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Frequent perianal care is important and can be delegated but is not the priority. Pathogen. Which statement should the nurse include in this clients education? Which is an evidence-based recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? front 2. 1. Several patients have high fever, headache, and a papular rash over the face and extremities, including the palms of the hands. Select all that apply. Being treated in the same room as or close to another patient with MRSA can also increase a patient’s risk of getting MRSA, as the bacteria are easily spread on unclean hands or medical equipment. This care plan should be followed to reduce the risk of transmitting Clostridium difficile to other patients, staff, carers and visitors. To understand the importance of infection control, think about how routine these procedures are at your hospital or private practice: 1. Select all that apply. front 1. d)Using medical and surgical aseptic techniques at all times. 3. Please study the educational materials. Which bioterrorism pathogen causes plague? They can happen due to treatment in hospitals and other healthcare facilities including outpatient surgery centers, dialysis centers, long-term care facilities such as nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and community clinics. A patient is diagnosed with urticaria. 2. Given the lack of guidelines in English on the rehabilitation of these patients, we conducted a review of the most recent reports. Which factors are required for the transmission of infection in the health care setting? Nursing Care of Patients With Immune Disorders Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. In this document, the term . Special ventilation is unnecessary and the door may remain open. What microorganism commonly causes colon dysfunction? The nurse is aware that the patient has reached stage: a. I and the patients hearing is amplified. 1. A client is to begin IV antibiotic therapy for a pulmonary infection. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV ____ 2. Chapter 55: Care of the Patient with HIV/AIDS Cooper and Gosnell: Foundations and Adult Health Nursing, 7th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1.When assigned to a newly admitted patient with AIDS, the nurse says, Im pregnant. When the patient complains of vague symptoms of malaise and fatigue and has a low grade fever, but has no other specific signs of illness, the nurse suspects that this patient is in the prodromal phase of infection (the time immediately before the illness is diagnosed). Nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs. J. at the time of her admission I recommend placing the patient in Fowler 's position, assess vital signs and... Undergraduate Nursing: The … Which infectious disease is caused by endotoxins released by bacteria? The nurse is learning about the transmission of infectious agents. a)Hand washing before and after providing client care. Chapter 8. What serum laboratory result does the nurse anticipate to find when evaluating the results pf a patient diagnosed with a systemic bacterial infection? Patients with excessive cough and sputum production should receive a single room first. Try this amazing Test Your Knowledge About Hospital Acquired Infection! The nurse finds unusual bleeding. Lack of immunization 9. Chapter 7. between the infected patient and other patients and visitors. Select all that apply. What should the nurse include in the plan of care for a patient with tuberculosis? Other medication: Mild analgesics and applying heat to the lower abdomen or back. Which blood component is deficient in this patient? b. I should wear an N95 respirator to provide care for the client with influenza. After reading the materials, take the quiz found on the last page. Which factors correctly apply to active immunity? After an infection control in-service, which statement by the nurse demonstrates an accurate understanding of the mode of transmission of influenza? Which disease does the nurse suspect? Nursing Care of Patients Receiving Intravenous Therapy Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Active is acquired by natural infection and immunizations of viruses. B. C. A sensitivity examination is done after a culture, which exposes any organism to many antibiotics to determine which antibiotic will be most effective for treatment. Chapter 37: Care of the Surgical Patient Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 32. 3 Correctly instill eardrops. Not communicable. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. infections to patients, other personnel, household members, or other community contacts. Direct person to person mode of transmissionion? Select all that apply. c. fungal and is caused by the alteration of the normal flora of the lung. Bacteria normally found in area of the body. Active is long term and passive is short term. Patient… Pathogenicity. Pathogen. The nurse is aware that the patient most at risk for a health care-associated infection (HAI) would be the: use proper hand hygiene before and after caring for any patient… What is the difference between anthrax and small pox? Which drugs are effective in the treatment of Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD)? b. II and the surgical environment should be kept quiet. The origins of the field of infectious diseases are humble. Universal Precautions / Infection Control Quiz *This quiz is mandatory for all Global Partner (International) Visiting Students . Chapter 14: Care of Preoperative Patients Ignatavicius: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Type I b. 33. What PPE is appropriate for