How to use sufferance in a sentence. Other words in the Tough category: Formidable. There are 16 example sentences for endurance, and this page shows no. Giga-fren. Grueling. Sentence Examples The physical training had to be focused on cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance . en Electroshock reduced swimming stamina in a virtually identical fashion to that of 5 min of forced exercise. Endurance definition: Endurance is the ability to continue with an unpleasant or difficult situation ,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "endure" Students have to endure a lot of pressure during exam timeThe poor students were obliged to endure three days of tests at the end of the session. This arrangement presents few problems in technique, tessitura, rhythm, ensemble or endurance. Excel is when you are extremely good or proficient in something. More Sentences: 1 2 3 Firebrand. Still, on one level the project was an endurance test. On November 30, 1959, a B-47 bomber set a world endurance record, Wanda serve as honorary co-chairs of a $10 million campaign to endow the … 0 Answers/Comments. examples "Endurance is frequently a form of indecision" Elizabeth Bibesco "Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty" John Ruskin "Endurance is patience concentrated" Thomas Carlyle "Patient endurance … 4. Even if you're genetically predisposed to see little improvement in endurance, "it doesn't mean that you don't get any benefit from exercise," Rankinen says.. The commonly traveled path to improved cardiovascular function and increased muscular endurance is continuous, submaximal, steady state training. His bay gelding had the sleek lines of a racehorse and the look of endurance as well. 2. Examples of endurance in a sentence: 1. AH, the sacrifices required to be a great endurance athlete. Examples of endurance in a Sentence The exercise program is designed to increase both strength and endurance. use "endurance" in a sentence Given their conformation, Magyar Agár are not as fast as Greyhounds on short sprints, but possess greater endurance and stamina, making them much more suited to running longer distances for longer periods of time. 3. Once hid away in this labyrinth of chaos, I’ve had to unwillingly reside in places among men who, like me, have been wronged by the systemic practices of American jurisprudence. s. Expert answered|Score 1|emdjay23|Points 155087| Log in for more information. Translations in context of "ENDURANCE AÉROBIE" in french-english. Written By Kevin D. Sawyer. What does muscular-endurance mean? Sentence example with the word 'endurance' endurance abidingness, decisiveness, fixedness, immutability, lifetime, patience, plugging, robustness, staying power, sustained action, vigor Definition n. the power to withstand hardship or stress Last update: April 7, 2017 An 'incredibly talented police officer' died when she was hit by a motorist while cycling in Carmarthenshire. therefore, “they” in the sentence you posted, are extremely good at endurance training rather than power sports 2. The act, quality, or power of withstanding hardship or stress. We know it's a battle of endurance." How to use endurance in a sentence. His static patience and endurance is wistful. Harrison displayed flashes of strength and determination, but it was his endurance that saw him remain champion. Find 75 ways to say endurance, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Jane's party was more of an endurance test than anything else. Endurance definition is - the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially : the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity. The jaws of the dungeon opened and I was swallowed inside. Information and translations of Endurance in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. 8 synonyms of endurances from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 5 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Examples of Stamina in a sentence. Translations of the phrase ENDURANCE TRAINING from english to french and examples of the use of "ENDURANCE TRAINING" in a sentence with their translations: ...does zn: mg help in endurance … The word "Exercise" indicates the cause. Insuperable. His endurance may be in question but his confidence is not. His endurance was like that of a range of mountains. All this work, Watters hopes, will improve his endurance. definitions. Photo by Ocean Ng on Unsplash. Sentence with the word endurance. However, with a five-pack battery configuration, endurance is said to be 2.25 to 2.5 hours. 20 examples: After all, there is a limit to human endurance. Example sentences with "endurance électrique", translation memory. antonyms. "Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. Their endurance was something astonishing. add example. Endurance definition is - the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially: the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity. What does endurance mean? Mar 4. a test of endurance = an endurance test [=a task that tests your ability to do something difficult for a long time] endurance training [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. How to use Endurance in a sentence? The ability of a muscle (set of muscles) to perform a repeated action without tiring. Asked 11/7/2018 1:04:50 PM. Definition of Endurance in the dictionary. