marvel Universe TV, Movie & Video Game Action Figures, Marvel Super Heroes Vs … Takion at the height of his power with Highfather's mind. As an Eternal, Thanos has access to a substantial power profile. Home. The battle goes on until the In-Betweener's masters intervene and take him away, leaving Galactus triumphant. For decades, Uatu The Watcher was a constant in the Marvel Universe. Born into a future where people were dehumanized and fearful of a cannibalistic race of vampire-like beings known as the Emplates. dr strange vs dr fate quora. Speaking of 'fantastic', while Galactus was helping out Reed, Franklin and Susan Richards, plus the Surfer, Nova (and remotely us), by trying to banish the monochromatic miscreant back to the Chaos and Order dimension - the In-Betweener didn't want to budge. Please considering putting an application in today! They left Taa via a space vessel, but it was eventually engulfed in the cataclysm that ended the old universe and spawned a new one. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Dragon Ball; Dragon Ball Super; Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. share. sir_crocodile. They seemed about even, until In-Betweener had Galactus at the edge between worlds. I am assuming all are at their peak that they have ever appeared as. Bloodlusted; Full power; No prep; No knowledge; Win by KO, incapacitation & death; 100 meters apart; Location: The Wind Warrior I HUNGER! Galactus wins. $11.99. By David Harth Published Sep 14, 2020. Dormammu, Galactus, or Dark Phoenix?" This item will ship to United States, but the seller has not specified shipping options. Close. Within context of the situation, the In-betweener can't really be harmed by physical force, for the reason that his physical form isn't true, but like Galactus he is a being that exist as Immense Intelligent Energy. If Thanos gets the IG, then he easily stomps Galactus and the rest of his team. Superhero battle match: In-Betweener versus Dormammu. Galactus doesn't miss meals well. Archived. Silver Surfer #1 (vol. - Duration: 4:03. Anyway, my last post will be one of my favorite comic book battles, between Galactus and the In-Betweener. And after recent events I don't feel as comfortable posting here. If galactus stomps give thanos IG. I see Inbetweener losing this fight as he represents both conflicting factors (i.e. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the whowouldwin community. 6 Bringing Death To The Cancer-Verse During the pages of The Thanos Imperative , the Guardians of the Galaxy found themselves needing Thanos' help in defeating an evil alternate universe version of Marr-Vell, who was leading the cancer-verse into the main Marvel Universe. Odin, Thor,Thanos and the inbetweener vs Galactus. Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Its function is to safeguard the Multiverse (the total sum of all alternate universes) from an imbalance of mystical forces. Onslaught is no push over . Darkseid and Galactus are two of the most feared beings in both the DC and the Marvel universes, respectively. 79% Upvoted. Rune King Thor is vastly more powerful than regular Thor and defeated the "gods" of the Asgardian gods. However, the In-Betweener betrays the Elders during a confrontation with the entity Death and compels Death to wipe three of the Elders from existence. Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet can solo everyone else in this fight. Their relationship soured after a bit and the two battled across space destroying galaxies in their wake until Tyrant was ultimately defeated and sent to the edge of the universe. They are just low superflow level. Marvel Villains that can still show up in future MCU moviesSUBSCRIBE NOW to CBR! A hungry Galactus is a grouchy one, too. The team takes Rounds 1 & 2. 79% Upvoted. The In-Betweener is a cosmic entity who exists as the synthesis of the major concepts of the universe: life and death, reality and illusion, good and evil, logic and emotion, existence and nothingness, god and man. wrong inbetweener wins 10/10 thor hurting galactus is pure PIS galactus is stronger then ego and just a part of ego became ego prime who killed celestials. Team Chaos King vs Team Multi-Eternity (7th Cosmos) Newest Battles with In-Betweener . He makes sure there is always a balance between the two worlds and draws his powers from both as well. Learn all about In-Betweener both on screen and in comics! In-Betweener vs The Source. You are indeed where you belong. * Darkseid vs. Galactus: The Hunger - Both fight for supremacy with Silver Surfer, the New Gods and Orion ... Tyrant vs Dominus Dominus vs Inbetweener Beyonder vs Extant Order and chaos vs Order and Chaos Imps vs Poppupians Eternals vs Oans Watchers vs Oans black racer vs silver surfer In addition to being an incarnation of balance and duality, the In-Betweener is possibly a metaphysical counterpart of Galactus. Phase 1 of the MCU opened up a literal universe full of superpowered beings, and the first Thor movie revealed that the Norse gods of ancient myth have been real all along. Tyrant finally returned when he captured Morg, bringing Galactus to his fortress to confront him. S_D hasn't felt the same for a while, though I know some of that can't be helped. Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet) vs Team Galactus. I think he's slightly more powerful. Odin, Thor,Thanos and the inbetweener vs Galactus. 7 LESS POWERFUL: The Watcher. ! at least Galactus's hat fell off when thanos attacked him :P this is intresting tho, these scans are of thanos freeing the In-Betweener. Boards ; Comics and Graphic Novels; galactus vs eternity; User Info: Neopian. Who will win in a fight between Galactus (Herald Supreme) and In-Betweener? Onslaught cant take down Big G by himself, but he is still pretty powerful, he took on The X-Men, The Fantastic 4, The Avengers, Savage Hulk and Thor. Feb 4, 2016 #278 Panda_Paradox said: Not to mention they can just wish for unlimited wishes. But who would win an all-out brawl? - Page 11. If Kubik is to be believed per convo with Beyonder/Kosmos a Celestial dwarfs cosmic cubes/cubed beings hilarious, even the Celestials losing to incomplete cube Beyonder were retconned as either avatars or illusions to help his evolution along.Celestials are implied to be universes encased in armor but in energy form, like Galactus' potrayal under most writers. KMC Forums > Comic Book Forums > Comic Book 'Versus' Forum > Takion vs. Composite Galactus (Marvel) vs Othinus (Toaru) Thread starter BgninjaQ; Start date Nov 13, 2020; 1; 2; 3; Next. Archived. He is all powerful and at the sametime powerless . Although free for a while, the In-Betweener was captured by his masters once again. King Kandy. Free shipping . In-Betweener vs Galactus. 7. Comment. The character possesses abilities common to the Eternals, but amplified to a higher degree through a combination of his mutant–Eternal heritage, bionic amplification, mysticism, and power bestowed by the abstract entity, Death. People really need to get their infos on the IG right. Galactus always came out the winner in all of their battles. When the impending cataclysm gradually killed all life in his universe, including almost all of his own people, he and other survivors sought to escape the decay of their world. The Inbetweener. (Hey, it was the 80's! Galactus defeats them handily in round 3 and godstomps them in round 4. Darkseid Vs Galactus: Who Would Win? … its more than just those three, inbetweener has been said to be in the same face as galactus by LT Leaning towards team one, the Inbetweener can hold his own against Galactus already. Vs. Sort by. Superhero battle match: In-Betweener versus Galactus. I think the battle ended only in the interference of his superiors Master Order and Lord Chaos. 1 Character Synopsis 2 Character Statistics 3 Other Attributes 4 Others The In-Betweener is a servant of the forces of Order and Chaos. JohnR. For Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Who's stronger? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 7. Later, the mad titan Thanos freed him from his prison only to trick the In-Betweener into surrendering his soul gem to him. Even Thanos managed to hurt the Inbetweener with a blast, after Galactus ruined him. by | Dec 23, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Dec 23, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Sworn not to interfere, Uatu kept his oath for centuries, though he would become … These two cosmics actually resorted to fisticuffs in one of their fights.... hehe. Thanos vs In-Betweener. Share Share Tweet Email. *suplexes the Inbetweener into a moon* More seriously the Inbetweener was being treated as pretty crazy powerful if something specifically fell under his whole weird scene about opposites in our reality, it's not exactly bad that him and Galactus struggled. Close. Originally posted by The Great Galen Whats so funny, Thanos is powerful but hes no Odin. Odin, Thor,Thanos and the inbetweener vs Galactus. Galactuswas originally an explorer named Galan from a planet called "Taa" in a universe that existed before the big bang. share. Galactus, the Inbetweener and the Surfer combined to send the entity The Way back to the dawn of creation where he was instantly overwhelmed by and absorbed into the energies used to create the very first Multiverse. I'm not gonna include him since I don't know enough about him. Galactus Vs Inbetweener Punch Fest. 7 comments. Image not available. Round 2: I think it would be a closer fight maybe 6/10 Galactus. