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south cambridgeshire local plan 2007

Development Plan Document (DPD) (2007) and submission version of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2014; • The adopted East Cambridgeshire Local Plan (April 2015); • The adopted Fenland Local Plan (May 2014); and • The adopted Huntingdonshire Core Strategy (2009) and emerging Local Plan. South Cambridgeshire Development Control Policies DPD (2007) Public Art Policy for South Cambridgeshire (2004) Landscape Guidance for Development Sites Supplementary Planning Document (in preparation) Sub-regional Arts and Culture Strategy - Cambridgeshire Horizons (2006) Draft East of England Plan (2007) Proposed Submission South Cambridgeshire Local Plan DRAFT June 2013 Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1. 7. Skip to main content. The adopted development plan for South Cambridgeshire comprises: In addition, the Adopted Policies Map (September 2018) illustrates geographically the application of spatial policies in the development plan (i.e. Transport Strategy for East Cambridgeshire. allocations for development and policy areas to which a specific policy applies). The review will commence in 2019 with submission for examination in 2022. All of these documents are used by the council when assessing planning applications. Core Documents. My South Cambs, your personalised online account, is now live! The following documents are part of the evidence base for the Local Plan. Cambridge Local Plan 2006 . Part 3: Considerations and t Some of these are necessary to make the website function, but others control settings and monitor statistics through Google Analytics. National lockdown rules apply in England. Technical evidence, research, studies and strategies which directly inform Local Plan policies; Policy Evidence Reports. File:South Cambridgeshire UK local election 2007 map.svg. It includes policies on a wide range of topics such as housing, employment, services and facilities, and the natural environment. Community Transport. South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council's Local Plans would allow new settlements near Waterbeach and at Bourn Airfield. Foreword . Since the planning departments from Cambridge City and South Cambs merged, now called Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, there is an obligation to produce a single Local Plan for the area. Version 2 22 nd June 2007 South Cambridgeshire District Council Communications Strategy and Implementation Plan June 2007 DRAFT Produced by The SCDC Inspire Communications Workstream Group (with the support of Mike McCabe, IDeA Local Government Improvement Programme). 2) SmithsonHill business plan The business plan and stated purpose of the proposed development have no credibility. This Local Plan sets out the City Council's policies about how the demands of growth and change can be met without compromising the many qualities that make Cambridge such a wonderful place. Twitter will set cookies on your device which you can delete in your browser settings. ... South Cambridgeshire Local Plan), North West Cambridge, Cambridge Southern Fringe, and Cambridge East (except as amended by Policy SS/3 of the submitted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan) remain part of the development plan for the plan period to 2031 or until such time as the developments are complete. The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan sets out the planning policies and land allocations to guide the future development of the district up to 2031. Cambourne Parish Council … It updates and replaces the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework which was adopted between January 2007 and January 2010 and covered … Plans included the construction of around 9,500 homes, a town centre area, schools and employment areas. Local Transport Plan (LTP) Cambridge City and South Cambs Transport Strategy. The Joint Local Development Scheme 2018 identified that the Plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State for examination at the end of summer 2022. This is the Proposed Submission Local Plan for South Cambridgeshire (hereafter referred to as the Draft Local Plan). South Cambridgeshire District Council has submitted its Local Plan for examination. South Cambridgeshire District Council Respondent - and - Mr Len Satchell Interested Party - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zack ... Council’s local development plan, the Local Development Framework 2007. In August 2018, the Inspectors that conducted the examination issued their Inspectors’ Report [PDF, 0.3MB] and Schedule of Main Modifications [PDF, 1.5MB], concluding that the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan is sound, subject to a number of Main Modifications being made. This document sets out how the Council will move from the previous to the … … From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. The proposed development is contrary to the South Cambridgeshire’s current 2007 Local Development Framework (LDF) in a number of respects that will now be examined. If you do not want these cookies to be set, please select 'Cookie settings'. South Cambridgeshire Local Plan: Proposed Submission, July 2013 108 Tables Table 4-1 Total pedal cycles using the Busway (north section) between 7am and 7pm between 2011 (opening year) and 2014 32 Table 5-1 Housing and employment growth assumptions for land use scenarios 44 Table 5-2 Distribution of Optional Developments 45 Table 5-3 Total Car Mode Share for 2031 AM Peak trips to Cambridge … The South Cambridgeshire Development Plan includes: The Adopted Policies Map comprises a district-wide Policies Map, together with Inset Maps for each of the major development sites and the villages. By clicking 'consent' you agree to view our Twitter feed embedded in our website. 