LACTAID® Whole Milk, {* #userInformationForm *} Required fields are marked *, Amy is a blogger, podcaster, freelance writer, baker, and singer living in Brooklyn. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you buy something from one of the linked sites you won’t pay anything more, but I might make a commission. LACTAID ® Chocolate Milk. As a general rule, keep this in mind: the fresher the cheese, the more lactose it contains. Your email address will not be published. Using 1/3 cup ice 37 Related Question Answers Found Is there lactose free heavy whipping cream? I knew that there was LACTAID milk and cottage cheese, but I didn’t know that they made ice cream. There is also a good amount of protein which is why I choose this everytime! ½ teaspoon baking soda Repeat. Let stand, covered, in a refrigerator for at least 15 hours. Lactic acid has a tremendous impact on flavor, texture, and functionality of the final cheese. Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, and Butter Pecan have been around for a while. When it’s … If these dairy items cause a problem, lactase won’t solve it. Remove curds. If you buy something from one of the linked sites you won’t pay anything more, but I might make a commission. However, it is naturally homogenized, which can make it easier to digest. cream scoop, scoop ice cream onto the cookie. 2 cups LACTAID® Salted Caramel Chip Ice Cream However, for reasons I can’t really put my finger on, I’ve never tried the other LACTAID products. By submitting your information above, you agree that the information you provide will be governed by our site's Privacy Policy. View our artisan crafted organic lactose-free dairy products for people with lactose intolerance, including yogurt, kefir, cream cheese, sour cream, butter and cottage cheese. Crushed Pretzels Cook Time: 7-8 minutes If you liked this post, I’d really appreciate a share on Twitter or Facebook, or a Pin on Pinterest! I scooped the ice cream and gave it a taste. They sell lactaid brand cottage cheese, ice cream and even eggnog(lol). Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, and Butter Pecan have been around for a while. ¼ cup shortening Contact ~ Privacy Policy ~ Full Disclosure ~ Giveaway Rules ~ Advertising ~ Disclaimer~ Copyright © 2021 Amy Ever After ~We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising programdesigned to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Prep Time: 20 minutes + 30 inactive minutes When you buy ice cream in August, every freezer pack you can get your hands on is required. Our newsletter contains exciting content and exclusive offers. SIMMER milk over medium heat,in medium saucepan, stirring often so it doesn’t scorch on bottom of pan. Green Valley Organics Lactose Free Cream Cheese Reviews | Social Nature. Alarming signs of a more serious condition include excessive weight loss, … ¼ teaspoon salt, For the cinnamon sugar: Filed Under: Food Tagged With: dessert, ice cream, lactaid, Sponsored Posts, Your email address will not be published. Store in refrigerator, tightly wrapped, for up to 10 days. Try our other products! See what Lactaid (lactaid) found on Pinterest, the home of the world's best ideas. Oct 20, 2019 - Explore William Legrand's board "Lactaid recipes", followed by 251 people on Pinterest. ¼ teaspoon cinnamon If you notice that you are suffering after eating mild cheese, fresh cheese or cream cheese, try out if a mature, hard cheese remedies the problem. The longer a cheese is aged, the more lactose is broken down by the bacteria in it . © McNeil Nutritionals, LLC 1997-2015 | Ft. Washington, PA USA. This website is intended for visitors from the United States. Squeeze out any additional water, if necessary, mix in flavorings, and voila–you’re done. ¼ cup granulated sugar If you do not specify a display name, your given name will be used. Fold it into pastries, bake it into cheesecakes, swirl its lush creaminess into sauces and soups. I’d seen LACTAID ads, and I went right out and bought some supplements. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until just incorporated. Prepare recipe as above, except omit the cumin seed; stir 1 to 2 teaspoons snipped fresh herbs (such as basil, sage, or thyme) into 1/2 cup cheese before serving. Type of rennet. All Rights Reserved. I have received information and materials from McNeil Nutritionals, LLC the makers of LACTAID®. Place wrapped curds in a large strainer or colander set in a large bowl. ½ tablespoon cinnamon, For the ice cream sandwiches: I may have answered it here. LACTAID ® Milk. There’s even a list of LACTAID substitutions to help you figure out how to make your favorite recipes safe for your stomach! Therefore, fresh cheeses contain more lactose than aged cheeses. There are actually six flavors of LACTAID ice cream. Those that have lactose added back, like gjetost. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a shallow bowl. 2 tablespoon granulated sugar If so, then you know that lactose-free cheese can be something to choose in future! It's one cream cheese that the whole family can enjoy. Lactose intolerance symptoms cause discomfort, but they do not cause any harm to the intestines or digestive tract. LACTAID Ice Cream Printable Coupon - Printable Coupons and ... $1.00 off (4 months ago) Check out these Lactaid Printable Coupons! Serve immediately, or wrap individually in plastic wrap for longer-term storage. Lactaid Cottage Cheese is delicious and satisfying. Click send to recieve an email with instructions on how to create your new password. 180 comprimés Identique aux ingrédients actifs de Lacaid Fast Complément digestif naturel laitier. Those that are very young, like fresh cheese curds. It just tasted like chocolate ice cream! I’ve been lactose intolerant since my twenties. Melt the butter in a microwave in 20-second intervals. Discard liquid. {* traditionalSignIn_password *}. Cottage Cheese, also a fresh unripened cheese, generally has additional milk or cream mixed with the curd. then whisk in the eggs and vanilla. We are missing some information in your account. Get $1.00 off any one Lactaid Ice Cream, $1.00 off any one Lactaid Supplement 32ct or larger, $0.75 off any one Lactaid Cottage Cheese, $0.55 off any one Lactaid Chocolate Milk, $0.55 off any one Lactaid Milk, and $0.55 off any one Lactaid Calcium Enriched Milk! Check out LACTAID­® coupons and special offers near you. Milk has the highest amount at 12 grams per cup. Go ahead – slather your bagel! Or, for a creamy fruit dip, stir 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup into 1/2 cup cheese; stir in additional LACTAID® Whole Milk, 1 teaspoon at a time, until desired consistency. All fields required, unless otherwise indicated. Create an account by providing the information below. Coconut milk can replace evaporated milk or heavy cream in soups and stews. Bring ice cream out of freezer to soften for 2 minutes. Makes 1 pound (2 cups). 1/4 cup butter Try it in your favorite cheesy dishes or spooned over steamed vegetables or baked potatoes! Karaoke Columbia, Md, Radioactive Waste Management, Juul Marketing To Youth, Fishing In Cocodrie Louisiana, Building Materials On Mars, Laila Restaurant Menu, Td Agent Weight, Michael Taylor Designs, " /> LACTAID® Whole Milk, {* #userInformationForm *} Required fields are marked *, Amy is a blogger, podcaster, freelance writer, baker, and singer living in Brooklyn. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you buy something from one of the linked sites you won’t pay anything more, but I might make a commission. LACTAID ® Chocolate Milk. As a general rule, keep this in mind: the fresher the cheese, the more lactose it contains. Your email address will not be published. Using 1/3 cup ice 37 Related Question Answers Found Is there lactose free heavy whipping cream? I knew that there was LACTAID milk and cottage cheese, but I didn’t know that they made ice cream. There is also a good amount of protein which is why I choose this everytime! ½ teaspoon baking soda Repeat. Let stand, covered, in a refrigerator for at least 15 hours. Lactic acid has a tremendous impact on flavor, texture, and functionality of the final cheese. Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, and Butter Pecan have been around for a while. When it’s … If these dairy items cause a problem, lactase won’t solve it. Remove curds. If you buy something from one of the linked sites you won’t pay anything more, but I might make a commission. However, it is naturally homogenized, which can make it easier to digest. cream scoop, scoop ice cream onto the cookie. 