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espeon max cp

By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. "Espeon is extremely loyal to any Trainer it considers to be worthy. It's Weak to Bug and, Ghost and … Level Stardust Candy Min CP Max CP 1.0 200 1 38.95 44.85 1.5 200 1 80.50 92.69 2.0 200 1 122.05 140.54 2.5 200 1 163.60 188.38 3.0 400 1 205.16 236.23 3.5 400 1 246.71 284.07 4.0 400 1 288.26 331.91 4.5 400 1 329.81 379.76 Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks. RankedBoost is not affiliated with the game companies, publisher and its licensors. Super Effective Against (1.96x)Effective Against (1.4x), Not Very Effective Against (0.71x)Very Ineffective Against (0.51x). Ik kan eindelijk Umbreon maken. SEE TOO: How to get Espeon or Umbreon in Pokemon GO The best Eevee available in the wild will be between 642 CP and 830 CP. According to the anime, Vaporeon has the ability to freely control water, and can become invisible. It is said that this Pokémon developed its precognitive powers to protect its Trainer from harm." Espeon is a Psychic Type Pokémon originally from the Johto region (Generation II). Since it is a psychic type Pokémon it performs pretty great against almost all Pokémons as it confuses enemies and reduces their chances to make a successful strike. Can someone explain the way the CP works because currently Umbreon has 80 more total stats at about 585 while espeon has about 505 and yet espeon has 1k more CP. Maximální CP je tak teoretická hodnota, kdy má daný Pokémon silný útok a dalÅ¡í hodnoty. Dostupné rychlé útoky (DPS) Dostupné nabíjecí útoky (DPS) Uvedené hodnoty jsou tzv DPS.Damage per Second = poÅ¡kození za sekundu tedy možná Å¡koda způsobená za sekundu. Max Stats Trainer Level/Power Ups Max Hit Points Max Combat Points 1 2 Power Ups 15 - 16 38 - 44 Up to start of Level 2 4 Power Ups 27 - 29 122 - 140 Up to start of Level 3 6 Power Ups 35 - 38 205 - 236 Up to start of Level 4 8 We are currently displaying Max CP for Level 15, 20, 23, 25, 27 and 30. *Recommended move are rated based on its DPS, EPS, Matching Type Damage Multiplier (x1.2), windup time and number of effective types. Espeon's strongest moveset is Confusion & Psychic and it has a Max CP of 3,170. By using our site you agree to our privacy policy. List of All Evolutions including Starter and Legendaries. 【FF7 Remake】PS5 Integrade Yuffie Episode Guide. Its stats are 261 ATK and 3,170 CP. Espeon. Max Attack 276 Max Defense 209 Max Stamina 145 Height 2'11", 0.89m Weight 58.4lbs, 26.5kg Evolves From Looking at group sizes, high-level players should attempt to tackle an Espeon with 1-4 players, and any other players will see success with groups ranging from 5-20 players. Espeon is a Pokémon that does not evolve, meaning any candy gained can only be used to power-up the Pokémon or unlock a 2nd charged move. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. Espeon is a Psychic Pokémon which evolves from Eevee. #196 It is vulnerable to Bug, Dark and Ghost moves. ice These are max CP (combat power) values obtainable by Glaceon for each level of Pokémon Go and their power up candy and stardust costs.My glaceon is 2559 cp and I used a Eevee that was 862 and that was it's Maxx cp and Spawn Locations .cls-1{fill:#4bfbb5}arrow10. One would argue that Espeon the best Eevee evolution in Pokemon Go.That’s because Espeon has the highest ATK and CP stats out all of them. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. Espeon has pretty good stats 2 and only a bit less max cp. Amount of time from when the move was initiated up to the time the damage is dealt. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. We may use cookies to personalize content, ads, provide social media features and analyze our site traffic. Pokemon GO Espeon Stats | Max CP | Best Quick Moves & Charge Moves, Spawn Locations, Evolution Requirements, and Espeon Weaknesses. Natuurlijk maak ik ook Espeon. (C)Pokémon. Friendship Levels and Stardust Trading Cost of New and already Caught Pokemon. Weight 27 kg Avg. RankedBoost may receive a commission from Amazon purchases, learn more, Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective companies, publisher and its licensors. Generatie 2! It uses the fine hair that covers its body to sense air currents and predict its enemy’s actions. Espeon is one of the more unique Eeveelutions as it requires more than just candy to evolve. It's Weak to Bug and, Ghost and more Type Moves. Power / Casting Time (*Power value includes the value after adding the type-match Damage Multiplier). Max CP Level 15 Research encounters - 926 Level 20 Max hatched / raids - 1,235 Level 30 Max wild - 1,853 Level 40 2,162 Max CP with weather boost Level 25 (raids)1,544 View IV chart » Level 35 (wild)2,008 View IV chart » All Evolutions .cls-1{fill:#4bfbb5}arrow10, Moves highlighted in green deal more damage from Same Type Attack Bonus. Learn all about the Max CP, Base Stats, Recommended move, Type Strength & Weakness, Rating and Climate Boost for Espeon in Pokemon Go! However, it will take less damage from and is resistant to Fighting, Psychic Type Moves. DPS value does not include the multiplier from IV or Pokemon's Levels. Ik heb hiervoor al mijn Eevee's gespaard! Max CP Level 15 Research encounters - 940 Level 20 Max hatched / raids - 1,253 Level 30 Max wild - 1,880 Level 40 2,193 Max CP with weather boost Level 25 (raids) - 1,566 Level 35 (wild) - 2,036 Max HP Level 40 - 147 Size (C)Nintendo/Creatures Inc. /GAME FREAK inc.All trademarks, character and/or image used in this article are the copyrighted property of their respective owners.▶Pokemon Go Official Website.

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