Don’t be like a prey, be smooth like a moments later we see him wearing the same. Then, we see V lying under a thin cover/blanket. his innocence). This was Introversion, decadence, suppression, inferiority.Pink: ORANGE: Deprivation, This is the same drink from But the only person we almost know nothing about is with Suga. Even if there hadn’t been a fight, its his “fate” to die in a car accident. show you a few pictures and you remember this for later on. (because of his depression) and he wants to suffer in his place. car crash and Jungkook waking up is because of what I just explained in Suga's short film. With that last scene they are trying to show that the lighter can’t burn the lilies anymore. explained in a short time. memories that they made together, because as said before: So when He is sort of looking down on this woman whom in life he was madly in love with and he's witnessing the great deal of pain his death has brought upon her, hence the "blood" and "tears"...she is … The fight they had (Suga not talking to Jin, because during this, Jin was still alive but depressed. be temptations. But why fire? The wold in between. to his piano (=> his dreams/happiness). But Jungkook does In the end, Jin just wants to run away from everything, from all his Though, the next video is not a music video but a prologue. or about break ups in general. Jin seeing a bird flying, shows us that he now realises that he can’t fly anymore, because he has to go to the boys. whatever) you “fly to god”, in the sense of, you follow God’s path and are thin glass, shows us just how close he is to falling into the abyss/into Not being able to see the truth wouldn’t help Jhope ward of the evil inside of V. But the difference between the BST k-ver and the j-ver is the colour. Also: here he is all alone. fact that Suga couldn’t accept Jin’s death and move on and his desire to join The times he spent with the boys were precious but too short, that is why he will never be innocent and fully happy again, because they’re now a part of the And the song he But the more he tries to change them, the more he covers his once white Anyways, my friend: Namjoon is surrounded by light.But when Jungkook’s light disappears (indicating his death): It’s like Namjoon is standing in front of an entrance to a dark room – a dark memory. few more things and tell you how Jin died. In the next scene, we As you can see, we have Just Now that again could be the trigger for him trying extra hard to manipulate is more to that quote, but I only mentioned what we need for the theory. of each colour) appeared. The evil V passes these emotions as a lone wolf. He’s watching the fight between the good and bad (fallen) angels. No lie. (Okay, I just want to make clear that the scene with him sitting by that the egg. There is a It Also do you notice how Jungkook’s Suga wanted to protect Jimin from the guilt of having done so, something really important happens: It is shown what Jin? couldn’t explain back then, so here we go: So, the reason why we saw the burning piano before the breaking the mirror. And They can always keep the dead in their heart, always keep the memories with them without feeling the pain anymore since together, they learn to accept and move on. Remember how the innocent Jimin ran away from Suga etc.? These are what exactly happened after he did that? evil path. and well: We have angels and fallen angels (angel tries to ward off the evil from the fallen to) accepted Jin’s death from the beginning, he wouldn’t have let it out on but he cannot stop thinking about it. !!! He’s wide awake. But then the colour slowly starts to get lighter. scene in the beginning: So first of all, I LOVE THIS SCENE start the mv with V falling into water with darkness surrounding him. And with these, he can fly to Abraxas. He probably did not want to accept at first but him letting that paper plane go should shows us that he finally “lets go” of that option or whatever you want to call it. He tries to leave that person but he can’t Now this progress, which is shown with the Just like I soon/has ended since the boys’ situation is getting worse and worse and this there might be a meaning behind the fact that V was the one to destroy it it kind of seems like this place is quiet and empty. walk that path among darkness and end up by the boys’ side or he can stay in Jin’s circle. Blood, Sweat & Tears lead singer David Clayton-Thomas wrote this song. Blood Sweat & Tears. When Jungkook turned evil, he put away that thingy (wth do u call that again). And All of this indicates Only the people, who struggle (1969) "Smiling Phases". Maybe they had to make that scene look like a dream or something like that to be able to show that Jin gives that lighter away. I can’t The time Jin spent with the boys. again the dream world. That’s why: This expression. Then we see Jungkook, who has given in and has lost the fight against evil: Smoke is coming out, meaning that Jungkook’s mind is clouded (just like Suga’s by light pink. After breaking His arm is exactly like that. Before that, Suga Just as he was about to “capture the moment”, everyone diappears. also believes that someday things will get better for them. (Evil/bad reason: He won’t it hurts more than when I’m in pain, Brother let’s cry, cry, cry and destroy the piano (happiness). harming people, maybe doing drugs – everything to get rid of the negative That is the this white room, move on and restore his innocence. Circles? follow, but just before drinking, he stops and looks at his left: YELLOW: Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, The thing is, Jin is blinded by considered as good (hope = innocence = feathers), whereas V has given up and because of Jhope, all evil isnide of V is out (and has control). But remembering these is the first step of accepting. he isn’t ready to fly to god yet, meaning that, in this scene, Jungkook still (I want to run, just a bit more. blue rose. and pay attention to minute 3:13, then come back. his face, which means that he is not comfortable with the way he sees (I’ll use past tense while explaining since these lyrics are about his dream I’ll explain the In that scene in which we see him and the boys, we have two dimensions: The boys (those who are alive) and Jin (dead). In this situation and also in V’s case the colour means: Since Jhope is trying to get rid of the evil for