2 cups LACTAID® Salted Caramel Chip Ice Cream However, for reasons I can’t really put my finger on, I’ve never tried the other LACTAID products. By submitting your information above, you agree that the information you provide will be governed by our site's Privacy Policy. View our artisan crafted organic lactose-free dairy products for people with lactose intolerance, including yogurt, kefir, cream cheese, sour cream, butter and cottage cheese. Crushed Pretzels Cook Time: 7-8 minutes If you liked this post, I’d really appreciate a share on Twitter or Facebook, or a Pin on Pinterest! I scooped the ice cream and gave it a taste. They sell lactaid brand cottage cheese, ice cream and even eggnog(lol). Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, and Butter Pecan have been around for a while. ¼ cup shortening Contact ~ Privacy Policy ~ Full Disclosure ~ Giveaway Rules ~ Advertising ~ Disclaimer~ Copyright © 2021 Amy Ever After ~We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising programdesigned to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Prep Time: 20 minutes + 30 inactive minutes When you buy ice cream in August, every freezer pack you can get your hands on is required. Our newsletter contains exciting content and exclusive offers. SIMMER milk over medium heat,in medium saucepan, stirring often so it doesn’t scorch on bottom of pan. Green Valley Organics Lactose Free Cream Cheese Reviews | Social Nature. Alarming signs of a more serious condition include excessive weight loss, … ¼ teaspoon salt, For the cinnamon sugar: Filed Under: Food Tagged With: dessert, ice cream, lactaid, Sponsored Posts, Your email address will not be published. Store in refrigerator, tightly wrapped, for up to 10 days. Try our other products! See what Lactaid (lactaid) found on Pinterest, the home of the world's best ideas. Oct 20, 2019 - Explore William Legrand's board "Lactaid recipes", followed by 251 people on Pinterest. ¼ teaspoon cinnamon If you notice that you are suffering after eating mild cheese, fresh cheese or cream cheese, try out if a mature, hard cheese remedies the problem. The longer a cheese is aged, the more lactose is broken down by the bacteria in it . © McNeil Nutritionals, LLC 1997-2015 | Ft. Washington, PA USA. This website is intended for visitors from the United States. Squeeze out any additional water, if necessary, mix in flavorings, and voila–you’re done. ¼ cup granulated sugar If you do not specify a display name, your given name will be used. Fold it into pastries, bake it into cheesecakes, swirl its lush creaminess into sauces and soups. I’d seen LACTAID ads, and I went right out and bought some supplements. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until just incorporated. Prepare recipe as above, except omit the cumin seed; stir 1 to 2 teaspoons snipped fresh herbs (such as basil, sage, or thyme) into 1/2 cup cheese before serving. Type of rennet. All Rights Reserved. I have received information and materials from McNeil Nutritionals, LLC the makers of LACTAID®. Place wrapped curds in a large strainer or colander set in a large bowl. ½ tablespoon cinnamon, For the ice cream sandwiches: I may have answered it here. LACTAID ® Milk. There’s even a list of LACTAID substitutions to help you figure out how to make your favorite recipes safe for your stomach! Therefore, fresh cheeses contain more lactose than aged cheeses. There are actually six flavors of LACTAID ice cream. Those that have lactose added back, like gjetost. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a shallow bowl. 2 tablespoon granulated sugar If so, then you know that lactose-free cheese can be something to choose in future! It's one cream cheese that the whole family can enjoy. Lactose intolerance symptoms cause discomfort, but they do not cause any harm to the intestines or digestive tract. LACTAID Ice Cream Printable Coupon - Printable Coupons and ... $1.00 off (4 months ago) Check out these Lactaid Printable Coupons! Serve immediately, or wrap individually in plastic wrap for longer-term storage. Lactaid Cottage Cheese is delicious and satisfying. Click send to recieve an email with instructions on how to create your new password. 