Your use of any information or observations contained herein is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information. Bill Binney & Robert Steele: We Have It All – Make The Deal Or Else . Shorts who were covering their short exposure for three weeks but have reversed course over the last week and are now shorting again are led by Gilead Sciences short sellers. THE USE BY SHORTSIGHT.COM OF ANY TRADEMARKED MATERIAL, INCLUDING ANY LOGOS OR COMPANY NAMES, DOES NOT IMPLY ANY AFFILIATION BY SHORTSIGHT.COM WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE HOLDERS OR ENDORSEMENT BY THEIR RESPECTIVE HOLDERS OF ANY INFORMATION OR OPINIONS PRESENTED ON SHORTSIGHT.COM. By Ihor Dusaniwsky . Helios and Matheson Analytics Inc (NASDAQ:HMNY) shares are falling off almost 30% today, but S3 Partners analyst Ihor Dusaniwsky does not … The testimonials and examples used herein are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average member, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés. — Ihor Dusaniwsky (@ihors3) December 18, 2020 “I know you are, but what am I?” Another key strategy TSLAQ employed to deflect criticism was psychological projection , also known as the “I know you are, but what am I?” strategy. Short sellers covered nearly a $ billion over the first three weeks we are looking at, followed up by nearly $300 million worth of short covering last week. The $40.1 billion in losses by investors shorting Tesla stocks were unlike the losses weathered by any other companies’ short investors — last year or ever — according to Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director at S3 and an expert in the subject. January 14-15th - The stock bounced from the mid to high 30's. Ihor Dusaniwsky Managing Director of S3 Partners from Sep 2003 -to Present in Greater New York City Area. The astronomical rally in GameStop has imposed huge losses of nearly $20 billion for … Short selling in Moderna (MRNA) has accelerated lately with $78 million of new short selling last week. For more information on S3’s reporting, data and analytics solutions, email us at [email protected] Start your free trial of the BLACK App – the only source of real-time short interest on the Bloomberg Terminal or Thomson Reuters Eikon. Ponerse corto o no, esa es la cuestión. . ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. . $420/$4000 = 10.5% for 42 days. Dusaniwsky doesn’t expect a big drop in shares shorted over the next few days, noting that short sellers lost $968 million in 2020 mark-to-market losses. Short side bearishness in the following stocks has not waned, shorts were active for three weeks and continued to sell short last week. Looking at stocks whose short conviction was declining throughout the four week period we see that Abbvie (ABBV) saw the biggest capitulation on the short side. * GameStop had 27.13 million shares shorted, down 35 million over the prior week, according to Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director of predictive analytics at S3 Partners. Up until one month ago shorts in the sector were up +$7.2 billion in net-of-financing mark-to-market profits, but are now up only +$13 million, +0.03%. "RKT's stock price and short selling activity is reminiscent of another recent highflying 'meme' stock -- GameStop Inc. undefined," wrote Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director … But a number of short investors have already covered their bets. Follow Following. This tells us that expected Alpha is much higher in the Biotech Sector than the general domestic equity market. Biotech stocks with largest Stock Borrow Fees (minimum $50MM of short interest): The average Daily Borrow Cost for the entire domestic equity market is $14.57 million while the Daily Borrow Cost for the Biotech Sector is $1.30 million, while Biotech shorts make up only 7% of the overall short interest in the domestic equity market, they are paying 9% of the overall daily stock borrow costs – shorts in the Biotech Sector are paying away much more of their Alpha in order to stay in their trades. Video: CIA Professional Blows Up Wall Street — NSA Professional Confirms 10 People, 30 Days, We Have It All! The astronomical rally in GameStop has imposed huge losses of nearly $20 billion for short sellers this year, but they are not budging.. Short-selling hedge funds have suffered a mark-to-market loss of $19.75 billion year to date in the brick-and-mortar video game retailer, including a nearly $8 billion loss on Friday as the stock kept ripping higher, according to data from S3 Partners. The sharp slide in GameStop Corp shares is stemming the bleeding for short sellers, even though some who bet against the high-flying stock have already exited the trade to cut their losses. Steven Vervaecke: Gamestop Reddit What Next? The domestic Biotech Sector has been rallying of late, in response to continued enthusiasm that the progress towards a Covid-19 antiviral or vaccine is promising. He was a former Vice President of Commerzbank AG from 1999 to 2003. Follow. Tweet: Ihor Dusaniwsky: Nothing To See Here Folks, “Naked Shorting – not a real thing in the U.S. market, Twitter: Ihor Dusaniwsky Delusional? The information herein (some of which has been obtained from third party sources without verification) is believed by S3 Partners, LLC (“S3 Partners”) to be reliable and