Experience. 3Transaction costs associated with the private placement of preferred stock and warrants to purchase common stock during the three months ended December 31, 2018 and the Combination for the full year ended December 31, 2018. 129. 66. 4 Costs to achieve CPI include integration and restructuring costs. Nicole Garcia. 4,217. Highlights from the quarter include successful start-up of CDAlky (gasoline alkylate) projects in Korea and China and several new awards, including ethylene heaters for Irkutsk Oil and two petrochemical license contracts in China. $25 million of corporate expense reported as unallocated direct operating expense for costs incurred to make alternate arrangements for a third-party vessel charter because the previously designated vessel was withdrawn from the market. Associated costs of $29 million were recognized in the fourth quarter of 2018 and were $134 million, cumulatively for the year ended December 31, 2018. Accounts Payable Specialist at McDermott International Inc. Bill McDermott Accounts Receivable Associate at Borden Dairy Company Dallas/Fort Worth Area 95 connections. Prior to joining WashREIT, he was Senior Vice President and Managing Director for Rockefeller Group Investment Management Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. from June 2010 to September 2013. The gas turbine solo run was completed ahead of schedule, cold circulation of hot oil in Train 1 was completed during the fourth quarter and flare ignition testing was successfully completed on all flares. "Our results for the fourth quarter of 2018 were marked by several significant non-recurring charges, including those related to goodwill and deferred tax assets," said David Dickson, President and Chief Executive Officer. We define adjusted EBITDA as EBITDA adjusted to exclude significant, non-recurring transactions, both gains and charges, to our operating income as described in footnotes 1 through 4 above. A replay of the webcast will be available on McDermott's website for seven days after the call. At the end of the fourth quarter of 2018, McDermott's revenue opportunity pipeline was approximately $93 billion, primarily driven by NCSA and MENA with anticipated market inflection in the offshore/subsea, downstream and LNG markets. Find an office location near you under the where we work section. 545. Those statements are made by using various underlying assumptions and are subject to numerous risks, contingencies and uncertainties, including, among others: the possibility that the expected CPI savings will not be realized, or will not be realized within the expected time period; adverse changes in the markets in which McDermott operates or credit markets; the inability of McDermott to execute on contracts in backlog successfully; changes in project design or schedules; the availability of qualified personnel; changes in the terms, scope or timing of contracts; contract cancellations; change orders and other modifications and actions by customers and other business counterparties of McDermott; changes in industry norms; and adverse outcomes in legal or other dispute resolution proceedings. Note: All amounts have been rounded to the nearest tenth of a billion. You should not consider EBITDA or adjusted EBITDA in isolation from, or as a substitute for, net income or cash flow measures prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The market outlook is exceptionally robust for McDermott, and elements of our playbook are generating substantial results. Total Pay. We believe that these metrics are useful for investors to review, because they provide more consistent measures of the underlying financial results of our ongoing business and, in our management's view, allow for a supplemental comparison against historical results and expectations for future performance.
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