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Variable in stature, the In-Betweener is an agent of Lord Chaos and Master Order, two of the univer… He is very resourceful and can turn anything from poker cards and even a tooth into a deadly killing weapon. Close. save hide report. They have comparable power levels, but I can't go against my galactic buddy. It's at best universal. Individually Galactus can take them, but definitely not all at once. Debates, Creative Writing, Roleplaying and Quests, and Non Sci-Fi Debates. VF/NM. We are seeking out advisers and amicus for Vs. Galactus is part of the Cosmic Vishanti: Enternity, Death, Galactus these three are the main anchors in the universe. Galactus is the devour of worlds, whom consumes planets to feed his energy. Cosmic_Beings. However, Galactus did not agree with this plan and defeated the In-Betweener in battle allowing him to be imprisoned by Chaos and Order. The In-Betweener later attempts to supplant Galactus' role in the universe and allies with the Elders of the Universe in their plan against Galactus. Galactus eventually defeated the war-monger and accomplished Thanos' goal. Who will win in a fight between Thanos (Heart Of The Universe) & Thanos (Astral Regulator) and Rune King Thor? I am not sure whether you mean in the comics or the MCU, so I will address both. Bullseye thrives on killing and is the most feared assassin in the marvel universe. Only thing I know about the In-Betweener is that he's a cosmic entity that is an agent of Chaos and Order. 79% Upvoted. Who will win in a fight between In-Betweener and Galactus? Galactus / Celestials / Inbetweener / Odin / Zeus / Stranger ~ Planet - Galaxy (their power/limits depends on the story) In the Thor series Odin was planet level . Both thanos and Odin have been able to at least damage Galactus a bit. In-Betweener vs Doctor Strange. cdtm. The Inbetweener. Galactus vs. the In-Betweener. In Betweener vs Galactus. All users, both new and returning, are expected to follow THE CBR COMMUNITY STANDARDS & RULES.. BgninjaQ. 1 Splattercat The New Guy. Equalize speed if it's too one-sided. Just keep that in mind. If he has the IG though then team Thanos wins 10/10. So I'm sure they could hold off a starving big g or even hungry. SILVER SURFER (VOL 3) #18 (Marvel 1988) GALACTUS vs IN-BETWEENER (FN/VF) RARE. Next Last. In the 2006 miniseries Dr. GALACTUS vs Avengers [Parts 1-3] Battle for Earth. 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Powers 3 Notes 4 Links and References 4.1 Discover and Discuss 4.2 Footnotes Hate was one of the entities assembled by Galactus to confront Thanos.2 Hate is usually seen with his counterpart Mistress Love. However, the Sixth Infinity and all its universes were in their final stages of collapse due to the multiversal renewal cycle.Originally, like … 7. Posted by 5 years ago. Who will win in a fight between In-Betweener and Dormammu? Galactus feeds out of need to survive while Unicron feeds because he wants to destroy all creation. Galactus vs. the In-Betweener Dec. 9th, 2009 09:25 pm. Although he. (Which in my mind seems only right, seeing the difference between Galactus and Odin, should be about the same as the difference between Odin and Thanos.) We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Lord Chaos vs In-Betweener. Inuyasha vs SSJ4 Gogeta,SSJ4 Brolly, Galactus and The In-Betweener all at the same time....? Strength and Weakness, Genius and Stupidity). Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. The official Marvel page for In-Betweener. The most powerful version of the IB. Without Galactus Abraxas comes and destroys everything in the multi-universe, Abraxas approcahes a universe and it dies/collapse. Round 1:Starving Round 2:Hungry Round 3:Sated Round 4:Fully Fed. They might have been basing their arguments on the fact that the In - Betweener was defeated by Doctor Strange, but not only is Strange already more powerful than Surfer in base form, but he beat him by calling on his masters, the lords of Chaos and Order, something that Surfer can't do. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. DC's Darkseid is one of the deadliest villains in the universe. This thread is archived . Round 1: Odin, Thor, and Thanos should be enough to drive away a starving Galactus. Team Grandmaster vs Team Mister Mxyzptlk. Team In-Betweener vs Michael Demiurgos. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Discussions The Living Tribunal is a humanoid cosmic entity who has existed as long as the Multiverse itself. Opens image gallery. Posted on October 23, 2013 by dreager1. Hate is usually seen with his counterpart Mistress Love. Throw in Zamasu too. Galactus's stronger heralds would be to much for onslaught so imagine what Galactus himself would do. galactus vs eternity Comics and Graphic Novels Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Round 1:Starving Round 2:Hungry Round 3:Sated Round 4:Fully Fed. Galactus is not one of those beings, and were the two to ever battle, even mighty Galactus would be dwarfed by Eternity's power. Thanos is a mutant member of the race of superhumans known as the Titanian Eternals. Galactus is the sole survivor of the sixth incarnation of the Multiverse. Bullseye is known for his talent and as a result is on the kingpin’s payroll as an assassin He is also a fine martial artist with agility and speed of an athlete. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. If I remember correctly, Inbetweener saw Galactus as a rival as he also had a placement as a balance within his own spectrum and tried to destroy him. Galactus is the sole survivor of the universe that existed before ours and he is appropriately nicknamed the “World-Eater”. Galactus was capable of absorbing the energy of Mephisto's realm, making Mephisto surrender because he didn't want his realm destroyed. If Kubik is to be believed per convo with Beyonder/Kosmos a Celestial dwarfs cosmic cubes/cubed beings hilarious, even the Celestials losing to incomplete cube Beyonder were retconned as either avatars or illusions to help his evolution along.Celestials are implied to be universes encased in armor but in energy form, like Galactus' potrayal under most writers. Yes, but he also represents victory and defeat. He was conidered a global threat. drsevarius posting in scans_daily. SILVER SURFER (VOL 3) #18 GALACTUS vs IN-BETWEENER VF/NM. $10.00 + $2.80 shipping . 3 Video Games, NBA Street Vol. If galactus stomps give thanos IG. He representslife and death, reality and illusion, good and evil, logic and emotion, existence and nothingness, god and man. Originally Galactus was a humanoid named Galan, born in the previous incarnation of Earth-616 on the planet Taa, a paradise-like world whose civilization is said to have been the most advanced of any of the known universe of that time. Galactus originally created Tyrant as a sort of companion, making him nearly a match in size and power. save hide report. Press J to jump to the feed. Member. "At least perhaps he will now serve some purpose" mused Galactus. If I remember correctly, Inbetweener saw Galactus as a rival as he also had a placement as a balance within his own spectrum and tried to destroy him. Galactus is so powerful that it's unusual to see him fighting someone like this, which always made it stand out to me. thanos says that he'l try to match the In-betweener Power, and from the scan it shows that they may be close in terms of power. Galactus: "Inbetweener! But not full. Go. Strange has been learning fairly quickly; he sifted through resource materials during his time in Kamar Taj, explaining why he's quickly able to pick-up certain magical abilities, with his intellect playing a part in all that. Oct 25, 2017 16,542. There is no canon answer as to what specific type of energy Galactus is feeding upon when a world is selected by a Herald. Với sự hỗ trợ của các Elders of the Universe, ông cố gắng sử dụng Soul Gem cho kế hoạch này. Sony PlayStation 3 Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Video Games, Marvel Galactus Comic Book Hero Action Figures, Marvel CGC Silver Age X-Men Comics, Namco Museum Vol. This thread is archived . Mentored and trained by these predators, Mountjoy created a horrific reputation that made him public enemy number one among this future's protectors. Shipping and handling. Whenever something monumental was going down, the Watcher was there to observe. When his Herald finds a world rich in the sustenance he craves, he calls his starship and drains the world of all of its energy. KMC Forums > Comic Book Forums > Comic Book 'Versus' Forum > Galactus Vs Inbetweener Punch Fest. 7 comments. Nov 13, 2020 #1 Galactus VS Othinus Rules. vs The In-betweener vs pictured DBS characters Scenario: All at once Scenario: One at a time, whos the strongest he can beat. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Odin, Thor,Thanos and the inbetweener vs Galactus. Takion vs. 3) 1st Print GALACTUS FANTASTIC FOUR Marvel VF/NM KEY. The In Betweener is a very powerful cosmic being, but he can’t stop a being as powerful as Galactus. Banned - Sock. Contact the seller- opens in a new window or … ); and won't dare watch any horror films although she’s (ironically) dying to see one. Witness his capture of the Soul Gem from the Inbetweener during the Thanos Quest Saga: ... Galactus channels the Power Cosmic and is instantly restored. Nekron, Lord of the unliving. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Would be a decent battle, who do you think would come out top in a cosmic battle which would destroy a universe or two. Archived. Picture Information . Round 1:Starving Round 2:Hungry Round 3:Sated Round 4:Fully Fed. thesilverspider. Hate was one of the entities assembled by Galactus to confront Thanos. Odin, Thor,Thanos and the inbetweener vs Galactus.
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