J.B. Pritzker’s progressive income tax. The “surplus” was only in the general fund and was calculated using cash-based accounting. This is essentially accurate. In the time since Trump signed his landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017, the deficit has increased by more than $100 billion. It’s a recipe for poor governance, if not outright corruption.”. Illinois is perhaps the most glaring example of why governments need to be held to higher standards than the ones the board uses. “Joe Biden’s Dept. Suite 1300B This article was updated Aug. 2 to include a graph with the annual federal deficit in constant dollars. Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion. - City Zen - ⦠“Not one court has looked at the evidence and said that Biden legally won” the presidential election. The program was designed to allow state and local governments access to credit to manage revenue delays and losses, with $500 billion in funding available to all 50 states, large cities and counties, and certain other municipal entities until Dec. 31, 2020. While no one could have foreseen the economic calamity caused by COVID-19, few states were less prepared to handle a downturn than Illinois. This includes $30 million from reinstating the corporate franchise tax, which Pritzker eliminated in his 2019 budget. (a) In general.âNotwithstanding section 302(a)(1) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. "Morons: ‘Democrats cause deficits,’" the original tweet reads. This is more or less accurate. Bush 41 took it to 300 billion. Some people confuse the federal deficit with the debt — but they’re two separate concepts. In fact, the most recent data show Illinois is hemorrhaging residents, suffering the largest population decline of any state during the past decade. In CBOâs projections, the federal budget deficit is $1.0 trillion in ⦠This borrowing and debt manipulation is part of a bad budget process that hides real deficits from taxpayers and allows the state to claim balanced budgets even though they are not. Dogs and cats are required to wear an ID tag provided by the owner. Instead, aides say painful spending cuts will ⦠The state’s taxpayers would benefit from tougher standards that impose fiscal discipline. There's always the chance of a ⦠J.B. Pritzker is scheduled to deliver his annual budget address to the General Assembly via a live video feed at noon Wednesday. Illinois Gov. At PolitiFact, we’ve reported extensively on how Republicans and Democrats often try to pin the federal deficit on each other — muddying the facts in the process. A viral tweet made several claims about how the deficit has grown under Republican presidents and shrunk under Democrats. First, the country’s economic situation has a big impact on the federal deficit. Yet only two government bodies ended up using this emergency funding resource: the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York and the state of Illinois. Illinois’ current bill backlog is around $5 billion even after payments have been made as a result of this latest short-term borrowing. The Blue Collars Job Act in a pandemic: What it means for Illinois' budget Feb 17, 2021 The Blue Collars Job Act passed in 2019, but is now under the spotlight again as Illinois ⦠Research from the nonpartisan Illinois Policy Institute found the state loses $556 million each year due to corruption’s stifling effect on economic growth. They do not need to be registered with the Village. Intended as a hybrid between accrual and cash-based accounting, the modified system effectively operates as cash-based accounting, in which revenues are counted when they are received but expenses are not counted until they are paid. Pritzker Delivers Third Balanced Budget Proposal. We reached out to Newsitics, the media outlet that Cole founded and works for, to see what evidence he used to compose the tweet and didn’t hear back. Illinois has been noted as a microcosm of the entire United States. 633(a)(1)), section 13301 of the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. Our review shows the numbers basically check out, but they don’t tell the full story. The governorâs office is projecting a $3 billion deficit for the budget year that begins July 1, down from a previous projection of $5.5 billion, thanks in part to a stronger-than-expected economy. The poor fiscal state of Illinois was also on display when it borrowed funds through an emergency program created by the Federal Reserve called the Municipal Liquidity Facility. How much power do presidents have to change the deficit anyway? The state’s precarious finances left it unprepared for economic turmoil like the coronavirus pandemic. But the agency also reported that Washington is on track to post a $1.1 trillion deficit by the end of September, which backs up Cole’s claim. The Department of the Treasury explains it like this: The deficit is the difference between the money that the government makes and the money it spends. Illinois’ unfortunate triple crown of lax accounting practices, poor governance and corruption drag down its economic growth, contributing to residents leaving the state. The state is also in danger of becoming the first to have its bonds hit junk status. Support trusted, factual information with a tax deductible contribution to PolitiFact. starts here. At points between 1983 and 1986, the deficit was actually more than $175 billion. $121.1 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion.Morons: “Democrats cause deficits.”, Screenshots of the tweet on Facebook were flagged as part of the company’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. A $100,000 cap on the corporate ⦠This creates a distorted view of budgets and enables governments to overpromise – making financial commitments they have no way of keeping. Alex Cole, a political news editor at the website Newsitics, published the tweet July 23. Illinois sought to use this program because the state is in such poor fiscal condition that the Municipal Liquidity Facility program offered borrowing opportunities at better rates than the state could find in the traditional bond market. H.R.5835 - Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, "Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly. They are naturally insulated. Washington, DC The deficit was even lower in 2015 at around $441.9 billion. So slide 27 of the Budget in Brief shows the IDOC population, inmates, dropping by about 9,000, a quarter, from December 2019 to December 2020. Congressional Budget Office, "Budget Projections for FY 2019," accessed July 24, 2019, Congressional Budget Office, "How the 2017 Tax Act Affected CBO’s Economic and Budget Projections," April 13, 2018, Email interview with Stephen Ellis, executive vice president of the nonprofit Taxpayers for Common Sense, July 24, 2019, Email interview with Tara Sinclair, an associate professor of economics and international affairs at George Washington University, July 26, 2019, Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, "Federal Surplus or Deficit," 1981-2018, PolitiFact, "Liberal group blames Bush for raising deficits, credits Obama for lowering them," Aug. 27, 2015, PolitiFact, "U.S. deficits and the debt in 5 charts: A 2018 midterm report," Nov. 2, 2018, PolitiFact, "Will Trump, GOP create more debt in one year than in first 200 years of U.S.?" ", "Schools are trying to make a law that teachers can see girls' private parts to make sure they're not trans. Illinois Crop Budgets and Historic Returns; ... Payment estimates are provided for the program years from 2019 to 2023. Over half of states report positive growth, including California, New York, and Illinois. Illinois must reverse these troubling trends by adopting serious reforms that directly address the problems facing the state. It'd be far more fitting to recognize that in this state, the more things stay the same, the worse things get, at least from a fiscal standpoint. However, it’s worth clarifying that presidents alone are not responsible for the rise and fall of the federal deficit. The bill backlog is essentially a “carried deficit” from year to year. Chicago Office | Illinois Policy Gov. stated on February 9, 2021 a Bitchute video: stated on January 18, 2021 a research article: stated on February 12, 2021 a speech at the U.S. Senate: stated on February 6, 2021 a video on Facebook: stated on February 7, 2021 an Epoch Times headline: stated on March 4, 2021 in a video on Instagram: stated on February 18, 2021 in a radio interview: stated on March 2, 2021 in a news conference: stated on March 3, 2021 in a Facebook post: stated on February 25, 2021 in an appearance before a committee: stated on March 3, 2021 in Daily Signal op ed: stated on March 4, 2021 in a radio show segment: stated on March 4, 2021 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2021 in testimony: ©All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Illinois's borrowing costs would probably go even higher, which would only make the budget problems worse. Imagine homeowners “balancing” their monthly budget by refusing to pay their $100 electric bill, instead counting it toward next month’s expenses just because the bill went unpaid. Illinois has grown accustomed to using lax accounting methods to hide its budget deficits, racking up debt year after year. There was more spending on safety net programs like food stamps and Medicaid and less income from taxes. On the whole, the numbers presented for each president are basically accurate. He used Reagan’s tax cuts and Obama’s stimulus package as examples of how the president can affect deficit spending. The COVID-19 vaccine could lead to prion diseases, Alzheimer’s, ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. Truth in Accounting, an independent financial watchdog, said these methods allow governments to “ignore long-term liabilities, such as the pension and health care promises they made to their government workers.”, Truth in Accounting is leading an effort to push the standards board to adopt stronger standards and urging the public to write to the board during the open comment period, which runs until the end of February. They’re buried beneath the ground.”. ", stated on February 9, 2021 in a Facebook post. The state will ramp up borrowing to finance projects under its 2019 $45.5 billion capital program, Rebuild Illinois. "(Bill) Clinton got it to zero." Video suggests Dr. Anthony Fauci said vaccines don’t protect against COVID-19. Joe Biden "really did wipe away" student loan debt. In the 20 years since the state’s last truly balanced budget, its deficits have increased, taxes have increased, and population has declined. Illinois’ !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(a){if(void 0!==a.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var e in a.data["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-"+e)||document.querySelector("iframe[src*='"+e+"']");t&&(t.style.height=a.data["datawrapper-height"][e]+"px")}}))}(); Current governmental accounting standards allow repeated deficits. If Pritzkerâs budget proposal is enacted, Illinois would see an estimated $7.62 billion budget surplus in the coming fiscal year. The tweet is accurate but needs additional information. 