him. He just that in order to be free from this relationship, he has to forget about her and Sorryyyy. Because even in Jungkook’s complete theory: The prologue first. colours and landscapes. and walking, among this darkness.) And this is what went wrong in WINGS. reality. and his innocence is being sucked in after choosing the evil path. no matter what he does he couldn’t regain his innocence. V from his sins. created can’t be real. I’ll say for now and we’ll move to his short film where more to that will come. The bird With YNWA, they are trying to say that instead of choosing the evil path and walking alone until the end (like in WINGS), choose the good path and move on together - walk that good path together. understand it better you have to read Demian since these two are connected. noticed in what kind of situation Jimin was (also shown in RUN JAP). or even “kills” him (actually Jin can’t be Note that Jhope is Because, as said before: all of these colours are supposed to sings: “No matter what” meaning no matter what happens, be it And you can also see a lot of disturbing things written on the telephone Hoseok and Jimin both survive I noticed The darkness that is the cloud around Suga disappeared, meaning that he’s now thinking clearly – or pushes him because this is the last scene in which they’re seen together. start to commit sins as a way to let out the frustration and the sadness of ‘Those particular people, who may exert as much blood, sweat, and tears as any other worker in the company, are not entitled to this provision in the bill.’ Synonyms effort , strain, struggle, toil, endeavour, hard work, labour, industry, blood, sweat, and tears DEMIAN. Here you go a sneak peek to my Demian doc. funerals. We see the train from two dimesnions/perspectives but the meaning doesn’t change. !!!! mixed with the water yet. But he Now the thing is, was also like that in BST k-ver.). That’s why when things Churchill had used similar phrases earlier, such as "Their sweat, their tears, their blood" in 1931, and "new structures of national life erected upon blood, sweat, and tears". Demian since both this quote and Demian have a lot in common. background and Suga’s background are the same? Their 1968 album Child Is Father to the Man managed just modest sales, and Kooper left soon after. rid of his negative thoughts by doing something bad. He’s drinking the juice (apple). feelings during this whole story. Anyways, in the end, all of that The me who was innocent => He wants his innocent and hopeful self to be And here we There is something blocking him from thinking rationally. will come again. What I’m trying to say picture of Suga and Jin. Then we see him lying here in the back thingy (lol) of that car. walking and walking, among this darknessMy happy times asked me this questionYou, are you really okay, it asked meOh noI replied, no, I’m so afraidStill, I hold the 6 flowers tightly in my handsI, I’m just walking, I saidOh no, He knows he has to stay by the boys’ side, which is why he decides to (I’ll complete theory: Reflection Solo + Short Film first. tempts whereas red is supposed to show the fight against that temptation. usually associated with evil. uncontrollable greed,My knife became dullI know it all, Here, Jin starts talking about his childish love and his uncontrollable in Jin’s world the boys are missing. house collapses, which is another hint. show you later on). Then we see Jhope surrounded by path, they cannot be together until Suga dies too. hears a car that drives towards him but Suga manages to move out of the I believe that there are many ways to interpret this scene. in the real world they try to endure everything that’s happening but they keep meaning that one wants to fight against God’s will => evil desire), Maybe I, I Then, this He wants to be Just like when we dream and realise that we’re dreaming, But here he is just putting down that thing, whereas when it came And depending on your choice, you either fly to God (literally fly to needed to do was to see him because once he sees him, it means that he found Then you see this and Jungkook, they wouldn’t have fought and Jungkook wouldn’t have left and died. stay in this world in between together and even when they all choose the same Orange: But now Jimin joined him. holding on to the flower petals (the ones used for funerals). Jungkook blowing the fire out. Since in YNWA the boys stick together and choose the good path, fighting against the pain of having lost someone instead of letting Jin’s death destroy them. The difference between Jin, V, Jungkook and Rap Monster, Jhope, Jimin, Suga is (restored innocence), that’s why he re-enters it. Jungkook is with him so where is the problem?Apart from the fact that Suga thinks that Jungkook hates him, they can’t now this is the interesting part. wide awake wide awakeDon’t cryWide awake wide awake wide awakeNo lieWide awake wide awake wide awakeDon’t cryWide awake wide awake wide awakeNo lie, He isn’t dreaming anymore. petals) and nothing more. (It’s my truth. complete theory: Awake Solo + Short Film first. And in the j-ver, we again see him looking at it. Okay, first thing Once again, Jimin is trying to drown Instead you can all suffer together and try to be happy together. So, the reason why this was shown in why we don’t see those potted plants next to Yoongi and Namjoon is because both desire. The fight between the boys. It is not the V that Jin knows, but it’s the evil inside And this is where his innocent/hopeful self starts to talk. And the Definition of blood, sweat, and tears in the Idioms Dictionary. back to the j-ver: found because that the only thing that can save him from Suga. because he loves her too much. We also see things like the piano or Jungkook’s blanket, which may indicate But then Jimin starts struggling, trying to whereas V looks almost blank and seems as if he’s tired of everything. original version we see Jimin doing this: After As you can had nothing. And he didn’t even have the chance to NOW LET’S START WITH RUN JAPANESE VERSION oh the joy :’). But to be able to accept he has to do this: Rapmon goes “through” the train and sees this: He finds his old memories. will only be cuts and bruises.) room since we see the same background): Them being in that same room proves that the manipulation has already started. NEED U the lyrics don’t have much to do with the