Albanian weightlifters have won a total of 16 medals at the European Championships with 1 of them being gold, 7 silver and 8 bronze. [355] It is significantly a music competition among Albanian performers presenting unreleased songs in premiere, composed by Albanian authors and voted by juries or by public. [171] It was invited to join NATO on 3 April 2008, and it became a full member on 2 April 2009. Albania has been an active member of the United Nations since 1955. The league was later defeated by the Ottoman army sent by the sultan. Slightly larger than Maryland, Albania is composed of two major regions: a mountainous highland region (north, east, and south) constituting 70% of the land area, and a western coastal lowland region that contains nearly all of the country's agricultural land and is the most densely populated part of Albania. China is a developing country today and is part of BRICS. This means that Thailand has advanced farther relative to other countries, but has not yet reached the level of modern industrialized nations, such as the Western Nations. [158] The legislative power is held by the parliament and is elected every four years by a system of party-list proportional representation by the Albanian people on the basis of free, equal, universal and periodic suffrage by secret ballot.[158]. [45] The realm was succeeded by his sons Gjin and Dhimitri. [295] Among young people aged 25 or less, English, German and Turkish have seen rising interest after 2000. Many of its citizens lack access to health care and higher education as well. Strong economic growth potential puts Albania and Panama top of long term investment list. The highest temperature of 43.9 °C (111.0 °F) was recorded in Kuçovë on 18 July 1973. Still, it seems as though Peru will need a few decades to become a developed country. Many Third World countries can boast a climate that allows for a pretty long season, but as we said this is not the only factor to affect. In 2007, Albania welcomed George W. Bush who became the first President of the United States ever to visit the country. However, the Albanian Riviera in the southwest has the most scenic and pristine beaches, and is often called the pearl of the Albanian coast. [321], The preliminary results of the 2011 census seemed to give widely different results, with 70% of respondents refusing to declare belief in any of the listed faiths. The tables include public and publicly guaranteed debt stock and debt services due by creditor country. It is located on the Adriatic and Ionian Sea within the Mediterranean Sea, and shares land borders with Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo[c] to the northeast, North Macedonia to the east, Greece to the south; and maritime borders with Greece, Montenegro and Italy to the west. The European Union has urged all of its states to ban the discredited practice. Issues of ethnicity are a delicate topic and subject to debate. The resulting civil war caused a wave of evacuations of foreign nationals and refugees.[111]. A 1967 law banned all fascist, religious, and antisocialist activity and propaganda. Clothing was traditionally made mainly from local materials such as leather, wool, linen, hemp fibre, and silk; Albanian textiles are still embroidered in elaborate ancient patterns. [217] The coast has a particular character because it is rich in varieties of virgin beaches, capes, coves, covered bays, lagoons, small gravel beaches, sea caves and many landforms. The Second World referred to the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and their allies. Agriculture in the country is based on small to medium-sized family-owned dispersed units. It will prospectively link Durrës on the Adriatic Sea across Pristina in Kosovo with the Pan-European Corridor X in Serbia. The country has more coffee houses per capita than any other country in the world. Albanian is its official language.Its official currency is Lek (ALL). The lowest temperature of −29 °C (−20 °F) was registered in the village of Shtyllë, Librazhd on 9 January 2017. 