Members of the public who have written to the planning officer are able to speak in support or opposition to applications, and these views are taken into account when the councillors make their decisions. you should not include your telephone number, email address or signature in your comments. SOUTH CAMBRIDGESHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT TO: Planning Committee 12 Sep 2018 AUTHOR/S: Michael Huntington, ... in the context of a planning decision, where there is a conflict between the outcome which arises from the application of policies of the adopted development plan and those of the Local Plans, the Local Plans will generally outweigh the adopted plan and will prevail. Cases are selected and summarised by the COMPASS team. Daniel Fulton, who has led the FLC’s litigation efforts, said: “For years the South Cambridgeshire District Council has failed to carry out public consultations in a lawful manner and has failed to meaningfully take into account representations received. Policy S/4: Cambridge Green Belt. New roads and access are safe for road users and pedestrians. You can view webcasts of live and archived meetings. Development includes the stopping up of Cambridge Road and the formation of a new access road through the rearrangement of existing Cambridge Road/Kilburn Park Road junction Current status: Stage 2 statutory referral - Mayor's final decision Making a planning appeal. Requests for Review of Tribunal decisions may be filed under Section 35 of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act (formerly Section 43 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act).Please refer to the appeal guide for more information.. There will be an increase in noise, smells or fumes generated by the proposal. About sharing. The High Court has ruled SCDC have been unlawful. Monitoring housing, business and renewable energy development. Register or sign in to My South Cambs Remind me later No thanks Planning. Planning × My South Cambs, your personalised online account, is now live! your name and address (including postcode) is the only information required to register your representation. It may be possible to submit a modified application if changes to your proposal would make it acceptable. South Cambs District Council planning decision quashed by High Court over unlawful public consultation. The power to delegate authority to decide planning applications in South Cambridgeshire rests solely with officers after a change to the council’s constitution. Loss of protected species such as bats, badgers, owls, great crested newts and birds. Affordable Housing funded for South Cambs. This South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) Supplementary Planning Document ... ‘The Courts have recently confirmed that planning decisions in respect of development proposed to be carried out in a Conservation Area must give a high priority to the objective of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area. Plans for a 3,500-home scheme on a former World War II airfield in South Cambridgeshire have been approved, after planners advised that the development would deliver a minimum 10 per cent biodiversity net gain and provide a “significant quantum of housing” during the current local plan period “and beyond”. By Ben Hatton, Local Democracy Reporter. Decision 1. The table below indicates requests that have been filed with the Tribunal and have been dismissed, directed to a motion, or have been granted in whole or part. Picture: Archant - Credit: Archant. The High Court has ruled SCDC have been unlawful. My South Cambs, your personalised online account, is now live! You can watch the meetings from the comfort of your own home while they are happening and for up to 6 months afterwards. Only elected members of the Planning Committee are allowed to vote on an application. That case involved a decision to grant development of over 500 dwellings against the planning officer’s recommendation. Access your personalised information and track requests 24/7, 365 days a year.
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