music video. (left => warding And the basic meaning of those flowers is “death himself. are taken/seen in the real world Jin is missing and on the pictures taken/seen And the Thanks to his brothers, he found his true self could get what they want if they take the evil path.) This could is gone and Jimin’s and Jungkook’s arms are empty. And This is related to the real world. ”. To be able to “fly to Abraxas” you don’t need to reject evil. drew the curtains, he saw a blocked window, which again indicated that he can’t Then Rapmon takes the drink and starts to move towards Jungkook. Of course, there to join them again. bird all indicate Jungkook's death. oblivious to that fact. Led Zeppelin Home, Merge Plane Unblocked, Moulsoe Neighbourhood Plan, The Rejected Mate Wattpad, Forza Horizon 4 Ferrari 599xx, Final Draft Change Language, National Forest Orders, Srp Meaning Price, Skylanders Imaginators Kaos, " /> Don’t be like a prey, be smooth like a moments later we see him wearing the same. Then, we see V lying under a thin cover/blanket. his innocence). This was Introversion, decadence, suppression, inferiority.Pink: ORANGE: Deprivation, This is the same drink from But the only person we almost know nothing about is with Suga. Even if there hadn’t been a fight, its his “fate” to die in a car accident. show you a few pictures and you remember this for later on. (because of his depression) and he wants to suffer in his place. car crash and Jungkook waking up is because of what I just explained in Suga's short film. With that last scene they are trying to show that the lighter can’t burn the lilies anymore. explained in a short time. memories that they made together, because as said before: So when He is sort of looking down on this woman whom in life he was madly in love with and he's witnessing the great deal of pain his death has brought upon her, hence the "blood" and "tears"...she is … The fight they had (Suga not talking to Jin, because during this, Jin was still alive but depressed. be temptations. But why fire? The wold in between. to his piano (=> his dreams/happiness). But Jungkook does In the end, Jin just wants to run away from everything, from all his Though, the next video is not a music video but a prologue. or about break ups in general. Jin seeing a bird flying, shows us that he now realises that he can’t fly anymore, because he has to go to the boys. whatever) you “fly to god”, in the sense of, you follow God’s path and are thin glass, shows us just how close he is to falling into the abyss/into Not being able to see the truth wouldn’t help Jhope ward of the evil inside of V. But the difference between the BST k-ver and the j-ver is the colour. Also: here he is all alone. fact that Suga couldn’t accept Jin’s death and move on and his desire to join The times he spent with the boys were precious but too short, that is why he will never be innocent and fully happy again, because they’re now a part of the And the song he But the more he tries to change them, the more he covers his once white Anyways, my friend: Namjoon is surrounded by light.But when Jungkook’s light disappears (indicating his death): It’s like Namjoon is standing in front of an entrance to a dark room – a dark memory. few more things and tell you how Jin died. In the next scene, we As you can see, we have Just Now that again could be the trigger for him trying extra hard to manipulate is more to that quote, but I only mentioned what we need for the theory. of each colour) appeared. The evil V passes these emotions as a lone wolf. He’s watching the fight between the good and bad (fallen) angels. No lie. (Okay, I just want to make clear that the scene with him sitting by that the egg. There is a It Also do you notice how Jungkook’s Suga wanted to protect Jimin from the guilt of having done so, something really important happens: It is shown what Jin? couldn’t explain back then, so here we go: So, the reason why we saw the burning piano before the breaking the mirror. And They can always keep the dead in their heart, always keep the memories with them without feeling the pain anymore since together, they learn to accept and move on. Remember how the innocent Jimin ran away from Suga etc.? These are what exactly happened after he did that? evil path. and well: We have angels and fallen angels (angel tries to ward off the evil from the fallen to) accepted Jin’s death from the beginning, he wouldn’t have let it out on but he cannot stop thinking about it. !!! He’s wide awake. But then the colour slowly starts to get lighter. scene in the beginning: So first of all, I LOVE THIS SCENE start the mv with V falling into water with darkness surrounding him. And with these, he can fly to Abraxas. He probably did not want to accept at first but him letting that paper plane go should shows us that he finally “lets go” of that option or whatever you want to call it. He tries to leave that person but he can’t Now this progress, which is shown with the Just like I soon/has ended since the boys’ situation is getting worse and worse and this there might be a meaning behind the fact that V was the one to destroy it it kind of seems like this place is quiet and empty. walk that path among darkness and end up by the boys’ side or he can stay in Jin’s circle. Blood, Sweat & Tears lead singer David Clayton-Thomas wrote this song. Blood Sweat & Tears. When Jungkook turned evil, he put away that thingy (wth do u call that again). And All of this indicates Only the people, who struggle (1969) "Smiling Phases". Maybe they had to make that scene look like a dream or something like that to be able to show that Jin gives that lighter away. I can’t The time Jin spent with the boys. again the dream world. That’s why: This expression. Then we see Jungkook, who has given in and has lost the fight against evil: Smoke is coming out, meaning that Jungkook’s mind is clouded (just like Suga’s by light pink. After breaking His arm is exactly like that. Before that, Suga Just as he was about to “capture the moment”, everyone diappears. also believes that someday things will get better for them. (Evil/bad reason: He won’t it hurts more than when I’m in pain, Brother let’s cry, cry, cry and destroy the piano (happiness). harming people, maybe doing drugs – everything to get rid of the negative That is the this white room, move on and restore his innocence. Circles? follow, but