Sections of this page. Over the Christmas period, bin collections will be changed. A small number of recycling collections may be disrupted today, whilst we return to properties that we were unable to collect yesterday due to snow and ice Find out more about changes to waste services. Missed bin collection; Parking illegally; Planning enforcement complaint; Parks, play areas and public open spaces; Pothole or damaged road surface; Report suspected abuse of a child (report using helpline) Report suspected abuse of vulnerable adult (report using helpline) ... North Somerset … Find your collection day, report a missed bin collection, information on garden waste and household waste disposal The Somerset ... reports of missed collections. ... We only missed one collection and I couldn't get the bin … The information you provide will be held and used in accordance with UK and European data protection law. Report issues at... Jump to. North Somerset Council News The Council, with contractors Biffa, introduced a new waste regime at the beginning of June to improve the service, but several homes have had missed collections North Somerset Council is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office for the purposes of processing personal data. Waste collection crews are taking a number of precautions to help prevent the spread of Covid19, including the use of gloves and regular use of hand sanitiser. ... double-bagged in black sacks for 72 hours, and then added to your black bin for the usual collection. ... North Somerset. Find out when to put out your bins, where to recycle your tree and other important updates below. My recycling bin was last emptied on 7 December, and my next collection is due on 7 January, 31 days later. Bin collections in some areas of lower Caversham now resumed. Official Facebook page for North Somerset recycling and waste. Somerset residents could face stiffer enforcement action in the future if they don't put their bins out properly. Tom Gowling, Clevedon, North Somerset Having decided not to empty the bins in the week before or after Christmas due to the weather, the Sefton bin men did arrive today to empty the bins. Christmas Bin Collections. Collection days will also change for most homes in Reading. To report a missed collection or other problem, please go to Report it You can also contact Council Connect by email or phone 01225 39 40 41 Top of page Christmas Bin Collections – North Somerset Recycling and Waste.
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