8436, dated 28 December 1998 ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE JUDICIAL POWER IN THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA", "Arbëreshët kërkojnë ndihmë nga Tirana (Video)", "Albanian foreign policy in the post-communist era", "Albania and the United Nations 60 Years of Partnership", "Engagement Policy and evidence of AAF participation in PK missions", sues/active_endeavour/index.html Operation Active Endeavour, "Albania sells off its military hardware", "Albania to abolish conscription by 2010", "Albanian military expenditure as % of GDP", "STRATEGJIA NDËRSEKTORIALE PËR DECENTRALIZIMIN DHE QEVERISJEN VENDORE 2015–2020", Fletorja Zyrtare e Republikës së Shqipërisë, "A Brief History of the Administrative-territorial Organisation in Albania", "A Brief History of the Administrative-territorial Organization in Albania", "Ndarja administrative, njësitë vendore në lagje dhe fshatra", "Ndarja e re, mbeten 28 bashki, shkrihen komunat – Shekulli Online", "On the Organization and Functioning of the Local Government, Republic of Albania, 2000", "Ndarja e re, mbeten 28 bashki, shkrihen komunat | Shekulli Online", "Popullsia në 1 Janar sipas qarqeve dhe gjinisë 2001 - 2020", "Sub-national HDI - Area Database–Global Data Lab", "GDP per capita in purchasing power standards in 2012", "Albanian employment rate increases in agriculture, services sector in Q1 2016", "UC Research Reveals One of the Earliest Farming Sites in Europe", "IPA National Programme 2011 for Albania Project Fiche 7: Support to Agriculture and Rural Development", "ANTEA, the company with the highest working standards", "UPDATE 1-Bankers Petroleum's key Albanian oilfield output jumps in Q1", "Textile industry in Albania is unprepared for a potential influx of import orders", "The Development of the Service Sector in Albania and Its Future", "Analysis of the Albanian Banking System in the Transition Years", "TOURISM AND EMPLOYMENT IN ALBANIA – IS THERE A STRONG CORRELATION? The communists defeated the last anti-communist forces in the south in 1944. [263], The explanation for the recent population decrease is the fall of communism in Albania in the late twentieth century. A catholic political structure was a basis for the papal plans of spreading Catholicism in the Balkan Peninsula. Countries of the First World Countries of the Third World List of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) The world's poorest countries, the real "Third World". [332] The red colour used in the flag symbolises the bravery, strength and valour of the Albanian people, while the black colour appears as a symbol of freedom and heroism. The artistic history of Albania has been particularly influenced by a multitude of ancient and medieval people, traditions and religions. Albania is the top performing country in the world in terms of ease of hiring foreign labors, the Global Competitiveness Report says. I spent about 2 months in Tirana, the capital, recently. [257][258] Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania and Albtelecom are the three large providers of mobile and internet in Albania. Petulla, a traditional fried dough, is also a popular speciality, and is served with powdered sugar or feta cheese and different sorts of fruit jams. People's Daily. [206] The nation is also a notable producer of copper, nickel and coal. [227] The languages taught in schools are English, Italian, French and German. [214] In 2011, Lonely Planet named as a top travel destination,[215][failed verification] while The New York Times placed Albania as number 4 global touristic destination in 2014.[216]. [138][139], Rainfall naturally varies from season to season and from year to year. [citation needed]. [118] Rama has also placed gender equality at the center of its agenda, since 2017 almost 50% of the ministers are female, making it the largest number of women serving in the country's history. [8] Enver Hoxha formed the People's Socialist Republic of Albania after World War II, modeled under the terms of Hoxhaism. Its origin is conclusively unknown, but it is believed to have descended from an ancient Paleo-Balkan language.[360][361][362]. [97] Soviet-Albanian relations began to deteriorate after Stalin's death in 1953. [249] Withal the TAP runs for 215 kilometres (134 miles) across Albania's territory before entering the Albanian Adriatic Sea Coast approximately 17 kilometres (11 miles) northwest of Fier. The current World Bank Group program in Albania is guided by the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for FY15–20, which provides analysis, advice, and financing in support of equitable growth in Albania and integration into the EU. For other uses, see. Albania plans to build three hydropower plants. [10][11][12] Albania provides universal health care and free primary and secondary education to its citizens. [317][318], As of the 2011 census, there were 1,587,608 (56.7%) Sunni Muslims, 280,921 (10.03%) Roman Catholics, 188,992 (6.75%) Eastern Orthodox, 58,628 (2.09%) Bektashi Muslims, 3,797 (0.14%) Evangelists, 1,919 (0.07%) other Christians, 602 (0.02%) of other religions and 153,630 (5.49%) believers without denomination. 