accurate. S3 Partners analyst Ihor Dusaniwsky has just released a list of potential short squeeze stocks based on their high borrow rates. All Rights Reserved. "Shorts were reducing their exposure in the event of a strong earnings report," Ihor Dusaniwsky, the managing director of predictive analytics at S3, wrote in a note on Thursday. All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed herein and any product materials are for illustrative purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations. Ihor Dusaniwsky Managing Director of S3 Partners from Sep 2003 -to Present in Greater New York City Area.He was a former Vice President of Commerzbank AG from 1999 to 2003. — Ihor Dusaniwsky (@ihors3) April 16, 2019 After enjoying $1.34 billion in mark-to-market profits last year, many short-sellers have been paring back their exposure, according to S3. 27/01/21 11:30. Dusaniwsky took his bachelor’s degree at the New York University and graduated as a magna Cum Llaude. ), Mirror: The Pentagon’s Missing Trillions: What You Need to Know, The Cult of Lucifer Lowbrow Version — Steele Summarizes Geddes on EVIL Everywhere, The Cult of Lucifer – Movie #1 in #UNRIG Series of 4 Movies, Mirror: Debt Illusion and Free Market Manipulation with Dr. David E. Martin, Earth Intelligence Network Movies: A Conversation Among Principals, Tip: A naked short selling Death spiral lending group EXPOSED and TRAPPED by a Public company GTII This Firm. Another stock popular with Reddit investors, Virgin Galactic Holdings, surged 17%, and is now up 77% year to date. Most Profitable Biotech stocks – Month MTM P\L % (minimum $25MM of short interest): Least Profitable Biotech stocks – Month MTM P\L % (minimum $25MM of short interest): The Biotech Sector rally was stronger over the last week than earlier in the year. But surprisingly, the covering was concentrated from April 10th through May 1st and we’ve seen an increase of bearishness over the last week with $190 million of new net short selling. ... — Ihor Dusaniwsky (@ihors3) January 29, 2021 The agreement is the latest in a series of biologics-focused transactions for Exelixis as the company builds out its pipeline behind CABOMETYX® (cabozantinib), … This has got to make Tesla CEO Elon Musk happy: In the last seven months, short positions on Tesla shares have lost $8.4 billion, according to S3 Partners, a financial analytics firm. Overall, there were not many shorted stocks that saw a significant flip of bearish convictions. FILE PHOTO: A banner celebrating Rocket Companies Inc., the parent company of … Total short interest in the sector is $49.26 billion, and we’ve seen $612 million of short covering over the last month. . Shorts in stocks with large percentage losses are prime short squeeze candidates. The indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features herein are for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Exelixis, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXEL) and WuXi Biologics ("WuXi Bio") (2269.HK) today announced the companies have entered into an exclusive license agreement to support the continued expansion of Exelixis’ oncology biologics pipeline. La mayor apuesta bajista de la historia: 20.000 millones contra Tesla Motors. © 2021 S3 Partners, LLC. Y en las próximas rondas, los grandes accionistas tienen las de ganar”, finaliza el director gerente de S3 Partners, una empresa de manejo de datos, Ihor Dusaniwsky. Speaking with CNBC, Ihor Dusaniwsky, the managing director of research at data analytics company S3 Partners, said that a short squeeze in GPRO stock may now be in the cards. “This is another ‘Gamestopesque’ short activity,” said Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director of predictive analytics at S3 Partners. GameStop's rally will likely force many of the remaining short-sellers to close their positions, said Ihor Dusaniwsky of S3 Partners. There were very few stocks with positive returns, with only 19% of the shorted biotech stocks being profitable trades. Our Blacklight SaaS platform and Black APP provides an up to date view of short selling and short covering on an equity, sector, index or country-wide basis allowing investors\traders to better manage their existing long and short positions as well as generate new trade ideas. No representation or implication is being made that using the methodology or system will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses. GME Short sellers have already lost $19bn, however many Are Still holding in Hopes of price going down! Analysts worry some new or inexperienced investors could face losses if they bought in as the stock was peaking. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. $100 Trillion Stolen by Wall Street Recoverable — Robert Steele’s Open Letter to the President, Memorandum for the President #6: $100 Trillion in Illicit Wealth Immediately Confiscatable from Wall Street, Graphic: President Donald Trump & Bill Binney – “We Have It All…”, Video Series (1 + 9): Dark Side of the Looking Glass. Video (55:42) They’ve Stolen $100 TRILLION & Their Plan is to Leave You With NOTHING!! Please Note: Blog posts are not selected, edited or screened by Seeking Alpha editors. