Remove the blinds from the wall and pop out the clutch. Window blinds may crack or bend if pets or children are rough with them—or even if kids or pets innocently pull closed blinds apart to get a look outside. Once the plugs … Follow these easy steps of window blind repair and fix those damaged blinds: The buttons which are located on the rail at the bottom of the blinds, remove them first. You risk further bends to other locations on the blind slat on which you are working. You’ll never fret again about those bent and jagged broken blinds again. How do I fix a broken blind or cell shade cord? Continue until the mini blind slat is fixed or you reached the desired appearance. Fix broken mini blinds in a flash. With the help of the online repair video, I had the blind fixed in 5 min. You may be tempted to use a shorter piece of dowel or 1-inch x 1-inch lumber. Step 1 – Remove Blind from Window. Trying to fix the blinds yourself will most likely invalidate any existing warranty so don't begin any work until you are sure. Fortunately, one damaged slat does not call for a whole new window treatment—you can fix this window blind problem. Carefully pull on the old cord at the other end, pulling the new cord into the blind, while feeding the new cord in and gently helping the joint go through the holes in the blinds, then into the top rail. Cordless blinds have an internal motor spring that retracts to hold the blind in place, and sometimes this motor needs to be reset for the blinds to work properly. Katelyn Fagan. Give your blinds a good dusting. Cordless blinds can often be fixed at home without needing to call the manufacturer or have new ones installed. Then gently use a flat-head screwdriver to remove the plugs. Most roller blinds will have a little pin on the side opposite the cord. 5. Once you have the blinds off, pop the clutch (the part with the chain) off. This will release the blinds, allowing you to pull them off of the mount. Tip. Join over 1,000,000 people who have fixed their blinds! The technology surrounding blinds evolves every day. You can push this pin in with a flat-head screwdriver. "I was able to locate and order my part from the detailed parts list. The size of the dowel will help keep the mini blind shape in the slat as you work out the damage. Welcome to another ‘Window FAQ’ post from Mindy, a fabulous Customer Service Representative here at Big help to avoid costly replacement." Broken cords on your window treatments can happen – an overly vigorous window shade opening, a less than helpful family pet looking for a unique snack… life happens! If you're not a fan of your blinds, you're going to want to take a look at these ideas. Lower the blind as far as it will go and tilt the slats into the open position. Note: on curved mini blinds, resist using a small dowel than 3/4 inch or one shorter than the blind slat. We first started with blinds that were controlled by cords but we soon realized that blinds with cords were not the most ideal if we took the safety of our pets and our children into account, and so we came up with cordless blinds.Now we no longer had to worry about those annoying cord tangles and jams, and neither did we have to worry … Easily fix a broken vertical blind. Once the joint appears out of the upper rail on the other side, you are done. I received the correct part in 2 business days. 6. Resist this temptation.
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