180 comprimés Identique aux ingrédients actifs de Lacaid Fast Complément digestif naturel laitier. Those that are very young, like fresh cheese curds. It just tasted like chocolate ice cream! I’ve been lactose intolerant since my twenties. Melt the butter in a microwave in 20-second intervals. Discard liquid. {* traditionalSignIn_password *}. Cottage Cheese, also a fresh unripened cheese, generally has additional milk or cream mixed with the curd. then whisk in the eggs and vanilla. We are missing some information in your account. Get $1.00 off any one Lactaid Ice Cream, $1.00 off any one Lactaid Supplement 32ct or larger, $0.75 off any one Lactaid Cottage Cheese, $0.55 off any one Lactaid Chocolate Milk, $0.55 off any one Lactaid Milk, and $0.55 off any one Lactaid Calcium Enriched Milk! Check out LACTAID­® coupons and special offers near you. Milk has the highest amount at 12 grams per cup. Go ahead – slather your bagel! Or, for a creamy fruit dip, stir 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup into 1/2 cup cheese; stir in additional LACTAID® Whole Milk, 1 teaspoon at a time, until desired consistency. All fields required, unless otherwise indicated. Create an account by providing the information below. Coconut milk can replace evaporated milk or heavy cream in soups and stews. Bring ice cream out of freezer to soften for 2 minutes. Makes 1 pound (2 cups). 1/4 cup butter Try it in your favorite cheesy dishes or spooned over steamed vegetables or baked potatoes! Karaoke Columbia, Md, Radioactive Waste Management, Juul Marketing To Youth, Fishing In Cocodrie Louisiana, Building Materials On Mars, Laila Restaurant Menu, Td Agent Weight, Michael Taylor Designs, " />

lactaid cream cheese

Best of all, it's lactose free so it's easy on your stomach. Top with second cookie, pushing I’m so used to taking LACTAID tablets when I eat pretty much any dairy that I actually went to the cabinet and got one out before I scooped my LACTAID Ice Cream into a cone. Goats' milk basically has the same amount of lactose in it. Love her!). Lactaid milk. May 1, 2016 - Lactaid 70% Cottage Cheese found at Hannaford Supermarket. Discard liquid. The small amount of lactose that remains in the curd breaks down over time as the cheese ages, resulting in an aged cheese that’s naturally lactose-free. {* mergePassword *}, Homemade Lactose Free Cheese Made with Lactaid®. I love to eat this for a quick snack or even for breakfast with peaches or pineapple. Yield: 6 ice cream sandwiches Form curds into a flat rectangle or press into a large bowl to shape. People with lactose intolerance lack … Try making different flavors of this fresh homemade cheese. Dark Chocolate Chips Soulage l'inconfort digestif comme le gaz, les crampes, les ballonnements ou la thrombose … Lactaid Cottage Cheese is delicious and satisfying. The stores I checked didn’t have the new flavors yet, which is too bad because I really want to try this recipe for Snickerdoodle Cookie Sandwiches. Over medium heat, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally to prevent the bottom from scorching. Strain milk mixture; discard liquid. Foods that are high in lactose are milk, cheese, yogurt and sour cream. Preheat oven to 400ºF. Every delicious Lactaid product is made from. means you can enjoy it without discomfort. The opinions stated are my own. To begin, curd is separated from whey (whey is where most of the lactose is). Cheese that has 1 gram of lactose per serving is considered to be low in lactose. Grade A. And when I did, it didn’t even occur to me to give up dairy. Wrap cloth around curds. Crushed Oreos There are actually six flavors of LACTAID ice cream. August 14, 2015 By Amy Oztan Leave a Comment. Talking about lactase, I’m confused why so much mention is made of dairy products such as cheese and heavy cream that really have very little lactose. Company. Scoop the dough using a ¼ cup ice cream scoop or cup LACTAID ® Ice Cream. The curd eventually becomes cheese and the whey is removed (and along with it goes most of the lactose). 1 teaspoon vanilla extract [Read more…]. I was in college when it started and since I eat and drink a lot of dairy, my stomach was a mess until I figured it out. As people age, their lactase production can decrease, causing a sensitivity to lactose. Sprinkles Another idea I consider a misconception, is the idea of removing milk from the diet for a period and then reintroducing it to see if there is a problem. Lactose-free cream cheese that is produced from real milk has an enzyme known as lactase added as an ingredient. Green Valley Organics also recommended using their lactose-free yogurt to make “yogurt cheese,” which is the consistency of cream cheese. Looks like you have an existing account with us. But then I realized I didn’t need it, and put it back. Mini Marshmallows Shopping Options. {* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *} See more ideas about recipes, food, lactose free recipes. 