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. "Short selling has always existed," said Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director at S3 Partners, a firm that specializes in analyzing short selling data. 1) Both the S&P 500 Index and Tesla (TSLA) hit all-time highs yesterday. Information and observations are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but and any of its affiliates do not warrant the completeness or accuracy of any such information, or guarantee or in any way warrant any results from the use of any information. Shorts had covered $58 million of their exposure for three weeks, but they are now shorting with gusto and added $127 million of new shorts over the last week. Anyone here objectionable to possibly owning NOK at $3.58 a share? #UNRIG Video (2:42) EXTRACTS for POTUS — $33 Trillion Takes Down Wall Street Crime. Ahora el coste de ponerse en corto también se ha disparado, porque con una pequeña base de propietarios de GameStop entre los fondos de inversión hay menos inversores disponibles para prestar acciones, dijo Ihor Dusaniwsky, director gerente de análisis predictivo de S3 Partners. ... some of the gains they earned in early 2020," notes Dusaniwsky. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. Want deeper insight into the above analysis? Summary. For a 45 day free Bloomberg App trial go to Article: Has Wall Street Stolen $100 Trillion from the American Public? Aun así, las posiciones cortas en GameStop se situaban en 8.820 millones de dólares hasta el viernes, lo que la convierte en la sexta empresa más corta por valor, según S3. Ihor Dusaniwsky, a managing director at the data analytics company S3 Partners, called the situation “unique”. Skip to comments. Accept Read More, Stock Loan Pumps the Brakes on Hertz Shorts, DKNG & PENN Shorts Leaving The Gaming Table. Robert Steele Comments, Tweet: Wirecard Naked Short Selling Today, Robert Steele: The Rigging Continues, SEC & DTCC Lying Again, Larry Smith: Open Letter to President Donald Trump on Wall Street Crime, Movie on Wall Street Treason & Crime Updated 21 Feb. Did Donald Trump Just Smash City of London (Rothschilds)? Tweet: Marc Cohodes Weaves His Web — NewsFlash — We Have It All, Marc! Next week's presenters include Kindred Bio (NASDAQ:KIN ... jolt the stock price suddenly higher," says S3's Ihor Dusaniwsky. Ponerse corto o no, esa es la cuestión. GameStop short sellers are still not surrendering despite nearly $20 billion in losses this month CNBC ^ Posted on 01/29/2021 3:45:29 PM PST by TigerClaws. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. IHOR DUSANIWSKY. Looking at short selling trends over time provides insight into overall market sentiment as well as the strength of bearish conviction in individual equities. Article: The Dark Money Secretly Bankrolling Activist Short- Sellers — and the Insiders Trying to Expose It, #UNRIG Video (38:29) Wall Street Treason & Crime – In Conversation with Wes Christian, Target: The Holder Memorandum (No Jail for Financial Fraud), Article: Meet Patrick Byrne: Bitcoin Messiah, CEO of Overstock, Scourge of Wall Street, Article: Billionaire Ken Griffin buys New York penthouse for $238 million, the most expensive US home ever sold. Weekly net-of-financing mark-to-market losses in the sector totaled -$3.02 billion, -6.36%. As for the broader market weakness, there were still some hedge funds selling out of long positions to meet cash requirements with brokers, who are now tightening restrictions, Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director at S3 Partners, told Barron’s.Much of that activity is continued fallout from the options activity that took stocks down earlier in the week. By downloading any information from your information may be shared with our educational partners or affiliates. «Los cortos y los largos de Gamestop están en una batalla de nocaut que se libra en la bolsa -y en las plataformas de las redes sociales-«, dijo el martes el director gerente de S3 Partners, Ihor Dusaniwsky, señalando que los vendedores en corto que apuestan contra la acción han perdido unos 5.000 millones de dólares este año. Neither S3 Partners nor any of its affiliates makes any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information herein or accepts liability arising from its use. Mr. Ihor Dusaniwsky is Managing Director and Head of Predictive Analytics at S3 Partners, LLC. S3 Partners analyst Ihor Dusaniwsky says there are two main ingredients in the recipe for a short squeeze — trading losses and high borrow fees. There is a very high degree of risk involved in investing and trading of securities and similar instruments, and and all individuals affiliated with this site do not intend to provide or convey any advice or recommendations concerning any such activity, and assume no responsibilities for any trading or investment results. But of the stocks that saw short bears running out of steam and now covering their positions, Iovance Biotherapeutics (IOVA) and Biogen (BIIB) led the pack. El aumento de 800% en las acciones de GameStop, colocó al fundador y ex CEO de Chewy en la categoría de billonario en tiempo récord. (CNN) — In the last seven months, short positions on Tesla shares have lost $8.4 billion, according to S3 Partners, a financial analytics firm. (Reuters) - A slugfest between Wall Street and Main Street took an unexpected turn late on Wednesday after moderators of a stock trading forum that has helped fuel massive rallies … #UNRIG Video: $100 Trillion Stolen by Wall Street | Between NSA, DTCC, and ShareIntel, Can POTUS Get It Back? NEW YORK — The number of GameStop shares that were shorted fell by over half in a week as short sellers covered their bets, analytics firm S3 Partners said on Monday, although the video game retailer remained a highly shorted stock. Robert Steele: Wall Street Controlled Demolition Part 1, Release: President Trump Briefed on NSA Capabilities Against Financial Crime, #UNRIG Video (29:36) Dave Hodges Interviews Robert Steele on Trump Triumphs Against Wall Street, Democrats, Satanists, Release: President Trump Urged to Create DoD-DoJ Task Force on Financial Crime, Steven Vervaecke: Wall Street Controlled Demolition Part 2, Graphic: Feast of the Naked Shorts (Wolves of Wall Street and Washington DC), Robert Steele: Decision Memorandum for the President – Achieving the Mother of All Landslides with Six Initiatives, #UNRIG Video (8:40) Robert Steele on Media Misinformation $100 Trillion in Wall Street Money Laundering, Trump Advantage, MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Subject: Immediate Opportunity to Confiscate $100 Trillion in Illicit Wealth from Wall Street. Tip: FingerMotion (FNGR) Being Naked Short Sold for 2 Years, Our Mission: To Put Naked Short Sellers — and US Government Officials That Help Them — Into Jail, #UNRIG Video (43:11) Wall Street Financial Crime — $100 Trillion Stolen from Main Street — Appeal to President Trump. Mirror: Here’s how the bullion banks rig the silver price (your lawyer will love this one! Prior to making any decisions based on the information herein, you should determine, without reliance upon S3 Partners, the economic risks and merits, as well as the legal, tax, accounting and investment consequences, of such decisions. The March 12, 2021 $4.00 put is trading at .42/.52. #UNRIG Video (15:59) Bill Binney with Michelle Holiday on How President Trump Can Use NSA Against Seditionists and Wall Street, Graphic: Wall Street Crime Part II – Money Laundering, Graphic: Deep State Court (Everything Is Connected) by Ben Garrison. GameStop and other “meme stocks” mounted a late-day rally on Monday, with shares of the video game retailer climbing nearly 32% at one point on little apparent news. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director at S3 Partners, told Barron’s on Tuesday that only 26.09 million GameStop shares were recently sold short, or about 51% of shares available for trading. "This is another ‘Gamestopesque’ short activity," said Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director of predictive analytics at … Michael M. Santiago | Getty Images The astronomical rally in GameStop has imposed huge losses of nearly $20 billion for short sellers this year, but they are not budging. He was also the former Head of Agency Lending Des in Morgan Stanley from 1985 to 1999 in Greater New York City Area with a background in Equity Controller – NY and Tokyo, FX Controller – NY and Tokyo, Equity Special Projects – Hong Kong, World Wide Head FX Controller – NYSecurities Finance WW Collateral Manager – London International Securities Finance Trader – NY and London Domestic Securities Finance Trader – NY, ETF Securities, Finance Trader – NY, ADR Securities finance Trader – NY Head of Agency Lending – NY. Biotech Sector Short Activity by Ihor Dusaniwsky May 8, 2020 The domestic Biotech Sector has been rallying of late, in response to continued enthusiasm that the progress towards a Covid-19 antiviral or vaccine is promising. 28 abril, 2020 - 15:26. Most Profitable Biotech stocks – Week MTM P\L % (minimum $25MM of short interest): Least Profitable Biotech stocks – Week MTM P\L % (minimum $25MM of short interest): Looking at bearishness conviction on the short side can provide insight into market trends of the stocks that are being shorted. COUNTERPARTY RISK SOLUTIONS (CRS) Software and high-touch advisement services that reveal the bid-ask for terms in trading agreements and ensures that legal, operational, economical, and credit terms match your day-to-day operations. We will probably see short covering in stocks with over -50% returns over the last month as short sellers trim their exposure in order to cut their losses. Bio. Shares of GameStop, which had seen a spectacular rally, fell 31% on Monday to close at $225, 53% lower than their Jan 28 peak of $483. Will Donald Trump Get It Back? Monthly net-of-financing mark-to-market losses in the sector totaled -$7.20 billion, -15.45%. Biography @AndrewScurria May 13, 2019 5:21 pm ET Short sellers are cashing in as the country’s opioid crisis begins claiming corporate casualties. Explore some of Ihor Dusaniwsky best quotations and sayings on -- such as 'Fundamental and momentum shorts have incurred very large mark-to-market losses and they have been squeezed out of their positions, we saw over the last couple of days some serious short covering in the name.' Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director of predictive analytics at analytics firm S3 Partners, said short covering was "not the predominant reason for this price move." Ihor Dusaniwsky Managing Director of S3 Partners from Sep 2003 -to Present in Greater New York City Area.He was a former Vice President of Commerzbank AG from 1999 to 2003.
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