0.3 Senegal. The smallest budget per capita exists in Afghanistan. Origin of the phrase Third World Countries The phrase ‘Third World … The Third World The term Third World was originally coined in times of the Cold War to distinguish those nations that are neither aligned with the West (NATO) nor with the East, the Communist bloc. [302], Religion in Albania as of the 2011 census conducted by the Institute of Statistics (INSTAT). Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the. The estuaries, wetlands and lakes are extraordinarily important for the greater flamingo, pygmy cormorant and the extremely rare and perhaps the most iconic bird of the country, the dalmatian pelican. 0.4 Ecuador. After hundreds of mosques and dozens of Islamic libraries containing priceless manuscripts were destroyed, Hoxha proclaimed Albania the world's first atheist state in 1967. Local climatic variation can occur, however, from one region to another. Josh Milton May 17, 2020 The leading governing body for psychologists in Albania … Forests cover about one-third of Albania. Albania missed the next four games, two of them due to the 1980 and 1984 boycotts, but returned for the 1992 games in Barcelona. Perhaps the best known examples can be found in the southern Albanian cities and surroundings of Korçë, Berat, Voskopojë and Gjirokastër. [120] The tremor was felt in Tirana and in places as far away as Taranto, Italy, and Belgrade, Serbia, thus, the most affected areas were the coastal city of Durrës and Kodër-Thumanë. Related with Is Albania A Third World Country: math for three year olds Encyclopedia of the Developing World-Thomas M. Leonard 2013-10-18 A RUSA 2007 Outstanding Reference Title The Encyclopedia of the Developing World is a comprehensive work on the historical and current status of developing countries. Telecommunication represents one of the fastest growing and dynamic sectors in Albania. [61], Skanderbeg consistently pursued the goal relentlessly but rather unsuccessfully to constitute a European coalition against the Ottomans. The warmest areas of the country are immediately placed along the Adriatic and Ionian Sea Coasts. [363][364] The most successful football clubs in the country are Skënderbeu, KF Tirana, Dinamo Tirana, Partizani and Vllaznia. The Antea Cement plant in Fushë-Krujë is considered as one of the largest industrial greenfield investments in the country. The country maintains a vibrant tradition of herbal and medicinal practices. Costa Rica is well on its way to becoming the first developing country to have 100% renewable electricity. Albanians produce and use many varieties of fruits such as lemons, oranges, figs, and most notably, olives, which are perhaps the most important element of Albanian cooking. [256] It aims to triple public spending on research and development to 0.6% of GDP and augment the share of GDE from foreign sources, including the framework programmes for research of the European Union, to the point where it covers 40% of research spending, among others. Festivali i Këngës is a traditional Albanian song contest organised by the national broadcaster Radio Televizioni Shqiptar (RTSH). Today, the term Third World describes a country that is not developed as much as other countries and faces economic, social, political, environmental and other issues. The government fostered trade by settling a sizeable Jewish colony of refugees fleeing persecution in Spain. [241][242] Currently, the electricity generation sector of Albania is dependent on hydroelectricity simultaneously ranking fifth in the world in percentage terms. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. In Kosovo, Albanians make up the largest ethnic group in the country. [18][19], Nowadays, Albanians call their country Shqipëri or Shqipëria. Emergency Housing for LGBT Youth in Tirana, Albania. The specific location of this railway, connecting the most populated urban areas in Albania, merely makes it an important economic development project. He has been mentioned as a possible recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature several times. Pierre Nkurunziza, the charismatic former Hutu rebel turned president in 2005, had initially managed to unite the country behind him and to start rebuilding the economy. [134][135] Albania experiences predominantly a mediterranean and continental climate, with four distinct seasons. Rams superstar in tears on sideline in playoff loss After the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the "three worlds" terminology has changed somewhat. According to the Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) as of 2016[update], the textile production marked an annual growth of 5.3% and an annual turnover of around 1.5 billion euros.