Debt to GDP Ratio; On the other hand, Kenya’s debt to GDP ratio came in at an estimated 62.1% in 2019, 12.1% above the IMF recommended threshold of 50.0%. Alongside this GDP growth is stagnating, making the situation worse (an analysis for a different story). Then you will be able to mark statistics as favourites and use personal statistics alerts. World Economics makes available of world’s most comprehensive GDP database covering over 130 countries with historical GDP PPP data from 1870-2019, building on the lifetimes work of Angus Maddison. Please authenticate by going to "My account" → "Administration". Accessed March 09, 2021., IMF. According to World Bank, Kenya’s debt service ratio is currently at 10.6 per cent, having doubled from a single digit of 5.3 per cent in 2013. Kenya’s public debt to GDP is estimated at 56.2% in 2017 (rising from 44.0% 5-years ago, and 38.4% 10-years ago), and that we will use approx. Government Debt to GDP in Kenya increased to 62.40 percent in 2019 from 59.10 percent in 2018. It is a key indicator for the sustainability of government finance. The figures refer to the whole country and include the debts of the state, the communities, the municipalities and the social insurances. ", IMF, Kenya: National debt in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) from 2015 to 2025 Statista, (last visited March 09, 2021), Kenya: National debt in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) from 2015 to 2025, Gross domestic product (GDP) in Kenya 2025, Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Kenya 2025, Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Kenya 2025, Kenya: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2025, Share of economic sectors in the GDP in Kenya 2019, National debt of Kenya in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2025*, Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Kenya 2019, Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Kenya 2025, Kenya's budget balance in relation to GDP 2025, New cases of COVID-19 worldwide from January 23, 2020 to March 7, 2021, by day, National debt of Denmark in relation to gross domestic product 2010-2024, National debt of Benin in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2025*, National debt of Germany in relation to gross domestic product 2010-2024, Recreation & culture consumer spending per capita forecast in Zambia 2010-2025, Household upkeep consumer spending per capita forecast in Central Africa 2010-2025, Communication consumer spending per capita forecast in Tanzania 2010-2025, Consumer spending per capita forecast in Cameroon 2010-2025, Internet penetration forecast in Ethiopia 2010-2025, Industry revenue of “office machinery and equipment rental and leasing“ in Washington 2012-2024, Industry revenue of “other support activities for transportation“ in Ohio 2012-2024, Industry revenue of »other software publishing« in Italy 2011-2023, Industry revenue of “wholesale of perfume and cosmetics“ in Denmark 2012-2024, Urban day trips (domestic) in England in 2012, by region. Download historical data for 20 million indicators using your browser. Facebook: number of monthly active users worldwide 2008-2020, Smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2020, Number of apps available in leading app stores 2020, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Please contact us to get started with full access to dossiers, forecasts, studies and international data. The World Bank Kenya has released the Kenya Economic Update of 2019 which shows that Kenya’s GDP grew by 0.1% in 2018 to reach a 5.8% growth from 4.9% in 2017. and over 1 Mio. Kenya Public Expenditure Analysis 2019 Creating fiscal Space to deliver the Big 4 while undertaking a needed fiscal consolidation June 2019 Macroeconomics, Trade & Investment (MTI) Kenya New, Figures and insights about the advertising and media world, Industry Outlook And Mark Masai provided 56% as the Debt/GDP Ratio for Kenya, then the President threw “well over 100%” as the Debt/GDP Ratio as Japan’s. 40.3% of our revenue raised from tax collection to finance debt payments in the fiscal year 2017/18, Quick Analysis with our professional Research Service: Content Marketing & Information Design for your projects: COVID-19 deaths worldwide as of March 8, 2021, by country, COVID-19 cases worldwide as of March 8, 2021, by country, Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, recoveries, and deaths worldwide as of Mar. The global average debt-to-GDP ratio (weighted by each country’s GDP) edged up to 226 percent in 2018, 1½ percentage points above the previous year. Burundi debt to gdp ratio for 1998 was 151.28%, a 17.03% increase from 1997. percent in 2017. $39 per month* Update, Insights into the world's most important technology markets, Advertising & Media Outlook Please log in to access our additional functions, *Duration: 12 months, billed annually, single license, The ideal entry-level account for individual users. Government Debt to GDP in Kenya averaged 54.63 percent from 1998 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 78.30 percent in 2000 and a record low of 38.20 percent in 2012. Because debt is a stock rather than a flow, it is measured as of a given date, usually the last day of the fiscal year. Chart. Kenya Government Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit; Government Debt to GDP 62.40: 59.10: 78.30: 38.20: percent: Government Budget -5.60-6.70: 0.81-8.20: percent of GDP: Government Budget Value -478312.20-314216.60: 34232.00-711424.00: KES million: Government Spending 734790.80: 700443.60 (October 12, 2020). In, IMF. Japan, with its population of 127,185,332, has the highest national debt in the world at … 8, 2021, Cumulative cases of COVID-19 worldwide from Jan. 22, 2020 to Jan. 25, 2021, by day. "Kenya: National debt in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) from 2015 to 2025." Industry revenue of “office machinery and equipment rental and leasing“ in Washington 2012... Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre. Corporate solution including all features. Data released by economists at the Kenya’s Institute of Economic Affairs shows that in 2017, 2018 and 2019, Kenya’s debt service to revenue ratio stood at 35.8 per cent, 30.5 per cent and 33.4 per cent respectively against the threshold of 30 per cent. The data reached an all-time high of 68.6 % in Sep 2020 and a record low of 39.7 % in Mar 2010. Profit from additional features by authenticating your Admin account. The Trading Economics Application Programming Interface (API) provides direct access to our data. Register in seconds and access exclusive features. This was attributable to a rebound of the agricultural sector in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. The Human Capital Index (HCI) database provides data at the country level for each of the components of the Human Capital Index as well as for the overall index, disaggregated by gender. Njoroge told a news conference on Tuesday in Nairobi that the apex bank, however, had room to refinance the debt to reduce the costs of servicing it. The government debt-to-GDP ratio increased to 62 percent of GDP as of end of fiscal year 2019 from 49 percent in fiscal 2015, while interest payments rose to 22 percent of government revenue from 15 percent over the same period,” said Moody’s. Public debt as a percent of GDP by CIA (2012) Government debt as a percent of GDP in the European Union , Norway, and Iceland in 2019 The figures here are represented as a percentage of annual gross domestic product . Rwanda recorded the highest GDP growth rate in the region at 8.6%. In PV terms, the public debt- to-GDP ratio would remain stable around 48–49 percent through end-2019, falling gradually thereafter. Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth is projected to decelerate from an annual average of 5.7% (2015-2019) to 1.5% in 2020. Kenya government debt to GDP ratio data is updated quarterly, available from Dec 2009 to Sep 2020. The new update of the IMF’s Global Debt Database shows that total global debt (public plus private) reached US$188 trillion at the end of 2018, up by US$3 trillion when compared to 2017. The authorities’ medium-term debt anchor is 45 percent in PV terms (within the EAC convergence criterion threshold of 50 percent). viii the long-term debt stock of low-income countries. However, if takes longer than expected to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control, GDP could contract by 1.0% in 2020, and see … Public debt stood at 52 percent of GDP in June 2013 down from 64 percent in June 2003 (Republic of Kenya, 2013). General government debt-to-GDP ratio measures the gross debt of the general government as a percentage of GDP. Monday November 11 2019 Kenya and Burundi top, with debt to GDP ratios set to exceed 50pc limits. External Debt Stocks in 2019 6 ... Kenya 90 Kosovo 91 Kyrgyz Republic 92 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 93 Lebanon 94 ... billion in 2019 and accounted for 27 percent of . (billed annually). Learn more about how Statista can support your business. The reserves stood at US$ 8.2 billion or 5.3 months of import cover in 2018. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries It allows API clients to download millions of rows of historical data, to query our real-time economic calendar, subscribe to updates and receive quotes for currencies, commodities, stocks and bonds. London, Jan 29, 2019 (AltAfrica)-Kenya’s Central Bank governor, Patrick Njoroge, says the national debt reached 56.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in September 2018. The IMF estimates the ratio for Kenya … Kenya Private Sector Growth Eases to 8-Month Low, Kenya December Inflation Rate Hits 8-Month High, Fitch Revises Kenya Credit Outlook to Negative, Kenya Posts Widest Trade Gap in 19 Months, Kenya Producer Prices Fall the Most since 2016, Milan Stocks Continue to Advance Beyond 1-Year High, French Stocks Up for 2nd Day at 1-Year High. The trajectory is for the debt-GDP ratio to grow to close to 70% by 2020. Kenya GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was INT$136.11billion for 2019 in PPP terms. The investors appreciated Kenyan’s strong foreign exchange reserves that would cushion the country against external shocks. However, the escalating diplomatic Budget Brief: Kenya 2019 1 However, some have argued that government decided to spend about over ¢10 billion “in bailout” fueled the huge jump in the Debt-to-GDP ratio for 2018. reversal in the trend of a rising public debt in Kenya by June 2013. Direct access to our calendar releases and historical data. As at the end of the 2018/19 fiscal year in June, the total public debt as a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP) was 55.2 percent with the gross amount at Sh5.8 trillion. Please do not hesitate to contact me. "Kenya: National Debt in Relation to Gross Domestic Product (Gdp) from 2015 to 2025. You only have access to basic statistics. The structure of public debt was also favorable as a large proportion of external debt was on concessional terms. October 12, 2020. Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. Statista. This feature is limited to our corporate solutions. Economic growth is defined as the variation of the GDP from one period to another., and the country has already breached key debt service Debt service The sum of the interests and the amortization of the capital borrowed.
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