1 ¾ cups flour Lactose, also called milk sugar, is found in all dairy products including milk, cheese, and yogurt. Simply and lovingly crafted, our lactose-free cream cheese has only four ingredients: pure cream, sea salt, lactase enzyme and live, active cultures. The only lactose free cottage cheese that’s easily accessible! Crushed Graham Crackers. Gently squeeze the cheesecloth to remove as much liquid from the curds as possible. Questions or comments? This means that aged, hard cheeses are often very low in lactose. Fortunately, this isn't the case since there are some cheese options. The Whole Family of LACTAID® Products are lactose free and easy to digest, giving you the freedom to enjoy the dairy you love without discomfort. Has a similar taste and consistency to real cottage cheese. ½ cup brown sugar The more cream cheese you eat, the more severe your symptoms will be. {* #tradAuthenticateMergeForm *} Lactase is naturally formed in the intestines and assists in breaking down lactose to make it easily digestible. Enjoy Cottage Cheese again! LACTAID ® Calcium Enriched Milk. Sugar is the primary component of lactose that makes it difficult to digest, which means that aged, hard cheeses—which have a lower sugar content—are easier on the stomach. Line a large strainer or colander with several layers of 100-percent cotton cheesecloth. dough for 30 minutes. By clicking "Accept" below, you confirm that you have read, understand and accept our sites's Privacy Policy, You do not meet the minimum age requirement to sign in to this site, 12 cups LACTAID® Whole Milk, {* #userInformationForm *} Required fields are marked *, Amy is a blogger, podcaster, freelance writer, baker, and singer living in Brooklyn. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you buy something from one of the linked sites you won’t pay anything more, but I might make a commission. LACTAID ® Chocolate Milk. As a general rule, keep this in mind: the fresher the cheese, the more lactose it contains. Your email address will not be published. Using 1/3 cup ice 37 Related Question Answers Found Is there lactose free heavy whipping cream? I knew that there was LACTAID milk and cottage cheese, but I didn’t know that they made ice cream. There is also a good amount of protein which is why I choose this everytime! ½ teaspoon baking soda Repeat. Let stand, covered, in a refrigerator for at least 15 hours. Lactic acid has a tremendous impact on flavor, texture, and functionality of the final cheese. Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, and Butter Pecan have been around for a while. When it’s … If these dairy items cause a problem, lactase won’t solve it. Remove curds. If you buy something from one of the linked sites you won’t pay anything more, but I might make a commission. However, it is naturally homogenized, which can make it easier to digest. cream scoop, scoop ice cream onto the cookie. 2 cups LACTAID® Salted Caramel Chip Ice Cream However, for reasons I can’t really put my finger on, I’ve never tried the other LACTAID products. By submitting your information above, you agree that the information you provide will be governed by our site's Privacy Policy. View our artisan crafted organic lactose-free dairy products for people with lactose intolerance, including yogurt, kefir, cream cheese, sour cream, butter and cottage cheese. Crushed Pretzels Cook Time: 7-8 minutes If you liked this post, I’d really appreciate a share on Twitter or Facebook, or a Pin on Pinterest! I scooped the ice cream and gave it a taste. They sell lactaid brand cottage cheese, ice cream and even eggnog(lol). Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, and Butter Pecan have been around for a while. ¼ cup shortening Contact ~ Privacy Policy ~ Full Disclosure ~ Giveaway Rules ~ Advertising ~ Disclaimer~ Copyright © 2021 Amy Ever After ~We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising programdesigned to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Prep Time: 20 minutes + 30 inactive minutes When you buy ice cream in August, every freezer pack you can get your hands on is required. Our newsletter contains exciting content and exclusive offers. SIMMER milk over medium heat,in medium saucepan, stirring often so it doesn’t scorch on bottom of pan. Green Valley Organics Lactose Free Cream Cheese Reviews | Social Nature. Alarming signs of a