airborne precations? ____ 1. A patient has skin itching and lesions after exposure to anthrax ( Bacillus anthracis). It is not necessary for staff to wear an N95 respirator mask for Droplet Precautions; these masks are used in the care … Hospitals acquired infections accounts for 90,000 deaths, and 4.5 billion dollars in excess health care costs annually (Taylor et al). On evaluation, the nurse finds that the patient has pneumonic plague. back 3. Which virus is most commonly spread through exposure to bodily fluids of the infected individual and through needle sticks in which the needle has been contaminated with the virus (CDC, 2014)? What new antibiotic is specifically used to treat Clostridium difficile infections? Which statement regarding the Ebola virus disease is correct? A patient is admitted to the hospital, diagnosed with clostridium difficile, and placed on contact precautions. The nurse is caring for a patient who has Ebola and is experiencing fatigue, fever, severe pain, and hemorrhage. c)Wearing infection control-approved protective equipment when providing client care. • Limit transport of patients to medically necessary purposes, and health care person­ nel . Nursing Intervention Essay . We performed this literature review using the principal research databases a … b. increase fluid intake. The nurse is caring for a patient with anemia. Rupture of amniotic membrane 8. Passive is acquired by infants through the placenta and breastmilk or injected antibodies. Take a cold shower instead of soaking in the bathtub. Also explore over 34 similar quizzes in this category. b. A patient is diagnosed with hypogammaglobulinemia. ANS: B The coccal suffix indicates a bacterial infection … Chapter 19. Any microorganism (also called an agent) capable of producing disease. The nurse should include in the plan of care to: a. increase assessment for specific signs of illness. Gle… Which surgical technician statement regarding the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates a need for further teaching by the nurse? Which statement about handwashing, in accordance with recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is correct? Through which body parts is the Ebola virus able to be transmitted? … What does the nurse suspect? At a health awareness program, a nurse is educating people about the Ebola virus. When assessing the client for postoperative infection, the nurse places priority on which assessment? The nurse is assessing an older patient with fever and dehydration. A patient asks the nurse how they acquired the Ebola virus. Bacteria are the most common cause of HAIs. An example of a non communicable infection is peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal wall). An older client is hospitalized after an operation. Communicable. What should the nurse explain to the patient? What should the home health nurse assess for when determining if a patient is appropriate for home intravenous antibiotic therapy? Chapter 25 Care of Patients with Infection Donna D. Ignatavicius Learning Outcomes Safe and Effective Care Environment 1 Explain the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hand hygiene recommendations for health care workers. d. Examples of Inappropriate Uses of Indwelling Catheters. Infection Control Care Plan for a patient with Clostridium difficile. A patient becomes at risk for infection if he is vulnerable to pathogenic organisms. 4. If it is not possible to follow this care plan, please notify a Nursing Care of Patients With Infections Answer Section. Pharmaceutical agents, like immunosuppressants 3. Ask the patient if he or she has recently been in a hospital or nursing home as a patient or visitor. Another way of controlling the exit of microorganisms is by using standard precautions when handling body fluids such as urine, feces, and wound drainage. An example of a non communicable infection is peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal wall). What signs of dehydration does the nurse expect? ____ 1. 3. Infections passed from person to person. Wear clean gloves if there is a chance of contact with any blood or body fluids, and perform hand hygiene after providing care… A patient with Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) has to receive fecal bacteriotherapy. Ch 23 Care of Patients with Infection. Ask if the patient … oPd Outpatient department. A patient has a high fever and abdominal pain along with persistent vomiting and diarrhea. Break in the integrity of the skin 6. Pathogenicity. a. Select all that apply. Actual physical contact with the client is not necessary for infection to occur. Care for this patient is given with which specific restrictions? Any microorganism capable of producing disease. What is the difference between active and passive immunity? Select all that apply. Which disease was labeled as the largest epidemic in history with many West African countries affected? Select all that apply. Select all that apply. Select all that apply. The health care provider is planning to discontinue total parenteral nutrition for a patient who has been receiving it for 3 weeks after an episode of severe gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Invasive procedures 2. d. report findings to the Infection … b. The nurse is taking a continuing education class to learn more about the Ebola virus. Masks are worn within 1 meter (3 feet) of the patient. What is the function of our immune system? Study Care of Patients with Infection flashcards from Katie Hostetter's Lake Land College class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. What kind of room does airborne precautions need? What are the diseases that require Droplet