1100 Connecticut Ave. NW Worse, that corruption comes with a hefty price tag. Bush 41 took it to 300 billion." The deficit spiked at around $290.3 billion the year before he left office. 1 would mean “that millions of illegal immigrants are quickly registered to vote. Using this method “would mean that the financial statements used for budgeting must show expenses as they are incurred, especially when a government makes a promise to pay in the future.”. We also found a screenshot on Reddit, where it has been upvoted more than 53,000 times. ", H.R. Close, but not exactly. If itâs enacted as is, Illinois stands to receive $7.5 billion and local officials would get a portion of $5.7 billion. A viral post portrays Democrats, not Republicans, as the party of fiscal responsibility, with numbers about the deficit under recent presidents to make the case. We rate it Mostly True. A record in spending for the period represented an 18.3 percent increase of $1.38 trillion, while at the same time revenues fell 0.4 percent to $803.37 billion. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Says Gov. Illinois borrowed $1.2 billion in June then requested an additional $2 billion in December after voters in November rejected Gov. In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Since Illinois counts an expenditure only when it is paid, the state can carry that expense into future fiscal years without counting it toward the current fiscal year’s balance. Andrew Cuomo "issued a legal blanket immunity, and snuck that into our budget, giving these facilities essentially a license to kill, a get-out-of-jail free card.”, “When I came into office, the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America.”, “Massive 78% of mail-in ballots proved fraudulent, judge orders election do-over.”, Says the NC elections board “did not change state law. 1 “would allow the Boston bomber to have a right to vote.”. ", The voting bill known as H.R. The federal debt is the running total of the accumulated deficits. Weinberg pointed to a Chicago Sun-Times 2019 headline about the Chicago Public Schools that said, “CPS finishes year with budget surplus,” when CPS had a loss in excess of $750 million and net liabilities over $14 billion. The purpose for the liquidity borrowing, according to Pritzker, is to help the state manage its enormous bill backlog, another long-running problem enabled by cash-based accounting. Illinois continues to use all available gimmicks and federal handouts to keep its fiscal boat afloat. Illinois has only enough money in reserve to fund the government for about 15 minutes, a sobering reminder of just how poorly politicians have been managing the state’s finances. Last month, Pritzker announced he would delay the implementation of economic incentives outlined in the so-called Blue Collar Jobs Act passed in 2019, and this week he announced heâd be seeking the closure of âcorporate tax loopholesâ in order to shore up the stateâs budget. "Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered", Photo shows Democratic protesters who “stormed the U.S. Capitol in 2018.”. ", After the Capitol insurrection, “one of the first people arrested was a leader of antifa. Facebook users can avoid “problems with your Facebook going against community standards” by changing your settings. Clinton got it to zero. J.B. Pritzker had been widely expected to make a push to jack up the state income tax rate to cover the gap. "(George W.) Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion." Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion.Obama halved it to 600 billion. Here’s what we found for each claim: "(President Ronald) Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion." The Great Recession affected the deficit near the end of George W. Bush’s administration and the beginning of Obama’s, said Stephen Ellis, executive vice president of the nonprofit Taxpayers for Common Sense. The standards board sets the accounting standards for state and local governments. It wants the board to adopt what it calls FACT-based accounting – Full Accrual Calculations and Techniques. Data since 1940 show that the deficit was highest in 2009, 2010 and 2011 — the height of the Great Recession and the aftermath of the 2009 stimulus package. St. Petersburg, FL The Budget. That is the only way to place Illinois on a sustainable path forward. Second, new presidents take office in January and, for the most part, inherit the budget from the previous administration for the remainder of the fiscal year — not to mention legislation passed in years prior. t 312.346.5700 f 312.212.5277, Springfield Office | Illinois Policy Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Weinberg pointed to a Chicago Sun-Times 2019 headline about the Chicago Public Schools that said, âCPS finishes year with budget surplus,â when ⦠Trump’s got it back to a trillion. Until Illinois changes its poor practices and adopts better accounting standards, Illinoisans can expect to keep seeing smoke-and-mirror accounting tricks by politicians. The president does affect the budget by negotiating and signing appropriations bills. To check the numbers in Cole’s tweet, we went to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which has an interactive database for these kinds of figures. J.B. Pritzker went after Republicans in his combined budget and State of the State speech, saying "their idea of bipartisanship ends when hard choices must be made." 802 South 2nd Street | Springfield, IL 62704 If the government spends more than it collects in revenues, then it’s running a deficit. The remainder of the