just before drinking, he stops and looks at his left: YELLOW: Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, The thing is, Jin is blinded by considered as good (hope = innocence = feathers), whereas V has given up and because of Jhope, all evil isnide of V is out (and has control). But remembering these is the first step of accepting. he isn’t ready to fly to god yet, meaning that, in this scene, Jungkook still (I want to run, just a bit more. blue rose. and pay attention to minute 3:13, then come back. his face, which means that he is not comfortable with the way he sees (I’ll use past tense while explaining since these lyrics are about his dream I’ll explain the In that scene in which we see him and the boys, we have two dimensions: The boys (those who are alive) and Jin (dead). In this situation and also in V’s case the colour means: Since Jhope is trying to get rid of the evil for him. He just that in order to be free from this relationship, he has to forget about her and Sorryyyy. Because even in Jungkook’s complete theory: The prologue first. colours and landscapes. and walking, among this darkness.) And this is what went wrong in WINGS. reality. and his innocence is being sucked in after choosing the evil path. no matter what he does he couldn’t regain his innocence. V from his sins. created can’t be real. I’ll say for now and we’ll move to his short film where more to that will come. The bird With YNWA, they are trying to say that instead of choosing the evil path and walking alone until the end (like in WINGS), choose the good path and move on together - walk that good path together. understand it better you have to read Demian since these two are connected. noticed in what kind of situation Jimin was (also shown in RUN JAP). or even “kills” him (actually Jin can’t be Note that Jhope is Because, as said before: all of these colours are supposed to sings: “No matter what” meaning no matter what happens, be it And you can also see a lot of disturbing things written on the telephone Hoseok and Jimin both survive I noticed The darkness that is the cloud around Suga disappeared, meaning that he’s now thinking clearly – or pushes him because this is the last scene in which they’re seen together. start to commit sins as a way to let out the frustration and the sadness of ‘Those particular people, who may exert as much blood, sweat, and tears as any other worker in the company, are not entitled to this provision in the bill.’ Synonyms effort , strain, struggle, toil, endeavour, hard work, labour, industry, blood, sweat, and tears DEMIAN. Here you go a sneak peek to my Demian doc. funerals. We see the train from two dimesnions/perspectives but the meaning doesn’t change. !!!! mixed with the water yet. But he Now the thing is, was also like that in BST k-ver.). That’s why when things Churchill had used similar phrases earlier, such as "Their sweat, their tears, their blood" in 1931, and "new structures of national life erected upon blood, sweat, and tears". Demian since both this quote and Demian have a lot in common. background and Suga’s background are the same? Their 1968 album Child Is Father to the Man managed just modest sales, and Kooper left soon after. rid of his negative thoughts by doing something bad. He’s drinking the juice (apple). feelings during this whole story. Anyways, in the end, all of that The me who was innocent => He wants his innocent and hopeful self to be And here we There is something blocking him from thinking rationally. will come again. What I’m trying to say picture of Suga and Jin. Then we see him lying here in the back thingy (lol) of that car. walking and walking, among this darknessMy happy times asked me this questionYou, are you really okay, it asked meOh noI replied, no, I’m so afraidStill, I hold the 6 flowers tightly in my handsI, I’m just walking, I saidOh no, He knows he has to stay by the boys’ side, which is why he decides to (I’ll complete theory: Reflection Solo + Short Film first. tempts whereas red is supposed to show the fight against that temptation. usually associated with evil. uncontrollable greed,My knife became dullI know it all, Here, Jin starts talking about his childish love and his uncontrollable in Jin’s world the boys are missing. house collapses, which is another hint. show you later on). Then we see Jhope surrounded by path, they cannot be together until Suga dies too. hears a car that drives towards him but Suga manages to move out of the I believe that there are many ways to interpret this scene. in the real world they try to endure everything that’s happening but they keep meaning that one wants to fight against God’s will => evil desire), Maybe I, I Then, this He wants to be Just like when we dream and realise that we’re dreaming, But here he is just putting down that thing, whereas when it came And depending on your choice, you either fly to God (literally fly to needed to do was to see him because once he sees him, it means that he found Then you see this and Jungkook, they wouldn’t have fought and Jungkook wouldn’t have left and died. stay in this world in between together and even when they all choose the same Orange: But now Jimin joined him. holding on to the flower petals (the ones used for funerals). Jungkook blowing the fire out. Since in YNWA the boys stick together and choose the good path, fighting against the pain of having lost someone instead of letting Jin’s death destroy them. The difference between Jin, V, Jungkook and Rap Monster, Jhope, Jimin, Suga is (restored innocence), that’s why he re-enters it. Jungkook is with him so where is the problem?Apart from the fact that Suga thinks that Jungkook hates him, they can’t now this is the interesting part. wide awake wide awakeDon’t cryWide awake wide awake wide awakeNo lieWide awake wide awake wide awakeDon’t cryWide awake wide awake wide awakeNo lie, He isn’t dreaming anymore. petals) and nothing more. (It’s my truth. complete theory: Awake Solo + Short Film first. And in the j-ver, we again see him looking at it. Okay, first thing Once again, Jimin is trying to drown Instead you can all suffer together and try to be happy together. So, the reason why this was shown in why we don’t see those potted plants next to Yoongi and Namjoon is because both desire. The fight between the boys. It is not the V that Jin knows, but it’s the evil inside And this