Precautions? As a substitute for nursing care of the patient or resident with incontinence. A patient with a vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) infection is placed on Contact Precautions. Any microorganism (also called an agent) capable of producing disease. Which components are requirements of Standard Precautions? An example is influenza. Hand Washing– Hand washing is one of the most effective means of limiting the transmission of germs within the hospital. Masks(n95), full fACE PROTECTION, standard precautions, Private room, own equipment, 3 ft rule, mask, keep door closed, surgical mask on pt when transporting, What PPE do we wear on droplet precautions, Mask when within 3 ft of patient, standard precautions, Diphtheria, Rubella, Strep, Pneumonia, Flu, Mumps, pertussis, What are diseased that would be contact precautions>, C. diff, MRSA,VRE, Pediculosis, Scabies, RSV, HSV, Impetigo, Where is staphylococcus aureaus normally found, When does staphylococcus aureaus become a problem, Break in skin integrity/mucus membranes, enters wounds, incisions, lungs, blood stream causing serious infections, What is the best way to prevent/decrease MRSA, Bath cleints in pre-moistened cloths or warm water using chlorhexidine gluconate solution and MRSA survellience programs, causes infections in healthy people not in the hospital, Where are some common locations of community acquired MRSA, Enterocci leave the GI tract and cause infection elsewhere in the body (surgery), Vancomycin, Flagyl, Dificid, stool transplant, When cleaning contaminated equipment why is it important to wash in cold water first, Hot water coagulates proteins making them adhere, What is the difference between non-complaint and non-adherence, What are the clinical manifestations of infection, What are clinical mainifestations of systemic infection, Drawn 30-60 min after start of medication admin, Should a patient with the mumps be in a secluded room. a. I will not develop the infection unless I have physical contact with the client. Many routine practices at hospitals have been implemented out of the need to prevent the spread of infections between patients and healthcare providers. The client does not necessarily need to be NPO; if the client is NPO, the nurse ensures he or she is getting appropriate IV … The nurse is caring for multiple patients in a temporary hospital after severe flooding in the area. Report high self-esteem. 1,2 . a. 2 Describe infection control methods, such as hand hygiene and Transmission-Based Precautions. The body can naturally fight off some infections while others cause illnesses. Daily white blood cell count c. Presence of fever and chills d. Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) are infections that people catch when they are receiving care in a healthcare facility – for example, in hospital, at a GP surgery, in a nursing home, or even at home. When a patient in the ambulatory clinic is diagnosed as having pneumococcal pneumonia, the nurse is aware that this infection is: a. viral and will not respond to antibiotics. Not until the work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch in the late nineteenth century was there credible evidence supporting the germ theory of disease—i.e., that microorganisms are the direct cause of infections. Chronic disease 7. Plasma b. Platelets c. Red blood cells (RBCs) d. White blood cells (WBCs) ____ 2. Care of patients with infection. Infection transmitted from person to person. 4, 5 Gowns should be worn to prevent contact with the patient or contaminated items, or if the patient has uncontrolled body fluids, and should be removed before leaving the room. A nurse teaches a client who has very dry skin. It can be related to any of the following: 1. infection An infection is caused by a bacteria, fungus, or virus. Which disease requires droplet precaution? a. c. III and the patient has depressed reflexes. The circulating nurse notes that the anesthetized patient has tensed muscles and irregular respirations. It is not safe for me or my baby if I am assigned to his case. back 1. Remain socially active. The patient age, history of tobacco or alcohol use, current illness or disease (e.g., diabetes), past and current drug use (e.g., steroids), and poor nutritional status may place him or her at increased risk for infection. a. Select all that apply. Which is the most appropriate response by the charge nurse? Inquire about having invasive testing, such as colonos colonoscopy, or recent surgery. Hospital-acquired infections are usually related to a procedure or treatment used to diagnose or treat the patient’s initial illness or injury, and more so infections passed to patients by health care workers when caring for them. Evaluation. What supportive care should the nurse provide to a patient with Ebola? PLAY. ANS: D A culture is obtained and grown to identify the presence of pathogens. What are the manifestations that may be seen in patients with the Ebola virus? Around 75,000 of these patients died that year as a result of a health care-associated infection. Rehabilitation is important for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. Compromised circulation 5. In which situations are alcohol-based hand rubs not optimally effective? Any microorganism capable of producing disease, Infection transmitted from person to person, Bacteria normally found in area of the body, The microorganisms present in tissue but not yet causing systematic disease. Patients are … The nurse is caring for a patient who was a relief worker in an area of Africa where the Ebola virus was prevalent, and is concerned about being exposed. back 2 . a. Pandemic infection b. Superinfection