Poison types can't miss. 30% chance a Pokemon making … It only has 20 less power than Thunder, which costs double the energy.. Thunder is the second best choice on offense, and Thunder Punch doesn’t keep up with the other two in terms of damage. Moveset wise, electabuzz. 216 Spe. Electabuzzis anElectric-type Pokémon introduced inGeneration I. Whats the best moveset for an Electabuzz? Secret Power: 70: 100: 20: 30: Gen IV TM43: The additional effects of this attack depend upon where it was used. Support Electabuzz. Thunderbolt is his most damaging move, pick a status of your choice, then put the Light Screen in and either switch out to the Pokemon that needs to Light Screen or stay in and Counter the physical attacker who will switch in. Physical. Electabuzz's strongest moveset is Thunder Shock & Thunderbolt and it has a Max CP of 2,334. User switches out. About "When a storm arrives, gangs of this Pokémon compete with each other to scale heights that are likely to be stricken by lightning bolts. Electabuzz is an Electric Pokémon. Atk is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. 15. Holder's Sp. Endure----10--Gen IV TM58: The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Good Moveset for Electabuzz; User Info: DemonCharizard. It is vulnerable to Ground moves. Thunder Wave spreads paralysis, which works well alongside Substitute to scout for full paralysis. 10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Thunderbolt is Electabuzz's most consistent move. Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Electabuzz. Min (-ve nature, 0 IVs) 193: Default: 246: Max Neutral: 309: Max Positive: 339: Max Neutral (+1) 463: Max Positive (+1) 508: Max Neutral (+2) 618: Max Positive (+2) 678 Electabuzz evolves into Electivire. Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Electabuzz in Generation VII. It is also known as the'Electric Pokémon'. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. Def by 1. A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move. PVE Offensive Moves Explanation. Gen VI HM04: The target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. 1 How to Obtain 2 Evolution 3 Moves 3.1 Moves when Caught 3.2 Moves that can be taught by Move-Relearner 3.3 Moves taught by TMs 4 Type Effectiveness Electabuzz can be found in the grass patch on Route 21, which is just outside of Saffron City. Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Electabuzz. Def by 1. Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Electabuzz in that game. 10% chance to lower the target's Sp. I've been thinking on it all day and got just this poor thingy... Electabuzz @ Leftovers Static [Nature: No Changes]-Thunderbolt-Thunder Wave-Brick Break ... can't think of anything that can learn those 2 moves without emerald's assistance. Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation. Thundershock is superior to Low Kick for STAB and taking down Water and Flying-types.. Thunderbolt is Electabuzz’s best move for its low energy cost and great damage. Badly poisons the target. 85%. Captivate--100: 20--Gen IV TM78 DemonCharizard 11 years ago #1. Aside from that, it can pull off the SubPunch strategy: set up a Substitute on a foe that will likely switch out--such as any slow Water-type that isn't Milotic or Suicune--and then Focus Punch anything that resists Thunderbolt. He said don't list Smogon because they only have fully evolved Pokemon listed, but as I just said Electabuzz only evolved in Gen IV thus he has sets listed for gens 1-3 so just look at them for a basis. Games I need to complete: Breath of Fire 2, Persona 4 (expert), Pokemon White, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (case 5 rise from the ashes) D A Bold nature helps Electabuzz … 60.
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