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why can't i like posts on instagram

Hi it’s been more than 24 hours and my posts disappear after posting instantly without any warning! Could be a while or never, in which case I will set up another business account and start all over. 3. For many people, this is an issue they could face from time to time. To restart an android device you would need to hold down on the power button for a few seconds. If after posting on Instagram, whether through TagScout’s content scheduler or just manually through Instagram, you are all-of-a-sudden not able to edit or add captions, there may be a number of reasons why. Well, you are not alone. When this happens there isn’t much you can do other than report to Instagram but I doubt this wouldn’t affect your situation.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'vergizmo_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',108,'0','0'])); Now you know the possible reasons, you can now try solving this issue with my 4 proven methods to work. Uninstall Instagram then re-install it again, iPhone says incorrect Wi-Fi password when connecting. Dshawn . One reason why your Instagram won’t let you post pictures is that your Instagram account may be temporarily banned from posting pictures for up to 24 hours.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'vergizmo_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',107,'0','0'])); This occurs because you may have violated Instagrams terms and conditions. And it’s frustrating. 20 Reasons Why I Don't Like Your Instagram Post. There can be many reasons as to why Instagram is doing that but don’t worry there is a workaround. plz subscribe like and comment for moreAnswer Websitehttps://www.quora.com/Why-cant-I-like-any-picture-on-Instagram If you had cellular data on when you tried postings on Instagram then turn on Wi-Fi. Hold this down for 3 seconds until your screen goes black and you should then see the Apple logo. If you can’t comment on Instagram or use any of the other functions, then your account might have gotten restricted because of breaking one of Instagram’s rules or over following too many people. To create ads on Instagram, you must convert your personal profile to a professional account. I posted two pictures yesterday & I have not been able to post any since then. That will hide them from the Instagram public and your followers. It's not like I've liked too many posts, because I just got on. Can’t post for 24 hours. I've tried to search for solutions but have yet to find anything. Why can't I "like" a picture on a certain Instagram account? Then, losing Instagram followers is the last thing you might be worrying over. You might still be unaware of the fact that Instagram only allows up to 5 mentions (using @ symbol along with the username of a specific person you wish to see that post) per comment. We’re all trying to make sense of it all. Surprisingly buggy app with poor response by devs. As with “simple” posts, people can like and comment on your boosted multi-image post. I give up. You can like a post or a picture just by tapping the right icon, whether that’s the thumbs-up in Facebook or the heart symbol in Instagram. Plan a month's worth of social media posts in minutes. Why Can’t I Share Posts to Story on Instagram. There are a number of reasons as to why this issue may occur which well be getting onto today. Do not like a post now, just wait. What I mean by spamming, is that you may be repeating things a numerous amount of times. Nothing is working of the above… it’s been this way for 3 days now, very strange! I don't like it because you don't follow me back. If you can’t see it then head over settings.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'vergizmo_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',109,'0','0'])); If you had Wi-Fi on when trying to post the pictures then try using your cellular data. Don’t drop your links everywhere — if Instagram deems your engagement (comments, DMs, etc.) Users have the ability to set their stories not to be reshared on stories. This is one of the most common reasons why you can’t comment on Instagram posts. Why is this happening? And if we have less likes on Instagram it is hard to grow our account. Hashtags are essentially Instagram's sorting process. All my posts belong to me and I produce them myself. This is one of the most common reasons why you can’t comment on Instagram posts. My WiFi is on 3 bars and it’s still not posting, it’s really starting to stress me out and annoy me now. 4 days and i cant post… i have to update my clients… turning off my phone isnt working. Seeing as Facebook’s Instagram is about to take the top spot in one of the worlds most use social media sites, it’s clear that a lot of people are using this app on a daily basis. Thank you. Your previously liked posts actually don't get lost, however, and there's a hidden place within the app where you can find them. With around 95 million photos posted on Instagram every day, it's difficult for Instagram to efficiently deliver the right content to the right people. Answer Save. I’m trying to post 7 pictures with a caption and only two tags. Written By. Your comment includes more than 30 hashtags. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No problem. How to hide your likes on Instagram: 4 methods Like more posts. This started yesterday, every time i try to like a photo it'll automatically unlike it on its own. Check for any new Instagram updates. It will help you to hide the first like from the eyes of people who are following you. Is there anything I can do. So, I tried other photos, uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and even tried it on another phone and on their website but still the same issue. Can someone please help I haven’t been able to post in 1 week some one please help. Hopefully, by now you have solved the issue. Please consider my problem. