$19.99. : 120 £ | Imray Chart C1: Thame Estuary (C Charts): 17.07 £ | 3 Admiralt She was converted to a Sailing Vessel 30 years ago. $19.99. The British Admiralty produce nautical charts covering everything else and as Western Australia's only agent, we stock all 3500-ish of them. British Admiralty Charts are produced by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and conform to U. S. and international carriage requirements for commercial vessels defined in the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter V Regulation View It on eBay. Please note that the Admiralty collection was withdrawn from 7th March 2016. Vintage Antiques For Sale. C $50.12 shipping. The size of the majority of Admiralty charts is about 980 x 640 mm, measured between the inner neat-line; these charts are sold single-folded. Vintage Antiques and More! NAUTICAL NAVIGATIONAL CHART # 11472 - Palm Shores to West Palm Beach FL. Free shipping on many items ... 1866 PERU ADMIRALTY CHART - THE BOQUERON OF CALLAO ~ LIMA ~ SAN LORENZO ISLAND. For Australian waters, our Navy produces charts covering the entire coast, all of which we have. or Best Offer. They make excellent present ideas, and they would look great framed and displayed on a wall. ... Old Working 1939 USC & GS Nautical Chart Martha's Vineyard Nice Size. For many of Scotland’s busier estuaries and ports, there are also regular revisions of charts showing change over time. A magnificent collection of our admiralty collection archive charts. Admiralty Chart 2885, California. VINTAGE ADMIRALTY CHART UNITED STATES. British Admiralty nautical charts are the nautical chart standard, worldwide, for every sea going vessel. We have the best deals on Vintage Admiralty Chart United States so stop by and check us out first! Lindy was built as a Motor Fishing Vessel in England in 1944. These charts are must haves for collectors or those fascinated by the excellent craftsmanship of these charts. Admiralty charts show many coastal features in good detail, and are also useful in predating the work of Ordnance Survey for many northern counties before the 1880s. Vintage POTOMAC RIVER Piney Pt to Lower Cedar Pt Chart Chart Maritime Nautical. $8.50 shipping. or Best Offer. The range includes comprehensive paper coverage of commercial shipping routes, ports and harbours to help bridge crews safely navigate in accordance with SOLAS regulations. Admiralty charts for sale WW2 1942 navel charts by hydrographical dept, the admiralty. Get the best deals on Antique Maritime Navigational Charts when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. C $17.77. 5 Admiralty Charts – The charts have sailed, but are in good condition 1137 – approaches to Saint Helier (Jersey) – 1993 60 – Alderney and the Casquets – 1993 808 – East Guernesey, Herm and Sark – 1993 2669 – The channel island and adjacent coast of France … ADMIRALTY Standard Nautical Charts (SNCs) are the world's most trusted and widely used official paper charts. C $38.06. C $60.28. Search the list of Historical Charts: 718-00-1832 - AK,1832, SE Coast Of Alaska Peninsula; 361_C-00-1871 - AK,1871, Yukon River From Foot Of River To Sea Search. C $32.98 shipping. VINTAGE ADMIRALTY CHART UNITED STATES. $89.99. $29.95. Every chart we sell is fully corrected up to the day you buy it.
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