In order to characterize the physical and chemical properties of P.juliflora and C.equisetifolia as feed stocks for energy conversion process, we developed protocol. A creep-recovery test was conducted in single cantilever mode using a dynamic mechanical analyzer. chemical composition of densified biomass fuels with regard. Furans represent one of the most important classes of intermediates in the conversion of non-edible lignocellulosic biomass into bio-based chemicals and fuels. In strategic studies, methods for producing acetate esters for high-value fibers, fuel additives, solvents, and chemical intermediates were discussed with several commercial entities. A person who plans to use biomass for fuel or design equipment for biomass heat needs to understand the performance characteristics of biomass in order … and chemical properties of vegetable biomass produced in agriculture in the context of its use in energy (heat) genera-tion. Utility, biorefinery, pulp and paper, or other industries are interested in lignin as a potential fuel or feedstock but need more information on properties. physical and chemical properties of biomass fuels. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, The physical properties, chemical structure, and composition of biomass greatly affect gasification performance, pretreatment, and handling. Similarly, high amount of starch present in biomass yields the starchy biomass e.g. core collection. Types of biomass considered include field crop residues, orchard prunings, and forest slash. The physical properties, chemical structure, and composition of biomass greatly affect gasification performance, pretreatment, and handling. Ash contents were 0.17%-24.36% dry weight basis. In work related to biorefinery technologies, a continuous-flow reactor was used to react ethanol with lactic acid prepared from an ammonium lactate concentrate produced in fermentations conducted at the EERC. Variation in chemical constituents (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) in some plants is shown in Table 19.4. Biomass is very heterogeneous and complex; properties of biomass can vary with the species of plant, the location in which it was grown, the growing conditions, the harvest and storage conditions, etc. Principal elements include carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. There are several methods for biomass pre-treatment to reduce moisture, such as torrefaction. Diesel UFP were sampled from a Euro 4 light duty vehicle without DPF fuelled by commercial diesel and run over a chassis dyno. This project will undertake studies on the processes and technology required to convert biomass waste into a range of hydrocarbons. Abstract. Its heating value is lower than many woody biomass feedstocks but higher than most agricultural residues, grasses and straws. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. A preliminary set of physical and chemical properties of biomass fuels are presented. Engineering properties of biomass are important for the design and operation of processing facilities for handling, storage, transportation, and conversion to fuels, heat, and power. Biomass is the most potential considering their quantitative availability. There were 110 accessions not significantly different in Brix from the commercial sugarcane checks including 10 S. spontaneum accessions. pretreatment and pelletization), and as a result the fuel conversion is also affected. Two oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloys that would be used in the HITAF high-temperature heat exchanger were tested for slag corrosion rates. The results indicate that there is an abundance of biomass resources as yet untouched by the industry due to technical, economic, and environmental problems, and other barriers. According to the principal component analysis, the diversity panel was divided into two groups. Energy content. The heritability of hybrid mass traits was lower in the ratoon crop. Learn more. Fiber analysis was then performed on each sample. A K-Tron biomass feeder capable of operating in both gravimetric and volumetric modes was selected as the HITAF feed system. Biomass is a promising option for providing locally produced, renewable energy in Pennsylvania. In all populations, glucan and was positively correlated with holocellulose were positively correlated and glucan and and holocellulose were negatively correlated with lignin. Proximate analysis can give the amount of moisture, ash, volatile matter, and fixed carbon of... 4.2. Working off-campus? The ranges and medians between the core and WCSRG were similar; only two of the trait medians were not significant at P = 0.05 using the non-parametric Wilcoxon method and the coincidence rate (CR % = 96.2) was high (>80) indicating that extreme values were retained. Research was conducted to develop/optimize a