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If you are having difficulty in accessing some of the work, please go to the help section by clicking here: -. Please note these are suggestions if both you and your child are well enough. They are supported by a dedicated and hard-working team of staff and by supportive parents. Primary School Sports Funding ... Home Learning Ideas 20/04. All rights reserved. Inclusion Manager: Miss Lucy Wallis If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. This site does not use tracking cookies for advertising purposes. Home Learning Welcome to our Home Learning Zone for pupils who are not able to attend school because of sickness, isolation etc. I am delighted that you have visited Moulton Chapel Primary School website.I hope it will give you a flavour of our fantastic school. Parents/carers and children, whilst the school is closed, we are conscious of the fact that we are asking you to access home learning via our school website and other third-party websites. Welcome to the home learning area of Stretham Community Primary School. Wednesday 3rd February – School is open Good morning, School is open as normal today, please take care on your journey. Work provided in the class pages reflects exactly what is being done in class so your children still have a broad curriculum if they are working from home and also will not fall behind their peers. Each age appropriate pack contains a selection of reading, writing, maths, science and other home learning activities. Here's some home learning ideas that you can do over Easter! We suggest that children may complete around two hours of work each day although this will be entirely at parents discretion. NRICH Maths Home Learning. 19th Apr 2021 to 23rd Jul 2021 Half Term: 31st May 2021 to 7th Jun 2021 View All Term Dates Blended Learning Policy 2021 Remote/Blended Learning Spring Lockdown 2021 Links to websites to support home learning - go to Pupils' page and click on Useful Websites . Easter Letter; Report Research Layout; Welcome to our Home Learning Zone . It provides opportunities and experiences for them to develop positive attitudes to learning, self-belief and critical thinking skills - all essential for success in their future lives. This is supported by a rich and exciting curriculum, with an emphasis on the creative arts as well as key skills in maths and English, which allows all children to achieve and feel successful. Headteacher: Mrs Debbie Bastin Deputy Head: Miss Joanne Wall Inclusion Manager: Miss Lucy Wallis School Business Manager: Mrs Debbie Coates School Reception: Mrs Kim Daly/Mrs Sue Brown The school is normally staffed between 8.00am and 5.30pm.. Northamptonshire Local Eductaion … Here are some new home learning ideas for this week! Home Learning Remote Learning in the Event of a Bubble Closure. Please note that due to the latest Covid-19 national lockdown, Moulton School is currently only open to children of critical workers and children who are classed as vulnerable. Milton Hall Primary School. Attached is a letter for you all to read and then the other things you may need for the home learning. Hillside Primary School always recommend that parents and carers with parental responsibility, monitor the appropriateness of all internet sites visited and supervise all child access. It has resources for Literacy, Numeracy and World Around Us and we hope to update these to help you at home … A few years ago, the leadership team took the decision to review Home Learning. Details of this will be sent to … 29851 Highlands Ave, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 234-5980 Phone (949) 495-5233 Fax. SCHOOLS BACK@kennettU6810 hope all our players enjoy seeing their friends. Moulton Primary School Church Hill Moulton Northamptonshire NN3 7SW (01604) 643061. The school is normally staffed between 8.00am and 5.30pm. Year 5 Practical Ideas. Moulton Primary School Home Learning New starters for Nursery September 2020 New starters for Reception September 2020 Nursery Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6. Daily Activities Live Lesson Video Link . This page has been set up to support parents with home learning during times when your child has to be in isolation or in the event of the school, or a class bubble, having to close. Puzzles, games and challenges, online or printable, which can all be done at home. Lytham Road, Manchester, Lancashire M14 6PL. This is work set for all pupils who are working from home.. Whilst you are working from home, it is important that you stick to a routine. Our curriculum is designed to help children find their strengths, talents and interests. Moulton more information Accept, The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Reading Bingo. Distance Learning Support and Before & Afterschool Care Moulton Maker Space ... Moulton Elementary School. You can also avoid unwanted cookies by using ad blocking add-ons on your browser, such as Ghostery and Adblock. News Calendar Staff. We have enjoyed reading all of your your messages from home and your taking part in home learning. High Visibility Version Church Hill Online Resources . Year 5 Home Learning Pack. 0161 2243 892 Week 1 - Learning Project. All of the work set needs to be completed in preparation for the follow … - What do cookies do? home learning, fremington. Tel: 021 712 3081 Fax: 021 712 6364 Email: Staff Login Deforestation. - Cookies can exist just so you don't have to keep typing details in to a website, but they can be there for advertising purposes too. You can still contact the school: Moulton School School Lane Moulton CW9 8PD. 100 Dreyersdal Road, Bergvliet, 7945, Cape Town, South Africa. Northamptonshire Local Eductaion Authority: you can find more information about education services in Northamptonshire at the County Council Website, General Enquiries:, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Materials and Properties. School Logins. Explore a list of other useful websites and organisations that provide maths activities and resources to support with home learning. Maths home learning resources School will fully re-open to all pupils on Monday 8th March 2021. We work together to provide an exciting and stimulating curriculum within a positive and nurturing environment where everyone has the right to be safe, to be happy and to learn. We would therefore like to remind you that staying safe online is very important. Click below for weekly home learning resources (when school is open normally). Contact Us. Moulton School and Science College is a popular and successful school serving Moulton and the surrounding villages to the north of Northampton. Times Table Games. Not long now until we are back training⚽@KennettPrimary @MoultonCEVC @pines_primary @St1Christophers @FordhamPrimary @SVC_PE @bottishamvc @StBenSchool @CambsFA @CUFCGoalkeepers @cufcgirls @NCFCRDP⚽, Looking forward to cricket starting 12/4@chippenhamcamcc All welcome@MoultonCEVC @KennettPrimary @FordhamPrimary @elvedenprimary @St1Christophers @StLouisAcademy @Fairstead_House @TCGSweeney13, School Website Design by e4education We are a large primary with 500 children from 4 to 11 years; however, although large, we retain all the traditional values of a village school and remain in the heart of the community with our core values of respect, trust, compassion and tolerance. welcome to the victoria park home learning zone This page is specially designed to help you continue learning with your child after the school day or when school is temporarily closed. Breakfast & Afterschool Clubs Booking Page. We aim for a diverse and creative curriculum which children will enjoy, learn and be inspired by in their learning. Sitemap. As it would be the start of a new term there are some brand new ideas for you! Parents should check the content of these before allowing children to access them independently As Moulton community continues to expand, we too have grown to provide places for the new children of the village to become a three-form entry school. Copyright 2020 Moulton Primary School. Contact Details:. School Business Manager: Mrs Debbie Coates School Closure Home Learning 20th March – July 20th. Teachers will check the home learning email regularly, and as a guide we will expect emails to be responded to within three working days. Elston Hall Primary School Stafford Road, Fordhouses Wolverhampton, WV10 6NN (01902) 558866 (01902) 558868 [email protected]

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