more serious condition include excessive weight loss, … ¼ teaspoon salt, For the cinnamon sugar: Filed Under: Food Tagged With: dessert, ice cream, lactaid, Sponsored Posts, Your email address will not be published. Store in refrigerator, tightly wrapped, for up to 10 days. Try our other products! See what Lactaid (lactaid) found on Pinterest, the home of the world's best ideas. Oct 20, 2019 - Explore William Legrand's board "Lactaid recipes", followed by 251 people on Pinterest. ¼ teaspoon cinnamon If you notice that you are suffering after eating mild cheese, fresh cheese or cream cheese, try out if a mature, hard cheese remedies the problem. The longer a cheese is aged, the more lactose is broken down by the bacteria in it . © McNeil Nutritionals, LLC 1997-2015 | Ft. Washington, PA USA. This website is intended for visitors from the United States. Squeeze out any additional water, if necessary, mix in flavorings, and voila–you’re done. ¼ cup granulated sugar If you do not specify a display name, your given name will be used. Fold it into pastries, bake it into cheesecakes, swirl its lush creaminess into sauces and soups. I’d seen LACTAID ads, and I went right out and bought some supplements. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until just incorporated. Prepare recipe as above, except omit the cumin seed; stir 1 to 2 teaspoons snipped fresh herbs (such as basil, sage, or thyme) into 1/2 cup cheese before serving. Type of rennet. All Rights Reserved. I have received information and materials from McNeil Nutritionals, LLC the makers of LACTAID®. Place wrapped curds in a large strainer or colander set in a large bowl. ½ tablespoon cinnamon, For the ice cream sandwiches: I may have answered it here. LACTAID ® Milk. There’s even a list of LACTAID substitutions to help you figure out how to make your favorite recipes safe for your stomach! Therefore, fresh cheeses contain more lactose than aged cheeses. There are actually six flavors of LACTAID ice cream. Those that have lactose added back, like gjetost. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a shallow bowl. 2 tablespoon granulated sugar If so, then you know that lactose-free cheese can be something to choose in future! It's one cream cheese that the whole family can enjoy. Lactose intolerance symptoms cause discomfort, but they do not cause any harm to the intestines or digestive tract. LACTAID Ice Cream Printable Coupon - Printable Coupons and ... $1.00 off (4 months ago) Check out these Lactaid Printable Coupons! Serve immediately, or wrap individually in plastic wrap for longer-term storage. Lactaid Cottage Cheese is delicious and satisfying. Click send to recieve an email with instructions on how to create your new password. 180 comprimés Identique aux ingrédients actifs de Lacaid Fast Complément digestif naturel laitier. Those that are very young, like fresh cheese curds. It just tasted like chocolate ice cream! I’ve been lactose intolerant since my twenties. Melt the butter in a microwave in 20-second intervals. Discard liquid. {* traditionalSignIn_password *}. Cottage Cheese, also a fresh unripened cheese, generally has additional milk or cream mixed with the curd. then whisk in the eggs and vanilla. We are missing some information in your account. Get $1.00 off any one Lactaid Ice Cream, $1.00 off any one Lactaid Supplement 32ct or larger, $0.75 off any one Lactaid Cottage Cheese, $0.55 off any one Lactaid Chocolate Milk, $0.55 off any one Lactaid Milk, and $0.55 off any one Lactaid Calcium Enriched Milk! Check out LACTAID­® coupons and special offers near you. Milk has the highest amount at 12 grams per cup. Go ahead – slather your bagel! Or, for a creamy fruit dip, stir 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup into 1/2 cup cheese; stir in additional LACTAID® Whole Milk, 1 teaspoon at a time, until desired consistency. All fields required, unless otherwise indicated. Create an account by providing the information below. Coconut milk can replace evaporated milk or heavy cream in soups and stews. Bring ice cream out of freezer to soften for 2 minutes. Makes 1 pound (2 cups). 1/4 cup butter Try it in your favorite cheesy dishes or spooned over steamed vegetables or baked potatoes!

Karaoke Columbia, Md, Radioactive Waste Management, Juul Marketing To Youth, Fishing In Cocodrie Louisiana, Building Materials On Mars, Laila Restaurant Menu, Td Agent Weight, Michael Taylor Designs,