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san francisco estuary blueprint

The San Francisco Bay-Delta is named in the federal Clean Water Act as one of 28 “estuaries of national significance." For over 20 years, the San Francisco Estuary Partnership has worked together with local communities and federal and state agencies to improve the health of California’s most urbanized estuary. We advocate, educate, and share information collaboratively to ensure the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) or Estuary Blueprint is the guiding document for priority actions in the estuary. Week 5 – San Francisco Estuary Essay Alex Hill The San Francisco Estuary Project emerged as part of the Estuary projects from the 1987 Clean Water Act Amendments. A pilot program to monitor tidal marsh habitat in the San Francisco Estuary. Image. At the San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP), we collaborate with partners from all levels of government, non-profits, scientists, and increasingly community advocates. The San Francisco Estuary Institute comprises over sixty scientists, technologists, and designers who offer a wide range of expertise. Action 2. + Northern California. 2016 San Francisco Estuary Blueprint, Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan Workshop # 6, Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Update, November 3, 2017. The San Francisco Bay-Delta is named in the federal Clean Water Act as one of 28 “estuaries of national significance." From the world-famous Golden Gate Bridge to the inland Delta and the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers upstream, the San Francisco Estuary is renowned nationally and internationally for its beauty and productivity. It encompasses roughly 1,600 square miles, drains over 40 percent of the state (60,000 square miles), and contains about five million acre-feet of water at mean tide. Workshop # 5, Estuary Blueprint, September 8, 2017. For over 20 years, the San Francisco Estuary Partnership has worked together with local communities and federal and state agencies to improve the health of California’s most urbanized estuary. Caitlin Sweeney, Director, San Francisco Estuary Partnership. The Estuary, a significant natural resource, San Francisco Bay and the Delta combine to form the West Coast's largest estuary. It has since evolved into a San Francisco Estuary Partnership that is a non-regulatory federal-state local collaboration consisting of over 100 municipalities, non-profit organizations, governmental agencies and businesses. The Estuary conveys the waters of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers to the Pacific Ocean. San Francisco Estuary Partnership. San Francisco Estuary Partnership. Leticia Grenier, Senior Scientist, San Francisco Estuary Institute This work is guided by the Estuary Blueprint--the overall plan for protecting, conserving, and restoring water quality and habitats. The San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve’s mission is to improve understanding and stewardship of the estuary, with a broader relevance to the ecosystems beyond the Golden Gate. 352 Shaw Road, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Phone: (415) 922.9004 Fax: (415) 822.8844 955 Vintage Ave, St. Helena, CA 94574 Phone: (707) 742-7777 Friends of the San Francisco Estuary protects, restores, and enhances the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary.

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