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Impenetrable. The astronauts wi b : the ability to deal with pain or suffering that continues for a long time. 1 to no. Kazrarisar . Examples of human endurance in a sentence, how to use it. endurance / examples. Ossify. Context sentences for "endurance" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Most people chose this as the best definition of endurances: Plural form of endurance. Many of the crew of Endurance then volunteered for war service. Apart from synonyms and definitions, similar words of Endurance are Endurances. He can't endure the cold weather in Alaska because he comes from a warm country. Question. 2. But when endurance improves, intensity and duration can be increased. (noun) 204+4 sentence examples: 1. Updated 1 minute 31 seconds ago|3/6/2021 4:02:42 PM . Essay & Memoir. is not responsible for their content. View Endurance usage in sample sentences. French Il leur a fallu énormément d' endurance physique, de force et d'efforts pour me sauver. How to use endurance in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word endurance? This answer has been confirmed as … The overseas flight tested our (powers of) endurance. Endurance word definition is given on the page to provide a fair idea of the word Endurance completely. Find another word for endurances. ‘His spirit of endurance and his determination carried him through those difficult times.’ ‘The marathon race is the big test of endurance in the Olympics.’ ‘A football match is not a sprint and is, more often than not, a test of endurance.’ ‘We've seen ordinary men testing their endurance … PREV WORD NEXT WORD . French Translation of “endurance” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Check out this amazing English to Urdu dictionary for more vocabulary to enhance your linguistic skills. ‘His spirit of endurance and his determination carried him through those difficult times.’ ‘The marathon race is the big test of endurance in the Olympics.’ ‘A football match is not a sprint and is, more often than not, a test of endurance.’ ‘We've seen ordinary men testing their endurance under the rigours of … HERE are many translated example sentences containing "ENDURANCE AÉROBIE" - french-english translations and search engine for french translations. - Secondly, they are working… Here are some examples. The BBC report Sgt Lynwen Thomas was declared dead at the scene of the crash, involving a van, at about 18:45 GMT on Thursday, on the westbound A40 near Bancyfelin.. Sgt Thomas, 37, worked as a heritage crime specialist at Dyfed Powys Police. endurance meaning in Hindi with examples: तितिक्षा धीरज धैर्य सहन सहनशक्ति सहनशीलत ... click for more detailed meaning in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. 32. When you excel in school, you get the highest grades and pass all the exams. Reply. endurance in a sentence The rule that transforms an endurance contest into a crap shoot. in a sentence - 21 Lists. fr Le choc électrique a réduit l'endurance à la nage d'une façon essentiellement identique à un exercice forcé de 5 min. Meaning of Endurance. 3. Endurance in a sentence (esp. A: It means that they do much better in endurance training than in power sports. Sentence Examples. The recruits were put through a week of grueling endurance tests. the endurance of his love for his wife was not arrested even by her death Recent Examples on the Web The trickiest part of strength training, for most endurance athletes, is getting started. The recruits were put through a week of gruelling endurance tests. It's difficult to see endurance in a sentence . (noun) A marathon tests a runner's endurance. endurance Sentence Examples I never saw such strength and endurance in a child. See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Log in. synonyms. Small to moderate amounts of icing generally cause a reduction in aircraft performance in terms of climb rates, range, endurance, and maximum speed and acceleration. Among its other benefits are increased endurance and improved body composition. Sufferance definition is - patient endurance. What does Endurance mean? Troublemaker. His health, which had hitherto been but indifferent, strengthened with the demands made upon it; his talents, his power of endurance, and his ambition all expanded together. Endurance. endurance sentence in English. 3. Endurances: uninterrupted or lasting existence. (open, save, copy) How to use endurance in a sentence. Students have to endure a lot of pressure during exam time. 10. Indestructible. ... Riley has been focusing on endurance exercises in order to build up his stamina for the marathon. During basic training, a soldier will run lots of miles to increase his physical stamina.
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