catalytic partial oxidation-based concept for a simple, low-cost fuel processor (reformer). Hybrids had higher fresh mass and Brix while Saccharum spontaneum had higher stalk number and dry mass. Abstract: With rapidly increased interests in biomass, diverse chemical and biological processes have been applied for biomass utilization. Analytical procedures for hydrogen were evaluated, a gas chromatography (GC) method was derived for measuring hydrogen yields, and adaptation culturing and protocols for mutagenesis were initiated to better develop strains that can use biomass cellulose. One group had accessions with high stalk number and high dry biomass like S. spontaneum and the other groups contained accessions with higher Brix and fresh biomass like S. officinarum. The ability to consistently and accurately measure biomass properties is therefore critical to designing bioprocessing operations. Biomass and Bioenergy 2004; 27:653 e 69. This Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) Year 2 Biomass Utilization Final Technical Report summarizes multiple projects in biopower or bioenergy, transportation biofuels, and bioproducts. The three primary chemical components of interest in biomass conversion are ash content, volatiles, and lignin. Water-resistant ceria with redox and acid–base synergistic catalytic sites has attracted great interests particularly for biomass upgradation. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. (2001), for forage grasses. J. Ash melting behavior is determined by preparing ash samples in specific shapes, and heating these samples in a reducing or oxidizing atmosphere in an oven. To quantify the full implications of biomass burning emissions on the atmosphere, it is essential to accurately represent the emission plume after it has undergone chemical aging in the atmosphere. Research on the use of biomass-derived CNMs as an electrode material for supercapacitors exists [7,8]. All lactic acid fermentation from amylose hydrolysate test trials was completed. A creep-recovery test was conducted in single cantilever mode using a dynamic mechanical analyzer. Ultimate analyses were determined for 51 kinds of biomass. A catalyst was isolated that had a yield of 24 mole percent, with catalyst coking limited to less than 15% over a period of 2 hours. BBA experiences extensive chemical aging as the smoke plume dilutes, and we explored how this alters the ice activity of the smoke using simulated atmospheric aging of … A prototype of a novel advanced power system, termed the high-temperature air furnace (HITAF), was tested for performance while converting biomass and coal blends to energy. The estimated total potential of these biomass resource is approximately 47 million bone dry tons (BDT), which is equivalent to 780 billion MJ (740 trillion Btu). The paper presents an analysis made for water content, ash and organic matter - combustible, including its elemental com - position, the part carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine in plant biomass of agricultural origin. In: 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2011. v Publication in peer reviewed journal o Graham S, Eastwick C, Snape C, Quick W. Degradation of biomass fuels during artificial storage in a laboratory environment. This is due, according to Kus´ and Faber [1], to the quite large area of arable land per one inhabitant (0.41 ha), while in the old EU countries it is two times smaller (0.19 ha). This study provides molecular insights into the light absorption properties of biomass burning (BB) brown carbon (BrC) through the chemical characterization of tar condensates generated from heated wood pellets at oxidative and pyrolysis conditions. Since biomass fuels are primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, the main products from burning biomass are carbon dioxide and water. It was proposed … Two field experiments were conducted in two sites with different levels of soil organic matter (SOM) to determine the appropriate means of managing the biomass left after harvest of rice crops during fallow period. Some steps occur in the aqueous phase and demand catalysts of high water resistance. @article{osti_5952546, title = {Physical and chemical properties of biomass fuels}, author = {Ebeling, J M and Jenkins, B M}, abstractNote = {Heating value and fuel proximate analyses were determined for 62 kinds of biomass. The main constituents are discussed in terms of different organic compounds, in particular the biopolymers cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. This is due, according to Kus´ and Faber [1], to the quite large area of arable land per one Biomass in general is composed of mainly organic matter but in conjunction with a smaller fraction of inorganic compounds containing a variety of intimately associated phases or minerals with different origins. Biomass