d. The infection … Select all that apply. Normal Flora. B. Which pathogens are commonly associated with bioterrorism? To improve comfort for end of life care if needed. This document provides a summary of infection prevention and control (IPC) measures for those providing direct and non-direct care to Ebola patients in health-care facilities. Print your name clearly at the top. Some of the skin lesions are vesicular and pustular. opportunistic infection (oI) An infection that occurs in a person with a weak immune system. Select all that apply. A. c. I should try to stay at least 3 feet away from the client, if at all possible. Which host factor has the greatest influence in the development of infection? Produces antibodies to activate/destroy microorganisms. Chapter 51 Care of Patients with Ear and Hearing Problems Judith Laver Bierschbach Learning Outcomes Safe and Effective Care Environment 1 Apply principles of infection control when examining an ear with drainage. Infection control efforts must include ongoing laboratory-based surveillance, identifying colonized patients and placing them in isolation, and improving compliance of health care workers with recommended barrier precautions and hand hygiene practices. a. Which statement about why multidrug-resistant organisms and other infections are increasing in incidence is correct? Increase fluids and eat nutritious foods that can promote healing. What should the public health nurse include in a presentation when educating a group of people in the community about ways to prevent the plague ( Yersinia Pestis)? Degree of communicability. Which outcome should receive priority? Which term describes microorganisms that do not cause disease and may be beneficial to the host? How does our skin protect us from infection? Select all that apply. Communicable. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are infections that patients develop during the course of receiving health care. Prevention of complications. 3) The most effective way for health-care providers to protect themselves, their family and their patients from influenza is to: a) Wear a surgical mask at all times at work b) Stay at home if they have respiratory symptoms c) Get an annual flu shot and encourage their family, co-workers and patients … Increased exposure to pathogens 4. Select all that apply. What is the correct order in which the therapy should be performed? What symptoms should the nurse instruct the patient to notify his or her primary health care provider of? What organism enters the human body through intact skin? Nursing Care of Patients With Hematologic and Lymphatic Disorders Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Chapter 28. What would be the nurse's best response? pH is slightly acidic, normal flora - not friendly environment for bacteria, How does mucus membranes protect us from infection>, Secretions inactivate many microorganisms, How does our respiratory tract protect us>, Filters air, humidifies, coughing to clear things out, Peristalsis empties GI tract, Stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes, bile provides protection, Engulf, Ingest, kill and dispose of microbes, Enzymes, leukocytes, and histamine released. b. bacterial and should respond to treatment with antibiotics. Quiz quiz which has been attempted 3336 times by avid quiz takers. In general, the first step in getting a MRSA infection is carrying the … a. E. Patchen Dellinger, MDAssociate Professor of SurgeryHarborview Medical CenterSeattle, WashingtonDonald A. Goldmann, MDHospital EpidemiologistDivision of Infectious DiseasesThe Children's Hospital Medical CenterBoston, MassachusettsDouglas C. Hubner, MDHospital EpidemiologistHillcrest Medical CenterTulsa, OklahomaMarguerite M. Jackson, RN, MSCoordinatorInfection Control TeamUniversity of California Medical CenterSan Diego, CaliforniaC. Learn faster with spaced repetition. Not communicable. A peak and trough level determines the level of an antibiotic … Ability to cause disease. Hospitals administrators and department heads must provide visible support for infection control policies, and must provide the necessary … Select all that apply. Virulence. The nurse is caring for a patient who is prescribed antimicrobial therapy for infection. 3 Apply current principles of infection prevention and control. 2 Implement precautions to prevent falls in patients experiencing vertigo or dizziness. What should be included in the patient's plan of care? What action made by the nurse is best at preventing the transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms from being transmitted outside of the health care facility? b)Thoroughly cleaning the environment. Avoidance of infection. Infections passed from person to person. A patient presents with fever, chills, and a productive cough tinged with blood. STUDY. IPd Inpatient department. Statement: This care plan should be used with patients who are suspected of or are known to have Clostridium difficile. Which describes the purpose of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)? All healthcare providers are encouraged to wash their hands both before and after patient contact. The microorganisms present in tissue but not yet causing systematic disease . In that year alone, there were approximately 721,800 infections in 648,000 patients. Mail in the quiz only with your application for scoring. Chapter 25: Care of Patients with Infection Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Patient requires prolonged immobilization (e.g., potentially unstable thoracic or lumbar spine, multiple traumatic injuries such as pelvic fractures).

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