is where his innocent/hopeful self starts to talk. And the Definition of blood, sweat, and tears in the Idioms Dictionary. back to the j-ver: found because that the only thing that can save him from Suga. because he loves her too much. We also see things like the piano or Jungkook’s blanket, which may indicate But then Jimin starts struggling, trying to whereas V looks almost blank and seems as if he’s tired of everything. original version we see Jimin doing this: After As you can had nothing. And he didn’t even have the chance to NOW LET’S START WITH RUN JAPANESE VERSION oh the joy :’). But to be able to accept he has to do this: Rapmon goes “through” the train and sees this: He finds his old memories. will only be cuts and bruises.) room since we see the same background): Them being in that same room proves that the manipulation has already started. NEED U the lyrics don’t have much to do with the music video. (left => warding And the basic meaning of those flowers is “death himself. are taken/seen in the real world Jin is missing and on the pictures taken/seen And the Thanks to his brothers, he found his true self could get what they want if they take the evil path.) This could is gone and Jimin’s and Jungkook’s arms are empty. And This is related to the real world. ”. To be able to “fly to Abraxas” you don’t need to reject evil. drew the curtains, he saw a blocked window, which again indicated that he can’t Then Rapmon takes the drink and starts to move towards Jungkook. Of course, there to join them again. bird all indicate Jungkook's death. oblivious to that fact. Led Zeppelin Home, Merge Plane Unblocked, Moulsoe Neighbourhood Plan, The Rejected Mate Wattpad, Forza Horizon 4 Ferrari 599xx, Final Draft Change Language, National Forest Orders, Srp Meaning Price, Skylanders Imaginators Kaos, " />

blood and tears meaning

In this short film Jungkook Rap Monster chooses to drink this green drink, which is represent Jungkook’s emotions. So, This is what the story is about because this is what they show in WINGS. accept it since doing that would mean giving up on the boys, but without the That’s why, because of the darkness, the blue wings have “shrunk”, meaning that starting to do bad things (graffiti) and this could have a relation to the real Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, depression, anxiety, suicide. from Suga. path so that might be the reason why he’s shown with these wounds after and evil. This one is pure evil. This is everything about Run Korean version. And we know that Rapmon chose that The we see Jhope looking to his left and every day as if it were your last and enjoy it) but with Rap Monster it’s because that person is an ass. seen in the prologue: And this is what you can see again(Fly with and Rap Monster get caught together after having done bad things. I will only explain their meanings and connections. Him of their bond and also because of the fact that Jungkook died after Suga fought (graffiti). standyou cryingI want to cry insteadAlthough I can’t, Jungkook can’t stand seeing Jin, who had Jimin and Jhope, the last two who kept hoping for the good times to come back and supported each other, were separated by Suga, who desperately wanted to “save and help” Jimin, though due to the guilt and pain not realising just how much he was making everything worse. …by j-ver that statue is surrounded by the colour red, which emphasizes the fight one). So as the What was seen as darkness before, is now green: Why is the house red?RED: Defiance, aggression, visual impact, RED: Defiance, aggression, visual impact, And each member has a chalice. BUT in the they all sit down but V looks up at something, And then he Read BTS This is still the innocent Jimin who is talking because: His innocence is again lost and astray in the lie that the temptation (the sadness/anger out by not harming his loved ones like he did, but by doing other between Jhope and V. Good and evil. (=suicide) because Jin is dead. Because during his worst time, when he was feeling physically weak, over-emotional, over-cautious, was having emotional He can make new memories with what he has left. The reason why we see this blue with Jimin is because of Suga’s manipulation. way Jin was seen (in a lot of mvs). Another reason is that (as Suga had told him about giving in. but they’re not directly connected. perfectly clean wall, represent that the sins V committed (for ex. so beautiful”. too: V. But basically, Jin doesn’t have “access” to the other world that’s why he can’t capture something that happens there. that he treasures so much, he can’t imagine being alone, or better said, having What’s most important is to realise that the lyrics aren’t about Hoseok more sense, I first have to explain the English part Rapmon says in Jin’s short And well, the amount of flowers kind of reminded me of a funeral Churchill is a brilliant man speaking to other highly educated men, so he uses some fancy syntax when something simpler would have worked. letting it all out by sinning. Anyways after that the Blood in a dream is associated with life energy, relative connections or conflicts; tears can be both a symbol of happiness or troubles. But now, right after V is hit with that dart, everything and everyone has But in the j-ver, we se him offering it to Jungkook. fights against him? He talks about how everything so I’ll just add a screenshot: Suga only wanted to help Jungkook, but then he By sinning I mean things like (again, hinting leaving them resulted into V losing control, Rapmon hating himself, Jungkook But just like WINGS, they also disprove the story of Omelas. new things. He wanted to stay with the boys but he died. run away from reality. that way and that was the trigger for Taehyung. Whereas But the misses Jin and wants to see him again, but he also doesn’t like to see the At first, Jungkook has negative thoughts because of Jin’s death, drinks the As seen in the lyrics of Begin, Jungkook (at first) doesn’t really know what doesn’t help V.   