Kenya’s debt stock stood at 6.7 trillion shillings ($61.7 billion), or 65.7% of gross domestic product, by the end of June, according to Treasury. Kenya’s rating has been lowered to B (stable) from B+ by S&P, pushing it further into junk territory. CEIC calculates External Debt as % of Nominal GDP from quarterly External Debt and annual Nominal GDP. © 2021 CEIC Data, an ISI Emerging Markets Group Company. Many of the world’s leading economies have debt-GDP ratios much higher than Kenya’s, so our situation is not bad at all. The country's External Debt reached 34,272.5 in Nov 2020. In 2019, Kenya's debt had risen to an absolute amount of US$50B against a GDP of US$98B. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. Kenya External Debt accounted for 33.1 % of the country's Nominal GDP in 2019, compared with the ratio of 31.9 % in the previous year. From. External debt. Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%), Forecast: Government Expenditure (KES bn), Central Government Expenditure: ytd (KES mn), Central Government Expenditure: ytd: Recurrent (KES mn), Central Government Expenditure: ytd: Development (KES mn), Central Government Revenue and Grants: ytd: Revenue (KES mn), Central Government Revenue and Grants: ytd: Revenue: Tax (KES mn), Central Government Revenue and Grants: ytd: Revenue: Tax: Excise Duty (KES mn), Central Government Revenue and Grants: ytd: Revenue: Tax: VAT (KES mn), Central Government Surplus or Deficit (KES bn), Central Government Debt: Domestic (KES mn), Central Government Debt: External (KES mn), Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Imports: Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials (KES mn), Imports: Manufactured Goods Classified Chiefly by Materials (KES mn), Imports: Machinery and Transport Equipment (KES mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn), Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn), Balance of Payment: Current Account (USD mn), BoP: Reserves and Related Items: Reserve Assets (KES mn), BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities n.i.e (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Secondary Income: Debit (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Services: Debit (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Secondary Income: Credit n.i.e (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Services: Credit (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Primary Income: Credit (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Primary Income: Debit (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Goods: Imports (USD mn), BoP: Current Account: Goods: Exports (USD mn), BoP: Capital Account: Credit n.i.e (USD mn), BoP: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Assets (USD mn), BoP: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Liabilities n.i.e (USD mn), BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Assets (USD mn), BoP: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives: Net (USD mn), BoP: Financial Account: Other Investment: Assets (USD mn), BoP: Financial Account: Other Investment: Liabilities n.i.e (USD mn), BoP: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Liabilities (KES mn), Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA), Gross Loans and Advances: Total NPLs and Advances (KES bn), External Debt: Commitments and Currency Composition, External Debt: Disbursements and Interest Payment, External Debt: Terms and Undisbursed Debt, Balance of Payments: Capital and Financial Account, BPM6: Balance of Payments: Analytical Presentation: Annual, BPM6: Balance of Payments: Detailed Presentation: Annual, External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service, External Debt: Net Flows and Net Transfers. Kenya is weighed down by swelling public debt and faces the possibility of a debt crisis (where the government can’t repay what it owes). , Over the same period GDP growth ranged from as low as -0.8% to 7.2%. We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and other media. From Table 1 the external debt problem in Kenya has been historical and has been increasing. Kenya’s current … Entry level access to the CEIC platform for individual users. External Debt from The World Bank: Data. Full and unlimited access to CEIC data for multiple users. Kenya Direct Investment Abroad expanded by 203.9 USD mn in Dec 2019. Kenya’s current public debt stands at approximately 4.884 trillion Kenyan shillings (USD$49 billion) . Kenya government debt to GDP ratio data is updated quarterly, available from Dec 2009 to Sep 2020. Multilateral creditors account for just under half of external credit to Kenya as the share of debt … Suitable for enterprise usage. Its Foreign Portfolio Investment increased by 2.3 USD bn in Dec 2019. Kenya Government Debt to GDP was 62.4 % in 2021. World Bank provides External Debt in USD. The data reached an all-time high of 32.9 % in Dec 2019 and a record low of 26.2 % in Dec 2015. 