Degree level: Undergraduate . Do you want to improve your English and maths, or learn a new language, we have a range of courses to help you do just that! Study mode. Degree level: Undergraduate . 2 course options available . Study mode. 1,368 were here. Qualification type . This course is not … College courses at Brackenhurst. Healthcare Practice for England. City and Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Animal Care course from the School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences at Nottingham Trent University. Are you ready to boost your career? A Levels are a great way to prepare for university-level study and we are here to guide you along the way. Creative Media Production (Television) Course options. 1,368 were here. ... Nottingham, NG1 3LL Telephone 0115 952 2075 Email Absence Line: 0115 993 … We use cookies to improve the user experience on our website. Explore postgraduate options. Qualification type . Connecting you to great courses, careers and a student lifestyle! But you may find some components look slightly off as a result. (Regular testing will b…, We're celebrating #internationalwomensday today with previous Construction apprentice Jess who is now…, RT @NCWellbeing: ♀️♀️Happy International Women's Day! We are part of Nottingham Trent University and offer college-level courses alongside our degree courses. With Access to Higher Education courses ranging from Social Work to International Relations, we're sure to have a course to suit you. A foundation year enables you to gain the subject-specific knowledge and skills required to embark onto degree-level studies. This course has limited … add to favourites. Level 3 courses. Qualification types; What's the right course for you? Are you ready for the challenge? Nottingham College. Find out what life is like at Nottingham College at our Open Days! Business. Study your college course at a university. Accessibility Help. #girlpower, We’re really looking forward to the phased return of our students from today onwards. Applicants to degree programmes will usually be expected to have studied three subjects at A level.The University recognises that disparities in resources might mean some schools certificate AS levels while other schools do not, as a consequence whilst we value AS levels we will not make any offers on the basis of AS grades.All conditional offers will ordinarily be made on the basis of three full A levels (some subjects are not in… Degree level: Undergraduate . Games Technology & Art. 2020 - 2021 2021 - 2022. Clarendon is one of of Nottingham College's biggest campuses. If you’re passionate about performing arts, you’ll know they are much more than just subjects – they are ways of life! We're thrilled to be starting to welcome back our students and staff safely from this week. Duration. Catering and hospitality qualifications can take you all over the world, and we will help prepare you for an exciting career. We have a dedicated, passionate and award-winning team of hair and beauty lecturers, all with years of experience in the industry. — If you’re interested in a career in the motor industry and would like an unbeatable experience – read on! Campus maps | More contact … Course options. Animal Care Agriculture. #IWD2021 Showing 1 - 33 of 33. Locations Current: Clarendon Clarendon one … Nottingham College. 2021 Courses A to Z; Search by subject area; Courses in China; Courses in Malaysia; Part-time courses. Business and Accounts Our Business and Accounts courses are broad qualifications that can lead into a huge range of career paths in many business areas such as: human resources, marketing, accounting, retail and sales. We will help you towards achieving the grades you need and choosing the university or institution that’s right for…. Esports Production. Choosing a Uniformed Public Services course at Nottingham College could lead to an exhilarating career in the Armed Forces, Emergency Services, Security or Prison Services. Studying AS in the first year and progressing to the full A Level in the second is a great way to study A Levels. Full time | 2 years. Nottingham College offer a range of courses in education including assessing, supporting learning and teacher training. Qualification type . Sections of this page. Awarded by: Pearson Education Ltd . Undergraduate: Foundation Certificate If you’ve finished high school but don’t meet the entry requirements for university, a Foundation Certificate can help you gain entry to an undergraduate degree. If you enjoy figuring out how things work and have a curious mind, an engineering course could be just what you’re looking for. APPLY NOW. Accessibility Help. Start date. ... Nottingham College; Art and design courses; Back. Location. On Monday 22nd February 2021, the Prime Minister announced that from 8th March, colleges are to reopen to all students and resume face to face teaching and learning. Sports Photography. University of Nottingham UG study Courses Part-time courses. For entry to our university-level courses, we expect applicants to be working (or to demonstrate competency) at Level 2 or above in English Language/Literacy and Mathematics/Numeracy. Sections of this page. ... we’ve got a course for that! By using our website you agree to the use of cookies outlined in our cookie policy. Esports Production - BTEC Level 3. On one of our part-time courses, specially designed for adults, you could learn a new language, get a new a skill, make new friends and have fun in the process!!! Course options. But you may find some components look slightly off as a result. All the information you need to take your education to the next level. Find out more about our courses at Confetti. Designed for people aged 19+, our part-time online Level 2 IT User Skills course could develop your understanding of a range of different IT areas. Stoney Street. add to favourites. Make it happen at Nottingham College. This course will offer a choice of different religions, ensuring you have a thorough understanding of diverse philosophical and ethical viewpoints. Nottingham College has been leading the way locally and nationally in creating programmes of study specifically for this group of young people. We offer a wide range of Sport courses, which is one of the key factors in making us the number one further education (FE) provider of sport in Nottinghamshire! The Further Maths is available as an AS course or an A Level course and consists of some more complex Pure, Mechanics and Statistics topics. telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151 fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666 email: Contact us Browse a subject area to find a course that's right for you, English Language Courses for International Students, Access to Higher Education and Employment, Adams Building, The Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1NG.
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