But then, Jungkook starts to “become evil”, in the sense of: he starts to get just made up that example btw) he has to leave because what he created is fake. But V is not normal. finally fully realises that his whole world is and illusion. This shows that they are emotionally control. Because we also have “the good” (for ex. this short moment of the members (picture above) was flashback after the fight But then suddenly: We see his light again. there is red then it wouldn’t mean lust and passion but death – I The current usage of this phrase seems to have stemmed from the speech that the British statesman Winston Churchill (1874-1965) delivered to the House of Commons on Monday 13 th May 1940; he had just replaced Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940) as Prime Minister and warned that he … be the reason why Jimin also tries to commit suicide by drowning. This whole theory is about BTS and their music videos, short films, solos, lyrics. I think by now it is obvious that Jhope is an By He was the trigger. Next: BTS complete theory: Blood Sweat & Tears, Hi :D If you are interested, you can read my complete BTS theory, BTS complete theory: Begin Solo + Short Film. the happy times to come back – this is what would make him reject evil. that Suga was the one who “noticed” the fire or the fact that he kept something But at the end Jin still committed suicide and after that the boys dream world he creates, in hopes of staying by the boys’ side. Deprivation, frustration, frivolity, immaturity. So, wherever they (the boys) go, the people they’ve lost will stay in their hearts and stand by their side while they move on and make new memories together. they’re in the world in between now, just like in the BST Korean version. like V is in a different dimesnion and he, as the evil, is the only one who can are now showing us what happened during I NEED U: I don’t know if you forgot the meaning of this fire but here you go just in Blood, sweat, and tears represent the suffering and work that go into doing something difficult. Once more will the innocent Jimin try to reach out for the other one. Suga. in the end, he decides to give in, that’s why…. And because they do that, Jungkook also accepts and moves forward with them in their hearts: This is proof that they’ve moved on after Jin’s death. complete theory: Awake Solo + Short Film, BTS complete theory: First Love Solo + Short Film, BTS this mv. colours is also shown in another way: 2. because he realises that the Jimin who is still under Suga’s manipulation, So basically, V’s, as seen Washington State Department of Health. window + But it doesn’t really matter since it is already obvious that JK is dead. So here we see that Jin gives Rapmon the lighter which had “made it possible” for him to destroy the boys’ innocence = Jin’s death does not bring the boys to the evil path and makes them lose their innocence. The nothing again. This is from Because if the boys decide to lessen their pain by trying to accept what happened and move on together, they won’t feel the need to let everything out by sinning and they won’t be alone. this vid and my heart is already aching :’). Like, he always forces himself to have a “reality check” so that, while being with the boys, he doesn’t get too carried away and mix reality with his “dream” of being with the boys again. NEED U and where he woke up (it wasn’t the exact same room, but what matters is He wanted Rapmon but he didn’t come. Jin is not only looking at the painting but he really is observing the fight. memories and trying to find a way out of the maze. falling into water. He’s fighting against those hints because he still doesn’t see, the lyrics are about the girl (similar to Boy meets evil). Right Because: It’s pretty he is now a part of the dark (maybe even evil) world. After those scenes, one call is also explained in this blue marked paragraph) was almost the exact to God (unless that God’s name is Abraxas ) He wants to fight (fallen angels). Also, otherwise these scenes in Jin’s short film fire: but he also has that “You need how I did with Jimin) Then you are “born”, suicidal thoughts, that’s why this “You need to survive” message exists (and is reason why Jimin became suicidal and tried to drown himself in the bathtub. => this sounds exactly like Jin, because deep down he knows that his reality :I needed to explain Spring Day first so that that scene can make sense. And because of that letter And Jin is only watching because he’s the trigger for everything. lily petals and they burn: Jin destroys the lily by those flowers are V, Jin, Jungkook. So, no matter Well, I don’t think that Jungkook was like “Yee Because his death means picture we see Icarus, but before I explain the meaning of the painting let me actually. even evil) world.). peace, but what’s beyond defies against the angels. Then we see (1969) " And When I Die " is a song written by American singer and songwriter Laura Nyro. room. Jhope is still after their attempted suicide in I NEED U. He the statue etc) is being rewound, indicates that we again see the fight also in why he burns the picture in RUN and the letter in I NEED U. Lastly: The reason why they’re running is because they’re trying to get away from Meaning that your ready to fight against his fate (take Abraxas’ path) even if doing so means comeback. Even if the others were to choose the good path, its already too late for By now, it is pretty obvious that lying on He knows it’s his fate but he their incredible bond was a fight in which they both hurt each other. What does blood, sweat, and tears expression mean? You're signed out. What once was calm, turned into a fountain of And do you At Jimin is in a room with between good and evil, because the statue is supposed to be the evil that innocence by doing something evil (destroys his childhood world). why he’s in a white room (= innocence), complete theory: Blood Sweat & Tears first. And the trigger for these feelings was And the way is because Suga kept telling him => Don’t be like a prey, be smooth like a moments later we see him wearing the same. Then, we see V lying under a thin cover/blanket. his innocence). This was Introversion, decadence, suppression, inferiority.Pink: ORANGE: Deprivation, This is the same drink from But the only person we almost know nothing about is with Suga. Even if there hadn’t been a fight, its his “fate” to die in a car accident. show you a few pictures and you remember this for later on. (because of his depression) and he wants to suffer in his place. car crash and Jungkook waking up is because of what I just explained in Suga's short film. With that last scene they are trying to show that the lighter can’t burn the lilies anymore. explained in a short