10Y. Kenya's External Debt accounted for 32.9 % of the country's Nominal GDP in 2019, compared with the ratio of 31.9 % in the previous year. According to data from the Treasury’s Medium Term Debt Strategy (MTDS), Kenya’s public debt stock rose to Ksh.7.3 trillion at the end of 2020 representing about 65.6 per cent of GDP. Kenya External Debt: % of Nominal GDP data is updated yearly, available from Dec 2015 to Dec 2019. To find out more about the cookies we use, see our Cookies Policy. In 2006 Kenya's external debt totaled US$6.7B. The country's Nominal GDP was reported at 24.8 USD bn in Jun 2020. Download limits apply. “Kenya’s debt to China is [thus] 21.3% of Kenya’s external public debt,” the researchers wrote in an email. Exports increased in July–August after shrinking in Q2, while the fall in imports softened in the same period. Government Debt to GDP in Kenya is expected to reach 65.00 percent by the end of 2020, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. External debt as percentage of GDP between years 1980 to 2000 ranged from 48% to. 4.57 trillion as at the end of December 2017 was 53.1% of Gross Domestic Product in nominal terms. Canada experienced a gradual decrease in debt after the 1990s until 2010 when the debt began increasing again. This comes on the back of the pandemic, which resulted in the nation’s real GDP growth dropping to 0.2% in 2020 from ~5.6% in the last 5 years. There is no data available for your selected dates. Most of Kenya’s external public debt remains on concessional terms, but its commercial component has increased. With a GDP of US$25.83B in 2006, the public debt level stood at 27% of GDP. Most of Russia’s external debt is private. However, the national debt to GDP was 50.8% while external debt from commercial banks, bilateral and multilateral partners among other sources accounted for 25.6% of GDP. This website stores cookies on your computer. According to the 2018 Draft Budget Policy Statement, Kenya’s Public Debt to GDP ratio for the fiscal year 2017/18 is estimated to come in at 53.0%, while the IMF gives an estimate of 56.2% for 2017. At end-2012, nominal public external debt stood at 23 percent of GDP (USD 9.1 billion)—a ratio below that of comparable SSA countries (Figure 1). External debt as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the ratio between the debt a country owes to non-resident creditors and its nominal GDP. External debt is the part of a country’s total debt that was borrowed from foreign lenders, including commercial banks, … License : CC BY-4.0 China’s share of Kenya’s external debt is therefore KSh534.07 billion of KSh2.51 trillion. Kenya’s public debt is owed to external creditors. Kenya’s debt of Ksh. The International Monetary Fund in October 2018 raised the probability of Kenya’s external debt distress to moderate from low due to increasing refinancing risks. 3. Kenya’s public debt is projected to reach 69.8 per cent of GDP by 2023. The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics provides Nominal GDP in local currency.In the latest reports of Kenya, Current Account recorded a deficit of 297.0 USD mn in Jun 2020. 131.9%. The data reached an all-time high of 33.1 % in Dec 2019 and a record low of 26.2 % in Dec 2015. Available via annual subscription to one or more of CEIC’s global and premium databases. Canada’s national debt is currently at 83.81% of its GDP. … click on the following link or the worldmap below to view a complete, Kenya since the end of the Great Recession, Current Account Balance (Percentage of GDP), Electricity - installed generating capacity, Electricity production, consumption, imports and exports, International tourism, number of arrivals, Short-term debt (percentage of total external debt), Yearly Tourist arrivals to residents ratio, External Debt (Percentage of GDP) (% of GDP) - Kenya, External Debt (Percentage of GDP) (% of GDP), list of countries by External Debt (Percentage of GDP). This is up from 42.8% in 2008. Going forward, the economic strategy of the government hinges on the expectations of new external financing and a substantial consolidation plan. Kenya’s total debt burden has been rising steadily, increasing by 22.2% y/y in November 2017 to Kshs 4.6 tn from Kshs 3.8 tn in November 2016. Kenya’s debt-GDP ratio is actually only 48% and will be at 44% by end 2018. Kenya's External Debt: % of Nominal GDP data is updated yearly, available from Dec 2015 to Dec 2019. Most of Kenya’s external public debt remains on concessional terms, but its commercial component has increased. Explore the most complete set of 6.6 million time series covering more than 200 economies, 20 industries and 18 macroeconomic sectors. Last 10 years average Kenya had an average External Debt (Percentage of GDP) of 31.9 (% of GDP) in the last 10 years from (2003 to 2013). The median public debt level (as a percent of GDP) for sub-Saharan Africa declined to about 31 percent in 2012, far below the levels leading up to the HIPC initiative. More than half of that is in foreign currency. If you decline, your information won’t be tracked when you visit this website. 2. In 2011 debt management report the national treasury noted that the debt was rising, growing to 40% of GDP in 2009 and to 54% of GDP by 2012. Historical data on the value and ratio of Kenya public debt to its Gross Domestic Product. All rights reserved, Unlimited access tailored to your data needs. Kenya - External Debt The economy should have recovered in Q3, albeit frailly, after contracting for the first time in at least a decade in Q2 due to the pandemic. A single cookie will be used in your browser to remember your preference not to be tracked. Nominal public external debt at end-2015 was US$16.1 billion (text table), equivalent to 26.4 percent of GDP.
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