[205]. As of 1996 military spending was an estimated 1.5% of the country's GDP, only to peak in 2009 at 2% and fall again to 1.5%. The civil law, codified and based on the Napoleonic Code, is divided between courts with regular civil and criminal jurisdiction and administrative courts. Qatar has the lowest mortality rate in the world of 1.244 deaths per 1,000 people. The rise of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empire in the Middle Ages was accompanied by a corresponding growth in Christian and Islamic art in the lands of Albania which are apparent in examples of architecture and mosaics throughout the country. The prime minister, appointed by the president and approved by the parliament, is authorized to constitute the cabinet. 0.3 Senegal. The estimates vary between 60,000 and 300,000 ethnic Greeks in Albania. Almost 30% of the total population is found in Tirana County followed by Fier County with 11% and Durrës County with 10%. Orthodox and Bektashis are mostly found in the south, whereas Catholics mainly live in the north. Image credit: Oguz Dikbakan/Shutterstock. [33][34][35] Other colonies such as Apollonia, Epidamnos and Amantia, were established by Ancient Greek city-states on the coast by the 7th century BC. Growth is projected to be 3.2% in 2016, 3.5% in 2017, and 3.8% in 2018. [218] Other attractions include the mountainous areas such as the Albanian Alps, Ceraunian Mountains and Korab Mountains but also the historical cities of Berat, Durrës, Gjirokastër, Sarandë, Shkodër and Korçë. [326][327] The Albanian Catholic Bishops Conference also cast doubts on the census, complaining that many of its believers were not contacted. The first evangelical Protestants appeared in the 19th century and the Evangelical Alliance was founded in 1892. Luckily, the economy has improved in recent years due to economic initiatives, international loans, and infrastructure projects. [261], Albanian cinema has its roots in the 20th century and developed after the country's declaration of independence. The 300,000 mark is supported by Greek government as well. Archaeologists have come to the conclusion that these regions were inhabited from the middle of the third millennium BC by Indo-European people who spoke a Proto-Greek language. [352] The opening of other movie theaters followed by 1920 in Shkodër, Berat, Tirana and Vlorë.[352]. [46][47][48] In the 13th century, the principality was dissolved. After the fall of communism in 1991, human resources in sciences and technology in Albania have drastically decreased. The conflict resulted in Roman conquest of the region by 167 BC. According to a 2015 World Risk Report compiled by the UN, Albania is one of the countries in Europe most at-risk from natural disasters. It is governed by the Football Association of Albania (Albanian: Federata Shqiptare e Futbollit, F.SH.F. [129] Its shoreline faces the Adriatic Sea to the northwest and the Ionian Sea to the southwest along the Mediterranean Sea. [350], Radio Televizioni Shqiptar (RTSH) is the national broadcaster corporation of Albania operating numerous television and radio stations in the country. The armed forces were trained and supervised by instructors from Italy, and as a counterweight, he kept British officers in the Gendarmerie despite strong Italian pressure to remove them. Albania lies between latitudes 42° and 39° N, and longitudes 21° and 19° E. Its northernmost point is Vërmosh at 42° 35' 34" northern latitude; the southernmost is Konispol at 39° 40' 0" northern latitude; the westernmost point is Sazan at 19° 16' 50" eastern longitude; and the easternmost point is Vërnik at 21° 1' 26" eastern longitude. The country made their Winter Olympic Games debut in 2006. In 2000, the country had the 55th best healthcare performance in the world, as defined by the World Health Organization. Nonetheless, many Albanians continued to practice their beliefs secretly. [299], Young people have shown a growing interest in German language in recent years. In April 1941, territories of Yugoslavia with substantial Albanian population were annexed to Albania inclusively western Macedonia, a strip of eastern Montenegro, the town of Tutin in central Serbia and most of Kosovo[c]. The average income is calculated by gross national income and population. Traditional locations of linguistic and religious communities in Albania. 1. Trump memo tries to 'box in' Biden on student loans. [228][7], Compulsory primary education is divided into two levels, elementary and secondary school, from grade one to five and six to nine, respectively. [167] Military service is voluntary since 2010 with the age of 19 being the legal minimum age for the duty.
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