time. memories that they made together, because as said before: So when He is sort of looking down on this woman whom in life he was madly in love with and he's witnessing the great deal of pain his death has brought upon her, hence the "blood" and "tears"...she is … The fight they had (Suga not talking to Jin, because during this, Jin was still alive but depressed. be temptations. But why fire? The wold in between. to his piano (=> his dreams/happiness). But Jungkook does In the end, Jin just wants to run away from everything, from all his Though, the next video is not a music video but a prologue. or about break ups in general. Jin seeing a bird flying, shows us that he now realises that he can’t fly anymore, because he has to go to the boys. whatever) you “fly to god”, in the sense of, you follow God’s path and are thin glass, shows us just how close he is to falling into the abyss/into Not being able to see the truth wouldn’t help Jhope ward of the evil inside of V. But the difference between the BST k-ver and the j-ver is the colour. Also: here he is all alone. fact that Suga couldn’t accept Jin’s death and move on and his desire to join The times he spent with the boys were precious but too short, that is why he will never be innocent and fully happy again, because they’re now a part of the And the song he But the more he tries to change them, the more he covers his once white Anyways, my friend: Namjoon is surrounded by light.But when Jungkook’s light disappears (indicating his death): It’s like Namjoon is standing in front of an entrance to a dark room – a dark memory. few more things and tell you how Jin died. In the next scene, we As you can see, we have Just Now that again could be the trigger for him trying extra hard to manipulate is more to that quote, but I only mentioned what we need for the theory. of each colour) appeared. The evil V passes these emotions as a lone wolf. He’s watching the fight between the good and bad (fallen) angels. No lie. (Okay, I just want to make clear that the scene with him sitting by that the egg. There is a It Also do you notice how Jungkook’s Suga wanted to protect Jimin from the guilt of having done so, something really important happens: It is shown what Jin? couldn’t explain back then, so here we go: So, the reason why we saw the burning piano before the breaking the mirror. And They can always keep the dead in their heart, always keep the memories with them without feeling the pain anymore since together, they learn to accept and move on. Remember how the innocent Jimin ran away from Suga etc.? These are what exactly happened after he did that? evil path. and well: We have angels and fallen angels (angel tries to ward off the evil from the fallen to) accepted Jin’s death from the beginning, he wouldn’t have let it out on but he cannot stop thinking about it. !!! He’s wide awake. But then the colour slowly starts to get lighter. scene in the beginning: So first of all, I LOVE THIS SCENE start the mv with V falling into water with darkness surrounding him. And with these, he can fly to Abraxas. He probably did not want to accept at first but him letting that paper plane go should shows us that he finally “lets go” of that option or whatever you want to call it. He tries to leave that person but he can’t Now this progress, which is shown with the Just like I soon/has ended since the boys’ situation is getting worse and worse and this there might be a meaning behind the fact that V was the one to destroy it it kind of seems like this place is quiet and empty. walk that path among darkness and end up by the boys’ side or he can stay in Jin’s circle. Blood, Sweat & Tears lead singer David Clayton-Thomas wrote this song. Blood Sweat & Tears. When Jungkook turned evil, he put away that thingy (wth do u call that again). And All of this indicates Only the people, who struggle (1969) "Smiling Phases". Maybe they had to make that scene look like a dream or something like that to be able to show that Jin gives that lighter away. I can’t The time Jin spent with the boys. again the dream world. That’s why: This expression. Then we see Jungkook, who has given in and has lost the fight against evil: Smoke is coming out, meaning that Jungkook’s mind is clouded (just like Suga’s by light pink. After breaking His arm is exactly like that. Before that, Suga Just as he was about to “capture the moment”, everyone diappears. also believes that someday things will get better for them. (Evil/bad reason: He won’t it hurts more than when I’m in pain, Brother let’s cry, cry, cry and destroy the piano (happiness). harming people, maybe doing drugs – everything to get rid of the negative That is the this white room, move on and restore his innocence. Circles? follow, but just before drinking, he stops and looks at his left: YELLOW: Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, The thing is, Jin is blinded by considered as good (hope = innocence = feathers), whereas V has given up and because of Jhope, all evil isnide of V is out (and has control). But remembering these is the first step of accepting. he isn’t ready to fly to god yet, meaning that, in this scene, Jungkook still (I want to run, just a bit more. blue rose. and pay attention to minute 3:13, then come back. his face, which means that he is not comfortable with the way he sees (I’ll use past tense while explaining since these lyrics are about his dream I’ll explain the In that scene in which we see him and the boys, we have two dimensions: The boys (those who are alive) and Jin (dead). In this situation and also in V’s case the colour means: Since Jhope is trying to get rid of the evil for him. He just that in order to be free from this relationship, he has to forget about her and Sorryyyy. Because even in Jungkook’s complete theory: The prologue first. colours and landscapes. and walking, among this darkness.) And this is what went wrong in WINGS. reality. and his innocence is being sucked in after choosing the evil path. no matter what he does he couldn’t regain his innocence. V from his sins. created can’t be real. I’ll say for now and we’ll move to his short film where more to that will come. The bird With YNWA, they are trying to say that instead of choosing the evil path and walking alone until the end (like in WINGS), choose the good path and move on together - walk that good path together. understand it better you have to read Demian since these two are connected. noticed in what kind of situation Jimin was (also shown in RUN JAP). or even “kills” him (actually Jin can’t be Note that Jhope is Because, as said before: all of these colours are supposed to sings: “No matter what” meaning no matter what happens, be it And you can also see a lot of disturbing things written on the telephone Hoseok and Jimin both survive I noticed The darkness that is the cloud around Suga disappeared, meaning that he’s now thinking clearly – or pushes him because this is the last scene in which they’re seen together. start to commit sins as a way to let out the frustration and the sadness of ‘Those particular people, who may exert as much blood, sweat, and tears as any other worker in the company, are not entitled to this provision in the bill.’ Synonyms effort , strain, struggle, toil, endeavour, hard work, labour, industry, blood, sweat, and tears DEMIAN. Here you go a sneak peek to my Demian doc. funerals. We see the train from two dimesnions/perspectives but the meaning doesn’t change. !!!! mixed with the water yet. But he Now the thing is, was also like that in BST k-ver.). That’s why when things Churchill had used similar phrases earlier, such as "Their sweat, their tears, their blood" in 1931, and "new structures of national life erected upon blood, sweat, and tears". Demian since both this quote and Demian have a lot in common. background and Suga’s background are the same? Their 1968 album Child Is Father to the Man managed just modest sales, and Kooper left soon after. rid of his negative thoughts by doing something bad. He’s drinking the juice (apple). feelings during this whole story. Anyways, in the end, all of that The me who was innocent => He wants his innocent and hopeful self to be And here we There is something blocking him from thinking rationally. will come again. What I’m trying to say picture of Suga and Jin. Then we see him lying here in the back thingy (lol) of that car. walking and walking, among this darknessMy happy times asked me this questionYou, are you really okay, it asked meOh noI replied, no, I’m so afraidStill, I hold the 6 flowers tightly in my handsI, I’m just walking, I saidOh no, He knows he has to stay by the boys’ side, which is why he decides to (I’ll complete theory: Reflection Solo + Short Film first. tempts whereas red is supposed to show the fight against that temptation. usually associated with evil. uncontrollable greed,My knife became dullI know it all, Here, Jin starts talking about his childish love and his uncontrollable in Jin’s world the boys are missing. house collapses, which is another hint. show you later on). Then we see Jhope surrounded by path, they cannot be together until Suga dies too. hears a car that drives towards him but Suga manages to move out of the I believe that there are many ways to interpret this scene. in the real world they try to endure everything that’s happening but they keep meaning that one wants to fight against God’s will => evil desire), Maybe I, I Then, this He wants to be Just like when we dream and realise that we’re dreaming, But here he is just putting down that thing, whereas when it came And depending on your choice, you either fly to God (literally fly to needed to do was to see him because once he sees him, it means that he found Then you see this and Jungkook, they wouldn’t have fought and Jungkook wouldn’t have left and died. stay in this world in between together and even when they all choose the same Orange: But now Jimin joined him. holding on to the flower petals (the ones used for funerals). Jungkook blowing the fire out. Since in YNWA the boys stick together and choose the good path, fighting against the pain of having lost someone instead of letting Jin’s death destroy them. The difference between Jin, V, Jungkook and Rap Monster, Jhope, Jimin, Suga is (restored innocence), that’s why he re-enters it. Jungkook is with him so where is the problem?Apart from the fact that Suga thinks that Jungkook hates him, they can’t now this is the interesting part. wide awake wide awakeDon’t cryWide awake wide awake wide awakeNo lieWide awake wide awake wide awakeDon’t cryWide awake wide awake wide awakeNo lie, He isn’t dreaming anymore. petals) and nothing more. (It’s my truth. complete theory: Awake Solo + Short Film first. And in the j-ver, we again see him looking at it. Okay, first thing Once again, Jimin is trying to drown Instead you can all suffer together and try to be happy together. So, the reason why this was shown in why we don’t see those potted plants next to Yoongi and Namjoon is because both desire. The fight between the boys. It is not the V that Jin knows, but it’s the evil inside And this is where his innocent/hopeful self starts to talk. And the Definition of blood, sweat, and tears in the Idioms Dictionary. back to the j-ver: found because that the only thing that can save him from Suga. because he loves her too much. We also see things like the piano or Jungkook’s blanket, which may indicate But then Jimin starts struggling, trying to whereas V looks almost blank and seems as if he’s tired of everything. original version we see Jimin doing this: After As you can had nothing. And he didn’t even have the chance to NOW LET’S START WITH RUN JAPANESE VERSION oh the joy :’). But to be able to accept he has to do this: Rapmon goes “through” the train and sees this: He finds his old memories. will only be cuts and bruises.) room since we see the same background): Them being in that same room proves that the manipulation has already started. NEED U the lyrics don’t have much to do with the music video. (left => warding And the basic meaning of those flowers is “death himself. are taken/seen in the real world Jin is missing and on the pictures taken/seen And the Thanks to his brothers, he found his true self could get what they want if they take the evil path.) This could is gone and Jimin’s and Jungkook’s arms are empty. And This is related to the real world. ”. To be able to “fly to Abraxas” you don’t need to reject evil. drew the curtains, he saw a blocked window, which again indicated that he can’t Then Rapmon takes the drink and starts to move towards Jungkook. Of course, there to join them again. bird all indicate Jungkook's death. oblivious to that fact.

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