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lord of chaos klarion

So you might say my position is fairly stable for the moment. On top of this he wears a black skinny tie (low on the collar), black skinny trousers and pointed shoes, as well as a distinctive jacket. L-1 dismissed the severity of the ordeal and remarked that the loss of the clone could be played to the Light's advantage. Klarion “The Witch Boy” Bleak: Lord of Chaos “Order went out of style in the twentieth century!” Klarion Bleak Klarion the Witch Boy Young Justice Klarion Young Justice Cosplay Klarion Bleak- Senior- Head Boy- Drama Club. In a pentagram, they spoke a spell that shifted the adults and children in separate dimensions. As Chaos personified, Klarion naturally takes great pleasure in causing chaos and hurting other people. [14], When Psimon reported the foiling of their experiments on extraterrestrial technology in Bialya at the hands of the young heroes, L-4 dismissed the loss of both Superboy and the Sphere. In 2005, writer Grant Morrison created a new version of Klarion from "Limbo Town". Action Fanfiction Romance Soulmate Magic Oc Young Justice Klarion Klarion The Witch Boy Arranged Marriage Kinda More Like Arranged Relationship "Music creates Order out of Chaos; for Rythmn imposes Unanimity upon the Divergent, Melody imposes Continuity on the Disjointed, and Harmony imposes Compatibility upon the Incongruous." Klarion easily deflected Zatanna's "baby magic", and transformed his familiar to battle the others. [22], Klarion was present with the rest of the Light as Sportsmaster aired his grievances regarding the death of Artemis and the revelation that Deathstroke has replaced Sportsmaster as the Light's new enforcer. He protested to Savage that they could still win, but Vandal did not want to risk destroying the satellite, or killing any Leaguers, fearing that Klarion would lose control. After Teekl informed him Morrow was in a coma, and Ivo started to get annoyed, Klarion decided it would do. May 2, 2019 - Klarion Bleak(also known asKlarion the Witch Boy) is a powerful villain from DC Comics. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. He has black hair in a mop-top style with V-shaped bangs and devil-horns rising over the ears to points slightly above the top of his head. Had the Spirit of Chaos that called itself Klarion won their mental battle, it would have been completely destroyed. By following the Young Justice team, Klarion and Kadabra are able to enter the tower as well. Personality Chaos. Tagged: klarion, teekl, ask, young justice, . Intelligence:Unknown Strength:Unknown Speed:Unknown Occult:Unknown Weapons:Unknown Energy Projection:Unknown Strategy:Unknown Fighting Ability:Unknown He is responsible for the death of … He explained that he wanted to use his own magic to revive the alien weapon, but decided to siphon off Tula's instead. Young Justice Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The Lords of Chaos are higher beings of great mystical power that represent chaos and acted as the avatars of the concept of change during the Ninth Age of Magic. Klarion ultimately overpowered his pursuer and restrained her in the Sacred Well Room of Marduk's Temple. He has arched eyebrows and sideburns that taper to a point. He then pointed out that this was not the first time the young heroes had thwarted their operations, recalling the breaking and entering of Cadmus and the destruction of Mister Twister, with L-1 now deaming the young heroes to be their new enemies.[11]. VS. Green Lantern John Stewart from the DCAU faces off against the Lord of Chaos Klarion from Young Justice. Production details First Appearance He planned to use this as a way to finally get the upper hand on Etrigan(Jason Blood's demonic alter ego). Klarion went on to explain that Tiamat was not his primary objective, but rather the Tablet of Destiny, an artifact of Order, which was bound to Tiamat. Aside from his cruelty, Klarion also acts like an immature and whiny child, who throws tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants, and screams angry threats that are made less intimidating by the childish way in which he does it. Beta Squad, led by Nightwing, arrived on the scene, but Klarion's magic was too strong for them. Species [3] He is anchored to the earthly plane by his familiar, Teekl. Klarion was a Lord of Chaos who sought means to strengthen his powers. Affiliation chaos is a friend of mine. It was published by Tor Books and was released on October 15, 1994. This course of action ultimately failed and the boys broke out and took Superboy with them. Vital statistics With his familiar Teekl, who was also his anchor in the mortal plane, he pursued several artefacts of order, including the Helmet of Fate.To this end, he allied himself with the Light. [6], Zatanna and the Team were on to him, but they were outmatched. [3], Black Manta briefed the Light about the failure in retrieving the giant echinoderm and that he was compelled to enforce Plan B. A Lord of Chaos is an extra-dimensional being; in order to manifest in the physical realm, they have to be anchored by a host or through a familiar. However, he is not above insulting Teekl during one of his tantrums.[3][6]. They were interrupted by Artemis, but Klarion used his magic to allow them to escape.[16]. Lord of Chaos is the sixth book in the main series of The Wheel of Time. Klarion takes the appearance of a scraggy boy with long, thin limbs, a thin neck and an angular face. Morrow, not Professor Ivo. Age [16], After Sportsmaster delivered some of Ivo's equipment, Klarion, Ivo and Brain experimented on the echinoderm. [[This is now an rp blog that is apart of a Young Justice exclusive RP Group.]] Klarion And Teekl Wishes granted. The Witch Boy objected, but after being told something by his cat, his admitted he would "bring the chaos". Klarion using his power. "You have my word." Can a lord of chaos love a mortal? How fortunate for you. A Lord of Chaos is a powerful magical being, and the ultimate enemy of any Lord of Order.Lords of Chaos want to destroy all order and make the world fall into the control of chaos. This character is or was primarily an enemy of Doctor Fate . His, There have been two distinct versions of Klarion in, The original Klarion was created by Jack Kirby, in which he is a child from "Witch-World". Is being a Lady or Liege of Chaos something else entirely or is it functionally the same or do they not exist because “Lord” is used for all gender identities? Hal Jordan contained the three Leaguers, and they were tagged with Starro-tech again. This version of Klarion and Teekl made their final appearances in the. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Outsiders Villains category.". [3] He is anchored to the earthly plane by his familiar Teekl, who assumes the appearance of a cat. Alias Like all things, it is imbued with a certian level of magical energy. :crystal_ball: Personality. First appearance Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This article needs to be expanded to meet Young Justice Wiki's standards. thetruemasteroffear: ... they don’t want an angry Lord of Chaos as their enemy at the same time. With his familiar Teekl, who is also his anchor in the mortal plane, he pursued several artefacts of order, including the Helmet of Fate. The jacket resembles a standard suit jacket around the chest and shoulders, although it has long sleeves with flared, pointed cuffs, and the jacket's skirt is similarly long (mid-thigh length) and shaped so that it comes to a point at the front. To this end, he allied himself with the Light. Entropy is only chaos for as long as things break down, when things are completely broken down, it's no longer chaos it's just a bunch of static stuff lying about. Relationships Missing data. I nodded , brought up a halo map and said a spell " wohs em erew nibor si ni eht thuos elop!" As a lord of chaos he is attuned to the actual universe. Wally then proceeded to put on the Helmet of Fate, allowing for Nabu to take control of his body, transforming them into a new Doctor Fate. He also has long, sharp, black fingernails. Gender This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains. Energy blasts: Klarion can fire blasts of chaos … In 2018, Klarion's jacket now has red trim in his cuffs and the bottom of his jacket. Powers and Abilities While Vandal Savage was boasting, Teekl notified its master that the three heroes were not under their control yet. Teekl warns Klarion about intruders coming and by use of his magic, Klarion sees the arriving Young Justice team.

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