burning activities are ubiquitous in China, especially in northern China, where there is a large rural population and winter heating custom. Primary and secondary catalysts are of key importance to improve the conversion and cracking of tars, and lime-enhanced gasification advantageously combines CO 2 capture with gasification. chemical composition of biomass; chemical properties of soil 1. The carbohydrate fraction consists of many sugar molecules linked together in long chains or polymers. The chemical composition of plant biomass varies among species. Physical and chemical properties of biomass fuels, 090400* - Solid Waste & Wood Fuels- (-1989), 140504 - Solar Energy Conversion- Biomass Production & Conversion- (-1989). of turning available the chemical energy of biomass, with a relatively simple technology. VENDRAME et al. Tree trimmings were physically and chemically altered by the CSR process, resulting in a fuel that was very suitable for feeding into a coal combustion or gasification system with little or no feed system modifications required. Nitrogen concentrations were found to be high in field crop residues, vineyard prunings, and in several types of food and fiber processing wastes. Various types of biomass are available in mostly in the form of Several articles on biomass thermo-chemical conversion process cited that direct combustion or gasification is not a satisfying option owing to properties of biomass, such as high moisture and oxygen content. Good yields of ester were obtained even though the concentration of lactic acid in the feed was low with respect to the amount of water present. The results indicated that for a given biomass, increasing the ashing temperature caused the ash yield and the K, Na, Cl contents to decrease, but caused the Ca, Mg contents to increase. There were 27 dry and 6 fresh mass accessions significantly higher than the commercial sugarcane checks. Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Lignocellulosic Biomass and Chemical Analysis. Correlation models were developed relating higher heating value to ash, volatiles, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Effects of physical and chemical nonlinearities on evolution of the optical properties of biomass burning aerosol N.A. Fitting of the NIR information with chemical properties and digestibility by partial least-squares (PLS) regression generated a group of trained NIR models that were able to be used for rapid biomass measurement. Casuarina equisetifolia is an evergreen shrubs trees growing to 35m tall. The different temperatures change the chemical composition of biomass ash, which further influences the fusion characteristics. Experimental procedures were successful for producing hydrogen from biomass using the bacteria Thermotoga, a deep-ocean thermal vent organism. Association analysis was performed using both General Linear (GLM) and Maximum Likelihood (MLM) models. Biomass burning activities are ubiquitous in China, especially in northern China, where there is a large rural population and winter heating custom. Optimum systems can be selected based on the least cost of delivering a given quantity of biomass to a specific site. The heritability estimates for each of the fiber component traits is low indicating that environment is an important factor in fiber composition. AB - The chemical composition of solid biofuels (as defined in [Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Incineration of Waste. Costs of producing electricity, medium-energy gas (MEG or Syngas), and synthetic natural gas (SNG) from biomass were also computed using a regulated utility approach. 3 – Classes and frequency distribution for phosphorus levels according to Sousa et al. Stalk number and the mass traits correlated with each other except in S. spontaneum and hybrids in the first ratoon. @article{osti_5952546, title = {Physical and chemical properties of biomass fuels}, author = {Ebeling, J M and Jenkins, B M}, abstractNote = {Heating value and fuel proximate analyses were determined for 62 kinds of biomass. Amazon sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys pardalis) is considered one of the greatest threats to the biodiversity of continental aquatic systems, causing serious economic and environmental problems in the regions. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of both diesel and biomass samples showed aggregates of soot particles, but in biomass samples ash particles were also present. The data indicates that each of the cores and the World Collection are similar to each other genotypically and phenotypically, but the core that was selected using only genotypic data was significantly different phenotypically. a number of desirable fuel characteristics with certain other bioenergy feedstocks, such as low ash content and alkali index. Some biomass needs pre-treatment before the fuel is … The barriers interfering with the biomass utilization both in the on-site harvesting, collection, storage, handling, transportation, and conversion to energy are identified. Atmospheric models typically consider the predominant aging pathway of biomass burning emissions to take place in the presence of sunlight (via the OH radical); however, this mechanism … Discovering the desirable alleles contributing to the lignocellulosic biomass traits in saccharum germplasm collections for energy cane improvement, Logistics and economics of biomass utilization. The study of biomass combustion in different scales allows engineers to understand the combustion process and tochoose necessary simplification to develop a computationally efficient model.The chemical and physical properties of fuels are altered during different fuel preparation methods (i.e. In this work, the production of biodiesel from Amazon sailfin catfish biomass oil is studied. Proximate analysis. Ash contents ranged from 0.17% to 24.36% dry weight basis. Biomass samples were selected from six categories: (1) field crop residues, (2) orchard prunings, (3) vineyard prunings, (4) food and fiber processing wastes, (5) forest residues, and (6) energy crops. At present, bio-furan derivatives are generally obtained from cellulose and hemicellulose fractions of biomass via the acid-catalyzed dehydration of Catalytic advances for biomass conversion and upgrading KONOVALOV1, M. BEEKMANN2 1INSTITUTE OFAPPLIED PHYSICS THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY SCIENCES, NIZHNIY NOVGOROD, RUSSIA In biodiesel research, conversion of vegetable oils to biodiesel using an alternative alkaline catalyst was demonstrated without the need for subsequent water washing. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the effect of the precursor composition (IL or IL + biomass) on the properties and electrochemical performance of the resulting carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Typical values for the composition of straw, softwoods and hardw… Chemical composition of lignocellulosic material, and cotton (on % dry weight basis). Biomass samples were selected from six categories: (1) field crop residues, (2) orchard prunings, (3) vineyard prunings, (4) food and fiber processing wastes, (5) forest residues, and (6) energy crops. Although non-fuel applications of bamboo biomass may be actually more profitable than energy recovery, there may also be potential for co-productio n of bioenergy together with other bamboo processing. Flame temperatures can exceed 2000°C, depending on the heating value and moisture content of the fuel, the amount of … In this work, the production of biodiesel from Amazon sailfin catfish biomass oil is studied. Blend levels were 20% biomass--80% coal on a heat basis. Technical and economic comparisons were made of systems for collecting, processing, storing, and transporting biomass for use in energy systems. Chemical Papers 68 (7) 879–889 (2014) DOI: 10.2478/s11696-013-0532-4 ORIGINAL PAPER Thermo-chemical properties of biomass from Agnieszka Plis, Janusz Lasek*, Agnieszka Skawinsk ´ a, Marcin Kopczynski ´ Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, ul. Three biomass fuels--wood residue or hog fuel, corn stover, and switchgrass--and Wyoming subbituminous coal were acquired for combustion tests in the 3-million-Btu/hr system. Mineral Elements:Woody biomass is composed of many elements. Different core collections with 300 accessions each were selected based on genotypic, phenotypic and combined data based on the Maximization Strategy in MStrat software. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis has been used for characterizing di erent types of biomass and their products, including natural and processed biomass. Yet, in general terms, plants are made of approximately 25% lignin and 75% carbohydrates or sugars. Nitrogen concentrations were high in field crop residues, vineyard prunings, and in several types of food and fibre processing wastes. Core Collection: Creation and Phenotyping Methods: To evaluate this germplasm for breeding purposes, a representative diversity panel selected from the WCSRG of approximately 300 accessions was planted at Canal Point, FL in three replications. Fig. In this study, the mechanical properties of granular biomass obtained from pines (sawdust, shavings, long shavings, and pellets) were determined under a moisture content range of … Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Abstract. Included are ultimate and proximate chemical analysis, heating value (higher and lower), bulk density, and ash composition. Chemical characterization showed that metals and PAHs total content was higher in diesel samples compared to biomass ones. There is little evidence overall that bamboo is significantly more productive than many other