198 South Cambs magazine simplified response form 199 Appendix I: Parish Council Proposals ... 1.6 There will be consequential changes to the Adopted Proposals Map - now known as the Policies Map. Register or sign in to My South Cambs Remind me later No thanks Planning. 0000001362 00000 n Access your personalised information and track requests 24/7, 365 days a year. The Adopted Policies Map illustrates geographically the application of spatial policies within the South Cambridgeshire adopted Development Plan (i.e Proposals Map Key [97.57KB] Map Page 11 in PDF format [6.47MB] Map Page 1 in PDF format [2.89MB] Map Page 12 in PDF format [6.19MB] Map Page 2 in PDF format [4.9MB] Map Page 13 in PDF format [13.45MB] Map Page 2a Beaconsfield New Town Centre in PDF format [342.52KB] Map Page 14 in PDF format [3.26MB] Map Page 3 in PDF format [4.85MB] 0000001149 00000 n Question Title * 2. 0000002040 00000 n 0001565963 00000 n We submitted the plan to the Secretary of State for examination in March 2014. 0000001342 00000 n Framework 2011 (prepared by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council) – Core Strategy and Proposals Map C 2011, Site Specific Proposals Plan and Proposals Map A and B 2012; In addition, the Adopted Policies Map (September 2018) illustrates geographically the application of spatial policies in the development plan (i.e. National lockdown rules apply in England. The council said it had spent more on supporting residents with the impact of coronavirus . Benjamin Hatton. The plans are "God-awful news" according to … (Credit: Glassdoor). The draft Local Plan is founded on an extensive evidence base of studies and The maps should not be viewed in isolation, but should be read alongside the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015. Where do you live? Histon station: H&I parish council proposal for South Cambs Local Plan Question Title * 1. Cambridgeshire; Development; Thakeham Homes; Proposals published by developers for a 25,000-home town in South Cambridgeshire will be considered as part of the work on the Greater Cambridge Local … Members provided a clear steer on the policy direction to be incorporated in the Area Action Plan at the Council meeting on 8th April, when considering the representations received as a result of public participation on the Preferred Options Report. Planning. The Proposed Submission Policies Map has been prepared to illustrate geographically the application of the policies within the Proposed Submission Local Plan. 0000001980 00000 n My South Cambs, your personalised online account, is now live! Twitter will set cookies on your device which you can delete in your browser settings. It also shows policy areas included in the Minerals & Waste Local Development Framework produced by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, as this forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. what is your postcode? Core strategy and proposals map C. The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Core Strategy and Proposals Map C: Mineral Safeguarding Areas were adopted by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council on 19 July 2011. It shows how the existing Adopted Proposals Map would be amended by the Local Plan if it were to be adopted. Some of these are necessary to make the website function, but others control settings and monitor statistics through Google Analytics. The Proposed Submission Policies Map comprises a district-wide Policies Map together with Inset Maps for each of the major development sites and the villages. South Cambs proposes council tax increase and budget cuts of £5.1 million to cope with impact of Covid-19. 0000002245 00000 n © 2021 South Cambridgeshire District Council. Document Title – Proposals Map no. South Downs Dark Skies Festival 2021 – ‘My Dark Skies’ Thank you to everyone who followed along with the virtual South Downs… Our vision for Seven Sisters Country Park Seven Sisters Country Park, encompasses 280 hectares of rolling chalk downland, flood… 0000002001 00000 n The interactive policies map shows the areas covered by policies, designations and allocations that are identified in our adopted development plan documents (DPDs) and will be kept up to date as new development plan documents covering the plan area (including Neighbourhood Plans) are adopted.. To use the map: open the 'My Maps' tab (top left hand corner of the page) 0000001018 00000 n It also shows policy areas included in the Minerals & Waste Local Development Framework produced by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, as this forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. %PDF-1.3 %���� 0000012268 00000 n There were a number of stages in the preparation of the plan, including evidence gathering, an issues and options consultation, and consultation on the proposed submission local plan. Wednesday 23 December 2020. My South Cambs, your personalised online account, is now live! Approach to drafting the Draft Cambridge Southern Fringe Area Action Plan 10. 15 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 18 /H [ 1149 213 ] /L 1568764 /E 1566254 /N 1 /T 1568346 >> endobj xref 15 17 0000000016 00000 n Constituency profile. Publishing unfiltered list of proposed local plan developments 'irresponsible,' South Cambs Tories say 'It has created panic and anxiety for many residents' cambridgenews. Download PDF Print. Map of the South Cambridgeshire Area. The Minerals and Waste Core Strategy sets the framework for all minerals and waste developments until 2026. These were all undertaken between 2011 and 2014. The Schedules of Proposed Major Modifications and Proposed Minor Changes outline the proposed changes to the Policies Map and include updated maps. Plans for 25,000 new homes on land around many of our South Cambs villages have been proposed by developer, Thakeham. Inside Stories. On 27 September 2018, the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was adopted and the Adopted Policies Map was agreed for publication. 8.4 Black Horse Drove 8.25 Littleport 8.31 Pymoor 8.23 Little Downham 8.14 Ely 8.9 Chettisham 8.32 Queen Adelaide 8.30 Prickwillow 8.12 8.43 Coveney Wardy Hill 8.28 Mepal 10 Have your say on A505 Litlington turning proposals; In South Cambs, the COVID rate per 100,000 population is 98.7. The Policies Map and Inset Map are available to download below. Village Page 1 Abington Pigotts 1 2 Arrington 3 3 Babraham 5 4 Balsham 9 5 Bar Hill 11 6 Barrington 13 7 Bartlow 17 8 Barton 19 9 & 9a Bassingbourn-cum-Kneesworth & Bassingbourn Barracks 23 10 Bourn 27 11 Boxworth 31 12 Caldecote (Including Highfields Caldecote) 33 13 Carlton 37 14 Castle Camps 39 … Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. We do not store personal information. The South Gloucestershire policies map is an interactive map and displays the policies of the. Access your personalised information and track requests 24/7, 365 days a year. It is not yet known if the proposal to build a new town and several villages "will be suitable for development", South Cambridgeshire District Council says. My South Cambs: Sign in or register × Close Coronavirus. Visit Coronavirus for our service information or contact us. My South Cambs, your personalised online account, is now live!
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