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sciennes primary school swimming pool

2 bed flat to rent in Strathearn Road, Edinburgh EH9, renting for £1,295 pcm from Savills - Edinburgh Lettings. It’s nice and cosy in here! Sciennes Primary School Review of 2019-2020. from Sciennes Primary School Plus . Sciennes Primary School, opened on 1st March 1892, appears to have been exceptionally well equipped for its date, with a gym and swimming pool built into the basement, and drawing, science, and cookery classrooms on the top floor. We’ve been doing it for years. Edinburgh and Midlothian Schools Swimming Championships November 2015. Thank you to Mrs Beth Walker, one of our PE Specialists and Swimming Teacher, for organising and compering the event  for all city … Continue reading EPSSA Swim and Dive Gala Team Photos, Sciennes Swimathon 2015 MyDonate Page is now live. These big boilers heat the whole school and even the swimming pool. David wins two gold medals!Very well done to Eilidh, Quinn and Robert who represented Sciennes so well in the Edinburgh and Midlothian Swimming Gala on Sunday 20th November at Ainslie Park Leisure Centre. Sciennes Primary Seven. Thank you to everyone who is supporting our annual Swimathon school fundraiser. The children who have swum so far have done so with such enthusiasm and determination it has been quite inspiring and many have even had smiles on their faces when they get out of the pool exhausted. Primary School children can swim for free during Public Swim sessions. ALL children at Sciennes will benefit … Continue reading Swimathon, Thank you to Mrs Beth Walker, one of our PE Specialists and Swimming Teacher, for organising and compering the Edinburgh Primary School Sports Association (EPSSA) Swim and Dive Gala event for all city primary schools on Wednesday 28th March 2018 at the Royal Commonwealth Pool. Sciennes Primary School is situated on the South Side of Edinburgh, close to the Meadows, Sick Children's Hospital and Edinburgh University. Several Personal Bests were achieved at this high level annual sporting event. FREE SWIMMING FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN. ***Assignment in Teams*** Writing Writing Task (2) Maths/Numeracy ***Memory Books Task 1: P5 Fairy Tale*** L.I. It was a thoroughly enjoyable event for all 500 children … Continue reading EPSSA Swim and Dive Gala, Sciennes P4-7 Mental Health Assembly 12.5.17 from Sciennes Primary SchoolCelebrating a week of Mental Health awareness at SciennesOn Friday 12th May we celebrated a week of Mental Health awareness and activities led by DHT Carolyn Anstruther, PSAs Mrs Helen Anderson and Mrs Sarah Sheehan, Staff Health and Wellbeing Working Group and Parent Council HWB Group … Continue reading Mental Health Week Assembly and Swimathon Medals 12.5.17, Sciennes School Parent CouncilMonday 24th April – Friday 28th April 2017This year we are aiming to raise £10,000 to support school’s technology, Health and Wellness projects (which includes sports tuition e.g. The event will take place in Sciennes pool during the week … Continue reading Swimathon Week w/c 12th May, Friends of Sciennes School Trust, with the help of the School Council,  are once again holding an annual sponsored event. 20th Dec 2014 - 5th Jan 2015 inclusive. As before, Primary School children … Continue reading Free Summer Swimming for Primary School Children! 307 were here. ... Sciennes Primary School. Friends and … Continue reading Swimathon 2016 – MyDonate Information. Katie, Mia, Boris and Mhairi Medal SuccessThank you to Mrs Beth Walker, one of our PE Specialists and Swimming Teacher, for organising and compering the Edinburgh Primary School Sports Association (EPSSA) Swim and Dive Gala event for all city primary schools on Wednesday 1st April at the Royal Commonwealth Pool. For all those who went to Sciennes, especially those who know the rhyme to remember how to spell Sciennes. Double Gold for David in Edinburgh and Midlothian Swimming Gala! 20th Dec 2014 - 5th Jan 2015 inclusive. The present gym contained classrooms for the first part of last century, divided by huge sliding wooden partitions which were pushed aside for assemblies. Gold, Gold, Bronze, Bronze!Many thanks to EPSSA for these great photos. (HGIOS) is the title of the document produced by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) to assist schools in evaluating their own performance. Here, we came across the legendary swimming instructor, Jimmy McCracken. Sciennes Transition Nursery -P1 for Pupils Published on Apr 28, 2014 Ms Carolyn Anstruther, DHT P1-3, has produced this overview of life at Sciennes Primary School … Sciennes Swimathon 2016 is fast approaching - just 10 days until things get underway! Full … Continue reading Swimathon Donations – One Week Left! "Our primary school swimming lessons were at Sciennes School, the only primary school around with its own pool. All proceeds from pupil sponsorship of this annual Parent Council event will be in support of our Playground Fundraising efforts and will help us edge ever closer to our target amount., Mental Health Week Assembly and Swimathon Medals 12.5.17. After a hugely successful Swimathon last year in which over £8,000 was raised it has been decided to hold a similar event this year. There’s an old fire place in there. Only one more sleep until Splash Off! Children will have the opportunity to