These comics were separate from the continuityof the regular comics featuring the characters. your own Pins on Pinterest In other words, most everything is a pretty decent copy of DC house style. Overall, I must say that these are absolute gems! The whales have been ramming the island's frail underwater supports, causing earthquakes inside the fortress. In fact, later seasons of Super Friends were marketed in conjunction with the Super Powers line. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Super Powers Collection SUPERMAN Mini Comic #1 at the best online prices at eBay! Super speed is easily one of the most powerful abilities in comic book history. Cover price $0.75. Super Powers Mini Comics (Charlie) Posted on April 23, 2012 by charmincharlie. in Lendas do Universo DC: Super Powers (Panini Brasil, 2017 series) #2 (Setembro de 2017) in Super Powers by Jack Kirby (DC, 2018 series) ([March] 2018) in DC Universe: The Bronze Age Omnibus by Jack Kirby (DC, 2019 series) ([September] 2019) Notes: For whatever reason, these comics have never been collected and released as a trade. His goal? Discover (and save!) This is the version of Mantis I was first introduced to as a kid and it influenced my understanding of the character. With writing and artist credits unknown it is difficult to really review compared to other works by the same creators. Format: Color; Minicomic; 16 pages, Toys Made: Find the value of the DC comic Super Powers mini-series. Superman uses his trusty Supermobile to confront Lex Luthor, who has taken over the Metropolis nuclear power station! Meanwhile, outside the fortress, Aquaman is summoning whales to help him assault the base. They are the kind of fun that one might see featured in a Saturday morning cartoon like Super Friends. Login. Freeze, and Brainiac (the latter two in their Super Powers design). Super Powers Collection Mini Comics and Toy Catalogs by Kenner 1984-85 The only difference other than a slight color difference in the toy catalogs is that one has threaded binding. A few nitpicks here and there, but nothing major. Discover ShopyShake today and save money by buying online . Format: Color; Minicomic; 16 pages. VERIFYING LOGIN ... Super Powers, Federal Comics (Australia), Super Powers, DC (Canada) Close. A final Super Powers mini-series was published in 1986, and takes place sometime after the second mini-series.By this point, it's safe to say that the comics were separate from the rest of DC continuity. Mantis, the energy vampire, loyal servant of Darkseid. Superman minicomic: Luthor attacks a nuclear facility and Superman must stop him. With his plans ruined, Mantis is recalled by Darkseid to face a fate far worse that what the heroes had in store for him. High above the skies of New York, Firestorm is creating rings of fire for his friend Green Arrow. Shop with confidence. The 3rd mini-series was (again) written by Paul Kupperberg and has a bit more 'depth' to it.Kirby did not pencil this mini-series, but Carmine Infantino did. Below is a list of them. Written and drawn by Jack Kirby, with inks by Greg Theakston. $4.95: $5.95: Comics The mini comics were packaged with Kenner Toys DC Super Powers Collection line. As Dr. With each Super Powers Collection action figure of the first two series, a minicomic was included. These comics were 4.25 inches by 2.75 inches, and had 13 pages of story. APRIL FOOL'S DAY 2016: ECLIPSO ANNUAL #1, Subject: The Suicide Squad (Task Force X), The Idol-Head of Diabolu--A Blog for J'onn J'onzz. Superman sets that parchment that Martian Manhunter is holding on fire, momentarily weakening the Martian, allowing Dr. They measure 4 1/4 x 2 3/4 with 16 pages all in color. Mini-Comics packaged with the Kenner's Super Powers Action Figure toy line.. Super Powers was intended to be "continuity free" and does not fit into the canon of Earth-One, the mainstream DC universe of the time.The Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Compendium formally put Super Powers v1, v2, v3 + Super Powers Collection as all happening on Earth-Thirty-Two. And you nailed your description that these were designed to stimulate play for children. With each Super Powers Collection action figure of the first two series, a minicomic was included. Welcome to the Super Powers Hall of Justice! However, Aquaman's plan has worked. Toy-made characters: Batman, Robin, The Joker, Wonder Woman 67. Number of issues cataloged: 23 Below is the list: Forgot email/password? Fate enough time to free Manhunter's mind as well. CREDITS: All issues uncredited but Sean Kleefeld puts forth that "an ad agency hired out by Kenner. Reddy and J'onn use their powers to move and counter each other. Green Arrow discovers Mantis's power pod within the torch of the Statue of Liberty. Format: Color; Minicomic; 16 