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gamma squeeze vs short squeeze reddit

With a short squeeze, an increase in stock prices can force people who shorted the stock to buy back their shares. Since there are far far far fewer shares floating over the next 2 trading days, though, a squeeze on Monday or Tuesday could utterly destroy Melvin and the other shorts. Dealers may be short gamma that traded OTC and is not reflected in OI. Options traders closely watch the value of delta and gamma. Learn more about Reddit’s use of cookies. Imagine a large overwrite by a hedge fund for example. But that isn't the only type of squeeze … When I say "short gamma" you can think of that as "net short options, with an emphasis on near-dated, held by dealers." AMC Stock Price Prediction, Analysis & News Update. But, before we get into the details of identifying a short squeeze, we need to understand the psychology behind shorting stocks. In short, the market makers wrote a LOT of OTM calls last week, and then had to buy shares to cover when those calls went ITM around noon. Strategies -- The MOASS is the short squeeze that will happen when the shorters will be margin called and will be forced to buy all shares. And since GameStop's short interest is down to around 38% of the float, according to data from S3 partners, a gamma squeeze looks like the only way Reddit traders might be … Basically hedging just enough to cover the probability of the stock rising. For an example, the Reddit user below compiled a list of low call Option implied volatility stocks with Market Cap data. The combination of a short squeeze and a gamma squeeze helped launch GameStop from a mere $18 a … Video game retailer GameStop has been the poster child for this mania, gaining over 1,700% from year-end through January 27th, before falling sharply on January 28th—fueled by Reddit’s r/WallStreetBets community. Strikes where option dealers are short (puts or calls, doesn't matter) act like accelerators of spot price motion, and strikes where dealers are long act like shock absorbers for spot price motion. This is a cultural event now, where every lay person can be a modern-day Robin Hood. When talking about a short squeeze it is important to note that it does not mean that a stock is reversing. so I’m not the only one to observe this. Now it looks like the target is AMC. If you are not familiar with this saga, feel free to catch up: First Mention Short Squeeze Explanation and Initial Thoughts Timeline and Predictions Around Earnings GME Short Squeeze What Comes Next Part 1 GME Short Squeeze What Comes Next Part 2 GME Short Squeeze What Comes Next Part 3 GME Short Squeeze … It's like an electromagnetic field. What is the GameStop short squeeze? This is known as a “Gamma squeeze“. The GameStop Short Squeeze Explained. Someone let the riffraff back into the market, and now the short squeeze saga … A gamma squeeze will happen for example when lots of calls become ITM and trigger a high demand that has to be fulfilled and not so many stocks are available to be bought by the seller of those calls. There are estimates that the true short interest on this stock was around 300%. The sharp gains in names like GameStop were caused by technical distortions called gamma squeeze and short squeeze. What is a Gamma Squeeze vs Short Squeeze.GME can go even further upNOT FINANCIAL ADVICE Print Email. Infinite Gamma Squeeze Should million of retails buy the Januray 29, 2021 60C weekly on Monday, this will create an infinite gamma squeeze because MM still can't properly hedge, and are forced to buy shares at whatever price to hedge. In the case of GameStop, and possibly Rocket Companies, options markets have been the catalyst for share price moves against short sellers in what is often referred to as a 'gamma squeeze'. Their selling action pushes the stock even lower, which exacerbates the problem and forces them to sell more shares to hedge delta until they get further from the strike and the gamma rolls off. The start of 2021 marked a sharp increase in speculative trading. That gamma squeeze has also fed into a short squeeze, which has sent GameStop shares soaring to all-time highs despite the fact that its retail business is seemingly in secular decline. Typically they hedge with buying shares. There are various conditions where they buy shares vs selling shares, and that depends on the borrow rate, share float, etc. Like, I know what gamma is, I know what a squeeze is (in the context of a "short squeeze"), but I don't know what a gamma squeeze is... A gamma squeeze can go up or down, and the mechanics are similar either way. A strike with massive OI may be a rev/con traded between two dealers, with no net gamma. The easiest way to avoid getting caught in a gamma squeeze and the subsequent fall is to not short stocks, not short options and not buy a stock in the middle of a gamma squeeze … This creates a feedback loop (much like a short squeeze) as