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'vergizmo_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_11',111,'0','0']));To restart your device on the iPhone, hold down on the power/sleep button while holding down on the home button. For example following, commenting and liking to many times in a short space of time. This is the first solution I would recommend anyone to do. I need some advice. Now that we covered why you should schedule Instagram posts, let’s look at a few ways that you can maximize your Instagram posting potential: #1: Create & Curate Your Instagram Content If you’re creating your own content for Instagram, a great way to maximize your time is to have “shoot days” where you create a bunch of content for your Instagram account on a single day. No time to create content? There are three main reasons behind that. Anyone know why or how to fix? To Dozie Ezekiel Another main reason which is usually probably the only reason is that your Instagram usually crashes from time to time meaning that a lot of people may be affecting for a few minutes. You can only share someone's post from Feed to your story if their account is public and they've allowed resharing of their posts. Dm me on @fortnite_maze, Wait until Instagram update their services, Hello But the likes count won’t automatically appear under your post, instead, you will have to tap “others” under your blog post to go through to the total number of likes: Why Instagram is Hiding Likes. Deleting the app also clears the cache so if this was the problem then it would solve this as well. f you are still having this issue then try deactivating your account and re-activate it again. If you have liked a post and don't want your followers to notice it, you can put likes on 8 other posts after it. On Instagram, it feels like when you hit that heart button on any photo or video post it gets lost forever—unless you copy the post URL and send it to yourself. The most apparent sign of receiving a temporary block from Instagram is through trying to grow a significant number of likes and followers at one time. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'vergizmo_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',105,'0','0']));Seeing as Facebook’s Instagram is about to take the top spot in one of the worlds most use social media sites, it’s clear that a lot of people are using this app on a daily basis. now let’s get startedeval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'vergizmo_com-box-4','ezslot_3',106,'0','0'])); Right now it’s pretty hard to say as there are a number of reasons as to why this issue is occurring. How long does it usually take ? The total amount of hashtags you can use on an Instagram comment is 30. You may ask the user to switch their setting for you to repost their story. Tried everything. Hi everyone, I found out the solution, first you have to disable your instagram account temporarily then after a few hours to log into your account again, this problem will be fixed. Popular reasons may be down to internet issues or account issue but we’ll be getting into all of this down below. This is about Instagram cracking down on spammers. Another tip I would give you is to make sure the file of the image you are trying to post isn’t too large. If you don’t see the option to restart then continue to hold down until your device restarts. Copyright © 2019 Vergizmo, All rights reserved. Favorite Answer. If problems continue to persist, here are some possible solutions: 1. 2 Answers. I cant post any vedio or photo to instagram in 4 days.. It’s an Instagram bug. You will still be able to share the photo later from your photo library. Make sure your data or Wi-Fi network icon can be seen at the top of your screen. I’m having the same issue I can’t post a new photo. Instagram may notice you are using these apps and temporarily band you. Anything else i can do? So apps such as Unfollow me which let you see the people who unfollow you.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'vergizmo_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',110,'0','0'])); Yeah delete those apps and then try again. If you have trouble using Instagram and you cannot follow, unfollow or even like or posting, it is because of the new Instagram algorithm, which prevents accounts from a certain number of like, comment, follow, and unfollow. Restarting your device will get rid of any temporary software issue you may be having. This has been a common issue lately, Instagram has not only implementing image recognition software for copywriting compliance. Wait till Instagram fix it, Try waiting for the next Instagram software update. Why can't I like any Instagram posts? Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. 468.1k Followers, 4 Following, 1,678 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Wix (@wix) This is stressing me out. You’ll have to wait for Instagram to solve the issue. There are a number of reasons as to why this issue may occur which well be getting onto today. Enjoy 🌺. Comments and likes appear on the entire post, rather than on the individual photos and videos that are part of your post. To delete apps, hold down on the app icon lightly on your home screen until you see a Cross. A lot of Instagram users have reported this issue lately so it’s best to just wait it out until Instagram solves the problem.

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