1.2 The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan, once adopted, will set out the proposals for future development to 2031 and replace the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework which was adopted between January 2007 and January 2010. We do not store personal information. 1.2. The First Rights of Way Improvement Plan was adopted in 2006 as part of the Cambridgeshire Local Transport Plan 2006-2011. The following documents are part of the evidence base for the Local Plan. The existing Cambridge Local Plan (2006) and South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework (adopted between 2007 and 2010) introduced a step change in levels of planned growth, unmatched since the interwar years. The aim of the plans is to: The Development Plan is made up of those plans which have been statutorily adopted and which cover the District. The Council submitted the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan to the Secretary of State for examination in March 2014. By clicking continue, you are consenting to us setting cookies. It details the transport infrastructure and services necessary to deliver this growth; The strategy contains details of the major schemes proposed in the short, medium and longer term. If you do not want these cookies to be set, please select 'Cookie settings'. In the phase one Local Management Study, ... the first phase of the new town was approved by South Cambridgeshire council. This page was last edited on 28 … Introduction 3 2. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Housing Allocations 2 3. SOUTH CAMBRIDGESHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL LOCAL PLAN EXAMINATION Statement of Common Ground as agreed between: 1) Barratt Eastern Counties and the North West Cambridge Consortium of Landowners and 2) South Cambridgeshire District Council and 3) Cambridgeshire County Council and 4) Highways England in respect of Policy SS/2 Land Between Huntingdon Road and Histon Road Date: … 1.1 LUC has been commissioned by South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council (the Councils) to carry out a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the Greater Cambridge Local Plan (GCLP). It aims to review what sustainable development means in the context of both districts and to ensure that the sustainability of different broad spatial options are assessed. An independent examination, to test the 'soundness' of the plan, was undertaken between March 2014 and August 2018. 1.3 The Local Development Framework forms part of the Development Plan for South Cambridgeshire. Updated Joint Housing Trajectory for Greater Cambridge 5 4. SOUTH CAMBRIDGESHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, 17 July 2007 at 10.00 a.m. Market town transport strategies. The Cambridge By clicking continue, you are consenting to us setting cookies. Under the plan making system, it is not possible to show an allocation or policy area on the Policies Map more than once. Appendices The Peterborough Local Plan was adopted on 24 July 2019. C1.1 The South Cambridgeshire Core Strategy DPD requires the development of a new town of Northstowe. The Joint Local Development Scheme 2018 identified that the Plan will be Purpose 1. Cambridgeshire City and district councils prepare local development plans which are intended to provide guidance on the use of land and the criteria upon which to decide planning applications. The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan sets out the planning policies and land allocations to guide the future development of the district up to 2031. Cambridge corridor transport plans. Transport Investment Plan. PRESENT: Councillor JH Stewart – Chairman Councillor RE Barrett – Vice-Chairman Councillors: Dr DR Bard, Mrs PM Bear, EW Bullman, FWM Burkitt, SM Edwards, Mrs SM Ellington, Mrs A Elsby, Mrs JM Guest, R Hall, Mrs SA Hatton, Mrs EM Heazell, RMA Manning, … 4 . Therefore the full Longstanton and Teversham Conservation Area boundaries are shown on the maps below. Highway policies and capital maintenance programme. The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan has been subject to an integrated Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Lockdown Hardship Scheme hits the right note for South Cambs music business, North East Cambridge Community Forum launched, Climate and Environment Advisory Committee; 09/03/2021, Employment and Staffing Committee; 15/03/2021. 