candidate bioenergy crops, but it shares. and chaparral. Core Collection: Fiber analysis Methods: A biomass sample was taken from each accession then shredded and dried. An alumina layer formed on one particular alloy, which was more corrosion-resistant than a chromia layer that formed on the other alloy. GOLOVUSHKIN1, I.B. Mass traits correlated with each other as expected but hybrids had lower correlations between fresh and dry mass. Introduction Poland is perceived as a country with great possibilities of biomass production for energy purposes and biofuels. Hog fuel was prepared for the upcoming combustion test by air-drying and processing through a hammer. The effects of the biomass species on the mechanical and water absorption properties of the resulting composites were evaluated based on chemical composition analysis. Likewise, activators are required in the process of preparing biomass-based activated carbon, and current activators are usually chemical agents and not sustainable. Introduction Poland is perceived as a country with great possibilities of biomass production for energy purposes and biofuels. Biomass as a Sustainable Energy Source for the Future: Fundamentals of Conversion Processes. Both liquid tar condensates separated into “darker oily” and “lighter aqueous” immiscible phases. properties and chemical composition of biomass burning aerosols [e.g., Andreae et al., 2004; Fuzzi et al., 2007; Reid et al., 1998]. Esterification gave lower yields of ester, owing to the lowered lactic acid content of the feed. These biomass resources include residues from field and seed crops, fruit and nut crops, vegetable crops, and nursery crops; food processing wastes; forest slash; energy crops; lumber mill waste; urban wood waste; urban yard waste; livestock manure; Phenotyping Methods: The accessions (which includes 21 taxa and 1,177 accessions) in the World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses (WCSRG) was evaluated for the following traits: arenchyma, internode length and diameter, pubescence, pith, Brix, stalk number and fiber. Ash properties. The major difference between biomass and coal ashes is that for the majority of biomasses the ash consists mainly of salts. Biomass chemical properties also have a large influence on best conversion process and the quality of the final product. Commercial industries have an interest in efficient biomass gasification designs but are waiting for economic incentives. The Shannon–Weaver Diversity Index scores of the core and whole collection were similar indicating that the majority of the diversity was captured by the, Bamboo is the common term applied to a broad group (1250 species) of large woody grasses, ranging from 10 cm to 40 m in height. In the present work a co-current open top downdraft gasifier is used, with an 8.5 kW thermal power capacity to fuel an 18 Hp Otto cycle engine coupled to an electric generator. properties and chemical composition of biomass burning aerosols [e.g., Andreae et al., 2004; Fuzzi et al., 2007; Reid et al., 1998]. This tonnage accounts for only about 15% of the total biomass resource potential identified in this study. While it is not unusual for homes in the state to be heated with firewood, other forms of biomass fuel are not as common and commercial-scale use of biomass fuel is very limited. Other niche markets for biomass-derived fly ash were explored. In addition, the adsorption capacities of the ACs were … and were lowest for the field crop residues. For each trait, S. spontaneum had significantly more holocellulose, glucan, lignin, and nonstructural ash and less acetyl and acid soluble lignin than the other species. Higher heating values ranged from 14.56 … Abstract. Mathematical methods for relating various properties are described and the influence of moisture content discussed. These accessions were measured for stalk height and stalk number multiple times throughout the growing season and Brix and fresh biomass during harvest in 2013 and, stalk height, stalk number, stalk diameter, internode length, Brix and fresh and dry biomass was determined in the ratoon crop harvest in 2014. Work progressed to evaluate the effects of temperature and denaturant on ethanol catalytic partial oxidation. Literature on bamboo productivity is scarce, with most reports coming from various parts of Asia. BBA experiences extensive chemical aging as the smoke plume dilutes, and we explored how this alters the ice activity of the smoke using simulated atmospheric aging of … Most trees show declining cation concentration with increasing tree age due to binding‑exchange properties in wood tissue as opposed to sap-soil chemistry. 50/GJ, and SNG costs are $5.00 - 12.30/GJ in 1982 constant dollars. Prosopis juliflora a Mesquite is a shrub or small tree in the Fabaceae family.
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