Where can I make a noise complaint? You are probably thinking, now what? Where you go from here may depend on your MOS, but will largely be based on the needs of the Marine Corps. Residency Examples: Consider the example of Joe, who lived in South Carolina when he joined the military in 2010. Fort Irwin has the most realistic training in the world. You can also choose any officers that are retired, but not if they resigned their commissions. How do you know which bases need his MOS or not? Hey Stacey, I’m new to this whole Army thing. For instance, ships and submarines stationed in Norfolk, VA will deploy throughout the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, as well as around the Coast of Africa and into the Persian Gulf (depending on the regions with the most turmoil). You made it through boot camp, various training courses, and graduated from your MOS school. Once you sign up, your butt belongs to the Navy. If they do, then that’s great, and they will give you a short list of duty stations and report dates for each station, and you can pick whichever one you like. Once you’ve picked up everything you need, you’ll walk back over to the staging area and put on all your gear. And camp Casey is very nice. We do not enforce this requirement when you submit your application, but if you are selected, you will have to extend or reenlist before your orders to attend the ARC are published. The higher you get in rank, the less your input is worth, and the more negotiating you may have to do. I would assume if the army allows you to pick, ... My husband was just stationed in Korea a little over a year ago and I was able ... in fact none of my friends there (other army wives) were command sponsored. After that, you’ll head on over to pick up your main and reserve chute. About 28,000 US Troops Are Stationed in South ... receives the COVID-19 vaccine at Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital, U.S. Army Garrison ... -- Gina Harkins can … Full disclosure, we talked to like four or five folks from the Army to get this top 5 duty stations in the Army list, so if you disagree, take it up with them. My husband is 35F and we were told that he is needed on almost every base so I figured we were in the clear when we choose our wish list. Contact the Army Community Service (ACS) Relocation Assistance at your new post and have a Welcome Packet sent to you or you can go to the ACS at your AIT post, and they can arrange to have that sent to you also. You need to have a discussion with your wife and decide if this is what's best for the family. if you wanna be stationed in new england, try to get your recruiter to hook you up with a garunteed district (new england is 1st district) if you cant get garunteed district, just try to land a unit there in new england. Why you wouldn't want to live there: If you're not a city person and consider the traffic, noise, and congestion of city living overwhelming, Seoul isn’t for you. Sort of. Discovering the right path for you is important and can determine where you will serve. If you have never served in any branch of the military, you will have to attend the Army's Initial Entry Training (IET), also known as Basic Training. Station definition, a place or position in which a person or thing is normally located. You may get lucky and get an input, however, there are too many variable for you to plan on having a say in where you end up. When I put in my picks at boot camp they were all places like florida, california, hawaii, so on and so on. See more. We’re takin in a more LinkedIn / Monster / Career Builder approach. You can't just go 'I've been here for 2 weeks and I hate it, I want to leave'. You can only go to bases that list " 3 skill levels " So after you know what your AFSC is gonna be, then on your dream sheet, list the bases that allow 3 skill levels for your job, that you want to go to. If you want to be in the military I would suggest a little flexibility because what you want sometimes works out, but if it doesnt you still have to roll with the punches. ... but the Petersons were pretty happy during recruiting duty. If you've lost track of someone who has joined the U.S. Army, it is possible to find them. You can report noise concerns to the Army by calling (808) 656-3487 or by sending an email. If you really want to see the world you should also consider requesting stations outside the U.S. if youre a firefighter/emt, i would suggest going DC (damage controlman) its a "jack of all trades, master of none" type of job. Where you are stationed will typically determine the locations you will deploy. Yes, proximity to home town (if applicable) is a draw a lot of Soldiers seek, especially for the "final" duty station before retirement. Otherwise, you can have your commanding officer give you the Oath. But again, how do you find out if his MOS is needed on a base or not? Also, the Army spend a good amount of time outdoors so if you love being inside, you may want to … We are given the chance to pick nine places and Army picks one. ok the easiest way i can say is you can choose where you want to be stationed as long as you put you want to be stationed some where in the world as you could be stationed any where really. Even if you are stationed in another state, you’re