zero width space url

Luckily, zero-width spaces are prohibited in email addresses or domain names—and it’s a well-known issue. In HTML pages, the zero-width space can be used as a potential line-break in long words as an alternative to the element. Lorem​Ipsum​Dolor​Sit​Amet​Consectetur​Adipiscing​Elit​Sed​Do​Eiusmod​Tempor​Incididunt​Ut​Labore​Et​Dolore​Magna​Aliqua​Ut​Enim​Ad​Minim​Veniam​Quis​Nostrud​Exercitation​Ullamco​Laboris​Nisi​Ut​Aliquip​Ex​Ea​Commodo​Consequat​Duis​Aute​Irure​Dolor​In​Reprehenderit​In​Voluptate​Velit​Esse​Cillum​Dolore​Eu​Fugiat​Nulla​Pariatur​Excepteur​Sint​Occaecat​Cupidatat​Non​Proident​Sunt​In​Culpa​Qui​Officia​Deserunt​Mollit​Anim​Id​Est​Laborum “The vulnerability was discovered when we noticed a large number of hackers using zero-width spaces (ZWSPs) to obfuscate links in phishing emails to Office 365, hiding the phishing URL from Office 365 Security and Office 365 ATP,” the security researchers say.Although in their raw HTML form the ZWSPs appear like “a mishmash of numbers and special characters randomly inserted between the letters a word or a URL,” they are invisible when rendered in the browser, thus making the URL to appear as standard. Similarly, if you would not like Twitter to auto-convert @mentions or #tags into hyperlinks, add a zero width space after the @ or # symbol respectively. Copyright © 2020 Wired Business Media. As part of the observed phishing attacks, “the Zero-Width Non-Joiner (‌) is added to the middle of a malicious URL within the RAW HTML of an email,” Avanan notes.

This method breaks the URLs, thus preventing Microsoft’s systems from recognizing them and also preventing Safe Links from successfully protecting users. Both URL reputation check and Safe Links protections are bypassed in the attack. On browsers supporting zero-width spaces, resizing the window will If the stylesheet you link to has the file extension of a preprocessor, we'll … On the upside, there are a few genuinely useful things you can do with a zero-width space: Stop auto-linking Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself. If you want to avoid words to be split like this (which would be the normal behaviour), you don't have to modify the templates: you just have to avoid calling them. You’re unlikely to be tricked in this way—but it has happened. Zero-Width Space Phishing Attack Demonstration According to the researchers, attackers are simply inserting multiple zero-width spaces within the malicious URL mentioned in their phishing emails, breaking the URL pattern in a way that Microsoft does not recognize it as a link. Thus, the email processing system would not recognize the URL as legitimate and would fail to apply protections. To show the effect of the zero-width space, the following words have been separated with zero-width spaces: zero width space U+200B This code point first appeared in version 1.1 of the Unicode® Standard and belongs to the " General Punctuation " block which goes from 0x2000 to 0x206F.

These templates add a zero-width space after each character of the data parameter; the result is that words could be split (ending a line, and starting a new one) in any position, regardless of proper hyphenation rules. LoremIpsumDolorSitAmetConsecteturAdipiscingElitSedDoEiusmodTemporIncididuntUtLaboreEtDoloreMagnaAliquaUtEnimAdMinimVeniamQuisNostrudExercitationUllamcoLaborisNisiUtAliquipExEaCommodoConsequatDuisAuteIrureDolorInReprehenderitInVoluptateVelitEsseCillumDoloreEuFugiatNullaPariaturExcepteurSintOccaecatCupidatatNonProidentSuntInCulpaQuiOfficiaDeseruntMollitAnimIdEstLaborum The first wave of emails abusing this vulnerability was observed on November 10, and Microsoft addressed the issue on January 9, Avanan’s security researchers say. However, the zero-width space is not supported in some web browsers such as old versions of Internet Explorer (versions 6 and earlier). And the following words are not separated with these spaces: You can safely add this character in your html code with the entity: ​ All Rights Reserved.The issue, cloud security firm Avanan says, resided in the use of zero-width spaces (ZWSPs) in the middle of malicious URLs within the RAW HTML of the emails. As soon as the victim clicks on the link in the email, however, they are taken to a credential harvesting phishing site mimicking that of Chase Bank.The new attack, which Avanan refers to as Z-WASP, is an evolution of previously observed attempts to bypass Office 365 security either by splitting the URL into base and href tags ( The vulnerability apparently rendered all Office 365 users vulnerable to phishing attacks, even those who were using Microsoft’s Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection. ZWSPs, the researchers explain, are part of formatting the Internet every day, being used for fingerprinting articles and documents, formatting foreign languages, and breaking long words at the end of a line and continuing them on the next line. If you would like to prevent Twitter from interpreting two consecutive words as a URL, just add a zero width space after the dot. This method breaks the URLs, thus preventing Microsoft’s systems from recognizing them and also preventing Safe Links from successfully protecting users.What’s more, these zero-width spaces don’t render, meaning that the recipient would not notice the random special characters in the URL.

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