1.1. This was also a recommendation of the Planning Inspector. Each set of maps includes a key to explain the symbols and notations. District councils local plans. Buses. Core Documents. Long Term Transport Strategy. Cambridgeshire County Council (in partnership with Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council) has drawn up four development-related transport plans. Local Development Scheme 2014-2020 South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Cambridge Northern Fringe East Area Action Plan Bourn Airfield Area Action Plan Waterbeach Area Action Plan Evidence Gathering Completed Spring/Summer 2014 Winter 2015/16 Winter 2017/18 Issues & Options Consultation Completed Winter 2014/15 Summer 2016 Summer 2018 Proposed Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans that were submitted for examination in March 2014. Cambridge corridor transport plans. Travel Roads And Parking. It updates and replaces the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework which was adopted between January 2007 and January 2010 and covered the period up to 2016. Visit Coronavirus for our service information or contact us. 1.3 The Local Development Framework forms part of the Development Plan for South Cambridgeshire. 2014: In November 2014, Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plan examination started and examined evidence from the SHMA and changes since SHMA 2013 was published. South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Statement of Compliance with the ‘Duty ... Cambridgeshire local authorities plus the west Suffolk districts of Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury), together with Peterborough City Council. This document forms part of the evidence base for the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Reviews. The Plan was formulated following considerable research, data gathering and extensive public and stakeholder consultation with the Local Access Forum playing a key part in the plan's development. Long Term Transport Strategy. The new Local Plan for Cambridge is due to be adopted in 2015, following public consultation and examination by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State. File; File history; File usage on Commons; File usage on other wikis; Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 680 × 599 pixels. Statutory documents required, and central to, the plan-making process; Primary Evidence. The PSP plan is in two parts. 2015: Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire objectively assessed housing need further evidence document was published. 4. All rights reserved. This was consistent with the agreed development strategy for … The adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018 incorporates the main modifications recommended by the Inspectors in Appendix 1 of the Inspectors' Report [PDF, 1.5MB], as well as some Additional Modifications [PDF, 0.4MB] that are minor or factual in nature, including typographical amendments and factual updating and that do not materially affect the policies proposed by the Council. The Cambridge Local Plan 2006 is currently in the process of being reviewed and replaced, as confirmed by this LDS. Cambridge Southern Fringe Area Action Plan (February 2008). Northstowe Area Action Plan. It includes policies on a wide range of topics such as housing, employment, services and facilities, and the natural environment. Joint Local Plan for Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire 2019-2023. Local Transport Plan (LTP) Cambridge City and South Cambs Transport Strategy. There are two cases where the area covered by Area Action Plans means the maps for nearby villages are not entirely clear in respect of the area included within a Conservation Area. Buses. The draft Local Plan’s policies and proposals cover the period 2011 to 2031. There were a number of stages in the preparation of the Local Plan, including evidence gathering, two Issues and Options consultations, and consultation on the Proposed Submission Local Plan (all undertaken between 2011 and 2014). The Council is planning to deliver sites to meet its full Objectively Assessed Housing Need within its own district. Part one covers policies for managing new development. My South Cambs, your personalised online account, is now live! Cambridge Local Plan 2006 . The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was formally adopted by the Council on 27 September 2018 at a meeting of full Council. Market town transport strategies. South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework Examination 25/01/2007 Representing the Fairfield Partnership on proposals for 10,000 new houses at Northstowe. National lockdown rules apply in England. South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council committed to an early review of the Local Plans as part of the City Deal agreement. In doing so the Core Strategy followed Regional Planning Guidance for East Anglia (RPG6) which led to the identification of Longstanton / Oakington as the preferred location for a new town of 8,000 to 10,000 dwellings in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan 2003. The Councils have prepared a number of Development Plan Documents (DPDs) jointly or in parallel in recent years. Lockdown Hardship Scheme hits the right note for South Cambs music business, North East Cambridge Community Forum launched, Climate and Environment Advisory Committee; 09/03/2021, Employment and Staffing Committee; 15/03/2021. Local Plan (2018) and the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018). In South Cambridgeshire Public Art has a role to play in neighbourhood and community development. The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan will be considered at a Special Cabinet meeting on 24 September and a full Council meeting on 27 September.) The Plan is split in to two main parts; this first part is the Policies and Strategy, which sets out the Plan’s objectives, problems and … Access your personalised information and track requests 24/7, 365 days a year. The Development Plan is made up of those plans which have been statutorily adopted and which cover the District. Contents . Statutory documents required, and central to, the plan-making process; Primary Evidence. The Sustainability Appraisal (SA) must be made available at the same … Transport Delivery Plan. Five-year Housing Land Supply 9 . Access your personalised information and track requests 24/7, 365 days a year. The Peterborough Local Plan was adopted on 24 July 2019. It sets out the planning policies and land allocations to guide the future development of the district up to 2031. Find out more about how the UK Priorities were identified and download the full list from JNCC . The Local Plan includes policies on a wide range of topics such as housing, employment, services and facilities and the natural environment. This examination was conducted between March 2014 and August 2018. Part 1: Evidence and consideration of reasonable options 7 3. 1.11 The plan period for the Greater Cambridge Local Plan is yet to be determined, but is likely to cover the period to either 2040 or 2050. Contents Executive Summary 1 1. The Policies Map has been updated to reflect the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan adopted in September 2018. The Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan forms part of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, together with the Core Strategy and Joint Waste Core Strategy. It supports the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans, and takes account of future levels of growth in the area. Some of these are necessary to make the website function, but others control settings and monitor statistics through Google Analytics. The Adopted Policies Map illustrates geographically the application of spatial policies within the South Cambridgeshire adopted Development Plan (i.e Part 2: Sustainability Appraisal 21 4. It was formed on 1 April 1974 by the merger of Chesterton Rural District and South Cambridgeshire Rural District.It completely surrounds the city of Cambridge, which is administered separately from the district by Cambridge City Council. South Cambridgeshire is a mostly rural local government district of Cambridgeshire, England, with a population of 148,755 at the 2011 census. We do not store personal information. It will replace policies contained within the Cambridge Local Plan (2018) and the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018). Sustainability Appraisal and consultation are legal requirements of plan making. Policy ST/6 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy adopted January 2007, identifies Meldreth as a Group Village. 1.3 The SPD supports policies in the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) adopted in July 2007 and in Area Action Plans for a number of growth areas around Cambridge City and for the new settlement of Northstowe. adopted January 2007 South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2004 saved policies Cambourne 2 and SE7 (Master Plan and Design Guide) Local Development Framework Development Control Policies DPD 2007 DP/2 (Design of New Development) DP/3 (Development Criteria) TR/1 (Travel) Cambourne Design Guide 1995 incorporating the Briefing Plan for parcels GC28-31 Consultation 4. Login | Register. The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was adopted on 27 September 2018 (as set out in the Adoption Statement [PDF, 96Kb]): The Adopted Policies Map (September 2018) illustrates geographically the application of spatial policies in the development plan (for example, allocations for development and policy areas to which a specific policy applies). Transport Strategy for East Cambridgeshire. This South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Development Affecting Conservation Areas forms part of the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework (LDF). The Adopted Policies Map illustrates geographically the application of spatial policies within the South Cambridgeshire adopted Development Plan. This document sets out how the Council will move from the previous to the … © 2021 South Cambridgeshire District Council. Technical evidence, research, studies and strategies which directly inform Local Plan policies; Policy Evidence Reports. Longstanton and Teversham conservation areas, Stages in the preparation