the stock price gets closer to the strike price. These shares can be lent to short-sellers, who are looking to profit from the … Delta hedging that position pushes spot further in the direction that it just moved. OI doesn't necessarily tell you where the short gamma is. WallStreetBets’ Silver Short Squeeze: A Dead Giveaway. MM's hedge according to how big the position is and how far OTM it is. The rest is history, GME closed at $65, and every single call that expired yesterday was ITM. Looking forward to your write up. I do think what happened today was part of a gamma squeeze as a result of the stock rising bigly this AM at the open. Options Fundamentals -- So there is essentially no way of telling whether MM is short gamma? Last 2 weeks AMD has been having very LARGE call buying in strikes all over the board (back when the stock was about $54). And yes, maybe Ryan Cohen will … Short Squeeze When you buy a stock at your brokerage, the shares are held in "street name". Related to the short squeeze is something known as a gamma squeeze. Yes, perhaps Reddit investors could drive a gamma squeeze, sending this stock not only to the moon, but toward Pluto. What is short interest as percent of float? Today's news had AMD breakout 10% at the open, you had news algos purchasing stock, FOMOers purchasing stock, MM's hedging the calls by purchasing stock. Short gamma is a source, and long gamma is a sink. Heavy volume of call buying in all strikes: $57.50/$60/$62.50/etc. What this means, though, is that the MM's/brokers are going to have to deliver a ridiculous amount of shares when these expired options settle. That was fucking wild, even for this autist's dream of a stock. Hunt’s scheme failed because they relied on leverage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. OI might show where dealers are long gamma. Because there are now 10-15M shares tied up in the clearing houses, there are now even fewer shares to be borrowed. How Friday's GME gamma squeeze may trigger a short squeeze on Monday and Tuesday. Consider a stock XYZ where short interest is very high. It is a useful but imperfect clue. A short gamma position gets longer delta as spot drops and shorter delta as spot rises. I have a feint idea of what it is but how do we know when it’s actually taking place? Let's say the stock starts moving lower. The Greeks -- Online trading communities such as Reddit’s WallStreetBets have collectively triggered a gamma squeeze in GameStop’s stock by buying out-of-the … Don’t look now, but the Duke Brothers are going to be pissed. It could, yes. MMs were already chasing stock to remain neutral. As the big call volume from 2 weeks ago became more and more in the money the cycle repeats over and over. Demand for GME will continue to pump on Monday. Summary. It ripped face from $43 up to $75 in the morning session. The gamma profile doesn't depend directly on the OI, rather it depends on how much short gamma is held by dealers (market-makers). Again, this is fucking retarded. Like today there was huge OI on AMD 7/31 - 8/07 calls with a strikes of 76-90. The shorts are going to have their positions closed whether they like it or not if this continues (which it will). Calls, a form of option, increase in value when the price of the underlying stock increases. As a starting point, retail traders might consider Brett Freeze’s rule #1 – “never ever be short gamma.” Gamma Squeeze. How did Reddit group Wall Street Bets execute a short squeeze? Delta is a measure of the volatility of an option price, and gamma is a measure of the volatility of delta. What is short interest ratio? Borrow is getting costlier and more volatile, and many short sellers want to lock in their financing rate and limit downside so they buy puts. In short, the market makers wrote a LOT of OTM calls last week, and then had to buy shares to cover when those calls went ITM around noon. Those short puts get longer delta as the stock trades lower, so the dealers hedge by selling delta. As stock price increases and the large volume of calls become closer to being in-the-money, the MMs need to continue hedging with the upward momentum. Let's look at the difference between the "short squeeze" and the "gamma squeeze": 1. I’ve had a lot of people messaging me, saying we should get into silver. If RC even opens his twitter app this weekend, it's over. Others have already commented on why this has happened, but I'll summarize for the dunces in the back. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. A short squeeze is a specific type of stock squeeze. Now, with about 20% of the total float committed to the fucking clearing house as they sort out Friday's shitshow, I expect true short interest is closer to 500%. Typically, settlement is on Tuesdays. Long-story short it creates an infinite loop of chasing the stock upwards from MM who continuously try and hedge by purchasing stock. A “gamma squeeze” is a trading terminology that refers to massive call buying leading to higher stock prices, which leads to more call buying, a higher stock price and so on. This means that the brokerage is holding these shares on your behalf, but they aren't actually registering the shares in your name. In AMD's case, there was a pre-trigger of the stock already having a good run-up after posting high volumes of call buying last week and week before. They knew how to manufacture the short squeeze by creating a gamma squeeze… That’s not something a retail trader sitting at home in their pajamas knows. Gamestop was the previous gamma squeeze + short squeeze target and it shot up all the way from $4 in August to $98.15 today. This is what caused the absurd spike from $50 to $75 in just an hour and a half. But that isn't the only type of squeeze … I don't know if anyone else noticed, but Friday was kind of a big one for GME. With short interest of around 140% (since shares can be loaned out multiple times), conditions were primed for a historic squeeze. A short gamma position gets longer delta as spot drops and shorter delta as spot rises. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Let's Talk About: Notice the extremely high volume as it gapped up from the $2's to the $3's last week and to around $4.40 this morning.… While all eyes have been focused on GameStop and a handful of other heavily-shorted stocks as they exploded higher under continuous fire from WallStreetBets traders igniting a short-squeeze coinciding with a gamma-squeeze, the last few days saw another asset suddenly get in the crosshairs of the ‘Reddit-Raiders’ – Silver. First, let me say GameStop is a pig stock. I've researched it quite a bit and it needs certain conditions to be met. That's fucking retarded. So all this action caused a massive gamma squeeze, and GameStop short sellers have gotten absolutely crushed. Why not hedge with options instead of buying shares though? from ZeroHedge:. Do you think it will continue its run on Monday bc of the heavy volume in calls today? It is also worth considering; the Whale can short a stock and then buy puts to create a squeeze but one that pushes share prices lower. Q&A, Press J to jump to the feed. What is a delta or gamma squeeze in options on stocks? That’s a professional-level plan. A gamma squeeze can go up or down, and the mechanics are similar either way. That's the gamma squeeze that everyone has been talking about, where MM's couldn't cover fast enough. Please note that none of the above movement relates directly to the short squeeze... but it will. When I say "short gamma" you can think of that as "net short options, with an emphasis on near-dated, held by dealers." There’s been some talk on Twitter about this if you just like search TSLA gamma, squeeze, etc. Will AMC continue to rise due to earnings news or will the price dip? It could reverse, but there is no guarantee that a short squeeze will be followed by a reversal in the trend. Combining this with the more widely publicize short squeeze and we have ourselves the incredibly explosive movement in … Pinterest Gmail. How some people have made a lot of money; How other people may lose a lot of money? This is what caused the absurd spike from $50 to $75 in just an hour and a half. Many of the largest bank trades are made OTC. I think good/bad news decides which way MM push the stock. For a gamma squeeze to start, a group of small retail traders or one big trader betting that a stock will rise buy short-dated call options in the … Twitter Reddit. I've read estimates that 10-15M shares worth of calls expires ITM last Friday. Supply vs. Demand: In the case of the stock squeeze, it is clear that GameStop’s 140% short interest means that the shorts are short more stock than is … I call it GameJunk. They can either: buy more shares to remain delta neutral, or bring shares to the market (selling shares) to push the price back down. Dealers provide liquidity and sell ATM puts -- short gamma. Wrecked by small-time traders on Reddit — a true David vs. Goliath story on Wall Street. **Warning: This is a very risky play, trade at your own risk** Hello, All! The Gamma squeeze also depends on leverage and the … Could this cause a gamma squeeze due to MM having to hedge with shares? (I refer to dealers because they tend to continuously hedge delta, while most of their customers don't.). I was going to do a write up of how gamma squeeze occurs. MM doing so, forces brokers to margin call the shorts caught in their infinite short squeeze. That's the gamma squeeze that everyone has been talking about, where MM's couldn't cover fast enough. I will break it down in some points below. With short interest of around 140% (since shares can be loaned out multiple times), conditions were primed for a historic squeeze. Current Plays and Ideas -- Shorting means investors are betting that the price of a stock will go down, rather than increase.

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