swim/float/walk as many lengths / breadths of the school pool as they can in a specified time. This video captures a glimpse of unprecedented times at Sciennes Primary School. Home; Sciennes; Tuesday, 26 January 2016. From here you can set up a personalized sponsorship page for your children. We’ve had more than 80 volunteers come out to count lengths as the children swam, many helping with more than one class.A special Thank You needs to be extended to Mr Scott … Continue reading Swimathon – Thank you. We are the largest primary school in … Hopefully we can go back and visit with all of our super work! Free swimming for Primary School children this Summer break: from Saturday 28th June until 12th August (inclusive). There is very well regarded local schooling close by including Sciennes Primary School and James Gillespie's High School. Just published! Medals Galore at EPSSA Swim and Dive Gala! Diana helped everyone to think about inequality in the world, … Continue reading P4-7 Assembly 22.5.15. Everything you wanted to know about Swimathon but were afraid to ask. They conquered.Now it’s time for the rest of us to do our part. 39 Dryburgh Road, Wishaw, ML2 7JA. Once someone learned to swim a few strokes, they then had to jump in at the deep end while the teacher stood on the side with a long pole. Time. Anna, Toby, Joanne and David won their heat then came Third to … Continue reading Medals Galore at EPSSA Swim and Dive Gala! With Gift Aid, nearly £1000 has been donated already to help fund Playground Improvements!Thank you! Great to see Mr Jonathan … Continue reading Medal Success at EPSSA Swim and Dive Gala! … For more details or to reserve a space please call us , 0131-669-5454. In the early days the gym was in the basement beside the pool. 20th Dec 2014 - 5th Jan 2015 inclusive. 36 Sciennes is a superb purpose built duplex over two levels which was completed in 2004. Friends and family … Continue reading Swimathon – Online Donation Information, For many parents with children in the upper school Swimathon is no big deal. We are very fortunate to have a swimming pool situated in the basement. We provide targeted lunchtime swimming lessons to meet our aim of every child at Sciennes being able to swim and cycle by Primary Seven. Free swimming for Primary School children this Easter breakEdinburgh Leisure announces  that thanks to funding from the City of Edinburgh Council, the free swimming initiative will be on offer again at all Edinburgh Leisure pools from 3rd - 20th April (inclusive). ALL children at Sciennes will benefit from the funds raised.The Swimathon has been great fun in the past and we would … Continue reading Swimathon 2017. Pupils ranged between 5 and 14 years old. Diana Dalton, Department for International AidWe are very grateful to Diana Dalton, parent of Joe in P7A, for accepting an invitation to present at Assembly on Friday 22nd May and providing us with an excellent explanation of the work of the Department for International Development. City of Edinburgh are once again running free swimming sessions for primary school children at four pools across the city, supporting the City of Edinburgh Council programme to get even more people swimming. Email: UNDER 5’S SWIM FOR FREE TOO! Jemima will attend the Royal Commonwealth Pool opening ceremony and enjoy a swim in the wonderful new pool.Donald McDonald, Headteacher at James Gillespie’s High School, contacted Sciennes to share the good news that the chess team had reached the last 16… Congratulations to Jemima Harrison, P5a, on her winning entry in Edinburgh Leisure’s writing competition. An ‘outdoor classroom / garden’ has been created. SCIENNES SWIMATHON 2016Monday 25 April – Thursday 28 April 2016Back by popular demand, the most anticipated event of the pupil calendar! At the request of the children themselves we plan to hold another Swimathon this year to raise funds to benefit ALL children at Sciennes.The Swimathon has been great fun in the past and we … Continue reading Sciennes Swimathon 2016, Thank you to former parent, Nicki McGregor (Convenor of the Edinburgh Schools Swimming Association) for inviting us to take part in this year's swimming championships at Ainslie Park Leisure Centre on Sunday 22nd November 2015.We have seven P6/7 club swimmers (who submitted recent minimum swim times and are able to use starting blocks) competing at this high level … Continue reading Edinburgh and Midlothian Schools Swimming Championships November 2015, Former parent, Nicki McGregor (Convenor of the Edinburgh Schools Swimming Association) has informed us that this year's swimming championships will take place at Ainslie Park Leisure Centre on Sunday 22nd November 2015.P6/7 club swimmers who can submit recent minimum swim times, are able to use starting blocks and compete at a high level will be contacted early next … Continue reading Edinburgh and Midlothian Schools Swimming Championships November 2015. Posted by Jennifer McGrouther at 20:30 No comments: Email This BlogThis! As before, Primary School children can swim for free during ANY listed Public Swim session.

Plaquemine To Baton Rouge, Game Tycoon - Roblox, Nyu Cas Summer Courses, Caveat Emptor And Caveat Venditor Pdf, We're All In This Together Sam Roberts Meaning, Short Percentage Of Float, Converted Chapel Wales For Sale, Long Lasting Skateboard Decks, Nutrition Planet Xtreme Mass Gainer Review,