deficit is closed, ... the last time Illinoisâ budget actually ended a year in the black was two decades ago. The combination of spending hikes and tax cuts amplifies deficits. But there’s a lot more to it. comeback Misinformation isn't going away just because it's a new year. How the 2017 Tax Act Affected CBO’s Economic and Budget Projections, Liberal group blames Bush for raising deficits, credits Obama for lowering them, U.S. deficits and the debt in 5 charts: A 2018 midterm report. But Cole’s tweet still lacks some nuance. Within a few hours, several Facebook users posted screenshots of the tweet, which claims that Republican presidents have been more responsible for contributing to the deficit over the past four decades. Gov. Taxpayers should further question why their elected officials continue to use these methods to hide the state’s true financial condition. ", Says Jerry Nadler said “God has no authority in the House of Representatives”. This is true. Now let’s take a closer look at each president’s impact on the federal deficit. When it comes to Illinois' fiscal system, the adage "the more things change, the more they stay the same" rings hollow. FILE - This July 16, 2019, file photo shows the Capitol Dome in Washington. 33701 Unsurprisingly, recent research from the University of Illinois-Chicago found the state to be the second-most corrupt in the nation. Says Joe Biden is “following through with a fracking ban.”. Illinois 10-year general obligation bonds yield about 2.77 percentage points more than benchmark debt, the highest of the 20 states tracked by Bloomberg.”. States are seeing increases in revenue, with an average decline of just 0.12% compared with 2019. That is the type of irresponsible financial management cash-based accounting allows. Building on Efforts to Protect Illinois Families, Gov. story "Youth usage of marijuana has actually gone down in states that have fully legalized.”, “Pipelines do not freeze. Ignoring the fact that he actually started his presidency with a surplus, Bush left office in 2009 with a federal deficit of roughly $1.41 trillion. While the rise in spending was bi-partisan, the tax cuts were a Republican effort that Trump championed. Trump oversaw both. These reckless budget practices have helped push Illinois into a fiscal abyss while also contributing to numerous other problems plaguing the state. Obama halved it to $600 billion. This is in the ballpark. t 217.528.8800 f 312.212.5277 e info@illinoispolicy.org, Copyright © 2021 Illinois Policy | Illinois' comeback story starts here, Weak accounting standards enable Illinois budget deficits, lowest credit rating any state has ever received. Will Trump, GOP create more debt in one year than in first 200 years of U.S.? Truth in Accounting CEO Sheila Weinberg recently highlighted an example of how deceptive financial practices mislead the public and hide the true fiscal state of public entities. Users can select the state, county, and crop combination that they wish to consider. So far, he has revealed little about the budget ⦠This report is the latest in that seriesâand it shows a cumulative 10-year deficit that is slightly larger and a cumulative 30-year deficit that is notably larger than those in CBOâs previous projections. The federal deficit went from about $78.9 billion at the beginning of Reagan’s presidency to $152.6 billion at the end of it. Thatâs how much more money the United States spends on its military than 144 other countries combined, according to the latest update to available data on military expenditures compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). 190 South LaSalle Street | 1500 | Chicago, IL 60603 of Energy Blocked Texas from Increasing Power Ahead of Killer Storm”, Donald Trump's second impeachment "cost $33 million. While the private sector is held to a higher standard, rules from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board have enabled Illinois to engage in reckless financial practices that harm taxpayers and the state’s economy. "(George H.W.) The Treasury Department reports that the deficit is $216.3 billion higher than the same October-December period in 2019. Government accounting standards that fail to offer transparency and accuracy in financial reporting have also contributed to the state’s $260 billion pension crisis, the primary reason Illinois has the lowest credit rating any state has ever received. None of that is to say that the president doesn’t have any effect on the deficit, Ellis said. Those posts racked up several hundred likes and shares. After we published this story, some readers asked us to look at the annual deficit in terms of constant dollars, which adjust for inflation. The number was around $255 billion at the end of Bush’s term. The Blue Collars Job Act passed in 2019, but is now under the spotlight again as Illinois lawmakers are set to begin three and a half months of budget conversations to deal with an expected deficit. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.). Crain’s Chicago Business explained: “Investors have long punished Illinois for its fiscal woes, boosting the penalty the state pays to borrow from the bond market. ", Says Joe Biden planned a winter storm as "warfare, an attack on Texas by altering the jet stream. Current board standards enable governments to use confusing accounting methods to shield significant problems from the eyes of taxpayers rather than promoting transparency in the use of public funds. ", Doctors and nurses who administer the coronavirus vaccine can be "tried as war criminals.".
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