of the Local Plan 2018, Superseded Local Plan 2004 and Development Plan Documents (DPDs), Cambridge Southern Fringe Area Action Plan 2008, North West Cambridge Area Action Plan 2009, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework 2011, Great Abington Former Land Settlement Association state Neighbourhood Plan, Inset B - Cambridge Northern Fringe (West), Inset B - Cambridge Northern Fringe (East), Inset F - North West Cambridge Area Action Plan, Inset G - North West Cambridge Huntingdon Road to Histon Road, Inset 41a - Great Abington Former LSA Estate, Inset 66 - Landbeach, Cambridge Research Park & Adjoining Site, Inset 99 - Swavesey, Buckingway Business Park. The composition of the current development plan is set out in the Council’s Local Development Scheme. Introduction 1 2. The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was adopted in September 2018. Cambridgeshire Development Control Policies DPD (2007), the South Cambridgeshire Core Strategy DPD (2007) and the draft South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2014, the latter of which had been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination in March 2014. Visit Coronavirus for our service information or contact us. This Local Plan sets out the City Council's policies about how the demands of growth and change can be met without compromising the many qualities that make Cambridge such a wonderful place. © 2021 South Cambridgeshire District Council. Transport Delivery Plan . Stages in the preparation of the Local Plan 2018, Superseded Local Plan 2004 and Development Plan Documents (DPDs), Adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (September 2018), Chapter 5: Delivering High Quality Places, Chapter 8: Building a Strong and Competitive Economy, Chapter 10: Sustainable Transport and Infrastructure, stages in the preparation of the Local Plan, South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (September 2018), Index, Key, District Wide, Cambridge Fringe, Villages: Cambourne continued – Cottenham, Villages: Cottenham continued – Gamlingay, Villages: Graveley – Great & Little Abington, Villages: Papworth Everard continued – Swavesey, Villages: Thriplow – Waterbeach; Appendix 1: Fulbourn, Graveley, Great & Little Abington, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Schedule of Additional Modifications, South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement, Cambridge Southern Fringe Area Action Plan 2008, North West Cambridge Area Action Plan 2009, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework 2011, South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report and Habitats Regulations Screening Assessment (March 2014), Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Report incorporating Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Assessment (2015, revised March 2016), Sustainability Appraisal of Main Modifications. Transport Investment Plan . The plans cover the whole of the Cambridge city area and some of the villages in South Cambridgeshire. The Councils have also prepared additional evidence to address the issues raised by the Inspectors. South Cambridgeshire Local Plan – Consultation Responses and Consideration on whether to submit for examination NOTE: Members are asked to bring their copy of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan: Proposed Submission (July 2013) to the meeting. The ink was barely dry from the adoption of the joint local plan in 2018, when the next round of planning got underway. South Cambridgeshire Local Plan), North West Cambridge, Cambridge Southern Fringe, and Cambridge East (except as amended by Policy SS/3 of the submitted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan) remain part of the development plan for the plan period to 2031 or until such time as the developments are complete. This includes allocations for development and policy areas to which a specific policy applies. 1 The South Cambridgeshire Draft Local Plan fails six tests against Government policies set out in the Localism Act 2011 and National Planning Policy Framework. This is the Proposed Submission Local Plan for South Cambridgeshire (hereafter referred to as the Draft Local Plan). the Cambridge Local Plan 2006 and the South Cambridgeshire Core Strategy 20071 2. A number of the designations shown on the Policies Map are identified and provided by external organisations – see notes section of the Key. Major site allocations from the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework 2007-2010 together with the Area Action Plans for Northstowe, North West Cambridge, Cambridge Southern Fringe and Cambridge East (except as amended by Policy SS/3) are carried forward as part of the development plan to 2031 or until such time as the developments are complete. ... 13 May 2007, BBC: Brown outlines 'eco towns' plan; 7 March 2007, Government News Network: New Eco-Towns could help tackle climate change [permanent dead link] 14 July 2005, BBC: Plan for new town moves forward; Coordinates. The composition of the current development plan is set out in the Council’s Local Development Scheme.

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