still considered a resident of your SLR. The Army isn’t for you if: You may not want to join the Army if you’re looking to be stationed near the coast, most Army duty stations are inland, sometimes in a secluded area. Some people have been telling me that I can't pick where I want to go and some people are telling I can choose where I want to go. Where You Are Stationed . You can certainly get stationed in Japan, but it won't be your first year. All the answers so far are really good, but I think I can add a little. There are three total sectors to the Army—active, Army Reserves, and the Army National Guard. IMPORTANT: The Military Spouse Residency Relief Act (MSRRA) describes where spouses of military service members can file state income taxes. where do you think up these questions? I want to enlist as a Army officer and I want to be stationed at Fort Bliss, TX. In addition, you will have to attend a period of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) which teaches you skills for the particular Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) that you are assigned. While the Army won't provide you with detailed information such as an e-mail address or a phone number, they will give provide you with an address where you can find the soldier you are looking for. You can get on a train right outside the gate and travel anywhere in Korea for less than 10 dollars. In the message of the email, please include your name, preferred contact method (email or phone) and details about the incident. You can find a great base depending on if you are single, in a relationship, or married with children. ... We hit more deer than you can shake a stick at.” this is the military you are talking about. If you don't have it in writting, and the recruiter tells you that you'll be able to pick in basic or tech training, he's lying. You can't plan that you'll have a say in where you're going, especially as a junior Airman. Our new system called AIM 2.0 allows us to look at potential positions or PCS moves like a civilian might. Here is a list of the 5 Marine Corps Bases you're most likely to get stationed at. on a real note you have a chance of being in D1 or D5 if you request but getting stationed right at … The recruiter that is working with me told me I have a good chance of being stationed at Fort Bliss, Tx but he told me this before I changed my about going as enlisted. Sure you get to decide to go to Afghanistan, Afghanistan or Afghanistan or wherever the war is. When entering the Army, you can choose to enter as an enlisted Soldier or as an officer, be a full-time active duty soldier, or be a part of the Army Reserve. The top bases in the world for Army personnel provide great on-post amenities, housing, community support, and things to do in the area. My husband is in AIT right now. This person will send you info in the mail, hopefully pick you up from the airport and give you other support you may need as a newcomer. The Army has manning needs, and has made decisions you are not privvy to, and it needs you where you are. The Army will automatically move you. And the training saves lives. A person must have a state of residence at all times, even if you aren't sure where "home" is, you've moved around a lot in the past few years, or you're now overseas. If it's in writting then it's probably true, but there's probably a clause about how if the needs of the Army change (base being placed on Brac, etc) then it would be negated. You can list the other bases all day, and they will never send you there out of Tech School. Which means that you will sit down with the Army liaison or whoever and they will call HRC to determine whether or not they have any available slots for 68W. I know O-6's that have punched out because they were not getting the location or orders they wanted/needed (usually family obligations and wanting to remain in their current location). Where else can you be stationed that you can go see a lakers game on friday night than drive to vegas that same day. I got stationed in Cape May on the Vigorous, which worked out pretty well. About the best thing you can do is pick a job that is supported in the places you … The Army doesn't work that way. Like most things in the Army, there’s a lot of “hurry up and wait” that goes on in this phase of Airborne School. But you do have to be married to have her go to any duty station with you… Before you can wear the uniform of a U.S. military service member, you must attend some type of formal training or indoctrination. You should assume that you'll not be in San Diego for much of the first 4 years and that, only if you're very lucky, you might be there for 18-24 months of it. Congratulations, you are now a Marine! If you pick someone who isn’t stationed near you, send them an email in advance so they have time to respond and get to the location. Include the date, time, location and type of aircraft, if possible. A: Yes, you can apply but you will eventually have to reenlist or extend to have 3 years service remaining after completion of the Army Recruiting Course (ARC). How Do They Decide Where You Go for Basic Training When You Join the Army?. If you don't have enough months to PCS to a new assignment, you stay.
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