pages, Toys Made: The Joker, Batman and Aquaman Superman and Martian Manhunter begin to steal the mystic artifacts for their new master. Some characters were redesigned either relatively recently to the release of the Super Powers line (Brainiac, Lex Luthor) or specifically for the line (New Gods characters). Fate quickly dodges their assault and turns his magic powers upon Superman, causing the Man of Steel to remember who his friends truly are. Second, if the artists were not associated with DC then they probably did not have all the reference materials handy to be able to reference every detail. Toy-made characters: Lex Luthor (Pre-Crisis), Superman Batman minicomic: The Joker transforms a lot of people into Jokers. On Apokalips, Darkseid is enraged over his loss while the heroes all enjoy a hearty laugh over the whole affair. Format: Color; Minicomic; 16 pages, Toys Made: Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Superman andAquaman Up for auction a Really Rare Super Powers Super-Homem Mini-Comic (Superman). Fate begins to show the two some of his artifacts, Superman turns and strikes the mighty wizard. Below is a list of them. Super Powers TP Vol 1 Super Powers TP Vol 1 Collects the six-issue mini-series of that name, which continues the storylines from Superman Family Adventures Volume 1 TP and Superman Family Adventures Volume 2 TP, two of the best Superman volumes I have read. They were available in Colombia. Since each issue has 3 to 4 comic books in 1, the Super Powers first mini-series are split between 3 books. MotU had both mini-comics and a cartoon series while the other two examples had cartoons and licensed comic book adaptations, although the latter were less of an advertising shill than a marketing strategy. With Dark Horse having released a collection of the Masters of the Universe mini-comics I would like to believe there is hope for DC to somehow work out a deal with Kenner to be able to collect all the Super Powers related comics into a larger trade, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be in DC's plans at the moment. Price New from Used from Comics, January 1, 1984 "Please retry" $5.95 . CROSSOVER BLOG. Estos minicomics venían gratis con las figuras de Super Powers. For the ending credits of Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019), a poster drawn by Jack Kirby promoting the first Super Powers mini-series of comics is parodied featuring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, Robin, and Batgirl vs the Joker, Penguin, Mr. Free shipping for many products! SuperFriends Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. #1 Superman. Password. Publisher: DC Comics Publication Date: 1984 - 1985 Country: United States Language: English Notes: The first two waves of Super Powers action figures by Kenner, each came with a mini-comic book starring that particular character. Saved by Randy Smith. Super Powers Collection Mini Comic (1983) comic books. Despite being in pain, Firestorm manages to focus his powers enough to transform some of the water below into a rubber raft to cushion the Delta's fall. Skip to content. Across the world power is being drained away from large buildings and vehicles. Features Luthor, Joker, Penguin, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and Robin. On the floor, a stunned and shaken Dr. Being the Fastest Man Alive, the Flash is the most powerful speedster in comics and has proven to have control of not only super speed but the ability to use it to travel through time. Out of nowhere a figure swoops down and assaults Firestorm and the Delta Probe. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hanna-Barbera also produced two animated series (a refreshing of the venerable Super Friends concept), called SuperFriends: The Legendary Super Power… Toy-made characters: Lex Luthor (Pre-Crisis), Superman Batman minicomic: The Joker transforms a lot of people into Jokers. What is your Super Powers comic book worth? Reasoning that Mantis might also have Superman's weaknesses, Firestorm transforms the entire statue into kryptonite, causing Mantis to weaken drastically. DC Comics produced three comic book mini-series featuring characters from the toyline, one during each year of the toyline's existence. Firestorm returns Lady Liberty back to normal while Superman and Green Arrow place Mantis back in his pod, seal it shut, and place the pod in the Delta Probe's capture pod to be dealt with afterward. Super Powers (Volume 1) was a five-issue limited series published in 1984. Though most Gulliver Super Powers characters were branded 'Super Powers' (the characters that Kenner also made), the unique Rayo and Yeti were released under the 'Super Heroes' brand to distinguish them.
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